Apr 24th, 2013 Archives

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Beware! XProfit has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! A couple of interesting news items to catch up with today which we’ll get to in the news section in a few moments, though it’s still not been the busiest of weeks in the industry. Also included is the introduction of another new program to my monitoring page. More about that in a few moments as well, but first I want to take a look at a recently launched program called XProfit. This is more of a mid to long term HYIP with some variety in their plans that I want to describe for you, as well as XProfit‘s other main features so we can see if you think them suitable for you or not.

Starting as always with the investment plans – the number one reason most of you would be looking at XProfit at all in the first place I suppose – they have four to choose from. Let me be perfectly blunt about this though, and I’d say a lot of you are going to agree with me on this one, some of these plans are really best avoided and are unlikely to generate money for absolutely anyone apart from the admin. XProfit have two plans which make daily interest payments to members which are OK, still a gamble obviously but that’s what you do in the HYIP industry, and two plans which only make one payment on expiry which I’d be a lot more suspect about. But let’s take a look at the numbers first.

To join XProfit you will first need a $10 minimum to invest. This much gets you into what’s called simply The Daily Plan, and it runs for a term of 15 calendar days. Members will earn a daily interest payment of 10% on their investments for the plan’s duration. These should eventually add up to 150% and XProfit do count your principal as part of those payments. So you get your own money back ten days into the term and finish up with 50% net profit.

Those with a slightly bigger budget and prepared to spend at least a $100 can avail of The Compound Plan. This is a longer term option which while offering a lower rate of interest per day is still ultimately more profitable as obviously there are so many more payments. Well, that’s the idea anyway. We’ll have to wait and see how it works out in practice. So the term is 60 calendar days during which XProfit offer you a 3% return per day. They will then return your initial principal – something they don’t offer for any of their other plans – leaving you with your own money back plus 180% net profit.

I imagine a lot of the experienced readers will have already made a decision on XProfit and won’t really need to be putting any serious consideration into the remaining plans, but just for your information here they are. The Gold Plan runs for 60 calendar days and will cost you at least a $100 deposit to join. The difference here though between this and the previous plan is that XProfit only offer you one single payment on expiry. It’s a pretty long wait without ever seeing a cent in interest paid back to you, but when you do get to the end of the term the return being offered is 1500%, and let’s be honest here, I really don’t think many of us see that as being even remotely achievable.

The final XProfit plan, called The Diamond Plan, is even less workable. Maybe it’s actually a good thing that the minimum requirement is a hefty $3,000 as this is likely to prevent and protect more investors from getting caught out by it. Anyway, it runs for 30 calendar days and anyone joining is being offered 1000% interest back on expiry.

If any of the plans are to your liking then you’ll probably be pleased enough with the list of payment options. XProfit take all the popular industry processors that investors have come to expect as a minimum requirement of any online HYIP before joining, with SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve reserve all included for you to choose from so I doubt there’s going to be much reason or expectation that that be expanded. Payouts to members have to be requested from inside your private account area, but once you’ve done this XProfit have implemented instant payments, so most likely you’ll see the money reach your payment processor account in well under a minute.

While I can’t say I’m a big fan of the design myself, it’s just a bit garish and loud, not to mention some glaring spelling mistakes, it doesn’t really have all that much affect on the program’s ability to pay. But otherwise most investors will find it recognizable and easy enough to navigate, given XProfit‘s licensed GoldCoders script they’re running off. Other features on the design and security front include XProfit being hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks by Staminus Communications, and the website having an extra layer of security with SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you have any further questions about the plans or any other aspect of the program, or any account related issues you may need dealing with then the XProfit admin can be reached by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page. XProfit are also displaying icons for Facebook and Twitter, however this is a bit (well, totally!) misleading as neither website currently has a profile for the program and clicking on either of them does nothing more than refresh whatever page you happen to be on at the time. All up to a fair enough standard I suppose, nothing particularly memorable or eye-catching, but at least XProfit are up to the minimum standard you should expect from any online HYIP.

The website content, ie the written texts about XProfit and their alleged business activities are a straight copy/paste job. They can be seen in identical word-for-word replication on literally hundreds of other HYIP websites all of which are older than XProfit. Experienced investors won’t be paying much attention to any of this, there’s nothing here that they don’t already know and know well, but the point is not to go treating XProfit like a genuine financial services provider staffed by “experienced traders, financial professionals and market analysts” like the website states, but rather like a regular high risk online HYIP that doesn’t give guaranteed results. Spending has to be carefully manage as it always does in this industry, so establish a spending limit that you can both afford to spend, afford to lose, and adhere to it strictly. And if joining XProfit at all, assuming you found something suitable to your own needs in there that is, try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse investment portfolio.



I believe BensonUnion might have some serious cash flow issues that they are trying to hide now by pretending to be busy with some kind of Forex conference. This is the alleged reason for not paying their members from today till the end of the week as posted in the latest newsletter today. I remind you that last week BensonUnion (reviewed here) for some reason switched off instant withdrawals completely which caused havoc in the forums over the weekend and even made me temporarily move them to Problem status on MNO. Then came Monday and everything seemed to be back to normal with payouts resumed, although still not instant. Now we have some mysterious and secret ForEx conference as the reason why the accounts are not credited from Wednesday to Friday this week. Surely BensonUnion is not trading and is a pure ponzi which was proved many times now, with even a warning posted by the authorities. Although a ponzi that was very well organized and brought many investors to profit since January 2012, at the moment I would not recommend investing there anymore. At least you need to wait till Monday when, hopefully, the payouts on the 1.2%-2.45% for 170 business days are supposed to continue. Also next Monday the next webinar with the admin of BensonUnion Ragnar (he was also interviewed on MNO here) was promised, and hopefully, we will hear some new information that will shed some light on this mysterious conference that all employees of BensonUnion MUST have to visit, lol. In any case, please be very careful now and hold off from making any new investments in BensonUnion until next Monday. The latest newsletter in full explaining the admin’s version of events can be found below:

Non-trading days because of Forex seminars + Webinar
Dear investors! BensonUnion informs about non-trading days from Wednesday, April 24 till Friday, April 26. The whole BensonUnion management team is leaving to London for 2 days Forex conference so our traders will be out of business these days. We apologize for inconvenience but this conference is very important for our team. The conference will start at 1:30 PM on Thursday and at 2:30 PM on Friday. Everyone from London who wants to participate can contact our support team for details. The next webinar with Ragnar Wellington will take place on Monday, April 29. Stay tuned for next updates!


I’m very worried for the future of 306BZ and would not recommend making additional deposits there at the moment. As the admin admitted today, he had some issues with his SolidTrustPay account which he hopes to resolve within a few days and promised to pay to other payment processors if it’s not done soon enough. The problem is that from my recent experience with HYIPs I observed that any programs with an issue with their STP accounts collapsed very shortly after (usually it took them no more than a few days). I’m afraid the same fate will be also shared by 306BZ very soon, as such serious issues will not be taken lightly by investors and lead to panic and subsequent cash flow issues. That plus the growing age of the program (about five weeks now paying on 20%-30% for 6 days and 306% after 10-36 days) will definitely spell the end for 306BZ. So despite the admin being in quite a cheerful mood today and posting another quiz along with announcing the first lucky winners of the first one I cannot see any reason for his optimism. Sorry for the bleak outlook but at the moment it doesn’t look very good to me. So if you’re a cautious investor I would advise holding off from further deposits at the moment and at least allow some time for them to try fix the situation with their blocked STP account. The latest newsletter from 306BZ (reviewed here) can be found below:

Daily Quiz From 306BZ And Solidtrustpay Update
We started to send out daily quiz instead of daily joke yesterday. We received thousands of replies from our members. In fact there are many words not mentioned in the Bible, such as trinity, Sunday, etc. So most members have given the right answer. We have randomly chosen 3 of them as the winners. They are joker3gsm, newvengpp, and battelinc. We have also credited each of their accounts with $10.Congratulations to them. Before giving today’s quiz, we want to announce some important update from our Solidtrustpay account. We suddenly received a mail from STP saying that our STP account was temporary limited because of fraudulent funds received from one member of 306BZ. They will investigate it and will get our account unblocked when this fund is cleared. All deposits and withdraws are not available during this time. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused to you. If our STP account is not unblocked by this weekend,we will stop using it and will enable an internal exchange to other e-currencies.
Today’s Quiz
Most expensive city in the world for grocery shopping?
Your Answer:
Your username on 306BZ
Best Regards. 306BZ


Sometimes HYIP admins really make themselves look very stupid in their emails, usually not realizing it themselves of course. Today the admin of AustralianBusinessGroup (reviewed here) announced no interest will be credited to members’ accounts due to a bank holiday in Australia where the program allegedly originates from. At least that’s how I understood it as the admin’s level of English is very poor. Not that I hold that against him or anything (I’m also not a native speaker), I just don’t get the pretense of pretending to be based in an English speaking country when you don’t have the ability to pull it off. I mean making statements such as “Profit on deposits will not.” Sorry, will not what? You get the idea.

Apart from that AustralianBusinessGroup has been paying for almost 11 months now, processing fast payouts on several investment plans all of which return principals on expiry of the term – 1% for 15 business days, 1.4% for 30 business days, 1.8% for 55 business days, 2.2% for 80 business days. The minimum to join AustralianBusinessGroup is only $1 and deposits are accepted via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and, most recently, SolidTrustPay as well. Here’s the latest news from the admin, all excited about tomorrow’s celebrations in his “native” country:

Our country and AustralianBusinessGroup Celebrates ANZAC Day.
We remember all the defenders of our country.
25 April Profit on deposits will not.


The admin of MoneyInSports Justin posted another daily newsletter containing daily picks for his sports betting activities which allegedly fund paying daily interest of 2% for the investors for the duration of 80 calendar days. MoneyInSports (reviewed here) takes a $5 minimum via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. I will keep my comments on this to myself and I hope everything will be better explained in the upcoming interview with Justin which I plan to publish on MNO in a couple of days. Stay tuned for that and here’s the latest newsletter from MoneyInSports for your information:

Free Play Picks 4/24
Hello Everyone,
Here are your free daily picks from MIS. We will always include 1-3 picks that we like and are placing on our own. We place more picks than this, but we wanted to give our users a chance to see some of the games we are placing bets on.
We will try to email these daily so you can see some of the plays we are making. These plays are for informational purposes only.
We will include the game number, the team(s) in the bet, the type of bet such as money line (ML) or Point Spread (SP), and the odds or the over/under play. Note we use the US betting system you can look up how to convert to decimal.
First will be the Recap from the day before, under the Recap will be the next days action.
4/23 Recap:
MLB – 906 Cincinnati Reds ML -162 Loss
MLB – 917 Kansas City Royals ML +165 Extra Play Cancelled
MLB – 926 Seattle vs Houston U 7.5 +100 Won
MLB – 920 Baltimore Orioles ML -105 Extra Play Won
NBA – 722 Miami Heat SP -13.5 -110 Loss
2-2 for the day
10-7 Overall record
4/24 Plays:
MLB – 973 Kansas City Royals ML +156
MLB – 963 Milwaukee Brewers -124
MLB – 962 New York Mets vs Los Angeles Dodgers Under 7
Regards. Justin. MoneyInSports.


MoreProfit is a brand-new short term program that was only launched today and was added to Premium listing on MNO straight away. The program offers numerous investment plans all of which pay on expiry of the term – 105%-130% after 1 day, 130%-500% after 5 days, 170%-1200% after 10 days, 200%-2000% after 15 days, 325%-3500% after 25 days, 500%-5500% after 40 days. MoreProfit currently accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and SolidTrustPay payment processors starting from a $10 minimum and the payments are processed manually by the admin who reserves the right to take a 12 hour maximum to do so. MoreProfit is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from Koddos, the site is currently not SSL-secured but at least it’s running off a licensed version of GoldCoders script. More info will be in my full review of MoreProfit in a few days.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: MalaysianINC, Finance7, PayPayRev.
From MNO Premium list: BensonUnion, 306BZ, RewardsWeekly, NorthlandOpps,  BriscoFundEaglesInvestment, After100Days, MoneyInSports, NEOMutual, RFIGroupEmpireFinanceGroup, EarningAlliance, SecureAssets, Jango, XProfit, CapitalPartnersInvestDioMetal, PrimeInvest, MoreProfit (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: AustralianBusinessGroup, PureIncome, SuccessTrade.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MainaLimited, Money&Credit, StrongROI, TheInvestmentBank, ForexShare, GlowFinance, FxInvBiz, SanderaGroup, KabooForex (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys. Check out MNO tomorrow for a review of another new program and the latest news from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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