August 2012 Archives

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 Beware! MegaProfitAds has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Hope you’ve all been looking forward to the weekend and it’s been going well for you so far! I have a couple of news stories to get through this evening as always even if it has been kinda slow in the industry otherwise, but first I want to look into one of the newest additions to the MNO monitoring page called MegaProfitAds for you in a bit more detail to see if you like any of the features they make available to their users. This is a program loosely based on a couple of others seen in the industry lately where the admin invites others to buy advertising slots on his website and therefore generate income for the paying members.

I suppose when it comes to investment plans MegaProfitAds is a bit basic to say the least in comparison to other more typical HYIPs. You can invest a minimum of $20 but can also only invest in blocks of $20, ie just like buying shares priced at $20 each. So you can spend let’s say $20, $40, $60, and so on, but nothing in between. In return for investing – where you are invited to advertise your own website in return, though it’s not compulsory – MegaProfitAds are offering members a 10% payment on top of their deposits every day for 16 calendar days. This includes your deposit so it won’t be returned on expiry. That means you get back (we hope!) a 160% return on any gamble taken, or your own money back plus 60% net profit.

In monetary terms that would mean a $100 investment, which is the purchase of five $20 shares, would bring in a $10 payment from MegaProfitAds per day. Ten days later if the site is still online then you break even and start seeing a profit. On completion it should all add up to $160, or your own money back plus 60% profit.

Payment options are better than average I suppose, with MegaProfitAds taking the usual HYIP admin preferred anonymous handlers like LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Also accepted is SolidTrustPay for the industry players who prefer a verified option, and for some unusual reason Payza are still listed despite their very public withdrawal from the industry in favor of their new subsidiary payment processor a couple of weeks back. This could possibly cause some problems with their accounts there if Payza decide to take a closer look at things so I hope the MegaProfitAds admin is aware of the potential situation here and knows what he’s doing. Withdrawals are paid manually and need to be requested from inside your members are. It’s not exactly specified how long you need to allow the admin to complete the transaction, though typically my own have been done within 24 hours so I suggest you allow the same before making any complaints. Minimum withdrawal is $2 by the way so smaller investors be aware of this before joining.

MegaProfitAds is running off a script from PHPFlux, which as some of you might already know is what accommodates only being able to invest in predetermined share price blocks. Please also note that they are hosted on a shared server with two other websites provided by Koddos, so nothing particularly good to report there. Another severe weakness is the lack of SSL encryption, so there’s a lot of holes in the MegaProfitAds security, a lot of corners being cut, and potential problems on the horizon for investors and the safety of their accounts and deposits unless there is some serious action taken by the admin. For any questions for the admin you can contact MegaProfitAds by filling in the support ticketing form and submitting it.

I guess the concept of a HYIP positioning itself as an advertising site is hardly original. We’ve seen more than a few of them over the years, and even a couple in recent weeks (though the less said about them the better, falling well sort of what could be deemed a success for any of the members). But that’s basically what MegaProfitAds is offering you, though naturally the only other websites one ever sees “advertised” are of course related to the online HYIP industry. So needless to say that’s how you need to be approaching MegaProfitAds from the start, fixing an established spending limit that’s affordable to you from the start, and if joining MegaProfitAds at all then only doing so as part of a mixed and varied portfolio.



There were a couple of interesting topics raised in the latest newsletter sent by the administration of NewGNi tonight. The first comes as a discussion of the newly added PexPay payment processor which seems many investors are reluctant and cautious about using. Of course the admin of NewGNi Jurgen (interviewed here) is entitled to his own opinion on this which he believes has possibilities and is sure might deliver a good service for HYIP investors. So far I myself don’t see much interest in them, though it has to be said this is an unmerciful business to crack, especially now that their main rival STP is finally catching up with processing ACH payments to US clients. But I guess PexPay deserve a fair chance to prove themselves. The main obstacle is the required verification which many users including myself might be hesitant to submit personal information to without a proven track record or any traceable identity records of their own. I mean at least STP have an office you can go knock on the door of if you ever happen to be near. But as Jurgen said it’s what on the inside that matters, so hopefully PexPay will be able to pick up soon and will be more widely accepted in the HYIP industry.

Anyway, getting back to NewGNi itself they’re still doing fine and still #1 on MNO Premium listing paying 1% per business day and 6% weekly with no expiry date and the option to withdraw your original principal after a 180 business day lock in period. The very first members that joined NewGNi back in late 2011 when the program first came online and was reviewed by its exclusive monitor MNO (read it here) should reach this lock-in period during the next business week and so can, if for strange reason they’d wish to, make their principal withdrawal requests. But why would they do so while the program is only going from strength to strength? It appears that moving to BlockDos was really smooth as expected and Jurgen and Co. are pleased with the service delivered. That really matters as a good hosting provider plays a pivotal role in the success or failure of large programs like NewGNi which is already on every investor’s mind. The only thing that might not work for some investors using InternetExplorer is the Fund E-Wallet one which is necessary to add your funds from PexPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney which are all accepted by NewGNi to the balance which can then be redistributed to the two available investment plans – daily or weekly. So the solution for these members would be either to switch to another browser or to send the money directly to the accounts specified by Jurgen in the newsletter which you can read below.

And finally three more iTunes Gift Cards worth $50 each are up for grabs as the August Sweepstakes takes place. So you’re all free to participate on the program’s Facebook page in order to win this prize. More on that is in the newsletter reposted below:

Newsletter 10 August 2012
Dear clients, friends and fans
Not much news this week, but a few things we’d like to follow up with you:
In last weeks newsletter we have introduced PexPay as the fourth payment processor accepted by NewGNi. In the following days we have received a few queries from members unsure if to use PexPay or not. Most members who wrote us were concerned about their website design:
Yes their website might not look that appealing, but it’s not what’s on the outside, but what’s in the inside that counts.
Other concerns voiced, are the lack of contact details on the PexPay website:
Yes, that is true. – However, has anybody of you guys got the telephone number of Liberty Reserve or Perfect Money? PexPay is a online project like NewGNi, so please get used to address questions via email or support tickets, it’s working well with us, so why not with them? Please give them a chance as well. I mean others have telephone support but never answer their phone…or you’ll have to wait for hours. At least PexPay is owned and operated by a Nevada based company, and is a licensed money service provider and compliant with the latest United States legislation.
We had many talks with the PexPay administration beforehand, since we don’t just accept any new payment processor coming down the road and we feel very comfortable with PexPay. After all – if you don’t like it, you don’t have to go for it!
Told you about our server change too: Well, that was a pleasant experience. It took us less than one hour to move over to BlockDos and almost immediately the majority of our members were able to connect with our new server. Kudos and a big thank you to the team of BlockDos, ShadowScript and our very own Chris for this smooth transition.
We had a few issues with members, who tried to fund their e-wallet after the server change and the button ‘Fund E-Wallet’ did not work. We checked everything and debugged the script, but could not find any abnormality. Everything was exactly like on the former server, including all the server settings. Members who reported this problem were using Internet Explorer. If you have problems to fund your e-wallet, please try another browser such as Firefox or feel free to deposit direct in one of our payment processor accounts as follows:
STP: newGNi
PexPay: 121262
Liberty Reserve: U2289630
Perfect Money: U2829944
Please add your NewGNi username and the plan you’d like to deposit into. We will add your deposits manually.
Now, let’s leave the formalities behind and have some fun, at least the weekend is knocking on the door!
How about some music?
iTunes, the world’s #1 music store got plenty of it. About 8,000,000 songs they say. And with NewGNi you can get some of them. Our August 2012 Sweepstakes is finally here!
Back by public demand: Three $50 iTunes Gift Cards for this month Sweepstakes contest! The competition is open for everyone and you can join via our Facebook page or here.
Thanks (as always) for your business and for taking the time to read our newsletter!
Have a superb weekend!
Follow NewGNi on Twitter, Facebook and MNO”.


AProfit and a couple of other programs which process instant payouts to SolidTrustPay were affected by problems with the API system controlling automated instant payouts and were not able to pay investors for a few hours. As a good admin with the program running for over two months already and flawlessly paying the admin of AProfit Denise took the time to issue an update regarding the temporary STP problems straight after they were detected to alleviate members’ tensions as most of them may be accustomed to receiving instant payouts to payment processors used by AProfit – SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney:

About Solidtrustpay Withdraw
Dear members,
It seems that there is a problem with Solidtrustpay’s API system. And some Solidtrustpay withdraws are not processed instantly during the past 12 hours. We will return all pending withdtaws back to members’ account balance. Please try again later.
Best Wishes
AProfit Team”.

This morning Denise issued another update reporting a solution to the problem and asked members to resubmit their withdrawal requests via STP as she had returned the money back to available balances. I can confirm myself that SolidTrustPay withdrawals are made instantly and so AProfit is back on track with processing the instant withdrawals on all the accepted investment plans – 10%-20% for 15 days, 250%-500% after 30 days, 3000% after 60 days. I’m also glad to report that Denise has extended the program’s Sticky listing on MNO for yet another week after three more weeks on my monitor (click here to read the review). I can see that AProfit is still a very popular choice, especially after implementing STP as its third payment processor, and hopefully will continue as such. Here is the latest short update from AProfit:

Solidtrustpay Withdraws Instant Again
Hello members,
We are glad to announce that Solidtrustpay withdraws are processed instantly again. We have returned all pending withdraws back to members’ account balance, please try again to get paid instantly.
Thanks and Best Wishes
AProfit Team”.

Finally, as LibertyReserve announced scheduled maintenance the admin of AProfit also sent a warning to members that during there would not be processed instantly which is kinda logical considering they’ll be be down for a couple of hours. So please remember that when making your next withdrawal request in AProfit and check out the LR website if your payout goes to pending status just to re-submit it later when everything is back to normal:

Important! Libertyreserve Scheduled Maintenance Notification
Dear Members,
We have got this news from
‘Liberty Reserve will be unavailable on:
August 11, between 06:00 (am) and 8:00 (am)(UTC)
This upgrade will give you a faster, more productive system.
Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve.’
So during this time All Libertyreserve deposits and withdraws will be unavailable. So please don’t make a Libertyreserve withdraw request during this time. We will return all pending withdraws back to your account balance when Libertyreserve finish its Maintenance.Perfectmoney and Solidtrustpay will works as normal.
Thank you for your attention.
Best Wishes
AProfit Team”.


The admin of 711Finance Amanda likes to keep investors in the loop and always updates them when difficulties arise. I guess that this is one of the reasons why 711Finance (reviewed here) is so popular with investors now that the program keeps paying on 12% for 12 days plan for over three weeks accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney as its payment processors. While being monitored on MNO for five days only I have already noticed a surge of interest in 711Finance after Amanda purchased Sticky listing for a month along with the big banner on my monitor for the same term. A couple of problems arose today which Amanda honestly reported on the site and when LR announced the scheduled maintenance the reason for these difficulties became obvious and prompted a re-scheduling of the next batch of payouts to avoid any errors from the currently unstable system. Hope that after LR finishes its maintenance 711Finance will be back to a normal payout schedule. I will keep you informed on MNO, but first here are the two latest updates:

Just a quick note:
we experienced today some sort of huge network traffic in addition to some chat server delays.
We have been looking into things and modified related script code as a quick solution.
Nick our coder recommended to simply drop the chat modul. I’d rather keep it as I know most of you love it. Currently thinking of solutions …
WDs are going out as usual, very few members claimed to have not seen their deposits appearing in account balance.
That was only during few minutes when someone made a deposit at the moment when site was slowing.
Those deposits are going to be added after next WD round finishes.
Other fews have claimed to not have received their Withdrawal. Due to site slowing this process was for a few minutes not working correctly.
I have already returned these amounts to your account balance, simply request it again and I will process shortly.
Issues like that happen rarely and are most of the time out of my control.
However we always solve issues very fast.
Kind regards,
Amanda Russel”.

IMPORTANT ===> Liberty does Site Maintenance
Dear members
I have just learned that LR is going to perform site maintenance.
Scheduled Maintenance – August 11, 06:00am UTC
Liberty Reserve will be unavailable on:
August 11, between 06:00 (am) and 8:00 (am)(UTC)
This upgrade will give you a faster, more productive system.
Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve.
Yes lets hope its getting just better with LR…
However , we are trying to process withdrawals and experiencing already first issues.
WDs are sometimes send to members LR account and sometimes ignored by LR API.
To avoid unnecessary workload, I have decided to wait until LRs official site maintenance will be finished.
The last thing we want is to have to manually correct the database due to LR API bad responses.
For that reason, all requested WDs have been returned to your member account balance.
========= Please = W A I T = until LR is running smoothly which is expected to be by 11-AUG-2012 9.00 am
LR says they are done 8.00 am, but we think we better wait one hour more to be safe.
Thank you for that.
Please post that into all forums to let everyone know.
Kind regards,
Amanda Russel -Admin-


The admin of Absolutiva (reviewed here) keeps adding new features to his program on an almost daily basis. Today he explained how to invest using PayPal by giving a link to a PDF file clarifying the process step-by-step. Absolutiva is the only HYIP I’m aware of that accepts PayPal – a payment processor which usually blocks such programs. Anyway, the admin seems pretty confident about that and even promises a refund in case of trouble with PayPal in the future. Apart from them Absolutiva also accepts EgoPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and takes investments into two plans with the principal returned on expiry – 1.4%-2% for 120 business days and 7.5%-10.5% for 30 weeks. One more feature added to Absolutiva is the ShoutBox which you can find on their main page. You can also find the admin Henry on the MNO ShoutBox, but I guess another one on the website itself won’t hurt. The latest two updates from received over the last 24 hours can be read below:

How can I use PayPal?
This email is mainly targeted at investors who would like to use PayPal as their payment method. Even though the majority of our members have no issue whatsoever using it, we still notice that a few others are having hard time. In order to prevent that, we strongly recommend you reading the following guide:
This guide explains how exactly you must proceed with PayPal if you plan on using it.
If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to pass by our chat support at any time.

Newsletter 8/10/2012
This email is to inform you that we have added a ShoutBox. This feature is a chat-like feature that allows people to quickly leave messages on the website, generally without any form of user registration. You will also notice that we have proceeded with some layout changes including a redesigned login system.


As of today SolidTrustPay becomes the third payment processor accepted by MutualAssets, which also takes LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10 into the 6%-8% for 25 business days plan. Existing members are welcome simply to add STP to your profile in the program and proceed with an investment. It’s that simple! Hope this will be popular be a great success for the program and its investors.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listAProfit, 711Finance.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, KISnP, OneInv, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTradeBensonUnion, DividendService, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, Finvance, Ivecon, GeniusCapital, SafeRisk, InflexCapital, WealthFreedomFund, DonaldsGroup, MutualAssets, MegaProfitAds, WestFinanceGroup.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, InternationalForexLLC, Absolutiva, Dynasty7 (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: GoldTradeFunds, YachtWealthClub, Profit4Saving (the first payment received).

That’s it for tonight, guys. Please excuse me for not including the latest newsletter from KISnP (reviewed here) but I have decided it would cover it tomorrow and analyze it properly when I have more time to examine the important changes the admin Zepp (interviewed here) implemented to ensure the program’s steady development. Dynasty7 will also be reviewed along with any other important news from the HYIP industry and the most popular programs monitored on MNO. Hope your weekend goes well and see you all tomorrow!

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