Sep 27th, 2011 Archives

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BEWARE! RoliteIncome has been moved to Problem status on MNO! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend and are looking forward to discovering some new opportunities for the coming week. So whatever you get up to, I hope it’s profitable! Anyway, for the start of the new week I want to take a break from the shorter term programs that we’ve seen so much of recently and have a closer look at a more medium to long term one called RoliteIncome. It’s both a brand new addition to the MNO Premium List and a brand new program overall, having just launched before the weekend. It’s an interesting time in the industry for longer term programs to say the least and so there’s a good chance of seeing some real hits coming our way soon. So let’s take a closer look at the details and see if RoliteIncome could potentially become one of them.

There’s just one basic plan with four variations of it that depend on the size of your deposit. While a lot of them are a little on the pricey side for the average HYIP investor, the good news is that you can still join RoliteIncome for as little as a $10 minimum deposit. The plan itself runs for 60 calendar days and will make daily interest payments to you. The first section is called The Starter Plan and includes anyone depositing between the minimum required $10 up to $2,000. If that’s where your own deposit falls then expect RoliteIncome to pay you a rate of 3% interest per day for the plan’s duration. Your principal is counted already as part of those payments so will not be returned at the end. What you should have ended up with however is payments that accumulate to a total of 180%. Or in other words that’s 100% your own money plus 80% profit, something that in HYIP terms is easily achievable over a 60 day term provided the program is managed correctly.

For the bigger spenders out there RoliteIncome have The Executive Plan. This time your investment must be larger than $2,000 up to a maximum value of $5,000. The only difference here is of course the interest rate which goes up to 3.3% per day. The term itself remains unchanged at 60 calendar days, as does the fact that RoliteIncome include your principal as part of the payments. So an investment here would hopefully see you get back 198% in total, or just barely short of double your money.

Going past that I don’t know how popular the remaining plans will be, but for your information here’s the details. The Advanced Plan takes deposits upwards of $5,000 to a $10,000 maximum for a term of 60 calendar days. RoliteIncome offer you 3.6% interest per day, which factors your principal into the payments already. That should all add up to 216% by the end of the term, or 116% total profit.

And finally for a deposit from $10,000 to a $25,000 maximum you can try The VIP plan which offers 4% interest per day for 60 calendar days. That adds up to 240% in total by the end, of taking the fact that your principal has been included 140% profit.

So, if you’re happy with all of that, found a plan that you like, and would like to join RoliteIncome then I can tell you that the payment options available to you include AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. Payments will need to be requested by the member from inside the account area, after which the admin asks you to allow them anything up to 48 hours to complete the payment and see the money in your e-currency account.

RoliteIncome is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and the program is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS-protection by Dragonara. Their website also includes SSL encryption for a little extra peace of mind when it comes to just browsing their pages or making transactions. If you need to connect with the admin for any support or account related issues then you can do so by filling in the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page and submitting it. There is also a PO Box Number in Belize, which I’m guessing is totally cosmetic but even if it isn’t it may as well be for all the use the average member would make from it. You’d probably be more interested the know that RoliteIncome have a Facebook page, something more of you may actually do something with.

Texts about the RoliteIncome business plan are predictably vague, trying to relate somewhat to the ForEx industry, but in any event sections of them have been used in the past on other HYIP related programs anyway meaning what they say is a lot less likely to be authentic. Regular readers will probably know how I feel about that anyway and try to avoid looking too deeply into things that aren’t there. So as ever only join if you’re comfortable with the risks involved in participating in the HYIP industry, always staying well under a spending limit that’s affordable for your own budget, and try to keep a diverse portfolio where RoliteIncome is just a small part.


Monday kicks off the week with a bumper day for news stories, so let’s start with the regular announcement of a monthly prize winner by the admin of ReProFinance (you can read his recent interview to MNO here). You might remember every month on the 25th one lucky investor with an active deposit of $100 or more is randomly selected for a $1,000 prize. ReProFinance offers 1.6%-2.3% for 90 business days and 1.8%-2.5% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry, and a recently added bond program paying 1% daily which can be converted into cash anytime you like. This month an investor from Russia was the lucky winner who can either withdraw the bonus or invest it in any plan of his choice. I’m not sure which payment processor it gets paid to as ReProFinance currently accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney but I imagine the investor will be able to request the withdrawal to any of them. My congratulations to Sergey and hopefully next month the lucky winner will be an MNO reader. The latest news from ReProFinance which has been online for well over a year and was originally reviewed on MNO here is below:
Investor of the month Winner announced (September 2011)
Investor of the Month (September 2011) is announced. Our software randomly chosen Mr. Sergey Ivanov from Russia (Login ID: R17282), and he has become the winner this month. He has directly received the 1000 USD to his account, our congratulations and Investor of the Month Certificate mailed to his mailing address. Thank you for participating in our program.
We remind you that any investor can participate in Investor of the Month program by having active deposit of 100 or more in any available currency (USD or EURO). The Investor of the Month is randomly chosen by our software every 25th of each month and gets the $1000 prize.

Perhaps the most popular short-term program among MNO readers currently is RichesBank which was first reviewed two weeks ago (click here to read it). Today they’ve reached the Top 10 of the most popular programs on MNO’s Premium list having been monitored by me for only 16 days. According to the latest email newsletter sent by the admin the program is flourishing and the total number of investors is already over 4,000 while the total amount of deposits exceeded $350K. Wow, this would be pretty impressive if we could confirm these stats were accurate. Unfortunately, this is unverifiable and only the admin can tell us if they are really true. He keeps encouraging the bigger deposits in the program and refers to the payment proof page which shows the screenshots of his LibertyReserve account with some big payments with the account numbers the money was allegedly sent to. Unfortunately, this is also unverifiable because to check if the payment really took place we need also batch numbers of every single transaction which were not provided. Today the admin of RichesBank allegedly paid somebody 129% after one day plan (which is one of the plans offered by his program) and the guy allegedly made $2900 pure profit from his deposit of $10,000. Well, in this case the LR account number was provided by the admin but the batch number wasn’t, making the transaction totally unverifiable. Anyway, we know how HYIP admins work to gain trust and some of us can be quite skeptical regarding their intentions, however the fact that RichesBank is definitely one of the better short term programs currently online cannot be disputed. Payments to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are processed pretty fast on request and I can’t remember a single case when I was not paid within 12 hours. I remind you that you can invest in RichesBank any amount starting from $10 into one of the following plans – 105%-129% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 136.5%-600% after 7 days, 174%-950% after 14 days, 360%-2150% after 31 days. I hope they can continue for a long time and let many investors see a profit. For the latest newsletter from RichesBank please see below:
Turning $10,000 into $12,900 in just one day – Proven by RICHESBANK!
Hello dear RichesBank clients,
We would like to remind you about our withdrawals proof page, which is absolutely an unique feature for this kind of investment program.
Some of our investors already deposited $5,000 and $10,000 amounts and they get paid just as any other random withdrawal! Couple of people doubt if we are really genuine and paying also larger amounts when the time comes. YES, we do and we can PROVE it!
See yourself the real evidence of withdrawals here:
Let us mention that RichesBank has been online now for 16 days and 4,000 members from all over the world has registered at our investment program! So far $350,000 has been invested with us, which is an pretty solid amount. More important than great amount of total deposits is of course a steady growth, and due to our marketing strategy – we have it!
That’s it for this time. We thank everyone who is supporting us – it really gives us the motivation we need to make RichesBank the best available investment project online!
Do not hesitate to respond to this e-mail with your questions, doubts and thoughts. Alternatively, you can contact us anytime here:
Thank you. RichesBank Administrator”.

There were some good additions announced in another short term program which is slowly gaining in popularity – AuruMoney (reviewed here). As the admin of the program Jack promised in the previous newsletter some good news was mentioned and new features introduced in the latest update today. I can see that he is really working hard on making his program stand out from the crowd due to the current huge competition among other similar short term programs offering similar plans to theirs – 105%-128% after 1 day, 128%-240% after 5 days, 165%-500% after 10 days, 200%-800% after 15 days, 1000%-2000% after 37 days. Well, I believe such competition can only be healthy for the industry as investors will get more choice and will be able to better decide where to put their hard earned money. In addition to the implementation of SSL security of which he informed me today Jack announced the addition of multi-lingual phone support for the program’s members and provided all the necessary numbers for English, Russian, French and Chinese operators. In addition, a new support email was introduced to the members of AuruMoney in order to replace the main email address which seems not to be working correctly for the last few days and due to which Jack was unable to receive my questions for the interview. They were finally delivered yesterday and will be answered soon. Finally, Jack or AuruMoney exposed the laziness (or forgetfulness!) of a popular monitor GoldPoll and thanked all the 2,500 members who joined the program for the last 9 days online of which over 1,500 already made deposits via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney and showed some support to the program. He promised to meet all the expectations and add some more new features to his program soon. So stay tuned for more updates which will be all posted on MNO. Here is the full latest newsletter from AuruMoney:
AuruMoney News
Hello dear investors, finally new week started, I hope you all had a superb weekend and ready for a big things. I am pleased to say that things are developing very well, only within a week we managed to gain more than 2,500 members and we grow very fast day by day. I am sure we will reach much better results this week and I am really happy with a huge support I get from you. My goal is to make reliable, trusted investment platform and I hope with your trust we will achieve those results. Of course to do this we have to continue doing our hard work and develop AuruMoney with a huge enthusiasm.
We receive a lot of emails every day and with a huge investors base we have its right to say that first of all we need a great, fast members support so I decided that its a time to introduce a multi-language phone support! From now we have English, Russian, French and Chinese phone support. Feel free to call us if you have a questions via numbers above:
English language phone support – +12677762140
Russian language phone support – +37167881516
French language phone support – +12892070052
Chinese language phone support – +862258858902
I have found out that some members having a problem contacting us via email – For those who still can`t, I created additional support email –, feel free to contact me via this email if primary email is not working for you. I will be glad to answer your questions.
Recently AuruMoney was reviewed by a best online investment blog – Money-News-Online, for those who still didn`t read our review feel free to check it here:
I also received interview questions from Paul so be ready for my interview soon. I am sure its will be entertaining for all of you. Thanks for doing good job Paul, I really appreciate that!
Unfortunately not all monitors are doing good job here and I am talking now about the GoldPoll. I am really tired of their strange behavior. We opened AuruMoney more than a week ago, but they still didn`t created our listing. They opened account at AuruMoney, made a deposit and simply forgot to create a listing. I sent them loads of emails and never got a reply on this problem. Its Strange, isnt it? Well, I hope at least after this message they will finally stop being so lazy.
Well, thats all for today. There is much more positive changes coming up soon, I am sure you will be happy. AuruMoney will be big, trust me!
Best regards, Jack
AuruMoney Support”.

Today I received the principal back from the first plan in EsplinoGroup (the program is scheduled to be reviewed on MNO on Wednesday) and I can confirm that the withdrawal was processed pretty fast on request to my LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts – within only a couple of hours. According to the admin of the program Cole who issued a newsletter today EsplinoGroup is already getting popular providing fast payouts on the following investment plans – 103%-110% after 1 day, 117%-160% after 5 days, 155%-290% after 15 days, 215%-700% after 30 days, and 600%-1200% after 45 days. The program has been online for only 5 days but according to the admin the investors should expect some positive changes in the near future. EsplinoGroup already has its own Live chat where existing and potential investors can get answers to their questions immediately while the phone support is also working around the clock to satisfy investors. We’ll see if EsplinoGroup will exceed our expectations like the admin promised but the beginning was really good and I sincerely wish this new program a lot of success competing with dozens similar programs online. Here is the latest newsletter from EsplinoGroup:
News from EsplinoGroup.
Dear Investors! I am glad to welcome you as part of our high-yield project EsplinoGroup! Our program appeared on the network only 5 days ago, but during this short period of time we have already felt strong support from your side in this connection, I wish to express my extreme thanks for such a warm welcome. We are leading an open policy providing actual and objective information about all indicators which you are interested in: the number of participants in the project, the total amount of all deposits, payments statistics, top referrers, etc. We also offer you the opportunity to live chat with our team, which is ready in any time to help you by providing answers to all your questions. In this case, it is possible to contact us through live-chat or phone number: +507 836 60 84. Support service is working around the clock. EsplinoGroup is not going to stop there and in the near future the program waits for a number of positive changes that will make the process of working with our project in the most pleasant and what is more important – profitable business. I sincerely wish success to all our investors. We really appreciate your attention and cannot afford not meet your expectations. Thank you for your cooperation.
Admin Cole Nash.

I see that not all admins were satisfied with the truth being told on MNO about their programs, otherwise I don’t know why I received a private email from the admin of IMakeMoneyNow where he blamed me for exposing his alleged connection with another program – 1MonthMillionaire – (also reviewed on MNO earlier here) and is supposed to pay me on the expiry of the first plan paying 120% after 6 days tomorrow. I don’t know why I was treated with such disrespect as I simply pointed out a blatantly obvious connection between the two programs which I always do on MNO if I suspect that one or another admin runs also one or several other programs. No other admin ever seemed all that bothered by it and I believe investors are entitled to know who is running which program, to see the connection, and to draw their own conclusion. The connection between 1MonthMillionaire and IMakeMoneyNow is simply too obvious not to be pointed out which I did on my blog and which was a result of a crucial mistake made by the admin, confused two of his programs. But should MNO be blamed for simply pointing out the facts? I don’t think so, and I will continue doing this because I believe investors are entitled to know. The honest and hard-working admins at least trying to run programs for as long as possible have nothing to be ashamed about while obvious scammers who are here only for a quick buck for themselves will always be dissatisfied. Well, I imagine we will see pretty soon if I was right regarding the connection between 1MonthMillionaire and IMakeMoneyNow the apparently controversial review of which you can read here. But again I believe I’m doing the right thing and if you don’t like my practice simply don’t come to me for advertising because you won’t be able to stop me from telling the truth.

Anyway today, Dave, the admin of IMakeMoneyNow sent out a long newsletter marking the program’s first 10 days online. He told investors about the new Live chat installed on the site in order to answer any questions in the shortest possible time. The investors are also asked to support the program on forums and monitors by voting every time they get paid to LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney on the following plans – 104%-133% after 1 day, 108.5%-170% after 2 days, 124%-300% after 5 days, 152%-650% after 10 days, 220%-1300% after 15 days, 990%-2944% after 32 days. To answer some questions he seems to obviously get asked a lot Dave also included his answers in the latest newsletter which you can read below if you’re interested to join IMakeMoneyNow program:
IMakeMoneyNow newsletter #1
Hello, IMakeMoneyNow is online for 10 days now. I wanted to thank you all for participating in our program so far, making new deposits and reinvesting, posting positive comments on forums, bringing more people to our website and so on. Remember, this things greatly help us grow and give investors more profit. So, if you get paid, you can choose to help us in some way like referring your friends so you can earn together. Or you can leave positive feedback about IMakeMoneyNow on forums and monitors.
 And now I have some good news for our loyal and friendly family. To better understand our investor’s needs we have installed live chat support on the main page of IMakeMoneyNow website. Feel free to come by and ask some questions if you have any. I hope it will help us in our mission – provide people with best support and best investment opportunity.
Also I wanted to answer a few basic questions that people keep to ask.
When will I get paid after I made a withdrawal request?
Answer: we pay every 24 hours by timer located on the main page. Currently time left to next payout: 02:50:50 which means 2 hours, 50 minutes and 50 seconds left before we pay. If you requested withdraw before time expires, you will get paid exactly when timer resets (after 00:00:00). However if you made a request after timer resets (for example when it shows already something like 23:02:50, then you have to wait 23 more hours. I hope its clear now to everyone and we will stop receiving this sort of questions.
Also a lot of new investors are interested in question is it safe enough to invest in programs like IMakeMoneyNow?
Answer: Well, I have to say that you have a good chances to earn some money here but to lose as well. Anyway, autumn is the best time for hyip investing, thats why I can freely say that its definitely worth trying at this moment.
Thats all for the questions for now.
On program expand:
To our potential investors, I’d like to say that we have invested money in promotion on best industry recourses like, and many others. You should have no doubt about our popularity at this point.
To MNO readers: we are not connected to any other program in the internet in any way.
That was all information about IMakeMoneyNow for today.
I wish you profitable week with IMakeMoneyNow and hyip industry ahead.
See you next time, Dave. IMakeMoneyNow admin”.

Please note that InvestNetGroup was moved to Problem status on MNO today after having been monitored on the Basic list and paying promptly for over a year. I myself plus a couple of readers have pending withdrawals for over 48 hours now which is not typical at all. For now I would advise not to invest with that program and better wait for my updates on InvestNetGroup which I will post if I get them.

The only recommended exchanger on MNO – – is currently offering some lucrative exchange rates to some processors which can be as low as 0%. That means absolutely free of charge! In order to use who accept all the four popular payment processors – AP, STP, LR and PM – you have to register an account first here and in some cases (taking money OUT of AlertPay for instance) verify it. But it will definitely worth it because they definitely provide one of the most competitive rates in the exchange market and the regular registered members enjoy some benefits like discount codes given on every subsequent exchange (please read more on that and other unique features offers to its clients in my interview with the admin Andrei here). Moreover, in today’s newsletter Andrei gave another discount code which can be used for every newly registered member and will provide them with 20% off on their first order. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and sign up for a new account at and enjoy the benefits for the new members as well as the new limited lucrative rates which you can read in more detail below: – AP to STP at 3.9% – LR&PM to AP&STP at 0% (limited time offer!)
We are pleased to offer you the following discounted rates (for a limited time only!):
Liberty Reserve to AlertPay = 0%
AlertPay to SolidTrust Pay = 3.9%
Liberty Reserve to SolidTrust Pay = 0%
Perfect Money to SolidTrust Pay = 0%
Perfect Money to AlertPay = 0%
For all our exchange rates, see
We’re having special promotions from time to time to balance our reserves among different e-currencies. This a great way for you to make the exchange you want at an extremely reduced rate for a very limited time. You can be sure these promotions won’t be active for very long. Don’t miss out, act now!
Go here to place your exchange order:
Also, don’t forget about our 20% off Discount Code: XCFSTIME. Use this discount and you’ll save 20% off the fees charged. The discount code only works for those who haven’t made any exchanges yet (first time orders only).
Thank you for your business, Team”.

Here are the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours and are all listed on MNO monitoring as Paying at the moment:
EurexTrade, BrantonsGroup, AdvantagesCapital, ReProFinance, SafeDepositary, StockBiz, PowerfulStrategy, BruyetteInvestment, 1MonthMillionaire, RegularBee, BIA, OnlineInvestmentBank, RichesBank, HitNRunMasters, EsplinoGroup, AuruMoney, iForexGain, FIPO, KistFunds, RoliteIncome, After60Days, TopsFund, ViscoCorp, OneInv, PokerProfits, PaidJack, BaseBucks, WinnerEarn, MirexGroup, IMakeMoneyNow, SuperHotPay, LargeProfit, StableProfit, TrustIncome, BrandDaily (the first payment received) and GlobalBankInv (the first payments received).

Two new programs were added to my monitor tonight and I would like to briefly introduce them to you before reviewing them in detail later on.

The first program which is listed on Premium is called GlobalBankInv and just launched yesterday. The programs offers a lot of different plans for LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney investors starting from $10 and all paid on expiry – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-219% after 3 days, 137%-600% after 7 days, 180%-1075% after 15 days, 270%-2550% after 30 days, 8890% after 60 days. The payments are supposed to be processed within 6-24 hours of submitting a withdrawal request but apparently I got lucky today as my first payouts to both LR and PM were processed instantly which is not necessarily the rule as far as I know. The site of GlobalBankInv is up to a high security standard – properly SSL-secured, hosted on a dedicated server with DdoSWiz protection and running off a licensed GoldCoders script which in itself is a minimum requirement for such short term programs. GlobalBankInv will be reviewed on MNO soon, so stay tuned for that, guys! For now I can give you the two latest pieces of news posted on the website of GlobalBankInv yesterday straight after the launch:
Launched! Dear investors, we are opened! Starting from today we are accepting Investments worldwide.
Support If you have any questions use support form or Live Chat with our consultant. Soon more options to get in touch with us! Stay tuned for the latest news coming up shortly.

The second program is a part of MNO’s Exclusive list meaning it’s not allowed to be officially monitored on any site except mine is called FirstCoasts. The program just launched a few hours ago and accepts deposits in all four popular payment processors – AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The investment plans offered include:
Professional – 2.4% for 90 calendar days with $10 investment minimum and principal returned on expiry.
Premium – 3.2% for 45 calendar days with $20 investment minimum and principal returned on expiry.
Classic – paying 5% for 30 days but requiring a higher minimum of $50 where your principal is already included in the daily payouts and is not returned on expiry.
Aggressive – the most lucrative plan paying 120% after 7 days (including your principal) but requiring the highest minimum of $300.
FirstCoasts is running off a licensed GoldCoders script with no SSL-encryption and is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by Koddos. More on FirstCoasts will be in the detailed review coming on MNO soon.

That’s all the news for tonight. Please join me tomorrow for the latest news from the most popular programs in the industry and a more detailed look at KistFunds! See you all then and thank you all for reading MNO which hopefully remains a useful source of information for you!

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