November 2011 Archives

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 Beware! EVBusiness has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi guys! I hope the weekend is going well for you all so far whatever you happen to be getting up to. There’s not a whole lot of news happening so far which is just as well because I have some plans of my own over the next couple of days, but I still have the main stories for you. As well as that I’m going to take a closer look at a new HYIP added to my monitoring list yesterday having first launched around the middle of the week called EVBusiness which I’ll do as usual before getting to the news.

First of all I suppose it’s easy to think of EVBusiness as a long term HYIP but strictly speaking you’d be mistaken. True, if you opt to stay with the one single investment plan the program offers then I guess it would be considered a longer term HYIP but in this case they offer you to withdraw your principal and leave EVBusiness without any early withdrawal penalty fees being imposed. So basically it’s up to yourself to make what you want out of this one, but let’s start with the basics first and see exactly what they offer.

You can join EVBusiness‘s only plan for a minimum deposit of $10. Ostensibly it runs for a 60 calendar day term, during which period you are offered a daily interest payment. This is calculated at 2.8% of your deposit regardless of how much you spend, ie the small investor spending $10 gets the very same rate as the serious players spending thousands. And there’s no upper limit to what you can spend. At the end of the 60 days your principal is then returned, though that of course is a moot point and not really that relevant. Should you decide to stay a member of EVBusiness for the full 60 day stretch then the potential net profit is 168%, however as your principal is returned on request free of charge there’s nothing to stop you from setting your own investment term, which can of course be longer than 60 days as well as shorter.

So as we enter the final few weeks of the year, and traditionally a time when investors get a bit jumpy if not simply leaving the industry completely until mid January, it’s understandable that many will have misgivings about any new program surviving past Christmas. If that applies to you then simply decide what number (as in what percentage profit) you think is realistically achievable from investing in EVBusiness, and simply withdraw from the program on the corresponding date.

Payment options are a bit limited to be blunt with only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney available for online transactions. So all transactions are final and forget about trying to get anything back from them later if things don’t go the way you want them to. Direct bank wires are available so contact the EVBusiness admin if that’s a more appealing prospect for you. If sticking with the usual online processors however the good news is that all withdrawals are instant. You’ll still need to log into your account and request them as usual but once you do so you should expect to have the money in your LR or PM account in under a minute.

Just one other thing we need to be clear about in relation to the investment plan is the use of compounding. Regular readers will know that I myself prefer to avoid it though it’s purely a matter of personal choice. Should you decide to take the extra risk then EVBusiness will allow you to set a compounding rate anything up to a full 100%, however you need to be extremely careful when joining that you don’t inadvertently set this to a rate you don’t want.

EVBusiness runs off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server with SSL encryption. The website includes a number of other features not normally (or at least always) found in the HYIP industry including its own integrated blog that you can check out for any news updates from the admin. More common in the industry these days are the program’s own Twitter and Facebook accounts if you want to keep track of them that way, but for direct contact with the admin himself you will need to either e-mail him yourself at the address provided on the website or else simply fill in the support ticketing form. EVBusiness also have a phone number, however despite the UK prefix it isn’t actually in the UK. It’s the number of a call forwarding service that for a fee allows you to give what looks like a UK office number out in public but in actual fact redirects the call (without the callers knowledge) to any number in the world of your choosing. The reason I know this by the way is because I used to live there and am familiar with that operation. Also listed is a postal address in the UK though from experience I know that these things, like the phone number, tend to be hosted offices for the purpose of mail and message forwarding. Though feel free to check it out yourselves if you feel otherwise. Granted EVBusiness is registered in the UK, but I can also tell you from personal experience that can be done by anyone from anywhere in the world over the internet and with total anonymity.

The business interests of the program are we are told linked to stock and currency trading, however the texts – which only give a very very sparse explanation of this by the way – are a direct copy/paste taken word for word from other online HYIP websites. Therefore caution as always is advised, as it is in any anonymous internet based transaction. If it can’t be traced then don’t complain about it later, which is something you should observe with all programs in this industry. The best feature as far as I can see in EVBusiness however is the facility to set your own investment term, so get in and get out when you’ve reached the point you’re comfortable with. It’s what the admin offers so take him up on that, just remember to do so within a budget that’s affordable to you and within a wider more diverse portfolio.


Saturday is usually a pretty slow day when it comes to news reports and today was no exception. With the so-called Black December creeping up on us many admins prefer to keep a low profile not overburden their members with weekend updates.

The exception was probably only ReProFinance (reviewed here) who posted their regular monthly update about the winner of its Investor of the Month contest announced on the 25th every month. I remind you that to qualify for the main prize of $1,000 credited to your account you have to have at least $100 deposit invested in one of the two main plans offered by ReProFinance – 1.6%-2.3% for 90 business days or 1.8%-2.5% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry – at the time the results are drawn. The winner of the contest can either withdraw the prize or reinvest it in one of the plans as he wishes. Last night another lucky winner was announced by the admin (read my interview with him here). This time the prize went to a US based member who collects a thousand dollars. If you wish to participate in the next contest with ReProFinance please make sure you have at least $100 in the program via AlertPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. Here’s the announcement posted on the site of ReProFinance recently:
Investor of the Month WINNER announced (November 2011)
Investor of the Month (November 2011) is announced. Our software randomly chosen Mr. John Stone from USA (Login ID: S20485), and he has become the winner this month. He has directly received the 1000 USD to his account, our congratulations and Investor of the Month Certificate mailed to his mailing address. Thank you for participating in our program.
We remind you that any investor can participate in Investor of the Month program by having active deposit of 100 or more in any available currency (USD or EURO). The Investor of the Month is randomly chosen by our software every 25th of each month and gets the $1000 prize.

Unfortunately, I have to move PokerProfits to Problem status on MNO tonight and issue a warning against making any further investments in the program for the time being. This decision was taken due to two confirmed cases of selective payouts as I was contacted recently by a couple of members of PokerProfits who showed me their accounts where the last pending payments were marked as requested on November, 22nd – four days ago. According to the program’s FAQ all withdrawals should be processed within 48 hours of the request, so this is already way overdue. I have contacted the admin of PokerProfits but as usually happens he remains silent so far. I will report on MNO if the situation changes soon, but for now please stay away from the program!

As specified in my review of ForexReflex (click here to read it) which was posted on MNO two days ago, the program has recently started accepting AlertPay, joining LibertyReserve and Bank wires. The only drawback is that if using AlertPay you’ll need a $100 minimum while the deposits via LibertyReserve starting from only $1. I would like to remind you that ForexReflex processes withdrawals automatically on business days on the following investment plans – 1.5% for 15 business days, 1.7%-1.9% for 30 business days, 2%-2.4% for 60 business days, and 2.2%-2.8% for 90 business days, all with principal back on expiry. Here is the full update from the admin of ForexReflex, who I hope to interview on MNO soon:
Site update
Dear investors,
AlertPay is now fully available as a payment option on ForexReflex!
Please note, however, that due to AP implementing a minimum payment amount of $1.00, we have decided to only allow AlertPay as an option for investments starting from $100. Also, note that when (due to your current compounding setting) the calculated amount for a payout in AP is less than $1, we will automatically compound your returns instead. Enjoy!
Logan Riley. CTO / Head of Development,
ForexRefleks, LLC / ForexReflex.

While on the subject payment processors which which form an integral part of the industry I would like to give you some updates from the payment processors themselves over the last week. Start with AlertPay, members will now benefit from the extended working hours of the support crew. This was published on the official blog of AlertPay a few days ago which you can read below:
AlertPay Customer Support Update
Our members around the world now benefit from extended support hours. That is why as of November, 18th 2011, our Customer Support department will be open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST from Monday to Friday.
As always, to contact our Customer Support department, you can send us a support ticket detailing your problem, or phone us at +1 (514) 748-5774.
What can Customer Support help me with?
Our Customer Support team is trained to help both sellers and shoppers. Whether you need assistance setting up your account, forgot your AlertPay account password, or require integration support, one of our specially trained advisors will be able to help you.
Support services available include:
Signup or password support – Learn how to set up your account and more!
Verification support- Find out how to verify your account.
General support- Discover our tools and services.
Banking support- Get support associating a bank account to your AlertPay E-Wallet and more.
Credit card support: Get answers about any credit card-related questions or concerns.
Integration support- Get help seamlessly integrating your website with our payment processing solution.
Even more resources
If it is outside working hours, you can check out our online resources. The knowledgebase is full of helpful tips and answers.
Thank you for using AlertPay!

There is a very curious story dedicated to the highly important topic of identity theft was posted by SolidTrustPay which is also accepted by a few HYI programs from my monitoring list. The subject might be very damaging to an unsuspecting person who can be a victim of a crime committed by his own friends as relayed the following newsletter. This definitely underlines the point that STP uses to justify their strict verification policy which still makes them stand out from their competitors and provide a high quality service to honest customers. The thieves and cheaters like the one exposed in this newsletter should go to prison for their crimes, while others should be extremely vigilant when it comes to such awful cases because the next victim could well be you. So, please read the update carefully and take the necessary measures to protect yourself:
Real Life Identify Theft Halted!
“Too Close to Home” ID Theft Stopped in its Tracks!
SolidTrustPay credits its stringent in-house verification procedures and highly experienced staff with halting a potentially damaging Identity Theft attempt before any harm was done. Recently, STPay received actual copies of real paper documents in the mail via FedEx to verify an account. The documents raised a number of concerns, even though everything looked 100% real and legitimate. After researching the name of the account holder through other means (since we suspected what was sent to us as suspicious and not reliable) we contacted the individual whose name was being used. When we provided information listed in the STPay profile (which did not match on one of the documents received ), the real person immediately identified that as belonging to a former angry roommate! That person, who of course had full access to the mail and other information in their apartment, had stolen the documents, created an STPay account (among others), acquired a credit card in the other person’s name, charged the card, made copies of their driving license, etc.
We provided all details to the victimized roommate to pass along to her local police department. SolidTrustPay was the only company that discovered the fraud, contacted and helped the ‘real’ person. They were able to go from victim to victor!
Moral of the Story – identify theft is not always attempted by strangers. Keep your documents safe and away from all hands that may have access to them; near and far.
The above true series of events is part of why it it vital for online payment processors to verify the identify of their clients. Verification requirement for members is both a legal, moral and corporate decision. SolidTrustPay was the first payment processor EVER to require documentation from its members wishing to transact at higher levels. In 2006, when STPay first opened its doors to provide online services, no other company was requiring any kind of verification beyond a simple phone PIN or micro payment to a bank account. Soon, other processors adopted our procedures and also began requiring verification documentation.
Why Verify? As arduous as the task sometimes is for both members AND SolidTrust staff, we stand firm that it is a necessary part of transacting safely online. Anti Money Laundering, Proceeds from Crime, Fraud and Identity Theft detection are evil elements of our world. You can rest assured that SolidTrustPay is on guard to ensure you are not in harms way online.
How to Verify? All that is required is a valid, unaltered, non-expired photo ID and at least one item (phone bill preferred) clearly showing your name and address matching the information provided in your SolidTrustPay profile. We may ask for additional documents after reviewing what you have submitted.
Do I have to Verify? No, you do not. If you are content to transact at our Active Member allowed levels then no verification is required. Visit our FAQs for full information on our various account types and allowed accompanying allowed levels and options.
SolidTrustPay – when money matters!

The administation of the most popular payment processor in the industry – LibertyReserve – also finally showed that it cares about the safety and security of its members. Recently there were two updates posted on its official blog that featured very important issues. Firstly the creation of API by regular account holders that has become a pain for HYIP members and a source extra income for some scammers, and secondly the appearance of spam messages originating from online fraudsters impersonating LibertyReserve. I’m quite pleased that LibertyReserve have finally addressed these issues and hopefully helped some gullible investors who might otherwise get scammed. Please read the following two updates from LibertyReserve carefully and you might learn something about online safety when dealing with payment processors. Be extremely vigilant and don’t be a victim:
New Safety Measures
Dear Friends,
In our continuous effort to improve quality of our service and provide as many information as possible to our clients about safeguarding their account information better LibertyReserve will shortly be introducing LR Safety Zone. This project is sponsored, created and managed by LibertyReserve itself. It will help you understand many features available at our website, utilize them properly and introduce you to measures you can take to make your on-line experience with any website safer.
These improvements will happen in stages. First stage has been completed and resulted in a safer way to implement a very powerful function of API (automated programming interface) in your account. Normally this feature is required for businesses and now, if you wish to have API enabled in your account, you need to open a Business Account. You may select this type of account during registration.
This step was necessary to prevent misconception of what this feature is for by most of our clients. In a course of next few weeks you will see more changes that will make you feel even more safe about your account and funds in it.
With best wishes, LibertyReserve Team.
A Friendly Reminder
Dear Friends,
Just a friendly reminder to keep in mind, that:
LibertyReserve DOES NOT send out e-mail asking client to take any action or to sign up for any website.
LibertyReserve DOES NOT offer any lotteries, any gambling opportunities or investment opportunities.
LibertyReserve DOES NOT operate, sponsor or involved with directly or indirectly with any other website or company.
Any information that you come across contrary to the information above is false and should be submitted to our abuse department immediately for a thorough investigation. We intend to make the process of submitting this information easier and more efficient allowing us to react faster and more productively to such claims.
Best wishes, LibertyReserve Team”.

To finish today’s news I would like to give you the list of the Paying programs from my monitoring page from which I was paid during the last 48 hours:
EVBusiness (the first instant payments received), InterTrend, ReProFinance, StableProfit, FreedomReserve, BrantonsGroup, HyperCompound, VirtualPayments, WorldwideCapital, APEnergyInvest, SingInvest, BaseBucks, HYIPInnovation, IncomeWith, ForexReflex, TopsFund, Royalty7, SolidForexLtd, PerfectLottery, BonusPayMe, EurexTrade, OneInv, FelminaAlliance and FixedMonthlyIncome.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll have the interview from the admin of HYIPInnovation (reviewed here) as promised so you’ll be able to read that. See you tomorrow and stay tuned for more news from MNO blog and monitor!

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