Nov 23rd, 2011 Archives

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Hi guys! With Thanksgiving here again and American readers almost tasting the turkey already I’m sure that you all are thankful for something or somebody in your lives, even if you’re not celebrating this holiday. I, for instance, am mostly grateful for the readers of my blog and I’m really grateful that I have an opportunity to help others and share my experience about the HYIP industry. As you can see recently the HYIP industry has kinda stalled and there’s been less quality programs opening. This is connected with the enormous amount of fast scams the admins of which mostly do not bother presenting their programs on quality monitors and blogs like mine, but rather simply list their programs in dozens of useless small monitors in order to embrace the possibly largest audience and earn a lot of money not risking being exposed by such blogs like MNO who know their tricks and care about the investors. Usually such short-lived scams end up with money stolen from investors who were only looking for money for Christmas presents or holidays. In such cases, I always warn readers to invest only what they can afford to lose and do not hesitate to move programs who pay selectively or show other troubling signs to Problem status asap. You can be sure that by reading MNO on a daily basis you will get the freshest information and the new additions from the most professional admins who are aware of all the rewards that come from advertising on MNO and paying their members on a regular basis. These are the programs I’m looking for and hopefully short-lived scams will avoid advertising on my site as they’re not gonna get what they want – fast profits for their fast scams. Only admins prepared to work hard in order to achieve success which doesn’t come easy. Everybody knows that a program will come to an end eventually, but it would be not such a bad experience if we all knew the admin would behave like a professional and do everything to maintain payments for the longest possible period of time. In this case the smarter investors who eventually get good profits from the program will thank the admin for a great experience and look forward to his next program. Is it much better than a fast scam? I think it is, and thankful investors are surely a good incentive for a smart and professional HYIP admins which are always welcome on MNO.

Ok, I think you get my point by now about the importance of being grateful and the sense of satisfaction when somebody is grateful to you for what you did. I always try to follow this approach and advise others to do the same and share their experience with others. That is the true sense of Thanksgiving as I understand it.

Anyway, let’s get back to the HYIP industry which is also affected by the holiday celebrations. Programs allegedly involved in stock or forex trading will not be able to “make” their operations during these days and therefore very conveniently withhold payments on those days. The first program announcing this was ReProFinance which won’t be crediting members’ accounts today or tomorrow. I remind you that ReProFinance has been online for 540+ days now and is amongst the oldest HYIPs in the industry at the moment. They offer two main investment plans of 1.6%-2.3% for 90 business days and 1.8%-2.5% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry plus a bond scheme with a fixed 1% daily income. ReProFinance accepts three payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay – starting from a $10 minimum. Bank wires and even a credit card interface are also available. The program outperformed all possible expectations for an impossibly long period of time and many experts still think it might run right through 2012 and beyond. That would be a record many investors of ReProFinance are hopeful can be set in the future. For more information please refer to my original review of the program posted more than a year ago here and the more recent interview which was only conducted a few months back – here. The latest short update from ReProFinance is available below:
Thanksgiving day in Japan and in the United States
Dear investors, Due to Thanksgiving day, the November 23 and 24 are non-trading days. Since all major markets are close no interest will be credited to ReProFinance user accounts on these holidays.

I’m glad to report that tonight I’ll be sending interviews to the admins of two popular programs listed on Premium with MNO. The first is PaidJack (reviewed here) which pays 7% weekly with no expiry date to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. And the second is the recently launched IncomeWith (reviewed here) the admin of which pays on very short-term plans also via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney of 105%-128% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 137%-600% after 7 days, 174%-950% after 14 days, and 360%-2150% after 30 days. I hope both programs will receive more investors as a result and last longer as they certainly deserve to.

The following programs have paid me today:
Royalty7, PerfectLottery, IncomeWith, StableProfit, FreedomReserve, APEnergyInvest, SingInvest, SolidForexLtd, WorldwideCapital, TopsFund, OneInv, HYIPInnovation, VirtualPayments, EurexTrade, BrantonsGroup, HyperCompound, BonusPayMe, BaseBucks, FelminaAlliance, InterTrend (the first payment received) and ForexReflex (the first payment received).

As you can see, ForexReflex is a brand new program online for the last couple of days. The admin went for Basic listing on MNO last night but today upgraded his program to Premium listing, so a more detailed look at his program will be published on MNO tomorrow, and possibly an interview if he wants to explain his program further. ForexReflex is a kinda curious program based on an original script which I haven’t seen before. As it the name suggests the admin is allegedly involved in ForEx trading and registered in the UK (well, regular readers of MNO perhaps know how easy it is to incorporate programs there over the net). ForexReflex accepts two payment processors, LibertyReserve and AlertPay (which is awaiting verification) as well as Bank wires. Deposits start from a $1 minimum. Available plans which will be examined in my review tomorrow include 1.5% for 15 business days, 1.7%-1.9% for 30 business days, 2%-2.4% for 60 business days, and 2.2%-2.8% for 90 business days. Principal is returned on expiry for all plans and you can set any level of compounding (already set to 100% by default so take care to adjust that to suit yourself). The script is highly customized and I like the fact that you don’t need to actually make a withdrawal from your account as it will be sent to your e-currency account on every business day automatically until expiry. The layout of ForexReflex might look simplistic at first glance but on closer inspection you’ll notice many features you might miss at first – such as the program’s own forum, different trading graphs, extensive FAQs, widgets which members can customize themselves and even a demo account which anyone can check out without the need to sign up first. Just remember that the principal in a demo account (similar to ForEx demo accounts) is not real and so you will not make any money until you make an actual deposit. However such a feature is really original and definitely indicates a lot of time and effort. ForexReflex is also properly SSL-secured and hosted on a dedicated server. Here’s the first news update posted on the program’s website right after the launch:
ForexReflex is now Live!
Dear Guests and Members of ForexReflex!
It brings us great pleasure to make the following announcement: ForexReflex is now Live! All restrictions on new user account creation have been lifted and the site is now visible for everybody at ForexReflex!
 Enjoy! AlertPay should be available in a day or two.

That’s all for today, guys. Stay tuned for a more detailed review of ForexReflex and all the latest news from the industry on MNO tomorrow!

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