Beware! UniversalFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello all! Plenty of news to catch up with for you this Monday, though I know many of you are still enjoying the weekend with holidays in both Canada and the US. A couple of HYIP admins are also treating themselves to a three day weekend as well as we will be hearing, but for the others I have all the news updates. Before we get to that however there’s a pretty good short term HYIP called UniversalFinance that I came across recently that I want to look at in a bit more detail for you today. For fans of shorter term HYIPs there are some OK plans for you to look into, and without trying to tell you it could run for months the plans UniversalFinance have the capacity to be delivered for at least a decent number of cycles. More than just the plans to this one however, it has an excellent script as well, and as far as short term HYIPs go there looks to have been a reasonable amount of planning done here too I think.
So there’s two investment plans presented to you in UniversalFinance, both of which are very short term but come with an interesting concept in how to keep them a bit more sustainable than those seen in similar programs. I’ll get to that in just a minute, but first is The Crystal Plan which will cost you a $20 minimum deposit to join. It runs for 5 calendar days, during which UniversalFinance will pay you back 23% interest per day. Your principal is already counted as part of these payments and so will not be returned to you on expiry. This means your payments will add up to 115% at the end of the term, from which 15% is your profit. Granted we’ve all seen a lot of HYIPs offer a much bigger return than that after five days, but we’ve also seen most of them fail to deliver it. Ostensibly the maximum deposit allowed by UniversalFinance here is $500,000 (half a million dollars) which basically means there’s isn’t any maximum at all as far as we’re concerned.
The second option, which is called The VIP Plan, is unusual in the sense that it’s more profitable to join and gets you there much faster than the previous on. It runs for a term of just 1 single day, and makes an on expiry payment of 109%, principal included. So that’s your own money back plus 9% net profit for the day. That’s a bit of bad planning on the admin’s part you might think, making the first plan completely pointless in the process. But you’d be wrong. The thing here is that UniversalFinance have placed a hefty minimum deposit of $500 on joining this one, so if you want to take advantage of the faster bigger profits then it’s going to cost you. It’s a bigger risk but in doing so the admin makes sure that payouts from this plan don’t necessarily have to put such a big drain on the cash reserves from the more affordable five day plan. Anyway, we’ll see if it works and helps to keep things moving in the program for longer. UniversalFinance have the same half million maximum deposit for this plan as the last, effectively meaning you’re free to spend however much you want.
When it comes to your payment options UniversalFinance offer as good a selection as anything else in the industry, which I know I’ve said it before but I’m pleased to see this is a growing trend in the industry and kind of essential if a new program is going to be competitive. All the main ones are listed with UniversalFinance taking SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payouts will be made manually and so need to be requested from inside your member’s account area. Once you’ve done this, the admin asks you allow him anything up to 24 hours to make sure your transaction is completed.
There are some especially nice features in the design and security of the website, but none more so than the script. It’s completely unique and custom built for this program, so you won’t see it anywhere other than UniversalFinance. Despite being unique it’s still quite easy to navigate though, and very user friendly. In fact some improvements have been made to this since I first introduced UniversalFinance on MNO a few days back. For example the whole process of joining and depositing has now been streamlined and made much easier, with members no longer required to fund their account wallets in advance of putting the money into the plan they wish to join. Hosting is also fine with UniversalFinance being kept on a dedicated server with support and protection by AntiDdos who are as dependable as any of the better known names that currently allow HYI programs on their servers. The website is SSL encrypted by Comodo for an extra layer of security on your transactions and safer browsing overall.
Something else which will no doubt bring a massive boost to the program though is the fact that it’s bilingual. As well as English there’s also a professional translation into Russian, and as a native speaker myself I can tell you it’s flawless. So good in fact that most likely it was actually written in Russian in the first place and translated into English second. So why is this such a big deal you might ask? Well, the fact is that in not just Russia but throughout all the CIS countries there’s a massive pool of investors that don’t get catered to properly. There’s plenty of enthusiasm in this market for shorter term programs like UniversalFinance and massive potential out there if anyone cares to tap it. Unfortunately it seems like a lot of admins don’t care to make the extra effort, but never mind, that just means a bigger share for UniversalFinance. If you need to get in contact with the admin if you have either any further questions or any issues related to your account then there are a couple of different methods in use but it should be noted that as well as a bilingual website, the UniversalFinance customer support team will also be available in either English or Russian. You can contact them either by filling out your details on the online ticketing form and submitting it, or else if you prefer to have your questions dealt with in real time you might prefer their Live Chat feature which the admin promises to be a 24 hour service. That will be a rarity if it happens (in fact it’s already a rarity by the very fact that it works at all!) but does show how serious UniversalFinance are taking themselves. Incidentally, it hasn’t happened yet and is still very much in the pipeline, but the admin assures me that an Indonesian customer support network is currently being organized so keep an eye on MNO and I’ll let you know immediately once that happens.
Overall it looks a bit like a lot of work was put into making UniversalFinance more appealing in comparison to other fast profit programs. Not just in the design of the whole thing but in the practicalities of how it finances itself as well, and how the plans were thought-out. I mean it’s rare enough to see a short term HYIP come up with something quite as sustainable as what UniversalFinance have done here, yet still manage to make it attractive enough and profitable enough to compete with the higher ROI sites in the short term market. And so to me they have a lot that makes them memorable and sets them apart from the rest of what’s on offer from similar term programs.
Just to finish on a quick word about the actual website content and what it is UniversalFinance would have you believe – if you allow them – they are doing to finance these payments made to existing members other than waiting for new money to come in from new members to do so. Typically for an online HYIP there is almost nothing of substance on the program’s “about us” page and of course it’s all left deliberately a bit vague. Sort of talking a lot but telling you nothing if you know what I mean, and of course if you’re a regular industry player you’re going to know exactly what I mean. So as much as there is to be positive about UniversalFinance, and as online HYIPs go I do like this one, it is still just a very high risk game until proven otherwise. And I’d be quite happy if it was proven otherwise, but somehow can’t really picture that happening. Meanwhile just remember that anything can happen here so as always try and avoid the temptation to invest more than you would be comfortable losing. You’ll never be able to track these people down if it happens, by the way, so remember than when deciding on how much to invest. And of course if joining UniversalFinance at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
The reviewed UniversalFinance made a couple of important notes today when it comes to depositing in the program. In the first update I received the admin Rob reported the problems experienced with depositing via EgoPay. To tell you the truth, I was unaware of the problem at all and only learnt of it today and retrospectively, after it was already fixed. This is the first email update from UniversalFinance for today:
“UniversalFinance – EgoPay available for Deposits
Hello, dear UniversalFinance members. We had problems with EgoPay deposits for few members, now all is fixed. Please Login and make deposit from your member area.
Reminder: First you need to add money to your balance and then make New Deposit.
Let me know if you have any problems with deposits or withdrawals.
Best Regards. UniversalFinance.”
The second update was even more important and dealt with some script complications. Many investors were not aware that they were required to fund their account in UniversalFinance first before making the actual deposit into their preferred plan. Plans use LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay or SolidTrustPay to pay 23% for 5 days or 109% after 1 day. Since the script UniversalFinance is running off is custom made the admin finally decided to put an end to this misunderstanding by adding NewDeposit button in the member’s area which replaced the previous Add to Balance button. I think it’s a very important change indicating the admin listens to suggestions and tries to implement them in order to appeal to a wider audience. Here’s the latest on that:
“UniversalFinance – New Features
Just now we updated our deposit option in member area. Now you don’t need to add money in to balance before deposit, you can do it now directly. It will be much faster and easier for you. We added Deposit history too, you can now see after how many days/hours/minutes your earnings will be available in your account and all your previous deposits.
Best Regards. UniversalFinance.”
Finally, Rob just told me that he and his programmer are both working on an Indonesian language translation and once it’s done then I’ll report on that here.
It’s very important to maintain an honest relationship with investors and clarify any matters that might arise and cause concern. I’m glad that the admin of RightFive Steve (interviewed here) agrees and appreciate his clarification on the domain name auction which some MNO readers found a bit odd. The explanation is simpler than you think and you can find it in the latest newsletter from RightFive re-posted below:
“News Update 8 October 2012
Hello everyone,
I’d like to send this news update to everyone to clear up something.
Our URL site was found on the GO-Daddy auction site by someone today and naturally they were confused as to what this meant and if we ourselves had placed it there.
I’d like to start off by saying that we did not put our URL up for sale or auction. There are two possible ways our URL is listed on their site and they are that it is possible any of the previous owners of our URL have put it up for auction or secondly it could have just happened automatically due to the fact that the URL previously expired.
Please do follow and read the links below for an explanation of how a URL can be listed by someone who is not the current owner.
Thanks for reading and best regards,
Steve. RightFive”.
RightFive (reviewed here) firmly occupies the #3 spot in the list of the most popular programs on MNO. Accepting deposits from $20 via EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney RightFive has been paying two investment plans of 5% for 30 days and 110% after 7 days – for 50+ days already. The admin just recently extended two of the advertising banners on MNO blog and monitor for two more months which was considered as a positive sign for them staying on Paying status for longer. So far I see that interest in the program is still quite high and I believe RightFive hasn’t exactly reached its full potential yet.
Nubcoyu, reviewed on MNO just last night (click here to read it), pays 1.4% interest for 200 business days via EgoPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve starting from $10. Today the admin sent a newsletter informing members of the program’s Twitter and Facebook accounts where you will be able to read all the most recent updates from Nubcoyu. If you’re a member please bookmark those links in your browser to stay updated on current events in the program:
“Nubcoyu On Social Media
Dear Valued Investors,
We greatly appreciate your cooperation with us, along with your trust in our work. We’d like to introduce another hang-out or lounge for our members; our social network. That includes:
Please be sure to add us as friend as minor news will be posted on Social Media, rather than publishing newsletters.
We invite all members to FOLLOW US with smile.
Regards, Nubcoyu Administration Team”.
As I already mentioned today was a holiday in the US and therefore an excuse not to credit members’ accounts particularly by the programs that pay only on business days (Monday to Friday). Not all programs actually announce this on their sites, but you should remember that if you have an account in any such program..
The admin of BensonUnion Ragnar (interviewed here) though found some time to put a small update on the program’s website notifying us about the holiday and so no interest would be credited to BensonUnion accounts:
“Non-trading day
Dear investors! No interest will be accrued on October 8 because of Columbus Day.”
I remind you that BensonUnion is one of the most established programs in the industry getting closer to celebrating nine months online very soon. The program first started in January this year and was reviewed here. By now BensonUnion has managed to become one of the most popular long-term programs paying the first principals on expiry on the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business day plan and successfully entering a second cycle. For the last few weeks the program developed steadily by gradually expanding its payment options. Currently this includes LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, BitCoin and direct bank wires with the pending addition of SolidTrustPay soon. The payments are usually made instantly, or at least not taking much more than 24 hours.
Two more programs had to be moved to Problem status tonight – TheBig5 and Hero10. It’s actually a very odd and bizarre coincidence that both programs were related in some way to the former industry leader Royalty7.
Let’s start with Hero10. As I mentioned in my introduction of the program 12 days ago they used copy-pasted texts and very similar layout and investment plans to those used in Royalty7. Although there was a particular feature that told us all about the real admin behind Hero10 – the script. Royalty7 used a unique script which only a couple of other programs ever used. Obviously Hero10 was not able to make it look exactly the same as they only had a cheap GoldCoders script. So the outside looked exactly like Royalty7, but on the inside it was a cheap program with an average script and absolutely no effort made. Programs like Hero10 will simply never even come close to the likes of Royalty7 and I believe the admin knows this too. So he has decided to scam. Hero10 is now paying selectively and mostly to monitors who display paying status for the program in exchange for pennies. The admin also took care of the honest monitors like MNO and simply replaced the dynamic monitoring images by static ones which you can currently see on the program’s rating page. There is no doubt for me now that Hero10 is a cheap scam. Thanks to the readers who warned me early and provided me with the evidence used to move Hero10 to Problem status on MNO now. Please do not invest!
TheBig5 has possibly been the biggest disappointment of the month, lasting only four weeks before scamming over the weekend. The latest payments were processed on Saturday and as of today only selective payouts to STP were done. The vast majority of members are simply ignored and the admin has disappeared off the radar. But at least for some investors did see a profit with plans like 5% for 31 days or 114% after 10 days which finished two full cycles. Still four weeks online was disappointing as there was high expectations of the person who ran such hugely successful programs like MGFunds and Royalty7 in the past. Yes, I still insist that those programs are connected with TheBig5 and the administrator’s team were the same. You can disagree with me but I saw a lot of similarities and other features that I noticed before in MGFunds and Royalty7 both of which lasted for a very long period of eight months or so offering very similar investment plans like those in TheBig5.
So what exactly happened and why did TheBig5 not live up to the high expectations? Why did it scam so fast? This is total speculation of course, but in the past many admins deliberately make their new programs very similar to their old ones which were relatively successful and long lasting. They then get huge deposits right from the start from investors who think the admin is a seasoned professional who knows how to run a profitable game. However they miss one important point – no admin refuses money no matter how it lands on him, either from a top quality long runner or a deliberate fast scam. Dollar bill come in one color, and it’s one color HYIP admins don’t discriminate against! In this case Royalty7 would be a program of superb quality that made vast amounts of cash, so the admin made his next program TheBig5 resemble it to deliberately take advantage and scam fast.
This is a very simple explanation of what might have happened, and as I always said one admin can run good and bad programs in equal measure. TheBig5 was not really a bad project as it lasted for almost a month, but the expectations were higher. They may well have had the best of intentions from the beginning, but things just didn’t go their way this time. Maybe cash flow issues played a part, maybe hit-and-runners, or maybe it was none of this. Anyway, I don’t believe we’ll ever learn the whole truth and anything I think is no more or no less likely to be accurate than what you think. In any case, TheBig5 is a confirmed scam now, so please do not invest there anymore!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: SiriusUnion, RoyalUnion, IntraFunds, ProsperaNova, ProfitaLimited.
From MNO Premium list: Finvance, ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, SkyCrown, PerfectFinance, PipsFund, ProfitTrusted, ROInvest, ForexEarn, UniversalFinance, DiamondAsset, OdoFx, TureProfit, Nubcoyu, AWTC.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin, PrimeX7, BGTGroups.
From MNO Basic list: 10For25Ads, StallionGold.
That’s all the news for tonight. See you tomorrow for a detailed review of a new short term program called ProfitaLimited and the all the usual news from the industry!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Oct 9th, 2012. Comment.
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