November 2011 Archives

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BEWARE! IncomeWith is paying selectively! Do not invest!

Hello everyone! So far it’s been a slow enough day for news, which I suppose is just as well as I still had some work to do on transferring Money-News-Online to a brand new hosting provider. If you didn’t already know I’ve already started moving to Dragonara and maybe even by the time you read this the downtime that’s been affecting my monitor over the last couple of days will be completely dealt with. Anyway, I’ll let you know all about it when the changeover is finally complete, but honestly it can’t come a moment too soon for me. It may take a while to propagate in different parts of the world, so if you have a problem now just leave it for a few more hours and try again later. Everybody should be able to view it by tomorrow.

Getting back to business however, there has still been a couple of new additions to the MNO monitor over the last week that I want to tell you about in more detail, so before this evenings news update I want to get the ball rolling with a short term HYI program called IncomeWith. They may have a similar appearance to many of you, particularly the fans of shorter term HYIPs, as the plans have a distinctly familiar ring to them. There’s still a few subtle differences however that I think separate IncomeWith from most of the similar programs we’ve seen in this category.

So to start with the first plan runs for a term of just 1 single day and makes one interest payment on expiry, a payment that includes your principal. So join today and get paid tomorrow. The minimum cost of joining is $10 and for anything up to a deposit of $200 IncomeWith offer a return of 105%, or 5% profit. You may make a larger deposit if you can afford to, and expect a higher percentage in return. The rates are calculated as follows:
Deposits of $201 to $500 will earn 106%, form $501 to $1,000 will earn 107%, and from $1,001 to $3,000 will earn 108%. Check the IncomeWith members area for information on larger investments if interested.

The second plan runs for a term of 3 calendar days and also pays on expiry. The same $10 minimum deposit is required to join and for anything up to $200 IncomeWith are paying back 116% interest, a figure that includes your principal so that’s 16% profit for yourself. For anyone brave enough to go further than that then the following rates are offered:
119% for deposits between $201 and $500, 122% for anything between $501 and $1,000, and 125% for $1,001 up to $3,000. For the rates available to bigger deposits I suggest you see the IncomeWith members area.

IncomeWith‘s next plan pays on expiry after a term of 7 calendar days and payment is made on expiry. Your final payment will also include your principal. The minimum cost of joining is $10 and the return will be 137% on anything up to a maximum value of $200. If you’re feeling lucky and wish to take a bigger risk then IncomeWith make the following offers:
Spend from $201 to $500 and earn 145%, from $501 to $1,000 and earn 155%, and from $1,001 to $3,000 for an offer of 185%. Again check out your IncomeWith members area to see what they offer to investments bigger than that.

As you can see the plans get more and more risky as the terms get longer. So it’s time to maybe start considering how realistic these figures are before getting too excited at the enormous rates available. But at least you can still join for a minimum spend of $10 which isn’t all that much of a risk in financial terms. So IncomeWith‘s fourth investment plan which runs for a 14 calendar day term offers you 174% interest, paid on expiry and principal included, if depositing up to $200. Beyond that the rates are:
187% for $201 to $500, 220% for $501 to $1,000, and 300% for $1,000 to $3,000. Larger investments are accepted (obviously!) so for information there see the IncomeWith members area.

Next up is a plan that’s perhaps best avoided due to the high risk involved and the unlikelihood of anyone other than the admin seeing a profit from it. It runs for 30 calendar days and pays once on expiry. The minimum deposit is $10 and for anything up to $500 this time the rate being offered is 360%. This one is structured a little differently from the other plans and higher rates (which I list purely for informational purposes) include:
1300% for $501 to $1,000, and 2150% for investments between $1,001 and $100,000. though I don’t think you really need to worry about that too much, as I’ve pointed out numerous times in the past we’ve seen countless programs over the last year similar in style to IncomeWith offering such impossible rates. None of them have ever once succeeded in paying these thousand plus percent rates, however don’t let that put you off having a go at one of the lower rate shorter term offers.

Payment options are very limited here but to be fair IncomeWith do take some of the most popular options, if not all of them. But just don’t spend too much if that bothers you. IncomeWith accept LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney only and I wouldn’t expect that to change. Or at least I’d be surprised if it ever did. Payments are not instant and will have to be requested from inside your members area. Once the request is made you are asked to allow up to 24 hours for the admin to complete the transaction. From my own short experience with them they’re generally a lot faster than that, but do allow them the full time.

The program is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by DdoSWiz and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. That didn’t save them coming under DDoS attack very shortly after coming online though it doesn’t seem to have any real adverse affect on the program as they’re working perfectly well at the moment. So I guess it’s been dealt with properly. Communication with the IncomeWith admin should you have any further questions or account related issues can be done by filling in your details on the support form on the website’s contact page. IncomeWith also publish a telephone number but no information on what (if any) working hours are kept there if you try calling it. The same goes for the Live Chat feature which is included but may not actually result in you reaching anybody if you try to access it.

Texts seem original so kudos to the admin for that – for making the effort at least though most of you know I’m skeptical at the best of times about such things – and contain a fairly standard industry spiel about trading in the ForEx market. So while commendable as they might be for resisting the usual copy/paste method of throwing HYIP websites together, and in this case it’s quite a crisp, user-friendly, and easy to navigate program, you still need to remember how to protect yourselves in an anonymous internet based industry. So as with all HYIPs you may stumble across, be they short, medium, or long term, set yourself an affordable spending limit with IncomeWith and try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.


It looks like the admin of ReProFinance (read my interview with him here) is taking serious action to attract potential investors in the struggling HYIP market. And I think they might have something to offer other than an impressive 534 days online. Instant payouts are made to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney of 1.6%-2.3% for 90 business days and 1.8%-2.5% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry or the bond scheme with 1% daily profit. The admin’s most recent efforts concentrated on gaining new investors from markets that seemingly markets have little to do with HYIPs. Recent increased activity was obviously aimed to create an impression (which sometimes can be dangerous for some gullible investors but still works most of the time) that the program is somehow different from other HYIPs and offers something unique for online and offline investors. Such a strategy can work out well in the long run and might help ReProFinance survive the Christmas when investments are usually at their lowest for the year. Anyway, in the latest efforts to raise awareness ReProFinance took the unprecedented step of broadcasting a video of a conference for potential investors held recently in South Africa by one of their representatives. And while I would prefer to see images of the people allegedly running ReProFinance providing investors with such high interest rates this video posted on YouTube might impress other investors and inspire them to join the oldest program in the HYIP market. In my opinion, such a courageous and unorthodox approach can yield results and help ReProFinance enter the New year successfully. The video depicts a lecturer informing an audience of the benefits an average investor will get when investing with ReProFinance and in my opinion is useful for newbies as it discusses the program’s most basic features. In the latest newsletter ReProFinance (reviewed here) also mention the upcoming regional representative conference which is scheduled for late January. Full details are below:
More and more people learn about ReProFinance in their cities…(video)
ReProFinance company does a successful investment business and it is a great pleasure for us to find a great support of the regional representatives worldwide helping us to hit new highs.
Usually the regional representatives of ReProFinance are well-known people with a good reputation who frequently hold various conferences, invite partners, colleagues, friends and people through the ad means to tell them about the unique opportunities to earn a good profit offered by ReProFinance.
One of such conferences was held a few days ago in South Africa by one of the leading representatives of ReProFinance. The number of people wishing to attend the conference was so large that some people failed to get there. However they and all who wish can watch a video taken during the conference here.
The South African conference has brought together more than 50 people of all ages who sit at the same table. The narratrix told the participants in details about the way the online investment works, terms of each investment fund and bonds, differences between funds and bonds, affiliate program participation conditions, and management of the ReProFinance accounts. During the conference all people had an opportunity to ask their questions, clarify any information and learn how to earn more with ReProFinance.
Nowadays the conferences similar to the recent South African are held throughout the world. People show their interest in online investment since the only things they need to earn profit are computer and the Internet. However the main conference will take place on January 26 – 28, 2012 in the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic. Read news of ReProFinance and follow all the fresh news about the coming conferences.

There’s an odd situation with AudivaTraders at the moment. It looks like they totally stopped instant payments to LibertyReserve while other payments to AlertPay remain unaffected. The admin chose to ignore my email which had a legitimate question about selective payouts now apparently in place. I would suggest to avoid investing there for the time being or at least until the situation is made clear. AudivaTraders has now been moved to Problem status on MNO due to selective payouts.

One more program which might go to Problem status on MNO soon is WebCorporate. I can’t say for sure yet as today’s payments were processed, the most recent email received indicates that there might be some issues on the horizon:
For All member we add new plan:
200% After 1 Day + Principal deposit (Total 300% After 1 day)
This was no phishing email as on the website of WebCorporate a such plan is readily available for deposits starting from $300. That really is a big warning sign for existing investors of WebCorporate indicating a pending collapse. I might be mistaken, but from previous experience with such HYIPs they don’t last for more than a couple of days at best after announcing such unrealistic plans. So be careful with WebCorporate from this point on and please let me know if you are not paid!

The admin of the new program HYIPInnovation is already quite active in issuing updates and adding new payment processors. As you might know from my introduction of HYIPInnovation it originally only accepted LibertyReserve but now takes PerfectMoney too. The admin is seriously considering the addition of AlertPay if there is enough demand from members. Plans offered by HYIPInnovation remain unchanged – 5% paid on every business day for the duration of 25-40 business days (5-8 weeks) principal included. The program is going to be reviewed on MNO tomorrow but for now you should read the latest update from the admin on possible technical issues that might arise from the design overhaul a couple of days ago and recent downtime on LibertyReserve due to which some deposits might not be credited properly. If you’re affected by this you’re welcome to submit a support ticket, which you should also do if you signed up before PerfectMoney was added as and you want to add your PM account to your member’s area. Here is the latest two updates from HYIPInnovation:
HYIPInnovation News Release 1
Dear HYIPInnovation members,
With this first newsletter we wanted to welcome everyone who signed up so far and to congratulate you all with the the program start. We are very excited about the fact that already so many of you found our program attractive and we sincerely hope that you will not regret the choice you made by joining us.
A little note on the technical side:
As some of you may have noticed, our website layout was not fully complete earlier and due to the work being conducted, there was temporary issue with users’ deposits not appearing on their account. If for some reason we missed your support request to rectify this issue, kindly send us a reminder and we will credit your account, alone with extra credit in case if the earnings were missed.
Thank you once again for being with us!
HYIPInnovation Administration”.
HYIPInnovation News Release on LibertyReserve maintenance
Dear HYIPInnovation members,
We would like to bring to your attention that website is undergoing maintenance as of the time of this email. Per official on-site note from LibertyReserve management, this maintenance will last for up to 20 minutes.
Note that if you happen to transact at this time your session may end and you may have to re-login back into system to continue your transaction.
Kindly let us know if this brief LibertyReserve service interruption affected your transaction with HYIPInnovation and we will look over your account to make sure everything is correct.
Thank you for being with us!
HYIPInnovation Administration”.

You might have noticed that another program has upgraded its listing with MNO to Premium and will be reviewed on my blog very soon. I’m talking about SolidForexLtd which was added to my listing two weeks ago. They run off an original script and are hosted on a dedicated server with SSL-encryption. Depending on the strategy used when making a deposit which can start from a $10 minimum via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney the profit can reach 3% per business days maximum. The variable profit is paid to your account in SolidForexLtd and after the withdrawal is made is credited to your LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney accounts instantly. The investment term is determined by the chosen plan and can reach 180-240 business days during which you will be paid 50% to 90% of the program’s supposed profits from ForEx trading. Please note that even if SolidForexLtd is losing on a particular trading day you will still receive profit which is credited to your account as 0.5%, so you won’t lose either anyway. If you’re interested in joining SolidForexLtd just remember one important point – straight after making a deposit make sure you change the compounding level which is set to 100% by default so you will be able to receive your first profits on the following business day. I will be discussing more about this unique program in my upcoming detailed review during the next couple of days. In my opinion the program is definitely worth the attention of serious investors!

I’m glad to report that it looks like is back to a normal schedule of processing exchange requests from their official thread on the MMG forum. So the next offer might be of interest to MNO readers if they are looking for a way to exchange AlertPay to other e-currencies such as LR, PM or STP for the reduced rates specified below. Please note that in order to make an exchange request you will have to sign up first here and then apply for an exchange with a discount code which will provide you an additional discount on your first exchange as specified in the latest promo email from xChanger:
We have drastically reduced the fees for all exchanges FROM AlertPay by 4% for a limited time only!
AlertPay to Liberty Reserve at 5.9% (down from 9.9%)
AlertPay to SolidTrust Pay at 3.9% (down from 7.9%)
AlertPay to Perfect Money at 5.9% (down from 9.9%)
ACT NOW! Go here to place an exchange request:
Also, don’t forget about our 20% off Discount Code: XCFSTIME. Use this discount and you’ll save 20% off the fees charged. The discount code only works for those who haven’t made any exchanges yet (first time orders only).
Thank you for your business, Team”.

As usual, I would like to conclude the news update for today with a report on the programs that paid me for the last 48 hours:
EurexTrade, BrantonsGroup, WebCorporate, APEnergyInvest, WorldwideCapital, SingInvest, BonusPayMe, TopsFund, PokerProfits, BaseBucks, SolidForexLtd, FinMarks, VirtualPayments, StableProfit, HYIPInnovation, HyperCompound, FelminaAlliance, PerfectLottery, OneInv, ReProFinance, FreedomReserve and IncomeWith (the first payments received).

That’s all for today, guys. I hope to see you on MNO tomorrow, though if you can’t access the site yet please try to do so via a proxy-server as it might not be propagated at your location yet (if so just allow it a few more hours). See you tomorrow with the review of HYIPInnovation and all the daily news from the HYIP industry!

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