Sep 21st, 2011 Archives

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BEWARE! AuruMoney has stopped paying and has been moved to Problem status! Do not invest!  

Hi guys! After a fairly wide mix of new programs joining the MNO monitoring site over the last couple of weeks I think we’ve covered just about everything by now and come full circle back to short term HYIPs once again. Today it’s the turn of one called AuruMoney for some closer inspection but if I’m honest I think a lot of fans of shorter term HYIP fans will recognize a lot what’s going on with this one instantly. AuruMoney has a lot in common with any number of other programs that have come to dominate this side of the industry recently, some of which have been highly effective (and others a bit less so). On the plus side I don’t think there’s going to be any surprises from AuruMoney and the more experienced players reading this will probably know what to expect. Another positive is that while not all of AuruMoney‘s plans can be recommended (far from it in fact) there are some sections that are well worth a gamble. In fact their first plan has already started paying off and put the first investors there into profit already.

The available offers include five distinct investment plans that range from ultra-short and quite likely to put a decent number of you into profit provided you’re going to move on it fast enough to slightly longer term plans that are going to be exceptionally difficult to meet. The choice is yours entirely and I’ll just map them out here for you to think over.

We’ll start with a plan that runs for just 1 single day and pays on expiry. AuruMoney at the time of writing by the way has only been online for two days so this is the one that’s put the first investors in profit. Payment on your deposit is made on expiry so in other words if you join today you can get paid tomorrow. The plan can be joined for a $10 minimum, your payment will include your principal, and your earnings will be based on the size of your initial deposit. Rates include:
105% for amounts between $10 and $499, 106% for amounts from $500 to $999, and 107% for anything above that to a value of $1,999. If you want any information about deposits of $2,000 and more please go to your AuruMoney member’s area.

The next plan runs for a term of 5 calendar days and also makes one single payment on expiry that includes your principal. $10 is still the minimum deposit and for anything up to $1999 this time AuruMoney are paying 128%. Other rates for larger deposits can be found from inside your account area.

As you can see AuruMoney‘s plans are getting progressively more and more risky as we progress through them. Their fourth option pays on expiry after a term of 15 days, and also starts with a $10 deposit. For anything between that and $2,999 you are offered a final return of 200% that includes your principal. It’s not altogether impossible to achieve this in such a short time, but honestly it depends on a healthy cash flow being generated from the shorter term plans to cover it, will only realistically be made for smaller deposits, and is unlikely to be maintained beyond a minimal number of cycles. See your members area for further details on what’s being offered to larger deposits (not that I’d recommend you make one).

The final plan is unlikely to attract may takers for a variety of reasons which will become obvious to you as soon as you see what it offers, not to mention the term which will be lucky to go for one complete cycle at most. But see for yourselves because I’m just including it for information purposes here. The investment term runs for 37 days with AuruMoney making one single payment on expiry. For a deposit between $10 and $99 for example you can get a return of 1000% at the end of the term. Sounds great but not likely to succeed.
For your information other rates include 1500% for deposits of $100 to $149, and an even more unfeasible 2,000% and anything above $150 to a maximum of $50,000.

Your choice of payment methods is very limited here with only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney in use at the moment, which is unlikely to change. So keep the “no refunds allowed” policy in mind when deciding how much to spend. Payments are not made instantly (a lot of similar programs do so but not this one) and are made manually. After you’ve requested it from inside your account area the AuruMoney admin requires up to 12 hours to complete the transaction.

The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is also hosted on a dedicated server by DsoSWiz. The level of protection from DDoS attacks seems to be OK as AuruMoney suffered their first one yesterday (yes, barely a day online!). It was a fairly minor one and was successfully mitigated by their provider. You will also find various details relating to things like total amounts of money deposited, paid out, number of members, et cetera on the home page. Customer support if you have any questions for the admin is available by filling out the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it. Unfortunately SSL encryption does not feature here. A recent improvement to the program has been the addition of SSL encryption, which hadn’t been in place at the start. This will dramatically improve site security and shows the admin is taking it seriously as well.

Texts are original though are a bit cryptic and really give little away as to the nature of AuruMoney‘s alleged business activities – in this case we are told this involves the “gold market” and not much else. But despite the undeniable fact that gold prices continue to rise, they don’t rise that fast! The gold business (nor any other to my knowledge) can offer anything like the returns offered by AuruMoney. I think it’s best to as always proceed with caution and keep within sensible limits. That involves spending affordable amounts of money, keeping your final expectations more modest than the website itself might suggest, and always keep a wide and diverse portfolio.


We’ll start today’s update with the increasingly popular RichesBank (reviewed here). This site is a perfect example of how new features and constant communication with members can contribute to its growth and make it an even more popular choice with investors preferring fast returns on LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on the following plans – 105%-129% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 136.5%-600% after 7 days, 174%-950% after 14 days, 360%-2150% after 31 days. After only 10 days of monitoring on MNO RichesBank climbed to the #11 spot out of 33 places in my rating of the most popular programs on the Premium List which is really an incredible achievement. I believe that if the admin continues the same way RichesBank can last for quite a long time and bring nice profits to many investors. Today’s newsletter just proves my point as there were several important announcements made: the addition of phone support to the program’s members, the addition of a calculator in member’s area which will help you determine your possible profits from RichesBank and the implementation of email notification about the expired deposits which can be quite handy for any forgetful persons. I believe these new features will make RichesBank even more popular than it is now and I sincerely wish the admin success in running the program. Here’s his latest newsletter:
RichesBank: Phone Support, Profit Calculator & Deposit Maturity Notification
Hello dear RichesBank member,
A new week has just begun! New and exciting features has been implemented to RichesBank! These include Phone Support, Profit Calculator and Deposit Maturity Notification. Let us talk and explain about each of one.
1. Phone Support – Getting in touch with us in more convenient ways!
From now on, you can dial our support operators every day during 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (GMT time zone). Please use this phone number for any kind of assistance: +1 (315) 715 8455. We are also planning to apply guaranteed 24/7 online time for our Live Support. Multiple languages might be implemented as well so you can get help in your most familiar language!
2. Profit Calculator – Calculate an exact return on your investment!
Many clients asked us to help on calculating their exact returns on their investments. They also asked whether the principal is returned at the end of the term (it is actually included already in the stated returns). So we decided to make it easier for everyone. You can now calculate the total return you will get from your deposit right in our deposit page, in your member’s panel. We hope that you will find this tool useful!
3. Deposit Maturity Notification – Get and automated notification upon your deposit expiration!
You no longer need to login for multiple times a day to wait for your deposit finally expired. We will send you an email notification when this happens so you can request for a withdrawal or make a new deposit using the corresponding earnings from RichesBank‘s account balance.
That’s about our new features. We are constantly looking to make RichesBank the most unique and best investment project online. And we are achieving it!
You may respond to this email if you have any questions or doubts about RichesBank. I’m here to provide answers to each and every question!
RichesBank – Your Financial Freedom Starts Here!
RichesBank Administrator”.

The admin of FreedomFxStrategy Miguel has made a decision to upgrade his listing on MNO to Premium status and that means that he’s probably ready to answer some interview questions on my blog. The review of the program was already published and can be read here. Since the review was posted there was only one major change in the program – they now take AlertPay in addition to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Payments are still processed instantly to all the payment processors and the plan still remains the same – 1.3%-2.3% for 150 business days with principal returned on expiry. I believe that upgrading its listing to Premium on MNO is a smart move from Miguel that will attract more investors to FreedomFxStrategy in the long run.

Just to prove again that my predictions are often true I can offer a perfect example with the recent collapse of JPDaily which was marked as Problematic on MNO less than two weeks ago following a confirmed complaint from one of my readers. The program is a proven scam now which stopped paying. The admin tried to blame everyone from me to LibertyReserve to BlockDos – in other words everyone else except himself. Anyway, those who preferred not listen to my advice are now counting their losses and those who did listen successfully got their money out in time. Well, this is just another reason to take my advice seriously and not ignore what I have to say because I don’t need money from HYIP admins, my opinion can’t be bought, and my ratings are not for sale. I’ve already made enough money from my business and I do not hide it as this is exactly the thing that will allow me to drop any programs which I feel are damaging to the readers on MNO. The latest examples were Divatri and JPDaily and there will be more if such unprofessional attitudes are found again. I’m not afraid to tell the truth and that is why you can either love me or hate me if you wish, but as I said many times you won’t be able to shut me up EVER! Like it or not MNO is the most popular investment blog online for a reason, so don’t think I feel any obligation to protect admins because they pay for advertising! On the other hand, all the professional HYIP admins who try to make a fair attempt at running their programs for a long time and paying to everybody are welcome on MNO and will be provided with the best support ever! I think at this point I have the right to choose whom I’m going to accept to be monitored on MNO and whom I reject. So, again if you don’t like me or my articles you can do well with the information provided on other sources but you simply cannot ignore my warnings, especially when it comes to such sophisticated scams as the Lea Gao “flax empire” which left many investors broken and feeling like they can’t trust anyone ever again. I can understand their feelings but they simply cannot say that they were not warned about this. Remember that you are always here to learn from your past experiences (I myself am doing so all the time) and only by getting some important lessons from your mistakes can you perfect yourself and achieve your goals. I hope my words will make you think a bit and I hope everything in life (offline and online alike) will be a valuable lesson for you to learn and improve yourself with.

I would like also to tell the admins of HYIPs not to try to look smarter than they are and not to try to cheat their clients as the admin of SportEarn tried today due to which the program was moved to Problem status on MNO (investments there are not recommended). It all started with a complaint received from one of my readers a couple of days ago who reported me about a technical glitch in the program due to which he was not able to withdraw money. So, as I usually do in this case I asked him for his login credentials and was really surprised to see that the complaint was valid. To tell you the truth, the admin of SportEarn Michael did communicate with him but for some reason didn’t fix the issue. As the payments are processed instantly it was the perfect solution for the admin not to pay an investor but at the same time was free from all the charges of selective payouts. An even weirder thing that led me to believe the program is now a scam was when today I received another complaint mentioning the same problem. After verifying it I realized that it was just another convenient way for the admin not to pay to some investors. I advised him to pay to everybody directly to their LR or PM accounts but I doubt very much that is going to happen as after the suggestion I never heard from him. So I guess we can officially announce that SportEarn is another selectively paying scam not to be trusted in any way at the moment. Stay tuned for more news about that in case the admin finds his conscience and pays investors!

For some reason me and some of my readers discovered today that AlertPay had suddenly disappeared from the list of payment processors in PrimFix. Some investors I heard are also reporting delayed payments to their AP accounts. I can’t actually believe that something went wrong with the admin’s AP account as he was one of the major supporters of AlertPay and even wrote a lengthy letter to me defending them and explaining why I was wrong in my article about AlertPay exposing their activities (read it here) and give me reasons why everybody must use it. So, does it mean that he was betrayed by AlertPay as well and the account of PrimFix was blocked therefore taking the program to the brink of collapse? Well, I can only speculate on that as the admin of PrimFix Derek still keeps silent on the matter which is getting more disheartening with every hour of waiting. I believe that AlertPay investors of PrimFix deserve to be updated on the current situation with AlertPay asap and we all have to decide on the status of the program. For now I had to move PrimFix to Problem status on MNO until I get a full update on the situation and I will keep you all informed if I get any additional info on that, guys! For now I would not recommend any further investments there.

The programs that paid me for the last 24 hours include:
OnlineInvestmentBank, HitNRunMasters, BrantonsGroup, SafeDepositary, PowerfulStrategy, InvestNetGroup, BruyetteInvestment, AuruMoney, TrustIncome, RichesBank, WinnerEarn, FIPO, HyperCompound, FelminaAlliance, PaidJack, AGSTrade, GlobalFxTrades, ViscoCorp, TopsFund, FreedomFxStrategy, EurexTrade, MirexGroup, StockBiz, BetMoney, SuperHotPay, LargeProfit, ReProFinance, NeoProgress, PerfectLottery and 1MonthMillionaire (the first payments received).

The new addition to MNO’s Premium list today is a program called 1MonthMillionaire. As far as I know it just launched today and is offering three investment plans with payouts processed on expiry – 120% after 6 days, 165% after 14 days, 270% after 30 days. The minimum to invest in each of the plans is $10 and you can make your investments from AlertPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney accounts. According to my calculations to become a millionaire from the program in a month (as the name implies) you will have to deposit at least $370K in the one month plan which is definitely not recommended as this is the type of short-term game you should only invest what you can afford to lose. Overall, the 1MonthMillionaire website isn’t bad – the graphics reminded me of old school programs which used to pay for months. It has a licensed GoldCoders script which the majority of investors are familiar with and is hosted by AntiDdos. Hopefully, I will be able to tell you more about the program in the upcoming review of 1MonthMillionaire which is going to be published on MNO in a couple of days.

The second program added to MNO’s Premium list tonight is very different, paying small returns for a long investment term. The program’s called OneInv and it was just launched yesterday. Judging by their script and plans I would guess that it’s coming from the same admin who is already running ViscoCorp (reviewed here) and TopsFund (reviewed here), so we can expect a long run from him for sure. Currently OneInv offers two long term plans – 0.6%-1.2% daily forever, principal back after 12 months and 1%-2% for 300 days with principal already included in daily payouts. Another shorter term plan is promised to be added soon, but we’ll talk about that when it happens. OneInv accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10, so it’s affordable to everyone. Please note that in order to make an investment you will have to deposit in the program and then choose the plan of your liking and invest from the available balance. OneInv is hosted on a dedicated server with Dragonara protection, so I don’t expect any serious downtime. More on OneInv will be in the upcoming review.

That’s everything for tonight, guys. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s review of BetInvest and daily news from the most popular programs from HYIP industry and remember that MNO is the only original source of information about HYIPs on a daily basis that you can trust! See you on MNO tomorrow!

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