September 2007 Archives

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10 days without posting has become a very hard challenge for me but I must say I’m not wasting my time but rather I am constantly looking for new money making opportunities online. Right now I’m testing one new system (it will probably take about a month) and once the results are positive I will immediately put it on my blog and I guarantee you won’t want to miss it.

I still can’t understand what the fuss around e-gold is. I continue to use without any problems and my account has not been blocked. And I will keep using it as it never let me down. On the other hand I have very huge doubts about such payment processors as SolidTrustPay and AlertPay. I have accounts in them but I use them quite occasionally when there’s no other choice of withdrawing my money. I prefer to keep my funds in e-gold as before. Also I use account in e-Bullion as it was required by eTradeClub recently. As for LibertyReserve payment processor I would not recommend to use it either for two main reasons: first, it’s too new though it is vital for any PP to have an established reputation, and second, there are rumors that LR is owned by one of the largest autoexchangers that started a war against e-Bullion. Sorry, but I would never believe in those stories and will stick with payment processors which are here for a long time already and will not leave this arena for sure. So my choice is e-gold (preferable PP) and e-bullion for now.

Let’s get to my investment news as I still keep a small amount of my money in several programs.

First of all I would like to introduce a new program to you. It’s SurfMax12. It’s a traditional 12% for 12 days surfing site with cashouts on Mondays and 50/50 rule for 100$ and above cashouts. I already got one payment from this program and can feel its potential. The script is completely the same as PSTraffic uses and Jamie was helping with the installation and the launching of the website so I think it’s a good recommendation for surfers.

So I picked SurfMax12 not only for its popular plan but because it was highly recommended by Jamie, admin of PSTraffic which is still going well and keep paying with modified 65/35 rule implemented and I find his latest update rather encouraging: “I’m happy to say that PS-Traffic is back on track!!!!! Member’s have continued to purchase ad packs without holding back. Many members have been consistently begging me to increase the maximum upgrade limit. I will consider increasing the maximum upgrade limit but not too high. I would still like to maintain PS-Traffic’s control and sustainability. Not bad for a program on it’s 10th month“.

I returned to IncomeStorm with smaller amount as I feel quite comfortable being a member there. The payments are going smoothly every day as usual and the program is constantly paying and growing so maybe this is the big thing which I was looking for so long. For those of you who are unfamiliar with such type of programs please read my review here and interview with the admin.

I’m now only in two HYIPs which are paying me promptly every business day. They are eTradeClub (paying to e-Bullion) and MInvestment (paying to e-gold). I’m very pleased that I was one of the first lucky ones who noticed these programs from the beginning and now reaping the rewards. I think it’s not late yet to join eTradeClub though this program doesn’t accept e-gold anymore but you can make deposit through e-Bullion, Pecunix and LibertyReserve. My review of this site you can read here.

I wish you good luck and will see you soon. I encourage you also to check my blog regularly for new updates or subscribe to my RSS-feed to be one of the first who will know the new secrets of money-making which I’m going to reveal soon.

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