Oct 14th, 2011 Archives

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 Beware! WorldwideCapital is paying selectively! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend. It’s not been the best finish to the week (come to think of it the rest of it was nothing special either, mind) so maybe after a short break things will pick up again soon. If not next week then hopefully the week after. I’ll get to that in the news section in a few moments but first I want to take a look at a new long term HYIP called WorldwideCapital that we’ll see if it can at least go some way towards filling the gap left by some of the higher profile programs facing problems at the moment. There’s certainly going to be room for one in the coming weeks, so let’s take a closer look at the details and see if WorldwideCapital might be it. They’ve been online for three weeks now, though in relation to the length of their investment plans this can still be considered new.

It’s a simple enough set-up with WorldwideCapital having basically just one investment plan which makes small daily interest payments before returning your principal on expiry. This plan in turn contains three variations where investors get rewarded according to how much they are prepared to gamble with, though two of the three plans are unlikely to be affordable to very many. Minimum investment starts at at $10 which is around the industry average for the industry I suppose. The plan itself runs for a term of 150 business days (30 weeks) and for an investment between the $10 minimum and a $999 maximum you are offered a daily payment of 1.5% interest per day. This will eventually come to a total of 225% by the end of the term. Once your principal is returned this can then be considered profit, though you will in fact already be in (some) profit less than half way through the plan as we shall see from the following example:

We’ll pretend you were you to invest let’s say $100 in this plan. WorldwideCapital would then pay you $1.50 per day allowing you to break even after 67 payments, earn $225 in total, and then add your initial hundred to that to give your final earnings.

After that the remaining two options are significantly more expensive with WorldwideCapital requiring a $1,000 spend to participate in their second investment option. This time over the course of the 150 business day term they are offering a daily interest payment of 2%, adding up to a total of 300% by the end of the term (though allowing you to break even after 50 payment days). This will then be your profit once WorldwideCapital have returned your principal. The maximum spend for this plan is $9,999.

And finally for those prepared to play with $10,000 or more WorldwideCapital are offering an interest rebate of 2.3% per day for the same 150 business day term. That adds up to a total of 345% interest in total which again will be in addition to your initial principal which should then be returned. There is no published maximum deposit listed for this plan.

WorldwideCapital‘s payment options are fairly basic as is the case with most of the longer term programs. LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are the only e-currencies in use here so remember that all transactions are final. Another less popular option is Bank wires so if you prefer that you can contact the admin for further details. Just be aware that if joining via bank wire WorldwideCapital require a minimum of $1,000 before accepting your deposit. Withdrawals are made manually and so need to be requested. From my own short experience with them they’ve been quick enough so far but the admin does ask you to allow up to 48 hours for him to have everything processed. Keep in mind also that WorldwideCapital do not make payments at the weekend so if making a withdrawal too late on Friday be prepared to wait for it (you may not be in the same time zone as the admin).

There are a couple of other important points about the WorldwideCapital plans you need to be aware of before doing anything with the program, and one in particular you need to be extremely careful with. I’m talking about compounding. The option is there for you if you want it, and if you do you will need to set the percentage yourself when joining. The thing is that it’s already set to 100% by default, so make sure and adjust that before you deposit. Personally I don’t care much for the practice, but even if you do like to compound your earnings I doubt many of you would go as far as 100%, so do keep an eye out for that.

A couple of other less urgent facts include you being allowed to deposit through either Dollars or Euros. I’ve opted to describe the plans in Dollars as I always do because I know that’s how most of you work, but if you prefer Euros then WorldwideCapital make the option available to you. The only other thing I wanted to clear up is that when you join the program you will not see a list of available plans in the traditional manner – the plan will be assigned to you automatically based on the amount you’ve just deposited.

WorldwideCapital has a very good website with almost every conceivable question answered in a very comprehensive manner in their FAQ section, something I imagine will cut down on the time spent by the admin addressing support matter significantly. And anything that frees him up to get on with the job of actually running the program instead of talking about it can only be good. Overall the site has an excellent design and is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by BlockDos who remain unquestionably the best provider in the industry. WorldwideCapital runs off a unique and custom made script, SSL-encryption is in use throughout the site, and all in all, it’s very professional looking. If you wish to get in touch with the program’s support team with any additional questions or possible account issues then you can reach them by filling out the e-mail ticketing support form on the contacts page. For a more one-on-one experience WorldwideCapital have a telephone number you can try or a Live Chat feature as well – one that actually works this time, unlike most of their competitors.

As I already said it’s a very professional website and highly original as well, at least when it comes to the texts and graphics. Not that it guarantees the security of your deposit or anything but at least when an admin is prepared to go to the extra time, trouble, and expense of separating his program from the rest of the mire currently clogging the net he might just deserve to be taken a little bit more seriously. I mean I can’t make the decision for you (nor would I ever want to) but I think most of us would at least agree that WorldwideCapital warrants at least a second look, even if you choose not to take it any further. For the record the cover story offered to potential investors by the WorldwideCapital admin is that his business is involved with asset management and various investment strategies which aren’t really specified. You can make what you want from that but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before and won’t persuade me to abandon the golden rule – any investment both online and off carries a high degree of risk, and these days more than ever. So always set yourself a maximum spending limit that won’t put any financial pressure on you were you to lose it and try to make better use of WorldwideCapital by keeping it as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.


Unfortunately, I have to start today’s update with some not so positive news. It looks like more and more programs are collapsing day after day and apparently the HYIP industry is on a downward spiral at the moment. Today I received some complaints that one of the longest running short-term programs AdvantagesCapital stopped paying as well. I could see that yesterday the program was moved to Problem status on some other monitoring sites but since I was paid instantly and got no complaints from my readers at that time I decided to leave it on Paying status in hope that it was an isolated payment slip that might be fixed by the admin soon. Sadly that was not the case and today the admin ignored my requests to explain the problem status. It became even more clear today when my withdrawal from AdvantagesCapital went to pending status for the first time and when I got a complaint about an unpaid withdrawal for over 24 hours. So, AdvantagesCapital is a proven scam now which probably was unable to survive this recent wave of closures in the industry.

As you perhaps might know PowerfulStrategy is also not in a good position now as its site has been offline for over 24 hours. It was apparently instigated by some of their competitors who complained to their domain registrar who temporarily suspended their account. At least that’s was I heard from one of my readers today who sent me the admin’s reply to his query last night:
Our competitors have written a lot of complaints to our domain registrar.
And our domain powerful-strategy.com is temporary suspended by the registrar.
We are trying to solve this problem. Now we transfer our domain to other registrar, it may take from 1 to 24 hours.
Please don’t worry, all money in safety.
PowerfulStrategy support”.
I can confirm that the information provided was true as later on I got an official update from the admin who confirmed the suspension of the domain and moreover, reported some bad news about the suspension of the program’s AlertPay account due to complaints filed by some impatient users. Please note that such behavior will not help the recovery of the program. Quite the opposite in fact, it will only make it more unlikely considering how AlertPay usually acts when it comes to restoring accounts. I would therefore consider the chances of PowerfulStrategy recovering as very low and even with the admin’s best intentions it will be very hard to restore the members’ trust in the program, although it did pay instantly up until the very last minute online. At this moment we can only hope for a the miracle I really appreciate the honest reply of the admin of PowerfulStrategy Jstin to my query today which you can read below:
PowerfulStrategy problems
Hello admin,
Yesterday we sent messages to our investors about the problem with blocking our domain by Directi. We have tried to solve this problem but some investors are no waiting for news from us wrote a complaint to AlertPay and our account in AlertPay has been blocked. Now we do everything to restore the domain name and account on AlertPay and we do not lose hope that the program will return.
Thank you for your understanding.
PowerfulStrategy admin”.
Please note that PowerfulStrategy will stay On Hold status for a couple of days on MNO and if they recover I would ask you to check if the withdrawals are still instant which will tell you much about the condition of the program. I wouldn’t fault the admin here personally but the future doesn’t look bright for them now.

While I’m on the subject it has to be said that PowerfulStrategy wasn’t the only high-yield program facing domain suspension today. Two more programs – TopsFund and OneInv – reported the same issue. And of course, you won’t be able to access the sites of those programs unless the issue is fully fixed. According to the both admins (although I suspect it to be the same person) the domains of TopsFund and OneInv were suspended by their domain provider due to the alleged sending of spam which they strongly deny. I hope the issue will be solved soon and meanwhile I will keep OneInv and TopsFund on Waiting status on MNO for the next couple of days in hope that the issue will be resolved soon. Here’s what the admin of TopsFund told me:
Hi Paul, The domain name provider tell us that we are using our domain name to send spam mails. We did’nt do it. We are now dealing it. If can’t we may use new domain name.
And here is the latest from the admin of OneInv:
Dear Paul, We are working on this issue. We have been told by the domain provider that our domain has been suspended due to sending spam mail. We do not send spam mails and we never do it. We are contacting them and hope it can be solved asap.

I would suggest to all the admins whose domains were suspended for one reason or another to just move their programs to a newly registered domain with a different registrar. I think this will totally solve the issue and the example of ViscoCorp (reviewed here) is a perfect example for that. The program also went down last night due to a domain suspension issue but is already back to normal on a new domain visco-corp.com which differs only slightly from the old one. It looks like ViscoCorp is now fully back to normal and I have already received my withdrawal which I requested a few hours ago to my LibertyReserve account. ViscoCorp occupies #1 on MNO ranking of the most popular Premium programs paying for over 8 months on the following plans – 0.8%-1.5% daily forever, 22%-23% daily for 5 days, 170%-200% after 10 days, 450%-600% after 30 days, 900%-1350% after 90 days, 1260% after 180 days. Please note that any investment plans on expiry offered by ViscoCorp are not recommended as the admin is unlikely to come up with such ridiculously high returns, though I was paid promptly on the daily plans so far and had no complaints form readers also in the same plans. Let’s hope the sudden issue will not affect the good performance of ViscoCorp so far. Here is the latest news regarding the domain change posted on the new website already:
New Domain Name
We have now changed to a new domain name www.visco-corp.com instead of the old domain viscocorp.com . Members please use the new domains instead of the old one.
A day before that happened there was another update published on the site of ViscoCorp which should be totally ignored by all reasonable members of the program. Just look and laugh:
We would like to announce that our capital now exceed more than $30 million USD and bank wire payment will be available for all members soon.
We are now setting up the bank wire page in the members area, it should be done by end of October.
Bank wire is more secure for members who deposit or withdraw huge amount.
$30 million dollars is a lot of money for an HYIP accepting LibertyReserve only and sometimes trying to send checks to the members instead of payments. I also doubt very much that Bank wires would be implemented in ViscoCorp anytime soon. Anyway, I would be very surprised if it did happen as it’s just a trick to attract new investors. So far ViscoCorp proved to be the best performer for MNO readers and I hope it will be able to continue regardless if this is ever implemented or not.

The administration of KistFunds (reviewed here) announced that the withdrawals to AlertPay only will become instant once again. There is no word unfortunately about LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney withdrawals which I believe will still not be available and be paid within the promised 72 hours which is I believe really not a very competitive offer compared to other programs. I can confirm that the withdrawals to LibertyReserve on the investment plans offered by KistFunds (1.3%-2.2% for 120 business days with principal return on expiry) are getting slower and slower and at the moment I have two pending payments already which doesn’t inspire confidence in the future at all. In addition I couldn’t find any trace of the promised Live support supposedly added to the website today and which I will not be able to verify till Monday now as they don’t work weekends. Anyway, Let’s hope KistFunds will stay online and paying and we will see the next batch of payouts processed by Monday. Here is the latest newsletter from the program issued today:
Today we re-implement the feature for you to withdraw INSTANTLY to Alertpay e-currency only. if you have invested (or planing to invest with AP) all payment will be paid INSTANTLY.
Our security hardware upgrade is still going on, as we are still testing other payment processor as soon as these is done INSTANT PAYMENT could be back for all e-currency withdrawal, also we now have LIVE SUPPORT staff that works from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays); 9:00AM – 5:00PM (Live support are been display on the middle right of your screen on our website.)
Signed. Management. KistFunds Limited”.

I was very pleased to see that the admin of SoaretInvestment (reviewed here) decided to give a $5 bonus to the first 1000 investors of his program which according to his words now reached over 3,500 (!) active (!!!) investors which I find extremely hard to believe as they’re only going for a little bit over than two weeks now. But let’s count that $5 AlertPay bonus allegedly sent to 1,000 investors of SoaretInvestment already (I was one of them, by the way) which is $5K funds in total redistributed. I don’t know should investors be worried about such a cavalier attitude to spending or be glad to see a little free money in their accounts? I believe the majority of investors will be pleased to get the bonus. The program pays 5% daily forever to AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on deposits starting from $50. The bonus may in turn encourage a feeling of trust and loyalty towards admin which is quite an important factor for the longevity of the program. And I think the admin of SoaretInvestment Josh realizes that perfectly well too. By the way, I sent him some interview questions so hope to have a response over the weekend:
SoaretInvestment Weekend Update
Hello Friends and Partners of SoaretInvestment,
We bring you update from SoaretInvestment, Today making the 15thdays of the successful operation of our online program has marked one of the best in terms of new investors and payout ratio.
If you noticed we have been working 24/7 to make payment withdrawal request as fast as an automated process, we process all payment within 5 – 10minutes of request and we are working to stabilize this development. For Investors, we have a total active investor of 3589 and we are still welcoming more members to our program.
Please be reminded that our program pays 5% of your investment daily for a period of 7days weekly and you are allowed to cash out on a daily basis 7days a week. Also, we do not offer compounding however you can withdraw your fund and re-invest at your own discretion. 5% Ref Commission is what we give to promoters for every investor they refer.
CONGRATULATIONS! To those who got the weekend bonus; A bonus of $5 was sent to the first 1000 active members who joined SoaretInvestment, this is a form of appreciation from our management, you gave us a very positive beginning and we are pleased to reward you with this bonus. As times goes on we would be rewarding more members based on their support and participation.
We operate a chat support on Google, you can add us using soaretinvest@gmail.com. Do have a happy weekend ahead.
Thanks, Josh.

There was a strange newsletter sent by the admin of HitNRunMasters NB today which had a very obscure connection at best to his program. As it also consisted largely of plagiarized material anyway (from a book by New York Times journalist David Brooks) I don’t see a need to re-produce it here. Sorry, admin, I prefer original information for my readers, though were you to quote the source and explain the connection with on online HYIP I may include it, lol.

The admin of EliteGain Jessica Parker (if I added the first name Sarah to that it would be even funnier, lol!) sent the first newsletter to the members of her program which only launched a few days ago. According to her the program is gaining popularity every day with over 250 members already joining their plans of 3%-5% for 40 business days or 7%-14% weekly forever. She also commented on the detailed review of EliteGain which was published on MNO here and made a few remarks of her own. For instance, she specially emphasized that EliteGain has no withdrawal fees and that the withdrawals are processed to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney “almost” instantly. If you’re intrigued to find out how it’s possible at all please keep reading the full version of the first newsletter below:
Welcome Newsletter
This is our first newsletter and I will start by giving a bit of description about our program, EliteGain. We created this program to enhance our investment portfolios and share our success among our investors. All of the invested assets are handled by our professional and experienced management in very diversified portfolios and thus used for foreign currency ForEx and other commodities trading, and we do also work with other niche but secure investment companies, and that is how we are capable to offer such lucrative investment plans.
Its been almost 5 days since we launched and I am proud to announce that initially we received support of almost 250 members, while this figure is growing very rapidly. I am very thankful to our existing members for their support and kind efforts in promoting EliteGain. We have also updated our “Rate Us” page with several monitoring buttons, this was long awaited by our members and I apologize for this delay and so I also request, all of our existing members should go ahead and vote in favor for EliteGain so that you can help others make right decision:
Recently, editor ofMoney-News-Online blog, Paul also did write an excellent review for EliteGain which I recommend to all of our members to read and comment.
There is one concern I would like to address as well, there has been a possible misunderstanding and I clarify this with one simple statement, “There is absolutely NO withdrawal fee”. However there is a principle refund request fee of 20% which is only charged when any investor decides to cancel one of their active investment in weekly plan for instant refund of their invested sum. All of the withdrawals to AlertPay, LibertyReserve are instant while PerfectMoney withdrawals are currently processed manually but several times everyday so they are also “almost instant”, and there is NO fee surcharge.
I would like to thank all of our existing members and supporters once again.
Jessica. Administrator, EliteGain.

Here is the latest list of the programs that paid me successfully for the last 24 hours and hold on to their Paying status on my monitoring page:
BrantonsGroup, ReProFinance, UnitrustDirect, NeoProgress, HitNRunMasters, BaseBucks, EliteGain, GeniusIncome, HyperCompound, FelminaAlliance, EurexTrade, ProfitsRaise, SoaretInvestment, SuperHotPay, LargeProfit, PokerProfits, MirexGroup, StableProfit, ViscoCorp, WorldwideCapital (the first payment received) and RapyWealth (the first instant payment received).

As you can see from this list the latest addition to MNO’s Premium list is a brand new short term program called RapyWealth which has just started today and is going to be reviewed on MNO tomorrow. The program is using the same script used by other successful programs in the past and which is currently utilized by another short-term program SapaInv (reviewed here). Anyone familiar with it will know the payouts to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10 are instant and usually processed within five minutes which is required for safe processing by the script. By the way, the investment plans offered by RapyWealth are quite lucrative and you can get a good profit several of them. The plans are – 105%-115% after 1 day, 126.25%-200% after 5 days, 155%-350% after 10 days, 250%-850% after 25 days The profit depends on the principal and I will discuss it more tomorrow. Here I’d just like to add that the site is hosted on the same Staminus server which hosts also SapaInv (surprise surprise!) and it’s properly SSL-encrypted.

That’s about all for today guys, except to say enjoy the weekend and hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow for another update. See you all then!

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