24/06/2019. MySolidCoin Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! MySolidCoin has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello all! I hope your all keeping well after the weekend and are looking forward to whatever new opportunities this business week might have in store for us. I also hope you have your thinking caps on and have a few minutes to spare because I have what I think might just be the longest review I’ve ever had to write on MNO, and that says something after 12 years I can tell you. I’m talking of course about an exciting and highly original brand new BitCoin only program, hot off the press so to speak, called MySolidCoin. You might remember it was just added to the MNO monitor when it first launched at the end of last week, so I’ve taken a couple of free days to play around with my account there to see how it all works in order to take a more detailed look at it for you guys today. Off the top of my head I really can’t recall anything that looks quite like MySolidCoin in the industry before, I might be wrong but not as far as I can remember anyway. Which is kind of a good thing I suppose because when the industry is at a naturally slow point as it is now for the summer investors appreciate the originality even more that ever. If there’s one program that stands out from the crowd then it’s this one.
On the other hand a few people have commented that they found MySolidCoin to be a little complicated at first glance, truth be told so did I, but that’s only to be expected when you find a program trying a brand new concept for the first time ever. Not to worry though, with a little patience and using this review as a sort of guide book you can refer back to, I’m sure you can find MySolidCoin a rewarding and profitable experience.
Let’s start off with the investment plans then, though I’m not even entirely sure that’s exactly the right thing to call them in the case of MySolidCoin. You see, there are three possible income streams here – one primary and two secondary. I’ll get to those in a few moments, first let’s concentrate on the main reason you might like to join the program which is of course how to make the maximum possible profit.
The “plans” themselves for want of a better word are extremely unconventional and not quite like anything else I remember seeing in the industry in recent times. Not in a bad way of course, I actually find them really interesting and unique, and I think a lot of investors might also really enjoy the concept here too. Before I get to the financial details though, I think it’s better that I give you a simple analogy as to how these plans work in practical terms. In basic terms MySolidCoin describes itself as a faucet, or an open flowing tap. But instead of water, it’s money that pours out of this tap. The money flows 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Then, when you join MySolidCoin instead of an investment think of it as if they are selling you a tank or a basin for you to catch this money in. The bigger the investment you are making with the program, the bigger the empty tank they are selling you. It’s then up to you to empty out the contents of this tank and start refilling it again. However there is a limit to how much money your tank can hold so you need to empty it periodically in order to continue catching the money falling from the tap. Failure to do so means your tank isn’t picking up any more money, despite the fact that the tap is still flowing. So you really need to take an active involvement in your own account if you are to maximise the money you can collect from MySolidCoin. And of course the benefit of making a bigger investment with MySolidCoin, i.e. purchasing a bigger tank, is that the flow of money gets stronger while you don’t have to visit your account area to empty it quite as frequently as those with smaller tanks.
I really hope that comparison helps you make a bit more sense out of MySolidCoin and what they are offering. Because at first glance I know it might look complicated to some readers (well, it did to me anyway!) but if you think of it operating like I’ve described above then it really doesn’t need to be so difficult. So let’s get down to the numbers. First of all as I mentioned already, MySolidCoin works exclusively with BitCoin. As most of you probably already know, the basic unit of BitCoin is the Satoshi, i.e. the BTC equivalent of pennies or cents or kopeks, etc. It’s not exactly 100 Satoshi to 1 BTC as it is in other decimal currencies though, it’s actually 100 million. So 1 Satoshi equals 0.00000001 BitCoin. So because the constant flow of money through the MySolidCoin faucet is, on a minute per minute basis so relatively small, it makes more sense for the admin to describe it using Satoshi rather than full BitCoins. That way most investors can get a better more realistic idea of what they are actually collecting in real hard currency terms.
As a side note before we go any further can I just give a personal recommendation for this website. This is an excellent free service that will allow you to easily see any amount of Satoshi and BitCoin expressed in terms of some of the major domestic national currencies from various countries around the world as well as a lot of the more important cryptocurrencies. You can also find all the best exchange rates there between different currencies. I suggest you bookmark this website and refer back to it whenever you need to, like I said not only will it help you make sense of the numbers in MySolidCoin it’s also quite a handy resource for anyone looking to make money or do business online.
Once you have created an account in MySolidCoin and in order to start investing you have to click the “Purchase Treasure” link where you can find all the available investment packages. The first thing you will notice about the investment packages in MySolidCoin then is that they all have fixed prices. So when you find a plan you like there are no minimum and maximum limits in the usual way, you simply pay the asking price. If this is too expensive then all you need do is look at some of the more affordable options, but when it says you have to pay “x BTC” to join, then “x BTC” is the only amount you pay.
The cheapest possible package for a paid account in MySolidCoin will cost you 0.002 BTC which at the time of writing comes to about $21 and some change. Affordable for most HYIP players I would imagine. It’s called The Two Gold Coins Plan. So, using the analogy I made above, in exchange for your 0.002 BTC MySolidCoin are selling you a basin and then granting you access to a flowing tap that produces money. Your access to this money fountain, i.e. the length of time the investment term runs for, is 30 calendar days.
Now, the question we now face is how often can you fill this basin, empty the contents into your BitCoin wallet, and re-fill the basin again and again throughout the 30 day duration? Well, that’s entirely up to you! You have two storage areas in your MySolidCoin account area. One is the basin catching money from the faucet that I’ve already described, and the other is your account balance. You need to move the money from your basin to your account balance, and from there you withdraw to your BitCoin wallet. You can keep as much money as you like in your account balance, but your faucet basin can only hold a finite amount of cash so it’s imperative that you empty it into your account balance before it fills. If the basin reaches the maximum limit it stops collecting, therefore you stop earning, so you must keep some free space there at all times. In this particular plan the money from MySolidCoin flows at a rate of 10 Satoshi per minute, and your basin can hold a maximum of 4,300 Satoshi at any given time. You may empty the basin, i.e. move it to your account balance in order to make a withdrawal request as often as you like, though you may only make a withdrawal request from your account balance to your BitCoin wallet up to three times per day.
The other investment packages work the very same way. The difference is that in exchange for a bigger deposit MySolidCoin will sell you a bigger basin that collects money from a faster flowing faucet. So for example the next step up would be to spend 0.003 BTC (the Gold Coins Stake Plan). Members here can collect at a rate of 14 Satoshi per minute into a basin that can hold a 6,700 Satoshi maximum before reaching its maximum limit. So in other words 14 Satoshi flows into your basin every minute, but once it reaches 6,700 Satoshi it can’t hold any more so you have to empty it into your account balance (making “ a claim”) if you want to keep earning. Again, you don’t necessarily have to wait until you reach the maximum limit before emptying the basin, you may empty it as often as you please, just try not to reach the 6,700 Satoshi maximum capacity if you want to maximise your earnings.
Just a quick word now on how to withdraw your earnings from MySolidCoin before we continue. There are two buttons you will need to look for, and be careful because the first one isn’t very obvious and is easy to miss. The first thing you need to look for is the button “Claim Bitcoins Here” which is closer to the bottom of the page. This will move the earnings from your faucet (which you can see growing in real time every second) just above this by the box marked “Claim Current Amount“. When you click this “Claim Bitcoins Here” button, the money moves to your account balance. That’s where you make the actual withdrawal to your BitCoin wallet from. After you move the money to your account balance, look for the button marked “Withdraw” near the middle of the page under “Dashboard” to proceed.
If as I hope all of that is understood, let me now run through the remaining plans and you can decide which option is best suited to your personal budget. But please pay close attention here because this is very important, you are only allowed to have ONE account and ONE active investment package with MySolidCoin at any given time. Multiple account holders (as is the case in almost every single HYIP by the way) will be blocked and deposits forfeited. You may upgrade to a more expensive investment package at a later point if you want, but unless your existing package has expired this too will be forfeited as soon as you start earning from the new one.
The Coin Wallet Plan costs 0.004 BTC to join and pays 18 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 8,600 Satoshi. You should be making three claims per day in order to maximise your possible earnings. Just remember that making a claim is NOT the same as making a withdrawal, it’s simply moving the money from the tank (or faucet) into your account balance.
The Gold Bars Plan costs 0.005 BTC to join and pays 23 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 11,000 Satoshi. You need to make at least three claims per day.
The Diamond Plan costs 0.006 BTC to join and pays 28 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 13,400 Satoshi. You can make three claims per day.
The Precious Bag Plan costs 0.007 BTC to join and pays 32 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 15,300 Satoshi. You can make three claims per day.
The Three Diamonds Plan costs 0.008 BTC to join and pays 37 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 17,700 Satoshi. You can make three claims per day.
The Copper Chest Plan costs 0.009 BTC to join and pays 41 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 19,600 Satoshi. Please note that the frequency of the minimum number of claims needed to ensure maximum earnings in MySolidCoin drops from this point on, in this case allowing you to make just two claims per day. That doesn’t mean you should necessarily have to stop making claims when ever you get the opportunity, just that you can still get the maximum return by making just two at regular intervals.
The Skull Chest Plan costs 0.01 BTC to join and pays 46 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 33,000 Satoshi. You should make at least two claims per day.
The Pearl Chest Plan costs 0.02 BTC to join and pays 92 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 66,000 Satoshi. You need to make a minimum of two claims per day.
The Silver Chest Plan costs 0.03 BTC to join and pays 139 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 100,000 Satoshi. You should try to make at least two claims per day.
The Gold Chest Plan costs 0.04 BTC to join and pays 185 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 133,000 Satoshi. You need to make two claims per day.
The Big Gold Chest Plan costs 0.05 BTC to join and pays 231 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 166,000 Satoshi. Again the frequency of you needing to make a claim drops from this point, with MySolidCoin now requiring you to make just the one single claim per day. As ever it’s up to you how often you do so, but if you are busy with work and other personal matters it’s good to know there isn’t any great deal of urgency.
The Prince Chest Plan costs 0.1 BTC to join and pays 463 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 666,700 Satoshi. You need to make at least one claim per day.
The Queen Chest Plan costs 0.2 BTC to join and pays 926 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 1,333,400 Satoshi. You need to make at least one claim per day.
The King Chest Plan costs 0.1 BTC to join and pays 1,389 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 2,000,000 Satoshi. You can now skate by with making just one claim every two days, though honestly as the stakes get higher and higher I really don’t advise leaving it quite that long between visits.
The Emerald Chest Plan costs 0.4 BTC to join and pays 1,852 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 5,333,700 Satoshi. You need to make one claim at least every two days.
The Sapphire Chest Plan costs 0.5 BTC to join and pays 2,315 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 6,666,700 Satoshi. You need to make one claim at least every three days this time.
And finally for the biggest spending players the most expensive package with MySolidCoin is called The Emerald Chest Plan costs 1 full BTC to join and pays 4,630 Satoshi per minute into a tank holding 20,000,000 Satoshi. You need to make one claim at least every three days.
There isn’t really a lot I can do at this point to give you a practical financial example of how this might work out for you in monetary terms, but I will make an attempt below for you anyway. It really depends on each individual member’s level of commitment and the effort you are prepared to make in order to keep an active involvement with your MySolidCoin account. Ultimately members have the potential to see a 200% return, that is to double their money, though the exact amount that you take out will depend on how closely you are prepared to work on maintaining the cash flow in your account. The beauty of this method of course is that you get rewarded according to the work you are prepared to put in. Bigger spending players have the advantage of faster flowing money into a bigger basin so don’t have to keep returning to empty it quite as often as the smaller investors, though the basic premise remains the same as does the final outcome of a potential 200% return on deposits subject to members doing the work required to optimise their account’s cash flow.
I’ll try to take a theoretical example here then and look at how it might work, but please don’t look to this as an absolute guarantee or some sort of guide to how things will definitely play out for you. So, I’m going to take the Skull Chest plan here as it’s likely to be popular with a price tag of around the $100 mark and an easy one to explain. If you follow the MySolidCoin guidelines to the letter you see, the faucet fills up at a rate of 46 Satoshi per minute into a tank that holds 33,000 Satoshi at maximum capacity. So a few quick calculations here tell me that it will take 12 hours for my tank to fill up completely. Now, you don’t have to wait the full 12 hours before moving this to your account balance for a withdrawal, but it is something you can just comfortably leave to one side and not have to worry about or be online all day to keep an eye on. You can go about your daily routine, go to work in the morning, come home, go to bed at night, do what ever social activities you enjoy, etc, and only need to return to MySolidCoin at 12 hour maximum intervals to move money from the tank to your balance. In this case you can make up to two withdrawals per day which as with all the other plans should get you a 200% return on your investment provided you keep emptying the tank on a regular basis. If for some reason you fail to get online within that 12 hour window you are simply failing to collect money that is still flowing.
As for the free membership accounts that I mentioned, this plan has no expiry date. You earn 5 Satoshi per minute and can withdraw a maximum of 1,500 Satoshi up to five times per day, which is about $0.15 at the time of writing. While it’s entirely up to you what you do with this money, I imagine the idea behind the offer is for smaller investors who might not be able to afford much can grow this into something more substantial. Because remember that while OK, it’s free money, it’s still quite a bit less than a dollar per day on average and even that’s dependant on you making the maximum effort and is also going to be substantially eaten into with the MySolidCoin withdrawal fees. If on the other hand you are prepared to plough that money back into MySolidCoin – and why not, it isn’t costing you a cent from your own pocket after all – you can claim significant discounts on withdrawal fees from the proper investment packages and be allowed to make bigger bets on the casino games.
So that’s the investment plans out of the way, but what of the other ways to earn from MySolidCoin I mentioned? These include some simple casino style games such as coin toss (“heads or tails”) or a random multiple choice (“three boxes”) where you pick a colour and see which one comes up in the draw. You may also purchase referrals, where investors who have joined MySolidCoin without an upline can be assigned to you at random so you can claim the ref commission from their deposits. In this case just keep in mind that after you pay for these referrals there’s no guarantee that they will ever make an active deposit big enough to get you a commission bigger than what you paid for them, so remember it is still very much a gamble. Receipt of payments can also lead to a reward if payment proof is posted on the public forums that are listed.
Next up we need to look at what your payment options are. As I’ve covered this already, just to remind you MySolidCoin works exclusively with BitCoin, I’ll go over some of the rules instead. First of all on the plus side all withdrawals are handled instantly by the script, so that should be in progress more or less immediately once you make the request. Smaller investors take note that there are certain withdrawal fees involved, charged at a fixed rate rather than a percentage so I imagine this is done to discourage overly frequent withdrawals and somehow protect the cash flow. There are ways and means of getting around this however. If you are a free account holder then every single request regardless of size will be subject to a fee of 0.0005 BTC or 50,000 Satoshi. This will be reduced to 0.0002 BTC or 20,000 Satoshi for investors with an active investment or paid account. Fees can be avoided altogether if users keep an account balance higher than 0.00999999 BTC or 999,999 Satoshi. Considering that’s the price of 50 withdrawals right there and left to just sit there in an online HYIP I’m not sure how many investors would find that to be an attractive alternative to just paying the fee. Smaller investors should also take note that MySolidCoin have a minimum withdrawal policy. Your request needs to be at least 100,000 Satoshi which at the time of writing is around $10. Please refer to the exchange rates of the day when making your own withdrawal request and make sure you have at least that amount owed to you before proceeding, otherwise it will be ignored by the script. Actually 100,000 Satoshi is already the default amount entered on screen when you go to withdraw anyway, so it’s easy to remember.
As for some of the more technical aspects of MySolidCoin, the website has no less than five domains registered for 10 years. Not an especially difficult or expensive thing to do, but nevertheless does lend a certain air of professionalism to the whole project and its admin. You know, deal with the small things today before they become problems tomorrow, and therefore allow him to get on with the real task at hand which is making money for MySolidCoin investors. The program is hosted on a dedicated OVH server with the support and protection of BlockDos (there’s a name you don’t hear very often in the HYIP industry these days) and is powered off a unique custom made script.
For support issues of course the first place we always start with is the website’s FAQ page which should go some way towards explaining most things you need to know about MySolidCoin and its background. Otherwise there are accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Telegram for Live Chat support where I must single out the admin for being particularly helpful and communicative by the way, and a private MySolidCoin members forum where you can discuss various aspects of the program, share experiences, and ask whatever questions you have of other investors or the program support. For longer more detailed queries you may wish to keep more private MySolidCoin have an online e-mail ticketing support system where they say they will try their utmost to answer all queries with 24 hours.
All in all it looks a highly professional set-up. Very slick and well set up, but better than just that. I think it’s also been better planned, better organized, and better executed than the average online HYIP. Of course whether or not the wider investing public take to the program is a whole other matter. Most likely initial growth will be slow given the fact that the summer is quiet anyway. But that’s not all that bad when it comes to programs like MySolidCoin. In fact in this case it can be a distinct advantage. Building a reputation (and being prepared to work on it) over the coming weeks and months will do them the world of good and by starting on it now they should really be in prime position to explode come September provided things go well for them between now and then. There’s no doubt that the industry will start to recover and grow by then, and MySolidCoin looks a likely candidate to be one of the leaders.
One thing that I would still be sceptical about however is their business model. I mean if I’m honest I have to say I feel the very same way about every other program in the HYIP industry of course, even if the concept behind MySolidCoin is a lot more original. And of course ultimately when you join any online investment program you do surrender control of your money so they’re all something of a shot in the dark to a greater or lesser extent. For the record we are told that the activities funding the payouts to investors are based around “casino, trading, and advertising networks”, while stressing that it’s the advertising that funds payments to free account holders. But if you still like the industry and still enjoy participating then MySolidCoin has as good a chance as any new program I’ve seen recently to make some real waves in this business.
Just before we move on to the news section I want to finish up with MySolidCoin, at least for today anyway, by asking what readers think of it. You can weigh up the pros and cons of joining, and decide whether it’s a risk you think worth taking. I hope then that you won’t mind answering the following opinion poll question, which is as always 100% anonymous and only takes a second to complete. Thanks to everyone who votes, as it will make interesting reading maybe not today but several weeks from now when we look back on MySolidCoin and see how it has developed by then:

Weenzee continues to impress everyone involved in the HYIP industry with their flawless operation and stable payouts for over seven months already. It’s no wonder it’s considered the best program of the year to date by many seasoned investors who contributed by their deposits to put Weenzee on the top spot occupying the #1 position on the MNO Premium List. Since being listed on my monitor since day one Weenzee has fully its deserved fantastic response from my downline who clearly saw the potential of this one could go far and beyond even the most daring expectations. That was possible thanks to Weenzee‘s unique approach of advertising the site beyond the traditional limited boundaries of the HYIP industry. For instance, in the latest news the biggest promoters from China where Weenzee has been rapidly expanding for a while are invited to visit some exciting places of interest across the country by joining the so-called “relax tour”. And that’s in addition to many other incentives that the most active promoters of Weenzee in many countries can achieve by building their affiliate teams and holding various types of events, both offline and online. You can see the information on the upcoming tour below, but before that let me remind you in a nutshell what Weenzee is all about, that is if you somehow missed my detailed review posted here.
With Weenzee you can start investing from $30 and can fund your account using multiple payment methods, including PerfectMoney, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, Dash, Zcash, EthereumClassic, Ripple, Eos, Tether or Tron. After the funding is done you may then choose to invest in your given currency or convert your money into the internal WNZ currency (the latter is most recommended as it will give you a chance to get your principal back before the expiry date for a fee and will add 15% extra on top of your daily earnings). There are various investment terms to choose from when investing with Weenzee – 30, 60, 90, 180 and 360 calendar days. During this period your account will be credited with variable daily returns (around 1% on average) and you will get your principal back on expiry as well. Withdrawals are supposed to be paid within a 72 hour maximum, but in reality it takes no more than just a few hours to have money transferred to your preferred account. That’s really all I have to say about this wonderful performer, so congratulations to everyone who joined Weenzee already and commiserations to those who might have missed a golden opportunity. I still believe there is a good potential for further growth judging by all those promotional events goingon with the latest example being outlined below:
Leaders of China are organizing an amazing tour for the most productive investors of the project. Over the course of 5 days, the winners of the competition will visit a whole range of magnificent sightseeings of China and get acquainted with the most ancient culture of Asia.
Participants are expected to visit the Tonghu fields, dinner in the real Mongolian yurts, a performance with ethnic dances and songs of the Mongols, a rally buggy, unhurried camel rides on the Tengger desert. Scenic views of the cities of Zhongwei city and Chapotow. Participants will visit the Shahu tourist area, Zhenbei Fort Western Film City and Zhonghua Huxiang Cultural Park.
In addition to the entertainment program, they are expected to meet with investment partners of WEENZEE, exchange of experience, insider information about future project plans.
To get into the flow of relaxation and information WEENZEE space, you need to achieve a team portfolio volume of more than 30.000 WNZ.
This is an easy task for WEENZEE partners, so only the first 25 lucky ones will go on a tour sponsored by WEENZEE.
Registration contact 1: WeChat: weenzee1234
Registration contact 2: WeChat: yzslkdl99
Great opportunity to earn and visit the Celestial Kingdom – use it!”
Call me old-fashioned, but I’ve always had a strong belief in the principle of delivering on a promise, even when we talk about the HYIP industry. This means that a program must pay the investor under the same terms & conditions he joined under, and the admin must not change the rules of the game in the middle just because he feels entitled to. The admin can’t just one-sidedly change the rules he accepted money under, and if/when he does so it usually indicates a serious cashflow issue and sounds the alarm for an upcoming scam. That’s why I’m not going to simply sit and watch the admin of WhalesClub do this while allowing my readers fall into the trap if they don’t know the basic rules the HYIP industry is governed by. For that reason the status of WhalesClub on the MNO monitor has been changed from Paying to Problem, to prevent people from joining a potentially dangerous program whose days are numbered The admin’s latest attempts to lure unsuspecting investors into a scam are nothing short of appalling and should be clipped at the root. Let me explain that position in more detail while attaching the latest newsletter from WhalesClub explaining the changes to maintain the same unbiased approach I have always held on my blog.
At the time I first reviewed WhalesClub (click here to view it) the program offered three investment plans – 5% for 33 business days, 120% after 20 calendar days, and 300% to 600% on expiry of a 100 business day term. Just days after the review was published the admin possibly realized he had made a mistake by misrepresenting the last plan with unrealistic investment minimums and returns and changed it to pay a variable daily return of 3% to 4% on every business days alternating with a 1% to 2% reduced interest rate on weekends. The maximum you could have earned with that new plan though was only 150% which made it totally redundant and unnecessary to join, considering the first plan already available promised a 165% total return within a shorter timeframe. Just after this happened I heavily criticized the admin’s decision on my blog (click here to read the article) and doubted his managerial abilities required to run a successful program. As a result, none of my readers invested in WhalesClub (and it appears they were right to skip it considering current developments) and the admin tried to persuade me unsuccessfully of some benefits of the new plan over the old one – very questionable in my opinion, like the one allowing to merge deposits, still not explaining why an investor would have chosen the newer offer considering its lower returns. Now that WhalesClub totally failed to attract new investors (thanks to the admin’s failure to get his point across) it faced new cashflow issues, which has led the admin to take drastic action that would have not been required if the program followed the wiser path without any impulsive or just plain stupid decisions. So, what happened in the long-winded newsletter reposted below? The first plan paying 5% for 33 business days is no longer valid and all the investors in it have been moved to a different variable daily paying plan (as described below) without their consent. Moreover, the investors that have reached the break-even point in the original plan have simply been thrown out with their deposits ending prematurely, and not seeing the profits they had originally been promised. This decision goes against all common sense once again, and if the admin of WhalesClub believes investors would support this nonsense then his program is in huge financial trouble. Whatever happens next I wouldn’t be bothered, as for me personally an admin who changes the rules so frequently doesn’t deserve the support of investors or monitors, simply because he had been destroying the program by his own hand. Making the unwise decision described below is just one of the examples how not to run a HYIP. You are warned to stay away from WhalesClub which is surely on the brink of collapse now:
“Upcoming changes for users in Flat Rate plan
Dear users of WhalesClub!
WhalesClub is committed to always provide the best services in the cryptocurrency industry.
With recent events in the cryptocurrency market and the soaring value of Bitcoin and other financial assets, the risk of trading has become greater.
Our financial advisers have been working around the clock to formulate a stable trading plan considering the recent developments.
The head of our financial department, Mr. Craig Neubauer, has presented us with the latest data and suggested to amend our payment plans so that we stay on the safe side.
From our perspective there is nothing more important than keeping your funds safe and growing, while sustaining the ongoing volatility of the market.
Recently we have updated our Extreme Volatility plan and this was done for a reason. Our strategy is to use it as our base plan for all users as it provides more flexibility in the long term and gives our users a chance to build their portfolio by constantly joining new deposits to this plan.
As per Flat Rate (5% daily for 33 business days) we are deactivating this plan as of June, 24th.
Active deposits will be recalculated to fit this plan & all pending withdrawals will be processed once we have finished the reorg of the deposits in Flat Rate plan – no later than Monday, June 24th, 10-00 am UCT time.
All users with deposits in other than Flat Rate plan are unaffected by this change.
Thank you very much for your understanding. As always we are committed to providing a sustainable solution for all crypto users.
WhalesClub Team.”
I would like to finish for today by drawing the results of the poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page over the last week. I’ll also be asking you a new question this time connected to the upcoming 12th birthday of my blog on 1st of July 2019. The last question was on the surging price of BitCoin which at the time of asking was hovering around $9K, and later surpassed $11K. That means that over the last seven days the price of BitCoin has jumped significantly with an incredible 20% growth. So as the BTC price remains highly volatile that means the best ever opportunity to make money on rapidly rising exchange rates is now. Hopefully the upward trend will continue further in 2019. The poll asked the following question – What do you think will happen with the price of BitCoin in the next six months? The vast majority of those answering say BTC has a very rosy future. 46% responded that “There is going to be massive growth in BTC prices” while 36% believe that there will be “Steady growth in value but at a more moderate level”. Only 18% of respondents made the dire prediction of “The bubble will burst again with a massive price drop”. As you can see, expectations for the upcoming BTC price growth are extremely high and as this has been fuelling HYIP industry growth back to the explosive levels seen in 2017 I do hope we will see the pattern continue. Anyway, the best way to find out if that’s going to happen is to wait and see.
As MNO is going to celebrate 12 years online next Monday the new question I want to ask on the TalkBack page is this – What is your main reason for reading MNO?
Possible answers can be taken from the following –
1) To find new high-budget elite programs to join
2) To better understand how a HYIP works in a review
3) To read the latest news from the programs I’m in
4) To find out more about general trends in the industry
5) No one single reason, all of the above would apply
Thanks in advance for voting, the poll will keep running until next Monday (the day of the anniversary) with the full results will be analysed and published. You can click HERE and make your vote count on the MNO TalkBack page!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Weenzee, Hooplex, Timeless5, Yesss.
From MNO Standard list: MySolidCoin.
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s all the news from the HYIP industry for today. Thanks reading and for supporting MNO and my hard work for twelve years now. Please vote in the latest TalkBack poll and tell me the main reason for reading MNO. I’ll be back later in the week with all the latest news from the HYIP industry and possibly even introduce a new program/s. By the way, if you want to be the first to know about any promising newcomers please follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter, and subscribe for all the blog articles delivered directly to your mailbox (3,000+ readers are already enjoying this feature). I’ll be glad to hear from you and answer any questions, suggestions and discuss advertising requests. You can either write to me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com or submit your query using this contact form, although perhaps the best way to communicate is to chat with me live on Telegram messenger @mnoblog. Remember that the best way to profit in HYIPs and stay informed on all the latest events is to stay with MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jun 24th, 2019.