09/06/2019. Timeless5 Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! Timeless5 has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! Hope you’re all enjoying your Sunday so far. Busier than the usual weekend for myself though after so many new programs coming to the MNO monitor for listing in the last few days. And I’m not done with that just yet either, there’s another brand new listing on the Premium List to be introduced today so keep reading until the news section for more info there. First things first however I need to tell you about another of the latest additions to my monitoring list. I introduced it already during the week, and I have to say there has been some interest in it. Not without good reason either, it does at first glance look to be an exciting prospect for MNO readers to make maximum gains as this is for the moment the only official monitor. The program is called Timeless5. It’s a new open-ended term HYIP and it only accepts BitCoin. And it’s quite a simple one as well. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a quality I like in this style of programs. In a fast paced business it helps to keep things moving.
Anyway, what are Timeless5 trying to tempt us with? They have just the one investment plan which speaking as both an investor and a monitor makes this one quite an easy decision for everyone – you either like it or you don’t, there’s no real middle ground. Before I get to the numbers though I suppose I should, just for the benefit of anyone new to the industry and unfamiliar with some of the language, explain what exactly I mean when I say Timeless5 is an open-ended term program. It’s quite simple really, basically it just means that there is no expiry date on your investment, i.e. it’s perpetual. Once you join, that’s it. You remain a member of Timeless5 for how ever long they happen to stay online. Whether that happens to be a day, a week, a year, or what ever, Timeless5 will start paying you a daily interest rate on your deposit immediately and continue doing so until the program collapses.
As for the plan itself, I guess the biggest clue is in the name of the program itself. Timeless5 – there’s no expiry date (“timeless”) and it’s 5% interest per day. There’s no minimum amount to what you can deposit (for argument sake let’s just say it’s $1 since you can’t really invest “zero”), and likewise there’s no upper limit to what you can spend either. Obviously you just need to make sure it’s an amount you can comfortably afford and can re-coup from other income sources if things don’t work out for you.
It should be noted here that Timeless5 do not return your principal at any time, so you should probably regard your initial payments as being a partial repayment of your own money with your profit following from that point on. So for example, let’s say you want to make a $100 investment with the program. That means that Timeless5 should pay you back $5 per day, seven days per week, going forward. You then reach the break-even point, that is to say you earn back an amount equivalent to your original principal after 20 days, and that’s when you start to see a pure passive risk free income.
Of course, with a program that only has one investment plan and does not offer principal withdrawal the concept of some kind of “investment strategy” pretty much goes out the window. The only real decision that falls to you as an investor is whether you think Timeless5 still have enough reserves in the bank as it were (or still have the potential to attract enough new investors in the short term) to ensure your individual investment turns out profitable for you personally. At the time of writing I would say the answer to that question is a cautiously optimistic yes, though for how long that’s going to be the case is something I honestly can’t say. There’s way too many factors, most of which have nothing to do with the Timeless5 admin or his intentions that can influence that, but then that’s the gamble you agree to take if you really want to play the HYIP industry. It’s no place for kids!
If you like the investment plan and like your chances of seeing a profit from it, then the next thing you will need to know is what are your payment options. At the moment this is limited to just BitCoin, which ordinarily I might think hinders the program but not so much with Timeless5. First of all from a business and financial point of view the recent recovery and overall healthy performance by BitCoin on exchange markets can mean if the program opts to hold all of its cash reserves here it can help bolster the lifetime of the program by virtue of sheer inflation. Also BitCoin is already very much integrated into the design of the program, for instance is fundamental to the initial signing-up process.
While still on the subject of payment options however, there is one sort of strategy you can follow which might be useful particularly to smaller investors. Basically when you are first signing-up for Timeless5 and creating your account there for the first time you will be given a choice of how you would like to receive your payouts.
On one hand if you are happy just making one single deposit that you wish to claim interest on, you can take the Automatic option. By choosing this, you will no longer need any direct involvement with your account, though you are still able to access it if and when you need to. What happens here is that all your interest payments are paid directly to you every day at the same time without you ever needing to log-in and request them. You are paid automatically by the script every morning sometime between 7.00 AM and 8.00 AM GMT. All that’s required of you is to check your BitCoin wallet to see that you actually have it.
The other option is Manual payments. In this case you will still need to log in to your Timeless5 members area, submit a payment request when you are ready, and then allow anything up to 8 hours for it to be completed. So what’s the advantage of this over automatic payments you ask? Well, it kinda depends on your own individual circumstances you see. Your Timeless5 account is still credited with the same 5% interest rate every day, but by choosing the manual payments option you can allow those payments to accumulate for a couple of days, and then instead of withdrawing you can add them to your principal in order to claim bigger withdrawals on a growing deposit in the future. To put it in other words I guess you could call it a form of compounding, not a strategy I would ever use myself or advise for others, but it’s just an option that’s on the table and entirely up to investors to decide what ever is best for them.
So the plan is reasonably good. Profitable, which is what always first grabs everyone’s attention, but sustainable to the extent that if managed correctly some of you can hopefully see a decent enough return which is more important. Nothing unique there either of course and we have seen similar plans on offer elsewhere. So what makes Timeless5 so much better than the competition then? The answer to that is in the design, the security, plus the professionalism and strategy of the administration team. Whoever is in charge around here knows what they’re doing, of that you can be sure.
First of all the script is unique and highly customized. It’s a minimalist design on one hand, though still very stylish and eye-catching and doesn’t look quite like anything else in the industry I can think of at the moment. Next is the hosting provider and it comes from Dancom who provide a dedicated server protected from DDoS attacks by DDoSGuard. As I mentioned just above already, BitCoin is very much a part of opening a Timeless5 account. So in order to sign up you simply need to submit your BitCoin withdrawal address and choose what type of withdrawal you would like choose (Automatic or Manual as already covered) and away you go, it’s that simple. On signing up you will be automatically assigned a User ID and password by the script so you won’t be setting that yourself as in most online HYIPs. Don’t forget to memorize your PIN which is required later if you want to make any changes in your Timeless5 account. You should provide your Telegram username on sign-up if you have one, an optional feature which can be omitted if you don’t have one, but strongly recommended as I shall explain below. The domain name is registered for two years in advance and has installed a DigiCert Extended Validation certificate makes the website safer to browse and should give potential investors a lot more peace of mind over any financial transactions and account integrity.
Customer service and support is somewhat limited compared to other HYI programs. As always remember the first line of communication is not contacting the program at all but rather to study the FAQ page where most aspects of the Timeless5 website explained well enough. Other than that, it’s not a condition though it is strongly recommended that you have a Telegram account, as this is the only way for direct communication with the program’s support team. Timeless5 say Live Chat is available as a 24/7 service via this channel. Anyway, other than Telegram you can see a postal address in the UK where Timeless5 have been registered as a company (quite an easy task to complete online from anywhere in the world so not likely to be where you can find anyone connected with the program physically located) and a fax number (and I haven’t even laid eyes on a fax machine in at least a decade, maybe more, so I doubt many investors can still access one). If you need direct access to the admin for technical help rather than just a support operator you can write to his e-mail address which is also included on the contacts page.
Experienced HYIP players will already know this of course, but for any newbies reading this I’ll remind you that just because Timeless5 say they are involved in a particular line of business doesn’t mean you should necessarily believe it. And if it was true, that still wouldn’t mean it has to be profitable all the time. In this case it happens to be cryptocurrency trading, which is hardly the first time we’ve heard this line in the HYIP industry. So just remember to treat Timeless5 as you would any other online HYIP, i.e. a form of high risk gambling. So set yourself a sensible and responsible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose if things don’t work out with your investment, and if joining Timeless5 at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Just before we move on to the news section I want to finish up with Timeless5, at least for today anyway, by asking what readers think of it. You can weigh up the pros and cons of joining, and decide whether it’s a risk you think worth taking. I hope then that you won’t mind answering the following opinion poll question, which is as always 100% anonymous and only takes a second to complete. Thanks to everyone who votes, as it will make interesting reading maybe not today but several weeks from now when we look back on Timeless5 and see how it has developed by then:

If you like programs with instant payouts and a good choice of payment options then CowlyFarm might be just what you’re looking for. Only launched three days ago, yesterday the admin brought brought it to MNO readers by adding it to the Premium List on the MNO monitor. With the extension “farm” in its name some people have already drawn comparisons between CowlyFarm and another quite successful program in the past which I’m in no position to either confirm or deny. In any case, whether CowlyFarm is from the same admin is irrelevant, as all HYIPs are different and even programs run by the same administration can have totally different outcomes depending on many various factors involved – from a complete failure to a brilliant long-term performer. Let’s hope CowlyFarm falls into the second category!
Investors have a simple choice of investing in one of two available plans – 7% for 21 days or 114% after 7 days. Both plans are available from a $20 minimum and you can invest using PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash and DogeCoin. There is nothing complicated about the investment process in CowlyFarm as it runs off a licensed version of the ever popular GoldCoders script. As I mentioned already, all the withdrawals (from a minimum limit of $1.50) should be instant which I can now independently confirm as I have been paid many times already. This means CowlyFarm is now on Paying Status on the MNO monitor. Both last investments and last withdrawals stats can be seen at the bottom of the main page for those interested in such things, and you might see that even after the first few days CowlyFarm is getting quite a decent level of traffic.
From the technical side of things the CowlyFarm site looks OK, with an SSL-certificate installed by Sectigo and hosting by Dancom with support and protection against possible attacks provided by DDoSGuard. The company behind the program has been officially registered in the UK and the admin has been active on social networks while also providing Live support on the website itself. There is a professionally made video presentation of the company which is available both on the CowlyFarm website and embedded on the MNO monitor. Regular updates from CowlyFarm are frequently posted and at the moment I counted three newsletters already with the last one actually informing members of the Premium listing on MNO. That’s a matter of prestige for the admin, I guess, so I hope that after the release of the detailed review of CowlyFarm on my blog on Tuesday he will also share the link to it. After all, it’s in the best interests of everyone who already joined or are about to join CowlyFarm – a simple program whose latest updates are reposted below for your convenience:
“CowlyFarm Official Launch
Today we mark the grand launching of CowlyFarm Limited a UK based dairy farm management company.
Basic Introduction
CowlyFarm Limited is a United Kingdom based dairy farm with 100% of its farm assets located in different parts of United Kindom. Our extensive dairy farm operation are made possible by running 12 dairy farms across UK, producing an estimated 2 million kilogram of milk from our 8,000 dairy cows.
Register now: https://cowly.farm/?a=signup
Investment Products
21 Days Plan = 7% Daily for 21 Days
07 Days Plan = 114% After 7 Days
For more details: https://cowly.farm/?a=cust&page=plan
Affiliate program
Our affiliate program are designed to help people create additional income stream on top on their investments.
5 Level Referral Program
Joining our affiliate program is 100% free and you don’t need to have an active investment to earn with our referral program.
For more details: https://cowly.farm/?a=cust&page=rep
CowlyFarm Limited. Comprehensive Farm Management.
Our Vision. Our Success”.
“CowlyFarm Company Updates #1
Hello Farmers!
Welcome to CowlyFarm Company Updates #1
Company Updates
CowlyFarm officially reach 300+ Members in just 24 hours. We are glad and delighted for the support and warm welcome of the investment community for our startup company.
Currently we have receive a total of $7,000 Worth of investments from our online investors. Our finance team processed $300 worth of withdrawals for our clients/investors.
Marketing Updates
We already list on top monitoring services to provide a transparent real time paying status of our company and to serve as your guide for your investment decision.
You can visit our HYIP Logs page to stay updated on our monitor listings – https://hyiplogs.com/project/cowly.farm
We are humbly asking all our members to vote and provide ratings for our company in different monitors and share your payment proofs in different investment related forums.
Social Media Updates
We have running twitter promotions that gives out $60 worth of prizes to winners. If you want to join this promotions simply follow this link for contest mechanics – https://www.minds.com/cowlyfarm/blog/cowly-farm-twitter-promotions-983408666172358656
Representative Programs Updates
Position for representative are still open and if you got what i takes to represent our company to your local region, Contact any of the telegram admins or chat with us via live chat support. Great INCENTIVES and BENEFITS are waiting for qualified applicants.
Regards, CowlyFarm Limited. Comprehensive Farm Management.
Our Vision. Our Success”.
“CowlyFarm Premium Listing on MNO Blog
Hello Farmers!
Marketing Updates
We are happy to announce that we successfully paid for premium listing in one of the top HYIP monitors in the market today. CowlyFarm review will be published in the next coming Tuesday so stay tuned on that day.
Visit Money-news-online CowlyFarm listing: http://money-news-online.com/monitoring/mno/?details=1257#details
Our Marketing team are working hard to make sure our company are being advertised and seen in all corners of both the investment industry and cryptocurrency industry.
Social Media Updates
Our twitter promotions are ending tomorrow make sure you already completed the requirements and be one of 3 lucky winners that will share $60 worth of prizes. If you want to join this promotions simply follow this link for contest mechanics – https://www.minds.com/cowlyfarm/blog/cowly-farm-twitter-promotions-983408666172358656
Regards, CowlyFarm Limited. Comprehensive Farm Management
Our Vision. Our Success”.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Weenzee, Coinezos, Hooplex, Timeless5, Yesss, CowlyFarm (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s all I have to report this Sunday afternoon. I hope you’re all having a great weekend and enjoying good profits from the investment programs monitored on MNO. Remember that my site works exclusively with high-budget HYIPs run by experienced admins, so do yourself a favour and follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter to be the first to know about anything important. For all blog articles delivered directly to your email address please submit it here and join more than 3,000 subscribers to the daily news bulletins. If you have any questions, suggestions or advertising requests please feel free to contact me here, email me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com or just chat with me online on Telegram messenger @mnoblog and I will be pleased to assist you with all your queries. In the next update on Tuesday I’ll have a more detailed look at the increasingly popular popular CowlyFarm, draw the final results of the MNO TalkBack poll you can vote in here and of course highlight all the latest news and events from the biggest paying programs in the HYIP industry. If you wish to join elite investment programs only then the simplest way to achieve profits is to follow MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jun 9th, 2019.