26/07/2017. Top Five Popular Programs on MNO and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hello all, and welcome again to the MNO blog – the only site for the best programs in the HYIP industry with major advertising budgets and a high level of experience and expertise from the admins running them. The proof is in the pudding as they say. and MNO’s superiority over other HYIP-related resources cannot is to obvious to many. To those unaware of what I mean here, let me explain a thing or two. You see, over the last couple of weeks there were many fast scams where quite a lot of investors lost their money. They lost their money simply because they followed unscrupulous monitors, some of whom have their own hidden agendas and secret agreements with HYIP admins getting richer at your expense. That doesn’t work with MNO where the prices are deliberately set high to limit the appearance of fast scams and weed out any chancers that have no clue how to run a successful program. No scams on the MNO Premium List over the last few weeks meaning my readers are earning money in the HYIP industry instead of losing it if they followed others – it’s that simple and obvious no one can deny it! The timing now is right as well because the HYIP industry is at its strongest point over the last few months with the vast majority of readers agreeing things are improving. Almost 75% of you voted for that option in the poll still running on the MNO TalkBack page which you can still vote in here. As the last article on the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO was posted just before the latest resurgence in the industry I’ve decided to post another one to remind you what the true trendsetters in the HYIP industry really are and where the best place to find them always is. The simple fact that the Top Five are the most popular programs among my readers doesn’t mean that you must invest in every single one of them, as some might already be past their prime, but all have proven profitable to those who joined at the right time. As you know, it’s very hard to predict the lifetime of any HYIP, so I simply laugh at the half baked attempts of self-proclaimed “experts” to do so as unreliable nonsense where you will be right in no more than 50% of cases simply by means of lucky guesswork!
Having said that and being aware of the risks of playing the HYIP industry, I will just remind you that the ranking on MNO works by combining my interest payments with the total amount of referral commissions earned from readers. That in turn tells me what most readers like best (as the majority of programs pay the same or similar ref comm rates). Let’s start looking at the most popular programs and their track records to date. All the links to the reviews and interviews with their admins will be given as well as all other important stats, so keep a close eye on the article and vote in the poll that follows to pick your own favorite from the current list of the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO.
Now that we went through all the programs from the Top Five list I hope you won’t mind picking out your favorite and showing your support by voting for it. The question is simply:
#1 – TrafficHeap (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 338.24%.
Type of listing – Premium (#1 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 72 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – variable daily rates until you reach 180% on your investment (130% withdrawable + 50% reinvestment).
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, PayPal.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed manually within 24 hours. There are variable daily accruals that will be made in your account based on the advertising sales for the current day. Profits are spread evenly and from the announced daily returns a bigger share of profits can be withdrawn, while the smaller share can be used to buy more ad tokens. You will get not only returns on your investments, but also can advertise your site and buy affiliates when purchasing ad tokens, priced at $50 each – refer to the review on MNO for more details.
Why you might want to invest:
TrafficHeap is perhaps the biggest surprise for me personally, as I didn’t expect the program would reach the top position on the MNO monitor. However it took less than ten weeks and I believe that the overtly legitimate business with variable daily returns and the option to invest via Payza and even PayPal has attracted lots of investors into TrafficHeap and will make it more sustainable in the long term. Note that you cannot really expect any stable daily returns, as the results will vary hugely, but at the end you will get 130% on your ad token and will be able to advertise your site and boost your sales or affiliate efforts as a bonus to your profits. It’s hard to say if it’s worth investing in TrafficHeap now, but for the most dynamically progressive program over the last weeks perhaps it’s wort having it in your investment portfolio as a refreshing change from the regular HYIP investment concept.
#2 – LaserOnline (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 300.82%.
Type of listing – Premium (#2 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 25 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 12% for 12 business days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed automatically by the script with an important system in place to be aware of. Once you submit your withdrawal request a countdown timer from 24 to 72 hours is activated so you shouldn’t expect to be paid until it reaches zero. Deposits via Payza are currently accepted within the range of a $50 minimum to a $1,000 maximum, while all the other payment processors take from $5 to $10,000.
Why you might want to invest:
LaserOnline is undoubtedly the most popular program on MNO at the moment which only takes the #2 spot due to being relatively new with just 25 days online. Immediately after its launch the program was hugely popular with lots of investors attracted by its amazing design and wide choice of payment options with a chance to earn 44% pure profit in just two and a half weeks time. I’m confident we may well be looking at the potential leader of the industry with the admin recently showing his long-term intentions by purchasing one of the top banner spots on the MNO monitor for two months in advance. I believe that with the experience gained from previously running the best program of 2016 and an incredible vision and dedication to the business the admin of LaserOnline has every chance to become the true leader – something that the industry deperately needs now in order to thrive. The first members of LaserOnline who joined the program when it came to MNO within the first hours are already in good profit. Whether it’s the beginning of something truly big during the coming weeks remains to be seen, but me and many of my readers are highly optimistic. Long live, LaserOnline!
#3 – FexFund (click here to read the full review, click here to read the interview with the admin) Up One Place
Total return – 247.32%.
Type of listing – Premium (#3 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – SCAM
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, 5% for 30 days, 4% for 60 days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed instantly at all times. Some delays are possible due to payment processor issues, but they are always monitored and reported by the admin on the website.
Why you might want to invest:
FexFund can be definitely named as the best project of the last three months which won the hearts of investors with the admin’s professional approach to business, quick reaction and action on any issues the program has faced, and of course always flawlessly instant payouts. The gradual development FexFund has been taking over the first weeks online allowed the program to reach higher positions in rankings over a longer stretch of time compared to other programs with more rapid and aggressive advertising campaigns, but slowed down its growth as well. As you can see, over the last seven weeks FexFund only gained one place in my ranking and can be considered a slow burner which nevertheless always delivers on its promises. The recent addition of the longest investment plan paying 4% for 60 days aimed at larger investors from $500 and higher is probably due to the program shifting towards longer term plans commitments. In reality FexFund has already proved capable of doing something others can’t, and we will see whether the new investment plan helps it survive the rest of summer and emerge as a leader in the usually much more active autumn season in the HYIP industry. Fingers crossed!
#4 – FatFunds (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 210.43%.
Type of listing – Premium (#4 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 121 days.
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 2.1% for 100 business days, 799.05% after 100 business days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, NixMoney.
What you need to know:
There is no need to request payouts as they will be sent to the same e-currency account you joined with on every business day (Monday to Friday). Just avoid investing into the 100% compounding second plan!
Why you might want to invest:
FatFunds is a no thrills program with a twist! The whole unique concept is based on healthy lifestyles where every investor strives to achieve the goal of reducing the consumption of junk food and investing in FatFunds to get healthy and wealthy. It did sound like a funny though highly original idea for me from the beginning, and I’m pleased to say FatFunds seems to be able to fill the vacuum for for longer-term programs with totally automated payouts. Just invest and forget about the whole thing! The first members are already in good profit and there is a chance that FatFunds could even complete a full investment cycle and really take off in the autumn. Anyway, many happy investors have already managed to almost double their money with FatFunds and maybe even lost a couple kilos by improving their lifestyle on the way folowing the good advice on healthy living they can find on the website.
#5 – BandeiraCorp (click here to read the full review) Down Three Places
Total return – 204.32%.
Type of listing – Premium (#5 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 501 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 1% to 4% variable daily until you reach 150% on your investment.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Neteller, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed manually within a 48 hour maximum. Note that 1% is the guaranteed daily minimum you will get on your investment, while the maximum is determined by the size of your deposit – refer to the review on MNO for more details.
Why you might want to invest:
BandeiraCorp is the oldest program on MNO and the only one that surpassed 500 days online as of today. While payouts are taking longer than the majority of other programs, the lifecycle of BandeiraCorp is simply stunning. I wonder why so many other programs cannot achieve the same stupendous result. The recent addition of a sister program BandeiraCoin that is not monitored on serious investment resources though could seriously raise some eyebrows. From all my previous experience over ten years online, the addition of a new site cannot really sit well with investors and usually sends a strong signal of the main program’s cashflow issues. Fingers crossed, it’s not the same thing with BandeiraCorp, as it will escape sharing the same fate with other programs that didn’t last long after pulling similar tricks. Anyway, the drop of BandeiraCorp in MNO ratings by three places within the last seven weeks is the best indicator that investors are now more cautious when it comes to making new deposits there.

Thanks in advance for voting and remember that following the advice and guidance on MNO will allow you to start earning in the HYIP industry instead of losing your hard-earned money to fast scams and their collaborating monitors. Thanks for supporting MNO over the last ten years, best of luck with your investments, and don’t forget the golden rule – only spend what you can afford to lose!
I believe that due to still being so new CastleInvestment only slightly missed out on a spot in the Top Five list. Still a respectable showing though, as the program has been online for less than two weeks. Two investment plans are included, with the more traditional one paying 6% for 25 calendar days (150% total return) for a $15 minimum) and a more unorthodox offer of 0.1% per hour for a 250 hour term for bigger deposits of $250+ and yielding a 125% return in less than 11 days. As the first investment cycle on the hourly plan has already been completed, by the end of the week it should be the turn of those who joined the daily plan to see a profit. The best thing about CastleInvestment which many investors will appreciate is the instant payouts to BitCoin, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash. In the majority of cases though you don’t even need to log into your account as the admin recently introduced fully automated payments. And although the system still has some flaws to work out, you can still request your payment manually and get paid instantly. Of course, it’s vital for such medium-term programs with relatively high returns like CastleInvestment to have the full support of members in order to grow constantly, so the posting of feedback and payment proofs on social networks and investment forums and monitors is a must for any responsible investor. That’s why in the latest update from the program the admin of CastleInvestment (read my review of his program here) has reiterated on the importance of feedback while giving links to where you can submit your payment proof:
“CFIL Share your Feedback & Payment Proofs !!
Wonderful greetings to all; Thanks for choosing us !!
Your feedback is very important for us !!
**Please share your experience with everyone and post your payments proofs in social media like Facebook groups and Twitters..!!
Like CFIL Facebook Page:- https://www.facebook.com/CastleFinancialInvestment
Join CFIL official Facebook Group & share your reviews:- https://www.facebook.com/groups/castlefinancial/
**If you have any questions or issues, then you can contact us through livechat, facebook chat, skype chat or support mail..
Yet another trading report was the focus of attention for the latest short newsletter from the admin of ControlFinance which was shared with members earlier today and which you can see in the PDF format as per the link below:
“New trade report
Hello. We posted Company’s weekly trade report covering the period from July 17, 2017, to July 23, 2017. You can have a look at it clicking on the following link: https://control-finance.com/report/Trade_report_9.pdf”.
ControlFinance meanwhile keeps paying instantly to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash accounts. Members have the option to be paid to a different processor than the one the joined with with the help of the built-in internal exchanger. By joining ControlFinance (reviewed here) with at least a $10 minimum deposit you can earn from 1% to 1.5% fixed profit daily for an unlimited term, i.e. until the program eventually collapses with the exact figure being determined by the size of your investment. With 45 days on MNO nobody has reached the break-even point in ControlFinance yet, but hopefully in the coming weeks we will see happy members in profit. Fingers crossed anyway!
Payza has always been at the forefront of the payment processor world serving the HYIP industry and many other regular online businesses when it comes to the safety and security of their account holders. They frequently dedicate an article or two to that important subject on their official news blog, and the most recent post is no exception. It was all about the significantly improved security of members’ accounts with the introduction of new advanced security levels and 2-FA authentication so you can feel even safer than before.
I should mention that currently five out of eighteen programs monitored on MNO accept Payza from their members. With the clear importance of having Payza on board to enhance the advertising results on MNO all three programs on Premium List that use Payza also feature in the Top Five Popular Programs article – LaserOnline, TrafficHeap, and BandeiraCorp. That attracts a much larger audience including a more lucrative market of investors from North America and Western Europe, especially considering the self-imposed ban by some anonymous e-currencies on US residents. Payza approval and payment buttons on a website have long been a sign of the HYIP admins high level of professionalism, as it doesn’t come cheap and takes a lot of effort to satisfy their strict criteria. It’s a totally different league of admins who are able to prove their business genuine to Payza and protect their investors who make deposits via Payza with reversible payments and a chance to file a dispute in case of an untimely scam with the possibility of a full or partial refund. Then there’s the funding and withdrawal options for verified Payza members including directly from and to bank accounts, credit cards, BitCoin accounts, and Payza‘s own pre-paid card which you can have delivered to your home address by post. And now with the enhanced security of member’s Payza accounts you can feel even safer than before. Just read below and follow the instructions to enable 2-FA Authentication for higher level of protection:
“Payza Introduces New Advanced Security Levels and 2-Factor Authentication
At Payza, security for our members is very important. One of our top priorities is to keep your Payza account safe and completely protected. We have our unique Payza Avatars that protect against so-called “Man-in-the-browser” attacks and to protect against hacking we provide different security levels for our customers to choose from. To ensure the best security against threats such as phishing and hacking we regularly update our security settings.
We are proud to announce that our advanced security options have become even more robust – you now have even more security levels to choose from.
These enhanced security features give you as a Payza member three additional advanced security levels to choose from to help protect your Payza account. If these settings are more protection than you need, you can always stick with Payza’s standard security setting.
Here’s a look a how each of the different security levels work to help protect your account.
Payza Advanced Security Levels Explained
Payza Advanced Security includes a Payza Avatar and three different security levels. When you create your Payza Avatar, you will be asked to choose an Advanced Security level. If you would like to keep the standard security setting, you will not need to create a Payza Avatar.
When setting up your advanced security you must first select your Payza Avatar and then choose one of these three advanced security levels:
– Level 1: Suspicious Login Alerts. You will receive an email alert that informs you when your account was accessed from an unrecognized device. In this email alert, you will find details such as date, time, and place of login. Note that if you already have a Payza Avatar, this will be your default Advanced Security setting.
– Level 2: Receive Authentication Code. Upon logins from unrecognized devices, you will receive a one-time use authentication code sent to your email. This code will be valid for 15 minutes. You will need to enter this code to log in to your Payza account.
– Level 3: 2-Factor Authentication. This security level sends a code to a paired smart device such as a smartphone or connected tablet. To access your Payza account you will need to enter this code along with your username and password. You must have your paired smart device with you whenever you log in to Payza.
Setting Up 2-Factor Authentication
To set up 2-Factor Authentication, the highest security setting Payza provides, you must use the Google Authenticator (GA) app. Access the advanced security settings within your Payza account to get started.
Here are the steps for setting up 2-Factor Authentication:
1. In your Payza account, click on your name in the top left portion of the screen then select Advanced Security Settings.
2. Select “Level 3: 2-Factor Authentication” and click “Set Up Two-Factor Authentication”. Instructions will appear on screen to help you complete the following steps. After completing this step, you will be presented with the following window:
3. Install the Google Authenticator (GA) app on your mobile phone or tablet.
4. Scan the QR code you received after completing step 2 to pair your Payza account with the GA app. This QR code can be scanned though your mobile device or you can enter the code manually.
5. Upon completing step 4, you will receive a verification code in the GA app. In your Payza account enter the code where it says “Verification Code” in the Two-Factor Authentication Setup window. This step will synchronize your smart device with our system.
From now on whenever you try to log in to your Payza account, you will receive a code from the GA app. Simply enter this code in the login screen along with your username and password to access your account
If you need any further help or if you have any questions concerning Payza’s updated advanced security settings, feel free to contact our customer support from your account or via the Payza Support Page. For more information and to stay up to date with the latest Payza news, be sure to subscribe to the Payza Blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.”
With Bit2Moon and its confirmed scam today we cannot really use the expression “one bad apple spoils the barrel” as the program was quite unpopular among my readers. Although you could withdraw your principal from Bit2Moon at any time for a 5% fee and the program lasted on MNO for nine days theoretically it was just enough time to get in and out with profits of 15%. I hope the majority of people who did join Bit2Moon were able to do so, as I myself withdrew my principal and profit over the weekend and was paid instantly. Earlier today saw first reports appearing online that Bit2Moon started delaying withdrawals and later on I could my own request wasn’t processed instantly. I can only speculate what might have went wrong with Bit2Moon, as the admin hasn’t replied to my email which was enough for me to move the program to Problem status on the MNO monitor without waiting on an explanation for too long. Perhaps as happens with many perpetual style programs there was just too many people requesting their principals back at the same time – a thing that can surely contribute to any program’s collapse. Maybe it had even something to do with emerging today news about the arrest of BTC-E owner in Greece allegedly for money laundering activities to the amount of $4 billion. That was a large digital currency trading platform and exchange mechanism that many people will have held money in. Maybe even the admin of Bit2Moon himself had some funds there which prevented from running his program any further – who knows. One thing is for sure – Bit2Moon has stopped paying, so please refrain from any further investments there. You have been warned!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TrafficHeap, LaserOnline, FexFund,
BandeiraCorp, CastleInvestment, AurumBank,
ControlFinance, AlpexTrade, FxLTD, CryptoSolutions.
From MNO Standard list: Bit2Moon, Ykke.
From MNO Basic list: Investellect, CryptoGolden.
That’s it for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and don’t want to miss any important updates, new additions, or potential status changes. My monitor is the fastest when it comes to post any warnings that are vital for saving you money. For that please follow MNO on Telegram, Twitter, and Facebook, subscribe to the daily news here, and if you have any questions simply contact me from here and I will get back to you within 24 hours. My referrals in the monitored programs are my priority when it comes to providing personal support, so make sure you email me first as I’m always in direct contact with HYIP admins and am ready to help you out when you have any difficulties or troubles with any of the monitored programs. Please keep your votes coming on the MNO TalkBack, as the final results of the poll will be posted by the end of the week. I’ll be back with the news bulletin from the HYIP industry then, so stay tuned for more! MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Top Five by on Jul 26th, 2017.