March 2013 Archives

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Beware! SphereINV has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Well, it’s the final day of my Spring vacation to Barbados so I’ll be heading home later tonight. It’s been a lot different from the destinations I usually go to but it’s been enjoyable and I’d recommend it for anyone if you get the chance. Time for one last post before the plane home though, and I want that to be on a short term HYIP called SphereINV. Reason being that SphereINV is a remarkable straight forward program with only one investment plan and so won’t take me so long to write! But to be fair I must admit I was a little surprised as to the almost immediate popularity of the program and didn’t think it would take off quite so well as it did (based on the first impression that it’s a high risk). So before the day’s news which I’m also looking at at the moment let’s see what SphereINV is all about and whether you think it might be worth taking a chance on.

To start with I have to admin I was skeptical of SphereINV‘s chances of getting this far and becoming a successful program, and you’ll see why when in a moment when I describe the investment plan. But they’ve done it and are still here so kudos to the admin where it’s due. It’s quite a simple set up though and a very straight forward decision for you, either you think it can work for a couple more cycles or you don’t, but the admin has surprised a lot of people by getting this far.

So you can join SphereINV‘s one single plan for a $10 deposit. The plan then runs for a duration of 3 calendar days and on expiry makes one single interest payment. This will also include your initial deposit and will come to 133%, or your own money back plus 33% net profit. So let’s say if you invested $100, you’d be hoping for SphereINV to pay you back $133. The maximum amount allowed is $500,000, though at the rates being offered cash flow is even more essential here, so obviously you stand a far better chance of getting paid if your deposit is closer to the lower limit than the upper.

Payment options are of an acceptable standard, with all the popular processors in use and enough to keep the majority of investors satisfied I think. At the start SphereINV were taking deposits through SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. These have now been joined by EgoPay when the admin’s account was verified. Withdrawals are processed manually by the SphereINV admin and so will need to be requested by logging into your private members account area. The official line is that you will be required to allow anything up to 24 hours all transactions to be completed, I have to say that my own payments to date have been quite a bit faster than that.

Looking into the design and security features of the program, SphereINV seems to be fairly well organized and put together considering what it is. The website is running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders so straight away it’s going to have a familiar look to most regular industry players. In addition to that the SphereINV website is using SSL encryption by Comodo for an extra layer of user security in browsing and transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server provided directly by Staminus who I believe are also providing them with DDoS protection as well. For any further questions, comments, or queries for the admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then SphereINV can be contacted by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it.

Texts and website content appears original, though predictably for a short term HYIP contains almost no useable information concerning the supposed business plan the owner would have you think is supporting such enormous payouts. SphereINV simply include the usual HYIP industry blurb about ForEx trading and the stock exchange is in there somewhere, though no real evidence they’re in way licensed or sanctioned to do so. So just keep in mind that SphereINV is a high risk venture, quite a lucrative one if you’re one of those lucky enough to have it pay off for you, but not one risking more money than a minimal amount you can afford to gamble with. Some folks are even surprised the program has lasted this long, but it is possible to run for a number of cycles. Not an infinite number mind, just a very limited one! Timing is everything here so do consider that when deciding how much you’d like to invest in SphereINV, assuming you think it’s still worth taking a chance on at all that is. So set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose and based on a fair risk assessment, and if joining at all then keep SphereINV as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I want to start the news by announcing that MNO is currently working on questions for an upcoming video interview with the admin of BensonUnion Ragnar, the first interview with whom was first published on my blog many months ago and can be read here. So I’m inviting all readers, whether BensonUnion members or not, to send me any questions you wish to be included. I’ll be sending them in a couple of days and if you wish ask anything of your own please do not hesitate to submit your questions from my Contact page or write to me directly at with the subject line “Questions for BensonUnion”. I’ll be looking forward to your input and will definitely ask Ragnar whatever you might need to know.

BensonUnion (first reviewed here) remains the oldest listed Paying program on my monitor after being first added in January 2013. Back then the program only accepted LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (along with Bank wires) to the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days plan with the principal return on expiry. Now after 14 months online, the plan remains the same while the list was significantly extended to include EgoPay, BitCoin, PexPay and the most popular payment processors in the HYIP industry – SolidTrustPay. Because of SolidTrustPay who have strict rules against hackers BensonUnion faced some issues last week when their account was suspended due to deposits submitted from hacked and stolen funds. I must say the admin managed to sort out the issues with STP pretty fast and by now BensonUnion‘s SolidTrustPay account is working fine again and processing pending withdrawals to STP piling up since Friday when that suspension occurred. If you don’t know yet, almost all the withdrawals from BensonUnion are processed instantly and only in some cases you should allow up to 48 hours to get paid manually.

In other news from BensonUnion the contest for members with at least a $5,000 active deposit in the program have a chance to win a vacation to Dominica is ongoing. Due to popular demand, the contest has been extended for two more weeks and the new deadline is set to March 24. So if you are one of the bigger investors there submit your testimonial and post a screenshot of your earnings and try your luck. Here is the latest news from BensonUnion:

SolidTrustPay update + Extended contest
Dear investors! First of all we would like to tell about bad story which happened to our SolidTrustPay account last Friday. There were some deposits made by hackers with stolen funds and thats why SolidTrustPay suspended our account and we were unable to make withdrawals. The issue is completely sorted out by this moment and our account is active again because we have very good relationship with this payment processor. All pending withdrawals since March 8 are processed by our operator with just a few clicks, we hope you appreciate it and BensonUnion confirmed its leadership in solving issues once again. The second news is that we receive requests from our investors who ask to let the contest be active for 2 more weeks and we accepted such offers. The “Dream vacation” contest winners will be announced by March 24. The ones who invested over $5,000 and received payouts can participate in contest, such account holders see invitation to participate in BensonUnion account area. We are also working on video interview with our CEO Ragnar Wellington, so stay tuned for next updates! Have a good day!


Today saw an urgent update from one of the most successful and long lasting short term programs AirCargoXpress. It looks like someone created a phishing website similar to AirCargoXpress‘ and is trying to steal members’ personal info by sending phishing emails with a request to submit account details to a fake link. If you fell victim to this phishing scam the admin suggests changing your password immediately, and even if the hacker gets access to your account in AirCargoXpress he will not be able to change the account details as due to security concerns it’s being done by the admin manually after contact from the account’s rightful owner. Still, it’s better be safe than sorry so please be on alert regarding any phishing emails pretending to be from AirCargoXpress. If in doubt, do not click on any links in such emails.

By the way, AirCargoXpress has been online for nearly two months paying on two investment plans with principal back on expiry – 2%-3% for 10 days, and 3%-4% for 15 days. As you can see it constitutes four to six completed investment cycles for investors enjoying profits to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay accounts. The program remains very popular among MNO readers, and if you wish to find out more you’re welcome to read my review of the program posted here and the interview with the admin of AirCargoXpress Dylan here. Please note that last email from him and always take security issues seriously which will help you keep you safe online. Forewarned is forearmed! Here’s the latest from AirCargoXpress:

Greetings Dear Investors,
It’s just recently came to our attention that someone is sending out phishing e-mails using our name and fake website that looks similar to ours. They request to validate your account. Keep in mind that AirCargoXpress NEVER asks to validate your personal details on the website and never we send any type of files. As a precaution note keep in mind that such e-mails are going around therefore be prepared. Moreover always check if you see “https” next to our website name making sure that you’re on genuine website. For victims of such letters please contact us directly from e-mail that you have on your account with us and ask for a change of your password. Currently we’ll not be processing changes of e-currency accounts that are made through support system in your member’s area. If you’ll need to change your e-currency account directly send your letter to
We’d also like to inform you that USA Pacific Standard Time has moved 1 hour further on 10th March 2013. Therefore please take it in consideration that server’s time didn’t change and you’re still receiving your profit at the same pace as you did before.
Shortly we’ll be sending another newsletter regarding our video and questionnaire in which you will be able to share your view on our company. And possibly add some comments and suggestions to improve it for you and other co-investors!
Regards, AirCargoXpress Team


As you might remember yesterday I posted an update from GSAOnlineInvestments (reviewed here) asking investors not to worry as the payments seem to have been resumed. However I found some complaints about the inaccessibility of the website and some missing payouts to LibertyReserve. While all my withdrawals to PerfectMoney have been processed I can’t confirm delayed LR withdrawals, but in the latest official newsletter finally published today on GSAOnlineInvestments‘ website the admin promises to sort everything out soon and invites investors who cannot connect to the .com domain to try .net instead. GSAOnlineInvestments offers several investment plans with optional automatic daily payouts to LR and PM accounts and original principals returned on expiry – 0.75% for 15 business days, 1.25% for 20 business days, 1.75% for 30 business days, 2% for 50 days, 3.5% for 90 days. GSAOnlineInvestments has been online for 16 days already, however, it was severely hit by some serious technical issues that made the site inactive and inaccessible for a few days. Finally, now it’s back to a normal schedule and those who haven’t read it yet can see the latest update from the program below:

Recovery work
Dear investors, our servers underwent large-scale attack of ill-wishers. At present we restore work of all services therefore the site can periodically be inaccessible. We ask you not to worry, not executed transactions are put in turn, and will be shortly executed.
If at you it is impossible to come on .com, try to come on .net.
If to you any payments didn’t come, or you have questions, ask to send them on our postal address In the letter we ask to specify a subject of a problem.


If you read my review of EmpireFinanceGroup (published here) you might remember the minimum deposit started from $10 via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Today it was announced that that was raised to appeal to more serious players and is now $50. I’m not sure how that makes any program attract bigger investors, but I guess the work overload will be significantly reduced due to the removal of small investors. I remind you that EmpireFinanceGroup has been online since June 2010 and offers three investment plans returning your original investment on expiry – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days. Here’s the short message from the news section of EmpireFinanceGroup today:

Minimum amount of deposit changed to $50
From today we decided to accept deposits from minimum $50 to provide even better customer service to all our serious and big clients.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MajestiCrownOilOfAsia, SphereINVAirCargoXpressEliteBank,  GSAOnlineInvestments, MoneyBox.
From MNO Premium list: SureInv, TureProfit, AXAIndustries, 4FXInvestment, BensonUnion, TrackInvest, Stravia, MyFxCapital, Black&WhiteFund, BlueFxStormADSolid, MalaysianINC, HurricaneAssets, InvestiField, HytexAG, WorldGemsInvest, MasterEarn, EmpireFinanceGroup, RFIGroup.
From MNO Standard list: SwiftMoney, AxiomInvestingGroup, PureIncome.
From MNO Basic listVenturInvest, InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Finance7, Money&Credit, Fxen, ZenithUnion, SwissInvestFund.

That’s it for today, guys. See you all tomorrow with the review of SwiftMoney and the interview with the admin of TrackInvest and Black&WhiteFund. Don’t miss the latest news updates tomorrow as well and see you all then!


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