BEWARE! APEnergyInvest has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi all! First of let me apologize to readers for not being online for the last day. This was due to MNO coming under yet another DDoS attack from someone who mistakenly thinks he can either shut my big mouth about their scams or extort money out of me. They really don’t know me that well, lol! Everything’s back to normal now, but I’d just like to send a sincere “thank you” to all the readers who wrote to me with messages of support. There have been too many to reply to them all yet (I’m still trying!) but you know who you are so thanks a lot. Don’t think I don’t appreciate it. Also just a quick word to the admins advertising on MNO – due to the site being offline for 24 hours all of your advertising banners will be extended by one day to make up for it.
Anyway, let’s get straight back to business shall we? I’ve wasted too much time already since last night. One of the latest additions to the MNO monitoring list that seems to be generating more discussion than most in recent weeks, which is noteworthy because we’re talking about a longer term HYIP here, is the newly launched APEnergyInvest. I’m perhaps not the only one to express some doubts about the timing of the project which could have been better, though the admin seems ambitious. And considering it’s a low ROI long term program it’s going to be well into next year before there’s any serious money getting paid out. So a slow start mightn’t be all that bad a thing for them. So after some initial confusion with the plans which the APEnergyInvest admin was very quick in clearing up for me I’d like to take a look at the program in closer detail for you this evening before we get to the news.
You have three investment plans to choose from, all of which credit your account on a daily basis. Two of the plans are long term but a more medium term option is available if you prefer. I’ll start with that one, which is called The APEI 30 Plan. It runs for 30 calendar days and pays a daily interest rate of 1.9%. The minimum cost of joining is $10 with the maximum set to $10,000. At that rate payments will accumulate to a total of 57% by the time the plan expires (so that’s your total profit) at which time APEnergyInvest return your initial deposit in full. So in practical terms that means a $100 investment in this plan yields $1.90 per day, $57 in total, and then your original hundred gets handed back.
The thing about this plan, the program in general in fact, is that if you have your doubts about the general state of the HYIP industry and the ability of any new program to maintain long term plans then one possible strategy might be to invest in this 30 day plan first, get your principal back out on expiry, and then re-invest the profits in a longer term plan. It’s just one suggestion that you can take or leave, however if like the longer term plans APEnergyInvest but are just nervous about the state of the industry at the moment and don’t want to wait so long to see a profit then it’s one option you can think about. Of course you can always just split your investment between the three plans as well if that sounds like a better idea to you. But let’s take a look at the longer term options first before making any decisions, eh?
So the second plan is called The APEI 180 Plan and as the name suggests runs for 180 calendar days. During that time you will earn a daily return of 2.3% interest per day. That adds up to 414% by the completion of the term which is your net profit. Though it will cost you slightly more to join the minimum deposit is still a very fair $25, which is exceptional value when you consider that other long term HYIPs can sometimes ask for thousands to join similar plans. The maximum deposit is $25,000 and APEnergyInvest will return your principal on expiry.
If we take a simple example of another $100 invested into this plan then that would see you earn $2.30 per day, break even (as in earn back an amount equal to your principal, meaning you can’t possibly lose money) after 44 days which is excellent when compared to the 180 day length of the term, and finish out the plan with total interest payments of $414. APEnergyInvest will then add the original hundred on top of that.
The one remaining option is The APEI 365 Plan which clocks in at 365 calendar days in length. Now, I appreciate that a lot of people just don’t go for plans that run for such a long term. I mean no one can predict how long APEnergyInvest will run for, and this whole industry can get turned on its head in a day, never mind a year! But in this case it’s noted that with the higher rate of interest being made available by the program you will actually be in profit in a relatively short space of time. Whether or not they survive the full year in order to return your principal is still important I know, but once you’re in profit it really doesn’t need to be you’re primary concern. Reach the break-even point first, then every penny that follows is a bonus.
The details are that for a minimum deposit of $50 this time, APEnergyInvest will pay you 2.5% interest per day for the 365 day term. That will accumulate to a whopping 912.5% profit by the end of the term. Will it last that long? I really don’t know but like I said, don’t worry about it. You’re number one priority in any HYIP is to get your own principal back as soon as possible and in this plan you can do it in 40 days. Everything after that is a purely passive income. Maximum spend is $100,000 and your principal gets returned on completion of the term.
If we take an example of a $100 deposit here you can earn $2.50 per day, earn your own money back in 40 days, and finish up with $912.50 at the end. Granted it sounds a lot but APEnergyInvest have 12 months to come up with it. All things going according to plan they should then give you back your original deposit at the end.
Payment options are limited to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney right now, and I have it on good authority – ie the APEnergyInvest admin told me this himself – that it’s going to stay that way. He’s told me the main reason for this is a “liquidity” issue, basically meaning the ease with which you can turn virtual money from a number on your computer screen into real spendable hard cash. Whether or not another issue may have been a previous bad experience with the other main processors I really can’t say, though if it is then (particularly in the case of AlertPay) the admin joins a very long list of names to whom dealing with them has done more harm than good. From the investors point of view you can make an argument both for and against the addition of other payment options, however as the final decision rests with the admin it’s not an argument worth having. Suffice to say though that it will help to avoid unnecessary complications with accounts, something that’s imperative between now and the new year while APEnergyInvest need to establish themselves. AP blocking accounts because of some blackmailer inventing complaints or a rival admin not liking the competition (or even AP simply stealing the money because they feel like it!) is the last thing anyone wants to see in the industry. Not now, and not ever.
Anyway, before I start to drift too far from the point payments will need to be requested from within your member’s account area. In my own brief experience with APEnergyInvest to date they are usually made instantly, however that is in no way guaranteed. There’s any number of good reasons for switching this off from time to time, such as security concerns, the admins accounts need to be replenished, and so on. So officially you are requested to allow 48 hours for them to complete your payment. One thing that you need to remember here is that payments will not be processed on Saturday or Sunday. Yes, you will still earn interest on those days, but if you’re too late making the request on Friday then don’t panic because you don’t see the payment until Monday.
Otherwise there’s just one other point I want to mention briefly about the plans. Well, maybe not about the plans exactly, but there is another way to make a few dollars for yourself from the program without actually spending your own money. I’m not going to go into too much detail here because I can’t say that this will turn into a permanent feature, so check the APEnergyInvest website for the latest status. It’s a competition held on Twitter (so obviously you need to be a Twitter member to take part) that involves you posting messages containing the name of the program. You can check the website for exact details but I can tell you there’s a weekly prize of a $100 deposit placed in the 30 day plan that you will be able to claim interest on. I assume the $100 is also yours to keep at the end of the term.
Moving to the security and design of the website, and I have to say I quite like it. It’s up to a decent enough standard at least and has all the minimum requirements you should insist on from any online HYIP. The hosting provider is Koddos who are keeping APEnergyInvest on a protected dedicated server, and the website is SSL encrypted in both public and private members only areas for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The script I believe originated from GoldCoders in the first place but has been modified very heavily to suit the program’s own requirements. Though it mat be described as customized it’s not quite unique as I’ve seen it in action (and very successfully it has to be said) once before with another hugely popular program. There’s a couple of nice extras thrown in as well, including an IP log for you to keep track of when and where your account was accessed from and a secure PIN system should the need arise to make any changes to your account. These are only small things but not difficult to do and can make a world of difference. Other admins would do well to take note. Other than that if you need to get in contact with the APEnergyInvest support team you can fill in the online e-mail ticketing form on the website. APEnergyInvest also feature a Live Chat service, though personally I have yet to see it online and didn’t see any schedule as to when you can expect to find an operator there. I’ll ask the admin about that should he agree to an interview though.
As I’ve said on countless occasions the texts printed on HYIP websites should be the least of your worries but at least I’ll hand it to the APEnergyInvest that he’s come up with something original. Most sites seem to just go around in a massive loop copy/pasting content from each other until they all look the same, so while I wouldn’t suggest anyone take it that seriously at least some originality can indicate the admin is serious about what he’s trying to achieve here. No guarantee it will work mind, but it’s a good start. For the record the “AP” in the programs name stands for “Asia Pacific” and they claim to be involved in investing in the natural resources of the region. Make what you will from that and of course check out the APEnergyInvest website if you’d like to pursue it further. Anyway, just to finish up I’ll leave you with the usual reminder that if you deposit more money than you can afford to lose then you have only yourself to blame if things don’t go as you hoped, and you can make better use of APEnergyInvest – including helping to protect yourself from heavy losses – by using it as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
As mentioned at the top of the page MNO was under attack yesterday and unavailable for the last 24 hours so I’ll have to catch up with all the news today. I’ll start with a warning about KistFunds. The program failed to secure a place in the most popular programs on MNO and scammed after only seven weeks online leaving all investors at a loss. Despite the admin’s policy of allowing 72 hours to be paid I find it quite suspicious why in the middle of the business week the payouts were pending for over 24 hours and decided to warn him yesterday that his program would be moved to Problem status on MNO if the payouts did not resume immediately. To my surprise the admin who had been so slow in replying to me before this was really fast and possibly being scared of his program being moved to Problem status on MNO wrote back in under 5 minutes saying withdrawals are paid within 72 hours. However, that doesn’t stop me wondering why a person totally free and sitting in front of his computer replying to my emails within 5 minutes was so slow when it came to processing payouts. I have decided to put his program to Problem status and it looks I was right. KistFunds is a proven scam now judging by the negative feedback presented on the popular investment forums. Please do not invest there anymore!
The same goes for UnitrustDirect which I issued a warning about 10 days ago and moved them to Problem status on MNO when every other site kept praising them. Being quite an experienced player in the HYIP world myself I knew straight away that the selective payouts among my referrals (which I personally verified) meant only one thing – pending closure. Well, those who listened and didn’t invest in UnitrustDirect saved themselves from a big loss as the program is now a confirmed scam which stopped paying to everyone now. If you preferred to ignore my warning and still gave money to UnitrustDirect despite the obvious problems written all over them you have nobody to blame but yourself. After a program is rightfully flagged as Problem on MNO it usually doesn’t last long. And not because I’m trying to destroy some program’s reputation. The problem was there before I reported it and it was the admin who finished it by stealing peoples money. I just don’t tolerate the unfair approach to some users and selective payouts – the thing to which other monitoring sites conveniently close an eye to. UnitrustDirect is on Scam status on MNO now, so please do not invest there. The very same thing happened with a scam called BrilineInvest not so long ago. I hope everyone was smart enough to learn some lessons from that one, listen to the early warning on MNO, and not get caught a second time.
Another ugly scam is NeoProgress whose admin tried one last attempt to mislead members, shamefully sending another email announcing another fake trading report and enabling instant payouts. But I wonder whom was he trying to fool by saying this as anyone could check this out straight after that email was sent just to make sure that the withdrawals were still not processed instantly and moreover, that the old withdrawals were still pending? I guess they simply don’t care about the consequences and get so used to telling lies that they are start believing it themselves. Please note that NeoProgress is a proven scam now and has been moved to Scam status on MNO already. Just for a laugh read the latest update filled absolute nonsense to trick any remaining gullible investors:
“NeoProgress weekly Forex trade report and other good news about instant payouts
We present you next weekly Forex trade report on trade over the past week one of our major traders Bruce.
For a week he managed to get 23% of profit.
Also we have enabled instant payouts as promised and now you can receive your profit and principals without any delays, if you have questions about payouts or any other questions – contact our support department.
NeoProgress Client Support Department”.
You all know what date it is today, right? The 11th of November (11th month) of the year 2011. Doesn’t ring a bell? Well, apart from a funny set of numbers and the title of a creepy horror movie hitting the cinemas this week it’s also Veterans Day in the US so congratulations to American readers on that. But it was also a perfect opportunity to some of the admins to take a day off from payments and save a little on the cash flow. One such program was EurexTrade the admin of which (read my interview with him here) issued a list of holidays that variable interest up to 2.9% will not be paid. Veterans Day was one of three holidays this month, however the admin emphasized that deposits would be accepted and the instant withdrawals to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney would be processed as usual. I remind you that EurexTrade is actually one of the most popular programs currently on MNO occupying #5 in the list of Premium programs paying for over 8 months already. I believe this might have something to do with variable payouts which the admin can use to overcome slow periods in the industry by reducing the rates and at the same time giving investors the opportunity to withdraw their principal. You can read more about EurexTrade in my detailed review here and read the list of holidays in November below:
“November, 2011 Non-trading Days.
Dear investors, we have Official Bank Holidays:
NOV-11 Veteran’s Day in the United States is celebrated
NOV-23 Labor Thanksgiving Day in Japan is celebrated
NOV-24 Thanksgiving Day in the United States is celebrated
We don’t trade on these days due to the low market activity and increased risks.
Please note all deposits and withdrawals will be processed as usual on these days.”
Very short messages about the non-payments today were also posted on the website of HyperCompound which pays 1.5%-3% + bonus interest for 100 business days with principal returned on expiry and instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and WorldwideCapital which pays 1.5%-2.3% for 150 business days with principal return on expiry, also accepting LR and PM as payment processors.
Here is the message from HyperCompound (reviewed here):
“Veterans Day
Holiday: Veterans Day. No profits will be available for tomorrow, 11.11.11.”
And this is taken from the site of WorldwideCapital (reviewed here):
“11.11.2011 Veterans Day in the USA”.
FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) also had to send yet another newsletter informing about the two consecutive days – yesterday and today – which fall on the Panamanian and US holidays observed by them. FelminaAlliance pays kinda small returns compared to their competitors (1%-1.6% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry) and such frequent holidays will definitely not attract many investors. Anyway, the admin reminds us that the list of holidays is given on the website. Here’s the full newsletter:
“[FelminaAlliance] Newsletter
This is the official newsletter from FelminaAlliance.
We would like to notify you that no interest will be paid today, November 10, 2011 and tomorrow, November 11, 2011, as these are the official holidays that we observe. November 10, 2011 is the day commemorating the uprising in the Villa de los Santos against Spain. It is one of the official holidays in Panama. November 11, 2011 is the Veteran’s Day, one of the official holidays in the United States. According to our terms of service no interest is paid on the official holidays that we observe. Complete list of holidays that we observe can be found in the FAQ section on our website.
Make sure to visit and like our official Facebook page at This way we’ll keep you informed about thelatest news, updates, links, tips and everything else related to FelminaAlliance.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.”
FixedMonthlyIncome is getting more secure by introducing SSL-encryption to the site. I remind you that when first reviewed on MNO (click here to read it) the program didn’t accept anything but Bank wires starting from $1,000 but deposits via LibertyReserve paying 10% monthly with principal returned at anytime are also available. Here is the latest short update posted on the site of FixedMonthlyIncome:
“SSL Certificate Available
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. To use it just type HTTPS:// in the address bar.”
Please, guys, do not be misled by the $500 bonus which is currently offered by TopsFund (reviewed here) if you invest in their newly added 1080% after 180 days plan. Remember that it’s only a trick to attract the investors to this plan. Please note that both plans paying 1800% after 360 days and 1080% after 180 days have a very high probability to fail and the admin will not be able to pay you this kind of money. Don’t invest in those plans unless you want to lose money. I still believe that the current #1 program on MNO TopsFund still has room for growth and I think investing in the other three plans is much safer – 11% for 10 days, 0.5%-1.5% daily forever (principal back after 18 months), 0.6%-0.7% for 300 days (principal returned on request). Here is the latest newsletter from TopsFund just for your information:
“2011 Promotion !
FREE $500USD bonus for deposit $500 of Premium 180 Days Plan for the first $5000 investment daily.
We are only giving out $5000 bonus daily in this plan.
Example : You make a deposit of $500 into the Premium 180 Days plan, you will get another $500 bonus! If you invest $5000, then you will get $5000 bonus!
This bonus only valid for first $5000 investment daily.”
Another program most probably run by the same admin – OneInv (reviewed here) – is also offering some suspiciously high-paying plan paying 1500% return after 300 days. Please note that the description given of the OneInv website might deliberately mislead you into thinking that you’ll be paid daily but this is NOT the case. Your account will only be credited with daily earnings of 5% every day but you will not be able to withdrawal the full amount of 1,500% until expiry. Please note that with the high minimum of $200 accepted via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney the admin will not be able to pay you such high returns in any case, so just don’t bother investing in this new plan announced on their website:
“Long Term Plan Launched!
Long Term plan pay 5% Daily for 300 Days. Total 1500% return.”
Please note that OneInv is still quite a new program running for slightly over 50 days and paying fine on other investment plans where payouts are processed on a daily basis – 11% for 10 days, 0.6%-1.2% daily forever (principal back after 12 months) and 1%-2% for 300 days.
As you might be aware two days ago I reviewed StableProfit (click here to read it) after an incredible two months online paying on three main plans via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-200% after 3 days, and 136%-500% after 6 days. Well, in addition to that the admin Rocco tries to attract bigger investors with the unbelievably generous plans of 1000% after 10 days and 3000% after 25 days which I strongly recommended against in my review. Despite that, Rocco was still so kind as to include the link to my review of his program in the first newsletter which was sent after two months online and probably marking a major shift in advertising strategy to be more aggressive. In the first update republished below StableProfit also gave a phone number for customer support and thanked its members for staying with them all this time. Here is the full update:
“StableProfit Newsletter #1
Hello Dear customers!
I hope all of you have a nice day!
My name is Rocco Turner and I am the president of StableProfit Inc.
We have some exciting news, so I would like to share some of them with you.
StableProfit is almost 60 days here now, and we are still online, and we will always be online.
First of all, I`d like to tell you that last night StableProfit was reviewed by highly reputable blog Money-News-Online. You can review this article by visiting the link below:
Thanks to Paul Abramson for the review. I hope it is amazing.
By the way, we receive a lot of emails everyday and with a big investors base we have its right to say that first of all we need a great, fast members support so I decided that its a time to introduce a phone support! Do not hesitate to call us if you have a questions : +18052971727.
Our manager will answer you ASAP.
That is all for today, Dear StableProfit customers.
All payments are processed as usual, within 1-12 hours. We wish you a good luck and we hope you will continue to support and get StableProfit with our company.
Thanks to all of StableProfit customers . Stay tuned!
Best wishes and have a nice time,
Rocco Turner. StableProfit.”
Here is the list of the programs that honored to be in Paying status on MO and which paid me for the last 48 hours:
StableProfit, WebCorporate, FreedomReserve, FinMarks, APEnergyInvest, ExtraDeposit, HyperCompound, SingInvest, SolidForexLtd, EurexTrade, BrantonsGroup, PokerProfits, LightWaters, ReProFinance, BonusPayMe, FelminaAlliance, TopsFund, VirtualPayments, OneInv, PerfectLottery, WorldwideCapital and BaseBucks.
That’s all I wanted to report today, guys. Hope you found the information helpful and I’ll be seeing you again on MNO later in the weekend! Have a good one, by the way!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Nov 11th, 2011. 1 Comment.
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