Mar 29th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! MoneyInSports has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Friday again so I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend. Especially those of you celebrating Easter this Sunday so I hope you all have a nice holiday. I want to finish the business week this evening with a closer look at a new long term addition to my monitoring page called MoneyInSports which just started about a week ago. I’ll have all the regular news updates in a few moments as usual in the news section but see the plans and other features to MoneyInSports first and see if there’s anything there that might be suitable for you.

To start with, just before we get to the plans, I’ll just need to point out that due to the script the program runs off the process of joining is just slightly different from what you might be used to. Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science, I just think it worth mentioning for the benefit of those new to the industry and maybe haven’t come across this before. What you need to do is simply deposit into your e-wallet in the members area (basically just a holding area for your money) and then “buy tokens” for the required amount which become your actual investment. Sounds easy but the thing is if you forget to do this your investment never gets activated and your money just sits there. You’d be surprised how many people forget this!

MoneyInSports is quite straight forward and much less complicated that the majority of other HYIPs, long term or otherwise. Reason being there’s only one investment plan, and the terms and conditions are the very same for all members regardless of the amount of money you spend. The minimum requirement for making a deposit is a bit lower than the industry average, starting at just $5 making MoneyInSports pretty affordable to all players. Once your in the investment term runs for 80 calendar days. During this time you earn a daily interest rate of 2% of your principal. This come to 160% in total by the end. On expiry of the term however unlike many long term programs MoneyInSports will not be returning your initial deposit, counting it already as part of the payments. This means you basically get your own money back plus 60% net profit for yourself. So while maybe not quite as obviously profitable as some of the competition, this will go a very long way towards keeping MoneyInSports sustainable and in good paying status for a lot longer than one might normally expect. Assuming the whole thing is run by an admin with good intentions and and knows what he’s doing that is, something we will only see in the coming weeks and months.

If we take a simple example of how this plan might play out in monetary terms, let’s say we join MoneyInSports with a nice round $100. They should then pay you back $2 per day, allowing you to earn your own money back 50 days into the term and then have no further risk to your own money. At the end of the term payments will have added up to $160, which MoneyInSports count as your initial $100 principal plus $60 net profit on top. There is no upper limit to what you can spend so you’re pretty much free to spend whatever you like, but smaller investors just keep in mind that MoneyInSports do have a minimum withdrawal requirement of $1.

Your choice of payment options is pretty good, with all the main industry processors listed, and then some. You can deposit and withdraw via either SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, and PexPay completing the list. Payments to members are made manually by the admin and so need to requested from inside your MoneyInSports private members account area. Once you’ve done this you are then asked to allow anything up to a 24 hour maximum for all transactions to be processed.

On the technical, design and security side of things, I’m pleased to see that MoneyInSports is running off a script licensed from ShadowScripts, one of the better options out there on the market right now. It’s quite easy to use, looks good if that matters, and doesn’t cut corners on security. It’s less popular than I’d like but I believe it’s not cheap, but you get what you pay for and generally is taken more by admins who are a bit more serious about running good and dependable programs. (On a side note I interviewed the ShadowScripts developer Chris on my blog some time back which you can read here). Apart from that the MoneyInSports website has an extra layer of security using SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with the support and protection of Koddos. Any further questions can be sent to the admin by filling out the online customer support form and submitting it through the MoneyInSports contacts page.

As you can probably figure out from the name, MoneyInSports is allegedly involved in sports betting. By no means is this the first time we’ve this story rolled out in the HYIP industry, I very much doubt it will be the last, but you should draw your own conclusions from the fact that the admin explicitly refuses to give any further information, even past examples, of how this works. I mean we all know how the concept of betting works, there’s just no information on how you can possibly guarantee a winning result every time. So I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the texts, though what little of them there are at least seem original. Don’t treat MoneyInSports any differently from any other online HYIP and never go beyond a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose. And of course if joining then you can be safer by keeping MoneyInSports as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I would like to start the news section for today with a very important warning about MajestiCrown. It looks like the program is on its way to scam with the sudden addition of a new short-term plan paying 25% for 5 days for investments starting from $500 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. You can see a huge contrast with the originally offered plan paying 3.2%-3.5% for 90 business days which was in the focus of my review of MajestiCrown posted here. By the way, on the originally offered plan the first investors were just about to break-even and start getting into profits next week, but apparently, it’s not going to happen anytime soon. From my experience with HYIPs, almost always such a move into short term territory from the longer term programs usually means pending scam. Therefore, I would suggest you stay away from MajestiCrown at the moment, and do not even think of investing in any of the plans on offer. I got paid instantly today, but I’m not sure for how long it’s going to last, especially considering that the admin didn’t pay for the extension of his Sticky listing on MNO which was another disturbing sign I noticed last night. So please do not get trapped into such tricks and avoid investing in MajestiCrown which can be officially taken as a pending scam now:

MajestiCrown – VIP Plan 25% daily for 5 days
We are happy to announce that our website reached 50000 members and we are announcing VIP plan for only limited time. Don’t miss this opportunity.
VIP Plan 25% daily for 5 days
If you invest $1000 you will receive 250$ daily every 5 days, total profit – $1250 USD
You can make investment from member area. Minimum for this plan $500


With the absence of MajestiCrown in MNO’s Sticky listing ProForexUnion took its place immediately. Having an impressive run of over six months now, ProForexUnion (reviewed here) never ceases to amaze people with its steady performance and timely payouts on the various medium-term investment plans with the principals back on expiry of each – 1.2% for 20 days, 1.7% for 30 days, 1.9%-2.4% for 60 days. ProForexUnion greatly exceeded expectations of even the biggest HYIP skeptics by recently finishing the 9th cycle of its shortest investment plan and the 3rd cycle for its longest one. The speed of the payouts from ProForexUnion as well as the choice of payment processors is also impressive. Not only conventional payment processors like PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay are accepted by the program, but also less well-known payment processors, bank wires and even credit card payments. After such a long time online the admin of ProForexUnion fully realizes the need to advertise the program on a larger scale and therefore, he always comes op with good contests. The last contest for the best photo was followed by one for the best video with Apple Iphones to give away. Today the lucky winners were finally announced and their videos praising ProForexUnion can be found in the links provided in the latest newsletter issued today:

ProForexUnion. The first contest is over! Meet the winners!
The first contest is over! Meet the winners!
1th – place
2th – place
3th – place
4th place
All 4 winners will receive APPLE IPHONE 5
All who have not made the list, but sent a video will receive their prizes next draw!
Sincerely, yours The ProForexUnion team.


I’m not sure what exactly the admin of 306BZ tried to achieve by bringing this update to the attention of its investors, but apparently, some guy is appointed as a chief company representative his points of contact were mentioned by the admin Kelly in the latest short update from 306BZ issued today:

Introduce Our Chief Company Representative
It is my great honor to introduce our Chief Company Representative Mr. Madhosingh Chauhan. If you need any help, you can also contact him. His E-mail address is and Contact no. – 0091 9408404365.
Best Regards Kelly Buckley

306BZ has been a good pick for my readers so far, especially for those who chose to invest in the recommended 20%-30% for 6 days plan in comparison to the much riskier plan paying 306% return after 10 or 36 days (depending on the invested amount). 306BZ has been listed on MNO monitor for over 8 days now and the first cycle was successfully completed for the first lucky investors. For those of you who haven’t read my review of the program (published here), I would like to remind you that 306BZ accepts deposits starting from a $10 minimum via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve.


EmpireFinanceGroup has been paying steadily since June 2010 and is definitely considered one of the oldest HYIPs online. The investment plans on offer include 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days with the initial principal returned on expiry of each. Since my review of EmpireFinanceGroup was published here, the minimum to invest was raised to $50 and with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney still the only payment processors there won’t be a lot of takers. Allegedly, such long life was provided by the extremely successful trading activities of EmpireFinanceGroup financial wizards. So, since they will be on holidays today and Monday due to Easter holidays the usual profit would not be credited to members either as reported in the last update issued today:

EmpireFinanceGroup non trade days
Dear EmpireFinanceGroup customers,
Profit will not be added today and on Monday because of holidays. Good Friday and Easter Monday in United States.
Next profit will be added on Tuesday, at first business day after the holidays.


Another weekly newsletter was issued by the admin of SwissInvestFund Jackob tonight where he managed to skip the latest interview with me published a few days ago (click here to read it). I seriously find it hard to understand why an admin asks for an interview on MNO and then disregards linking to it in his newsletter. I just don’t get it. There’s nothing that interesting or new posted in the newsletter and the admin just asked for suggestions from the members. If you haven’t read my review of SwissInvestFund yet (click here to read), I remind you they accept payments starting from $10 via five payment options – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PexPay. Plans include 1.6%-2% for 90 days with the principal back on expiry and 4.8% for 30 days with no principal return. The program has been running for six weeks already bringing profits to the first investors, and I hope it continues for a long time. The newsletter from SwissInvestFund in full can be read below:

Weekly newsletter #5
It is late Friday and again one really busy working week in our office is gone.
This week gave us big boost of new members. Our support team who is responsible for live chat and other communication forms had week like no other, so much work and all of this because of you, people who trust us and is together with us. We have reached big success just because of you, but we do not stay just here we will move way further every day.
We would like our members to send us an information what kind of new features you would like to be added in SwissInvestFund. Please use contact form – we will review your proposals and add them later if many users will want same features. So, if you know something what could do benefit both for you and us then contact us and maybe even your proposal will be first one what we will add in our investment platform.
Again we want to inform everyone that we still and will always check every investment manually, it is because of your own safety, even if your status “PENDING” is staying longer then 10 minutes, it do not mean that you need to contact support team, if you have paid then your investment will be active soon.
Some nice reviews came out this week, we will introduce one for English speaking readers and one for Russian speaking ones. Thanks everyone who is advertising our investment platform in Internet and not only there, every day we receive really nice and positive feedback for you.
We wish you pleasant weekend with family and nice Easter weekend for those ones who celebrates it.
Regards, SwissInvestFund team


The first of three programs to join MNO’s Premium listing today was WavEarn. The project started only a couple of days ago and with two investment plans paying 120% after 5 days and 150% after 10 days it has to complete the first investment cycle yet. Well, I know that some of the investors will take this positively and will see an opportunity to join early enough. On both investment plans in WavEarn the minimum to invest is an affordable $10 via four payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. The withdrawals have to be requested from your account and are promised to be paid within a 24 hour maximum. For my first referral commissions received today I got paid within only a couple of hours, and I guess while WavEarn hasn’t got many members it will stay this way. WavEarn is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and widely recognized by many investors, the site is SSL-secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server by Staminus Communications. Of course it’s hard to predict the program’s future at this point, so I would suggest to wait until the first payouts are processed on expiry of the shortest investment plan. As for the review, it’s going to be published on MNO tomorrow, so stay tuned for more information on WavEarn then.


The second program joining MNO’s Premium listing today was EarningAlliance which officially launched just yesterday. This is a long term project paying you from from 1.25% to 2.15% for the duration 180 business days with the original principal also returned on expiry. The minimum to invest starts from $10 and the daily interest credited to your account in EarningAlliance depends on the amount you deposit which is taken via four payment processors or direct bank wires – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay. The site is SSL secured by Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by the best hosting provider in the HYIP industry BlockDos. The site itself looks quite nice, and though running off a generic licensed GoldCoders script, I believe could become popular with time if the admin keeps processing fast payouts, like he did today with my first payment, although I couldn’t find anything about the payout timeframe. What I did manage to find is the welcome newsletter from the admin outlining the story about creating EarningAlliance so if you like fairy tales you will surely find this one amusing. You can enjoy it below before my review that’s due in a couple of days:

Welcome message
Dear clients,
After over a decade of interrupt successful offline activity, EarningAlliance Ltda. has finally opened its online filial, EarningAlliance. We are a group of investors and brokers working together on capital markets and our job consists of making a profit and sharing a part of it with you.
For me, opening this website is a very important personal achievement. When I first started this company in 2001, all we had was loaned money and a couple of friends who invested with us. Twelve years later, we manage assets of over 10 million dollars for clients all over the world and will now make this opportunity available to small investors like you.
The point of expanding our business is to build a stronger alliance. We are not just offering you a service; we are offering you the opportunity to become part of a trusted investment group that can actually change your financial reality as it did to mine.
EarningAlliance has a single investment plan with profit rates going from 1.25% to 2.15% daily depending on the amount of your investment, for 180 business days. For your comfort, we accept the most common online payment processing systems such as Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, Ego Pay, SolidTrustPay and also bank wire. More options will be added upon request.
Our customer support department is eagerly waiting for you. Welcome to EarningAlliance!
Best regards, Richard Hayden


Finally, the third new program on MNO’s Premium List today was AVVGlobal. Perhaps I like this one most of all because the payouts are done instantly to all payment options – SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. The variety of investment plans with affordable minimums (from $5 to $20 depending on the plan) makes it very appealing for all types of investors. You can choose from the following options – 1.5% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.5% for 60 days, and 3% for 90 days. Note that the initial principal is returned on expiry by AVVGlobal and that compounding is allowed. The site runs off a licensed GoldCoders script, SSL-secured by Comodo, ClickID identity verified, and hosted on a dedicated server by Staminus Communications. The site itself is very user friendly and comprehensive and I liked the convenience an average investor feels when browsing it. All in all, AVVGlobal gives a good first impression and I hope it becomes a profitable program for MNO readers. The full review of AVVGlobal will be done on Monday.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ProForexUnion, EliteCapitalClubADSolid, OptiEarn, ElegantForex, SwissInvestFund, MoneyBox, BriscoFund.
From MNO Premium list: MajestiCrown, TureProfit, BensonUnion, Stravia, Nubcoyu, RewardsWeekly, 306BZ, SwiftMoney, WorldGemsInvest, EaglesInvestment, ZenithPayRFIGroup, MasterEarn, EmpireFinanceGroup, Financa, AVVGlobal (the first payments received), EarningAlliance (the first payment received), WavEarn (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome, MoneyInSports (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: SixDaysProfit, 12ProFinance, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, Fxen, PrimeLookUp, ForexInvest, MakingBank (the first payments received).

That’s all for today, guys. Have a nice Easter weekend, and I’ll see you tomorrow with the full review of WavEarn and the latest news from the HYIP industry!

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