13/01/2013. Daily News from the Industry
Hello everybody! Looking back on the last month Id have to say I’m pretty satisfied to have avoided listing so many of the worst programs that opened back in Black December simply because fast track scammers couldn’t afford my increased fees that was my desire to avoid them anyway. Please make sure that I will keep my prices at the highest in the new 2013 year to make sure that only the quality projects run by serious and experienced admins would be able to afford getting their listing on MNO.
Whatever happens next, I can confirm that CashROTOR can be officially named the best program of the whole December/January period. During the always unstable holidays and while some good quality programs floundered CashROTOR did exactly the opposite – established itself as possibly the best investment opportunity paying instantly on a 15% for 10 days investment plan. As the admin Steven (read my exclusive interview with him here) noted, while other programs looked for excuses and lost momentum, CashROTOR performed well became widely considered as one of the best short-term projects online. And although CashROTOR completed two investment cycles so far, I believe there’s still huge potential and plenty of room to expand. And the latest steps towards achieving this only confirms it – CashROTOR is here to stay and the initial goal of surviving into February is on the horizon. With 2,350 investors as of this Friday when the latest newsletter was sent, Steven announced some surprises. As of yesterday CashROTOR has changed its DDoS protection from Koddos to the more reliable BlockDos and purchased Sticky topics on some investment forums. In addition to Sticky listing on MNO and a couple of banners purchased on my blog we can see them gaining momentum now. Payment options were expanded to include PexPay and EgoPay who join SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and the successful implementation of the new version of LibertyReserve’s automated payouts interface that will help to maintain the uninterrupted instant payouts to LR even when after a few days the support of the old API version ceases to exist. I predicted from the beginning this could be a big future hit in my original review of CashROTOR published here. And below is the actual newsletter in full:
“Good news from CashROTOR
This is Steven, administrator of the CashROTOR HYIP. It’s been already 3 long weeks I’ve never sent any updates about the program you’ve trusted your funds to, and now is the time for the first newsletter.
Since being launched CashROTOR has seriously grew up. By this moment over 2,350 investors registered with us and over 1,750 made at least one deposit.
Some of our supporters wondered how this might become possible. Especially considering the down period of the Black December and holidays. I’ll share the secret. From the very start CashROTOR always paid instantly, paid on weekends and holidays including Christmas and New Year. While other admins decided to replace payouts with explanations, CashROTOR worked silently for you profit.
From the moment you jump in with your funds, we are on the same boat. I do everything possible and impossible to provide your funds with safety and generate your profit. And I’ll do this as long as you keep turning CashROTOR with your investments.
In my interview with Paul I’ve mentioned that I plan to run CashROTOR at least till February. Must admit, I didn’t expect most will like project so much. I’m sorry to disappoint some of you, but CashROTOR is not going anywhere. It gains momentum smoothly and I can’t see anything, but a great success and profit for all current supporters.
Here I should probably convince you to invest, but looked at the statistics and decided to save calories while typing. Project trend is doing really great. After the end of the NewGNI many HYIP players who were going to invest there turned on to CashROTOR. Some our investors call CashROTOR the best short-term program of the year and most of them have already doubled their initial deposits. 15% daily for 10 days, instant withdrawals and five payment processors are at your service 24/7/365.
Currently I keep improving the project and here is what’s been done recently:
– CashROTOR has been reviewed and interviewed by Paul, at famous Money News Online. You may find both links at the bottom of the website frontpage.
– CashROTOR now uses Liberty Reserve API v.2.0. The switch was made without being noticed by anyone. After 3 days Liberty Reserve will disable API v.1.0 and CashROTOR instant withdrawals will not be affected.
– Two more payment processors were added: EgoPay and PexPay. Now even more good investors can reach the earning power of CashROTOR. All withdrawals with those payment systems are as well instant and not limited.
– CashROTOR has been introduced to all PexPay users in their private newsletter.
– CashROTOR is now protected by BlockDoS professional shield. Topics are sticked on 4 major forums.
More serious improvements to CashROTOR will be introduced coming days, but for now I’ll keep it in secret.
This was Steven Dale with news from CashROTOR.
Don’t hesitate to click “Reply” and share what you think!
I’d just like to clarify that their implementation of BlockDos protection is complete, but the actual move from one hosting provider to another is ongoing and will take some time. Therefore please expect some downtime at some point during the day, don’t panic when it happens, and a little patience will help speed the whole thing up. In addition to the proper newsletter I also received this update from Steven about the CashROTOR migration just before publishing:
“Dear investors! CashROTOR is now behind BlockDos professional protection, but is still hosted by KoDDOS. Today we will be migrating our backend to a super-fast dedicated server with SSD drive. Therefore, be prepared for minor down periods that will total between 30 minutes and 2 hours at most. We’ll do everything to make this transition smooth. Thank you for supporting CashROTOR!”
It looks like SafeguardWallet (reviewed here) could shortly become another serious contender for the crown of the best short-term program. During its first week online the program managed to progress immensely and the admin was able to add SolidTrustPay and EgoPay to appeal to more serious investors as they only started with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Today sees the end of the first investment cycle of their 18% for 8 calendar days plan and puts the first investors in profit. Despite slowly processed withdrawals by some standards (they are done within 24 hours), SafeguardWallet is growing nicely and the admin already reported doubling the level of participation since he introduced new payment processors a few days ago to 2,00 active members. MNO monitor also made a good contribution to that growth and so didn’t surprise me when the admin bought a big banner on my monitoring page for a month. I hope it demonstrates a serious attitude in running his program and after the first cycle is successfully completed today I wish SafeguardWallet and its investors every success. Just remember about only spending what you can afford to lose. Below is the third official newsletter from SafeguardWallet issued yesterday:
“SafeguardWallet Newsletter #3
Hello SafeguardWallet Members,
As we approach the end of cycle 1 for hundreds of investors and the beginning of a second cycle, we’d like to mention another milestone for membership. Just in the past 3 days we doubled our active investments to 2000 active investments.
A highlight of the past few days has been the addition of SolidTrustPay and EgoPay to our processors making SafeguardWallet with a total of 4 accepted processors for deposit.
Welcome to the second cycle of SafeguardWallet!
Thank you from the SafeguardWallet Administration Team”.
The admin of Stravia announced some improvements to increase the long term sustainability of the program in his latest newsletter. The first important change won’t really be of that much interest to many of you, as I doubt anyone deposited more than $10,000. But the maximum investment was reduced from the $100,000 to $10,000 which is still more than enough, though I don’t see how this does anything to make the program more sustainable as the admin implies in his newsletter. The second change reduces the interest paid on the Elite plan compared to the ones discussed in my original review of Stravia published here. So from the 3% to 4% daily for 70 business days with principal back on expiry the maximum daily interest will be reduced to 3.5% whilst deposits below $500 remain unaffected. Anyone joining Stravia‘s Elite plan has to enable 100% compulsory compounding in order to earn the increased rates of interest so reducing the rates will not make it more attractive for larger investors for sure. At the same time, for the Standard plan that 90% of the investors will prefer anyway, the daily rates remain the same 2.7% to 3.5% (depending on your invested amount) over the course of 70 business days with the original principal returned on expiry. Instant payouts are still promised. Deposits start from $10 via three payment processors accepted by the program – EgoPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. In my opinion, the proposed changes are largely cosmetic and although won’t affect the vast majority of Stravia members, at the same time could make it more appealing to some. The full newsletter can be read below:
“Stravia Newsletter
As we announced in our news section earlier, there will be a few revisions within the plans. The goal of this change is to help us become more sustainable in the long run. Please note, none of our current investors who have already deposited will be affected by any of these changes.
Standard Plan: The standard plan will be the same as it was, however we are no longer accepting deposits over $10,000 USD.
PLAN I: $10 – $500 2.7% daily profit
PLAN II: $501 – $1,000 2.8% daily profit
PLAN III: $1001 – $10,000 3.0% daily profit
Elite Plan: The Elite plan has been revised. The maximum deposit accepted is now lowered to $10,000 USD same as the Standard Plan. Plan I still offers the same daily profit rate of 3%, however interest rate has been lowered for Plan II and Plan III to achieve better sustainability.
PLAN I: $10 – $500 3.0% daily profit
PLAN II: $501 – $1,000 3.2% daily profit
PLAN III: $1001 – $10,000 3.5% daily profit
Affiliates: We will also be releasing better and more attractive banners for our program, so our affiliates can promote us better. If you already have our old banners displayed, then it will be automatically updated as soon as the new banners are here.
Just a reminder, we still offer 5% referral commission on deposits and also you get regular bonus commissions on active referrals. Please check your referral section on your Stravia account for more details.
Best Regards, Stravia Team”.
After more than two months online the administration of BankPaying finally officially announced the addition of SolidTrustPay as a payment option. Being one of the most widely accepted payment gateways in the HYIP industry this move will attract more members into the program requiring a $10 minimum for a 2%-2.3% for 80 days investment plan. STP of course joins LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. One of the most attractive feature of BankPaying (reviewed here) remains instantly processed payouts which I hope will include STP as well. Here’s the short update from the BankPaying admin:
“Good News for BankPaying Inc. investors !
Hello BankPaying Members,
BankPaying added SolidTrustPay as a payment processor. You may now make SolidTrustPay deposits from your BankPaying Account. We accept PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, Egopay and SolidTrustPay.
Thanks, BankPaying Inc.”
DiamondAsset (reviewed here) remains a stable performer, processing payouts to all accepted payment processors including SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, and EgoPay within 24 business hours. After doing this promptly for about five months already, DiamondAsset proved a profitable outing for the first investors who believed in it from the beginning and joined the 1.8%-2.5% for 120 business days plan with original principal back on expiry. And if DiamondAsset keeps this up, in less than a month we’ll see the first principal returns on expiry marking the completion of the first investment cycle for the program’s members. Their full newsletter is included below:
“Interest Payments
Dear Client,
We are pleased inform you that all Interest Payments for this week has been successfully processed.
Thank you for choosing DiamondAsset.
Best Regards,
DiamondAsset Support Team”.
Please note that I still don’t know what’s really going on behind the scenes with NewGNi. The admin, Jurgen, hasn’t issued the promised official newsletter yet regarding the pending payouts which in turn made me conclude the worst case scenario and move his program to Problem status on MNO a couple of days ago. However there was a short update posted on NewGNi‘s Facebook page yesterday still promising the pending payouts to be paid within the next few days, but without any specific deadline. Here’s the update for any members who haven’t seen it yet:
“We are working diligently to get all the requests up to date. Please be patient as we have your best interest in mind. We should be caught up in a few days. Thank you for your understanding and patience.”
In my opinion, the situation with NewGNi is almost hopeless and the silence of the admin does more harm than good by eroding any remaining trust they had in the program before. NewGNi may well have been the best investment project of 2012, but this is 2013 and it’s been disastrous for ordinary members there so far. There’s no acceptable excuse for not updating members properly, let alone not paying the long overdue payouts. So I have no alternative but to downgrade NewGNi‘s status from the Problem to Scam if payouts don’t resume by tomorrow. Starting then the program will be officially finished for me, and no further updates will be included on MNO. I hope you realize that it’s just a waste of my time and yours by including it, and it doesn’t bring the program or your money back. Sorry, but I’ve done everything I could in this situation and totally understand the frustration of NewGNi members. I’m as disappointed in their recent actions as the rest of you, but it’s time to move on.
The newest program joining the Standard listing on MNO last night is called OnwardAds. The program officially launched just yesterday and it represents a hybrid of HYIP and autosurf. Fans of both can equally benefit from investing in plans offering 1.7% to 3.2% for 60 days for no surfing and from 4% to 6% for 60 days for surfing at least ten websites for ten seconds each on autopilot every 24 hours. With compounding allowed on all plans and the original principal returned on expiry of each of them, OnwardAds also accepts all the popular payment processors including EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and the payouts are promised to be paid within a 48 hour maximum. The site is properly SSL-secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by Koddos. OnwardAds runs off a Gotenks script which means that first you will need to fund your account and then re-distribute the money to your preferred plan. Other HYIP-autosurf hybrids that ran last year were not particularly popular among my readers and none of them were actually profitable for investors. Maybe this one will change that, but we’ll see in the next few weeks. Here’s the welcome message from the admin of OnwardAds in the news section of the site:
“Thank you for taking your time to visit us today. OnwardAds is a program that has been carefully baked towards success and we assure our members that they would be able to meet their earning and advertising needs from this website.
Haven taken so much time we are now at this time officially open and welcome new members from around the world. Join OnwardAds and get launched to advertising success.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CashROTOR, ProForexUnion, UsdTrading.
From MNO Premium list: ProfitableSunrise, EurexTrade, StallionGold, EpicRoyalFund, 4FXInvestment, TureProfit, SafeguardWallet, ZionFinance, Stravia, BankPaying, AlevrasInvestments, MGProfit, GISolutions.
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup.
From MNO Basic list: TrackInvest, CheeseCash, ForexMoneyBank, Sun7Life, Monearn, Fxen, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, TheInvestmentBank, Money&Credit.
That’s all for today, guys. I hope to see you all for the new business week in the HYIP industry tomorrow with all the news from the best investment projects available accompanied by the full review of OnwardAds. So stay tuned and see you all then!
Filed under Daily News by on Jan 13th, 2013.