Feb 20th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! III has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend. After a couple of mini-disasters in the HYIP industry last week with several closures in quick succession it would be nice to start off the new week with something more positive. And judging by the early responses from a lot of readers many of you seem to think that’s exactly that the newest program which was added to the MNO monitor just yesterday will become – a positive opportunity. It’s the rather oddly named III and it’s a brand new long term venture. Mind you I’d be a bit more skeptical about III myself, but I do like the optimism and in HYIP terms would generally agree that yes, it’s well deserving of at least a closer look.

And it’s not difficult to see why a lot of investors are feeling optimistic as despite being a long term HYIP, III‘s plans should allow the first investors to profit in a relatively short amount of time in relation to the plans actual full duration. Well, I say “plans” but that’s not entirely accurate – III only has one of them so I guess a lot of folks appreciate the simplicity of it as well.

So basically the plan works like this. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10, more or less the norm in the industry, with no upper limit placed on them. The investment term runs for 120 calendar days, or approximately 4 months, during which III will make a daily interest payment of 2.5%. On completion of the term your original principal will then be returned. So on top of your own money back you should be left with a total net profit for yourself of 300%. Perhaps a more important number to be aware of however is how long it will take you to earn back an amount equivalent to your deposit (ie break even and not be able to lose any of your own money no matter what happens to III after that). This will take 40 days which like I said when compared to the plan’s full duration is actually kinda fast.

The list of payment handlers is predictable enough with III sticking to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, as so many longer term programs do. On the other hand the limited choice is some way compensated for with instant payouts. You will still need to log in to your III account to request it, but once done you should see the money in your chosen processor within seconds. And of course for other reasons (most likely not favored by the admin) if instant payouts ever stop without being properly explained in advance it will give investors an early warning that things may not be going so well.

Design and security are up to a fair enough industry standard with the III website being hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected Staminus server and running off a very original custom made script that I do not recall being used by any other program in the past. III are also using SSL encryption for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The most efficient way to contact the admin with any further questions or account related issues is to open a support ticket on the contacts page. Just fill in your details and submit. Also listed are a couple of e-mail addresses you can write to directly, a telephone number, and a postal address in London (despite their photograph clearly being of Saint Peter’s Basilica and The Vatican City in Rome for some bizarre reason, lol!), though a quick search on Google will tell you this is a hosted virtual office used only as a mail forwarding service and I recognized it immediately as having been used by another HYIP not monitored by MNO but scammed recently. It’s Harley Street incidentally, internationally famous for the various high profile doctors and medical consultants with movie stars and industrialists as clients who keep surgeries there, so that’s why I remembered it.

I must say that III do have quite a professional looking website, though unfortunately a good part of the content (ie the texts) are simply copy/pasted from other sources. So it’s a waste of time going into the alleged business interests of the program here as I myself would immediately dismiss it. Plus the fact that a good website doesn’t automatically make a good HYIP, but that’s more down to the designer than the admin (though the end result is the same). But the one single factor other than the admin’s intentions to try and run a good program or not is the support of the members. Cash flow is the thing that determines the fate of every online HYIP, and the members are where that comes from. So even though III is still not even a week old, they do seem to have an abundance of public support, which is notable actually considering the big trend in the industry at the moment seems to be leaning more towards shorter term plans. Are III on the brink of changing this? Well, I can’t really say and it’s not that important, though the potential for something big is obvious. As usual I just need to finish with the usual reminder that none of this guarantees so much as one single penny in your pocket, so if joining III remember to set yourself a sensible spending limit that you will stay under and try to use them as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



You might have noticed that the admin of CrownEarnInvestgroup Vincent (you can read my interview with him here) decided to buy a Sticky listing on MNO monitor for a month a couple of days ago. Now, I have no idea if that means anything but definitely I can’t say that the admin doesn’t do a good promotion for his program not only by heavily advertising it on a variety of sources but also by issuing regular updates for his investors. So for the last two days there were two updates from CrownEarnInvestgroup issued. The first newsletter issued yesterday was dedicated to the successful completion of the first cycle paying 3.2%-7.91% for 21 days to the investors. These investment plans are not so easy as they seem at first glance and that is why they were thoroughly analyzed in my review of the program posted here, along with two other plans – 102% after 1 day and 136%-144% after 14 days. Anyway, the first lucky investors of CrownEarnInvestgroup were already in profit and I can see that the instant payouts from the program are still processed to members’ LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. Here is the newsletter containing also some stats and providing some guarantees to the investors of CrownEarnInvestgroup which you should simply dismiss as regular HYIP investments cannot be guaranteed by anyone and high-yield investments will always mean a high level of risk is involved:
The success continues
Our first cycle was a huge success and we now continually expand with old investors returning and new investors coming. It is truly a pleasure being able to serve so many investors and our team is standing by with professional expertise to help out any questions there may be.
Highest investor level in one deposit has increased from first weeks $1000 to now $5200 on one single investor. And the total investing level increased from $9000 in first week to the now amazing $91000 after 22 days. It’s a joy to receive that trust to CEI and none of you will ever be disappointed.
One question I have received many times is how to guaranty investors investments. I fully understand that investors, who put a large sum of their private money, want some kind of guaranty. That is why I have brought this request to the management who last Friday approved to give a personal guaranty to all investors who invest a onetime deposit on $5000+. I will prepare the details and send a follow up on this subject middle next week.
Kind regards, Vincent Logan
Marketing & Sale
CrownEarnInvestgroup ltd.

The second newsletter from CrownEarnInvestgroup today dealt with their first official representative who will be helping to recruit members in the program from Nigeria. The admin of CrownEarnInvestgroup also took the time to repeat the requirements for becoming a representative and the benefits that go with it. Please read carefully the info below if you want to apply for that position in your own country:
Please welcome our new representative.
Its a pleasure to introduce our first representative named Eric Dommy who will have daily contact to investors in Nigeria / Lagos area. Eric Dommys contact information can be found on his personal CEI website on https://crown-earn-investgroup.com/index.php?req=doc&display=eric_dommy
Apply for a regional representative position.
Be a part of the team and work as a regional representative for CrownEarnInvestgroup.
We will help you getting started and give you the necessary tools to start.
As a part of our team you will get:
o Directly personal contact with CrownEarnInvestgroup.
o Get influences on the future planning
o Get your own private page on our server
o Get your own personal email address
o Be displayed on our contact page.
Depending on how active you are, you will get the extra benefits for bonuses on your referral commission.
o +5% on top for every $100 referral commission earned.
o +5% on top for every $1000 referral commission earned.
All we require is that you are already an active investor on our site and a proven active promoter. Please visit our template site on https://crown-earn-investgroup.com/index.php?req=doc&display=template and try providing as much information you can. Send your application to marketing@crown-earn-investgroup.com together with the needed information and tell us what you have done so far and why you think you are the right choice for us.
Kind regards, Vincent Logan
Marketing & Sale
CrownEarnInvestgroup ltd”.


The first short video review of LuxorAlliance, almost three minutes long, was posted on the reviews page of the program. I can say I quite liked the professionalism of the video but it doesn’t contain much of practical information a real review can give to an online investor. You can read the MNO review of LuxorAlliance published here and further interview with the program’s admin Alan by clicking this link. I guess that will give you more information regarding the investment plans which are currently accepted via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney e-currencies as well as via Bank wires and Western Union transactions. The investment plans include – 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days – and the principal is returned on expiry of each. LuxorAlliance has been online for over seven weeks now and hopefully the new video review and the upcoming video presentation of the program which are supposed to make it more attractive to potential investors still sitting on the fence will be effective. Here is the short update:
Hello Dear LA Investors,
Hope you have a good weekend! We would like to announce that Video Review of LuxorAlliance has been published! Follow this link to watch it:
Within few days the next Video Presentation by our CEO, Adam Grant is coming! LA Be-Weekly News will be published together with a video.
All withdrawal requests has been processed in time as usual! See you all soon!
Best Regards,
LuxorAlliance Team”.


Some good news came also from FXMoguls over the last couple of days. As you might know first the program’s admin Jason (interviewed here) announced the introduction of instant withdrawals processed to AlertPay accounts and promised to add the instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney within the next few days. So he kept his promise and already yesterday there was an update issued about that, though with some daily limits further explained below. Also the program announced the dropping of its deposit bonus which used to be credited to all the members’ deposits starting from $50 and could reach as high as 11% of the invested amount. He warned that the deposit bonus offer was going to expire within the next couple of days and invited everyone to take advantage of that. More details of that are below as well:
LR and PM withdrawals are now instant at FXMoguls!
It became very clear to us after making Alertpay withdrawals instant that this was something that almost every member wanted to see for Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money as well. So after many hours of work we have finally completed the process and Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money withdrawals from this moment forward are now instant.
A few points I’d like to make in regards to this:
1) The max withdrawal that you can make that will be instant for LR and PM is $10 for now. Anything over this amount will go to pending and will be paid in the normal fashion.
This in fact is 90% of our withdrawals though so it will work for most people.
2) We have a daily limit set for security reasons for the amount of withdrawals that can be instant. I believe that our limit will accommodate 90% of all withdrawals making them instant but if you have one go to pending don’t be alarmed by this. This is normal and necessary for security.
3) On the withdrawals page you will see the status of withdrawals and if they are instant or not for the time being. If we have server issues or a payment processor site is down then we will turn it off so we don’t have server issues on our end. Again this is normal so don’t worry if you see it.
Currently there are a few withdrawals pending in the system. According to our terms we don’t pay over the weekends. But because of this new development the pending withdrawals will be paid over the course of the next 24-48 hours even though we don’t normally pay them until Monday.
****Deposit bonus is ending on 2-20-12***
Our deposit bonus program that awards you a bonus of up to 11% on your deposit with us is ending very soon. If you wish to take advantage of this then you will need to do it in the next 3 days because we will be discontinuing the program on Monday.
All deposits between now and Monday are able to receive the bonus but after that it will not be available any longer.
We continue to thank you for your support and we are sure that these new additions will be a help to you as well as a faith builder in the program that we have built with your help.
Sincerely, FXMoguls LTD Staff.”

Today the instant withdrawal limit was actually raised again and now stands at $50 for AlertPay and $20 for LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney withdrawals. Such a limit can even be raised again by special request, so if you feel you need it and are a bigger investor of FXMoguls please contact the admin. I remind you that FXMoguls offers the following plans – 2.2%-3.5% for 60 business days and 2.4%-3.7% for 150 business days with principal returned on expiry. Here is the latest newsletter from FXMoguls (reviewed here):
FXMoguls – Instant withdrawal limits raised
This is just a very brief update to make you aware of a few things happening at FXMoguls.
Our first day of instant withdrawals went well and many members were able to use this feature successfully even though it was the weekend.
In light of this we have raised the maximum instant amounts for all processors to $50 for Alertpay and $20 for both LR and PM. Amounts above the max will still be paid manually within 24 business hours.
***Requesting larger instant withdrawals***
There was one item that I forgot to mention in yesterday’s email. The question has come up about larger investors and if their daily withdrawal is over the limit then how can they withdraw instantly. We have the ability to raise instant limits for individual members in special cases to accommodate these members. But you must of course have a deposit on file which would require a raising of this limit.
So for anyone who was wondering this you may simply submit a support ticket and include your username. We will then look at your deposits and calculate your interest earned daily and raise your instant amount to this level.
***Please remember that any withdrawals that are over the limit set will still be paid in regular fashion within 24 business hours of request.***
We hope you find these new additions to be helpful and we continue to ask you to submit your ideas to us for how we can continue to evolve FXMoguls LTD. At this point in time we are looking 6 months or more ahead and we want to make sure that we are ahead of the curve when it comes to innovation and attractiveness to investors.
As always we thank you for your support and look forward to peaking to you again soon.
Sincerely FXMoguls LTD Staff”.


As I already mentioned in an earlier post there was a US bank holiday today for Presidents’ Day. You know that many HYIPs are disguised as real investment ventures and that is why they use such days as the perfect excuse for not crediting the accounts of their members as they can’t “trade”, lol. So, EurexTrade and MoneyEra just issued short updates regarding that, while FelminaAlliance made it a full newsletter and since the program observes both US and Panamanian holidays there will be no interest for its members tomorrow either.

Let’s start with the oldest listed program on MNO – EurexTrade (reviewed here). For almost a year it’s been paying me and other members instantly and without any issues to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. The program offers variable returns on every business day (up to 2.9%) and return your principal on request. More on EurexTrade can be read also in my interview with the program’s admin posted here. Even on non-business days though EurexTrade keeps paying instantly and I received another payment to my PM account today as usual. Here is the latest news posted on the program’s website:
U.S. Holiday, 20-th of Feb. Presidents’ Day
Dear investors,
On February 20, 2012 all USA markets will be closed due to Presidents’ Day (official bank holiday). Therefore no profit will be credited to EurexTrade investment accounts.
Deposit and withdrawals are processing instantly as usual.

MoneyEra is on the opposite end of the scale as a new program on MNO which was only reviewed a few days ago (click here to read the review), though have been paying for over four months now. MoneyEra offers 1.2%-2.3% per business day or 8.1% weekly for 285 days with principal back on expiry and of course the admin couldn’t miss the opportunity to save on the daily earnings announcing today as a non-profit day:
The MoneyEra office will be closed tomorrow for President’s Day.
No interest will be credited.

Finally, FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) included a mention of two days off on which the regular daily interest will not paid on their 1%-1.6% for 180 business days with principal return on expiry plan via AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or direct Bank wire. Along with that there were a couple of other topics mentioned in the regular weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance issued today and reposted below including the upcoming debit cards and an update on the regional representatives feature:
[FelminaAlliance] Weekly Newsletter
This is the official weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance.
We would like to inform you that we will observe 2 official holidays this week. First, Washington’s Birthday on Monday, February 20, 2012, is one the of the official holidays in the United States. Then comes the Carnival’s Tuesday, February 21, 2012, in Panama. According to our terms of service, no interest is paid on weekend days and the official holidays in the US and Panama. The next interest payment will be made on Wednesday, February 22, 2012.
We are also working hard on improving our system and making it even more user-friendly to our customers. We put special emphasis on new payment options for both deposits and withdrawals. In our previous newsletter, we have mentioned that we are working on adding debit cards to the list of available withdrawal options. We hope to more information on the subject shortly. Naturally, we will update as soon as we have the news.
We are also very happy to see the extremely positive response from our customers and site visitors to the recently launched Regional Representatives program. At the same time the whole thing is still a work in progress, so we apologize for any minor inconveniences and technical glitches you may encounter from time to time. Also, if you have not received a reply to your application for the Regional Representative position, please kindly resend your applications.
Please find a moment to visit our official Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Felminacom. This is the fastest way to read the latest news and updates.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.


I’d say that the admin of TopsFund could become the best showman on TV as in the recent updates he proved to have a very vivid imagination seeing millions of dollars in the program’s vaults and trying to feed this to the investors of this slowly crumbling program. Just read for yourself and make sure he’s not dreaming about the $5M capital and Top Investor and Top Referral rewarded each month with the huge virtual $10K prizes to made-up names:
5 Million USD Capital
With almost 8 months online, we would like to announce that our capital now exceeded more than 5 Million USD and growing fast.
Our current total members have more than 10000 and growing fast as well. Thanks to the Top Investor and Top Referral of the month promotion and the Special Referral Bonus.

Jokes aside though I am satisfied that the admin of TopsFund (finally!) announced about the closure of the 10 day plan which used to be a trap for unsuspecting investors looking to join, only to find out later on that it was non-existent and see the admin crediting your money to a different plan which pays you 0.5%-1.5% daily forever (principal back after 18 months), 0.6%-0.7% for 300 days (principal returned on request) or 1.5%-3% for 150 days (principal back) – so not so much as you expected. I guess you should have said thanks for not putting your money into three other suicidal plans “paying” 1080% after 180 days, 1620%-1800% after 90 days or 150% after 30 days. Still in my opinion, having this 10 day plan on exposure clearly knowing that the investors who join would be redirected to less lucrative plans was total cheating. I even had a huge argument with TopsFund‘s admin over my referral investing in such plan and even briefly moved them to Problem status on MNO because of it. Now this trap is finally officially closed but if that means that the admin decided to play clean – only time will tell. Here is that short update from TopsFund (reviewed here):
Premium 10 Days Plans Closed
Premium 10 Days plan closed and not allow to invest as we already reached the investment limit.


Unfortunately it looks like at the time of writing FinStockLimited might be in trouble as the program pays only to monitors and ignores the payouts to regular members. Moreover, it was verified that the latest payments were made without batch numbers and obviously they were fake. The admin had nothing to say about that and I only got a reply from him in the morning and was not sure why my payouts were paid within minutes while other bigger payouts were delayed for hours. He assured me that there was nothing to worry about and that he reserves the right to process the payouts within 24 hours as per the site’s ToS. However as with all admins they can’t be trusted and my concern about the possibility of selective payouts was confirmed later on when I got the first complaints from my readers. Obviously FinStockLimited had some serious cashflow issues and after just nine days online he failed to maintain the investors’ interest in the program. Right now I can tell you with certainty that FinStockLimited is a proven scam now and should be avoided by any means. Please do not invest there and do not trust fake statuses on other monitoring sites that might have been displayed for a while now!

Joining them on the Problem list is FXTrust, a program I have a sneaking suspicion was run by the same crooked admin. Both programs launched around the same time, both programs had very similar plans, and both programs got into trouble at the same time. It’s more than that however, as the FXTrust admin is pulling the same stunt with this program, trying to confuse members by sending fake payment notifications without any batch numbers – and without any money either! I could be wrong of course, but it’s too much of a coincidence to ignore. But it doesn’t matter because the end result is the same and any further deposits in FXTrust are strongly discouraged from this point on. I was given access to the account of one MNO reader earlier today and was able to personally confirm that no payment was made. The admin later deleted the account completely in an attempt to deny the member ever even existed, however he was unaware that I had already seen the account with my own two eyes, so whatever program he does or does not run I can still confirm that he’s one extremely sneaky person and is not to be trusted. You have been warned!


A new program has been added to MNO’s Premium list tonight. It’s called UniteProfit and it was launched just last night. UniteProfit is a short term program accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney deposits and running off a licensed GoldCoders script. The investment plans are quite interesting though and they don’t resemble the widespread on expiry plans but rather pay on a daily basis. The two investment plans offered by UniteProfit pay 20% for 6 days (for investments from $10 to $200) and 25% for 5 days (for deposits ranging from $200 and $3,000). So by depositing more you will break even faster and get a better overall return. It’s quite an interesting concept and we will see how it’s going to work within the next few days. Please note that the principal is included in the daily withdrawals and is not returned on expiry, so your pure profit from UniteProfit will be 20%-25% after 5-6 days. Withdrawals are not instant and are processed within 12 business hours. The website is properly SSL-secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server with Staminus protection. Overall it looks quite good and has phone and live support already in addition to the usual support ticket system. More on UniteProfit will be discussed in the upcoming review on MNO tomorrow and meanwhile you can read the the welcome message from the admin of the program posted straight after the launch:
Welcome message
Dear investors,
UniteProfit is now accepting registrations and you can start investing and growing your money today. Our program offers two plans to choose from and you are allowed to have multiple investments in different plans.
If you invest up to $200, you can make 20% daily for 6 days from plan A. If you can invest more than $200, you will make 25% daily from plan B. Your principal is included in your daily earnings.
How much you want to invest is up to you but keep in mind that UniteProfit is a life changing opportunity that might not appear ever again in your life, we are strongly focused on achieving our financial freedom in 2012 and you can also achieve yours.
Best regards, UniteProfit Administration.


The second new program that was added to Standard listing on MNO tonight is another brand new short term program that only launched yesterday called PlatinumFinance. The program features a familiar set of investment plans paid on expiry and can be joined via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from a $10 minimum – 105%-125% after 1 day, 117%-205% after 3 days, 128%-405% after 5 days, 160%-865% after 10 days, 520%-2865% after 30 days. The payments are promised to be made within 12 hours and the payout has to be requested from your member’s area as PlatinumFinance is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. The design of the site is really nothing special, but SSL-encryption is featured and the site is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by DdosWiz. More about the program will be discussed in the upcoming review on MNO which I’m going to publish after the first payout on expiry is paid to me, so stay tuned for that.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CrownEarnInvestgroup, LuxorAlliance, HoldingsTradeAVIFinance, III (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, OneInv, Royalty7, FXMoguls, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, ProfitsMax, FelminaAlliance, SolidForexLtdPlexCapital, VascoForexSenrosGroup, InvfairLimited, MyDiamondShare, MoneyEra, UniteProfit (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund, PXSense.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, UFOWinPerfectLottery, AmbrianInvestment.

That’s all I have to report to you tonight. I hope you found the news analysis useful and that you will return tomorrow for more. There will be a detailed review of UniteProfit accompanied with the regular updates from the most popular programs in the HYIP industry. As always you will only find the most up-to-date statuses of the HYIPs on my monitoring page, so make sure to check them out before depositing. See you tomorrow, guys!

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