Jul 4th, 2013 Archives

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Hello everybody! Being summer now the new quality programs are not so common these days, so MNO is not introducing them as often as before. However I’m pleased to report that all the programs that have been already listed on Premium status continue performing well during the last week which inspired some optimism that the industry will be back on track pretty soon. Or at least by the end of the summer when we’d expect it anyway. As for the news of the day, most of you will know that the 4th of July sees America celebrating Independence Day. And although the role of the US government agencies that were behind the recent LibertyReserve closure and continuous attacks on exchangers can’t be denied it has nothing to do with the US citizens that are still proud of their country and its achievements and will celebratr with gusto. So for any US based readers let me wish you all a great holiday, though it should be noted that many HYIP admins are also taking advantage and using (some might say “exploiting”) the event as a non-payment day for their members. Mostly it affected programs paying on business days only, with some announcing it on their websites and their newsletters during the last couple of days.


Perhaps the briefest updates regarding today’s holiday came from EmpireFinanceGroup (reviewed here). Here it is:

Independence Day – EmpireFinanceGroup
Profit will not be added due to non-trade day, Independence Day.
EmpireFinanceGroup Support Department

Incidentally, the program has become the longest paying project listed on the MNO monitor, paying since June 2010 (that’s over three years now!). This amazing performance led EmpireFinanceGroup to the #3 position in the most popular programs on my monitor and I’m sure it’s still not reached it’s peak, provided the admin is serious enough to aim for the number one spot. I must say that for the four months it’s been featured on MNO EmpireFinanceGroup never let me down and always withdrawals to PerfectMoney and EgoPay have been processed instantly and received without any delays. That’s really an incredible program with still a lot of potential to grow. Three investment plans are offered, all returning your initial investment on expiry – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, and 1.7% for 100 business days. Although the minimum spend in EmpireFinanceGroup was recently increased to $50, for this money you really get a great service as even those who joined via LibertyReserve before its closure managed to profit after the admin converted them to PerfectMoney. That alone made EmpireFinanceGroup even more highly regarded and respected for its ethical and fair treatment of members. I hope that EmpireFinanceGroup will continue for a long time to come and wish all its investors every success in the future.


As announced in the interview published on MNO only last night (click here to read it), the admin of AustralianBusinessGroup fulfilled his promise to add more payment options in his program by announcing the addition of QIWI and BitCoin joining PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay. The admin also uploaded some of the documents confirming the allegedly legal status of AustralianBusinessGroup in Australia. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to such “documents” myself as in the HYIP world they don’t give any guarantees for your investments whatsoever, but it’s good for the further growth of the program that the administration takes care of make a good first impression of potential investors. As for the more experienced players, they know the rules of the game in the HYIP industry anyway, and invest only what they can afford to lose. Below is the latest newsletter from AustralianBusinessGroup in its entirety:

Payment systems and documents
Dear Investors AustralianBusinessGroup! In your account, became available two new payment systems QIWI and Bitcoin! You can open deposits and withdraw your profit.
Company documents were added. https://australianbusinessgroup.net/documents
Questions? Write to us!

For those who haven’t read my original review of AustralianBusinessGroup published here, I would like to remind you that the program is still offering its four original plans returning the original investment on expiry and crediting interest on business days only (Monday to Friday) – 1% for 15 business days, 1.4% for 30 business days, 1.8% for 55 business days, 2.2% for 80 business days. However, very recently another investment plan was added for anyone willing to risk at least $200 for a 3% for 90 days plan which, unlike the others, pays on calendar days and doesn’t return the principal on expiry. AustralianBusinessGroup has been running for over thirteen months now and hopefully, the recent changes will be for the betterment of its current and future investors.


As you might know from my review of PureIncome (published here), the program pays reduced interest on weekends and official holidays. Apparently US Independence Day also had an impact on its trades so the admin, Mark, announced a reduced rate of interest today. PureIncome is the only remaining program on MNO Standard listing paying variable interest rates of up to 2.3% daily with optional principal return after a 180 day lock-in period via PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and EgoPay for a $10 minimum, plus direct Bank wires for a higher amount. For the last 24 hours Mark issued two newsletters, one dedicated to Independence Day, and the other on the recent and future development of the project. He also said that at some point he would limit the availability to purchase the so-called “shares” and “bonds” in PureIncome and therefore made quite a clumsy attempt to encourage investments. Of course there is no way you need to hurry when it comes to HYIP investments or let admins pressure you into anything. Although if you feel confident about the performance and future prospectives of PureIncome, then go ahead and purchase your share of the company, i.e. make a deposit of what you can afford to lose. Please consider also that for over the five months being on MNO PureIncome‘s performance was impeccable and that the admin also made an effort to compensate his investors for LibertyReserve’s demise allowing to withdraw to other payment processors. Hopefully it will bring some positive results for PureIncome and increase its position on the HYIP market, as it definitely deserves a better place in investors’ minds. Below are the last two newsletters from PureIncome:

Independence Day in the United States
Tomorrow, Thursday, July 4, the United States celebrates Independence Day. Based on our Terms of Services, on July 4, the PureIncome stock exchange operates in a day off regime. Shares grow and dividends accrue on bonds as stated at the weekend conditions.
Sincerely, Mark Cobe
Marketing Director of PureIncome

Official Newsletter from Mark Cobe
On behalf of PureIncome team I would like to hail all our users who already invested with us, as they are doing great. You may ask why? Because PureIncome is doing great and we are all one team! The fact that PureIncome is a successful online business became truly conventional. However according to my last marketing research I found out that the majority of customers have a new most-discussed question – How long are you going to stay around? Can you just fold up with all our funds locked in? Let’s take a look at these questions.
Our program is not standing still but continually moving forward. Achieving any goal is an intermediate results towards a next step. We are working on various online and offline advertising campaigns, referring newcomers with the help of our regional representatives, using both affiliate and e-mail marketing. As a result the number of the newly arrived customers increases by average 1-2% on weekdays, and as it keeps growing our profit grows too! By my pessimistic estimate this tendency stays strong for at least 4 years, so it is not beneficial for us to leave the market or ran away with your funds as we can earn much more.
Of course there is now infinite growth and sooner or later pace will diminish. In that case we shall limit PureIncome shares and bonds available for selling. Of course it is not going to happen soon, and if you want to get a stable daily profit right away purchase our PureIncome shares and bonds!
Sincerely, Mark Cobe
Marketing Director of PureIncome


After the LR demise and PerfectMoney refusing to serve US customers, SolidTrustPay remains probably the best option to be used in HYIPs not only by US citizens, but for just about anyone wanting to invest in relatively safety (admins usually pay to STP longer than to other processors) and conveniently (considering you have a lot of easy direct deposit and withdrawal options if your STP account is properly verified). As you might know from the latest in a series of interviews with the SolidTrustPay CEO Stella posted here, the payment processor is located in Canada, though today’s US holiday also affected them. Deposits and withdrawals can’t be processed today, although they will still be open during business hours as normal. If making deposits or withdrawals from STP then add one extra business day to the usual processing time. The latest update from the official blog of SolidTrustPay regarding this is below as I’m re-posting it for MNO readers’ convenience:

Bank Holiday – July 4 2013
SolidTrust Pay would like to remind all clients that while STPay will be open for normal business operations on Thursday, July 4, 2013, an additional day of processing for withdrawals and deposits should be added due to the banking holiday.
We would also like to wish all those celebrating July 4th this week a safe and happy holiday!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: NEOMutual, MalaysianINC, EmpireFinanceGroupWunevAssets, AustralianBusinessGroup, RFIGroup, InstantRox, BlackGold, BTCBankGroup, CatenaFinance.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: MagicInvest, TheInvestmentBank, ForexShare.

I guess that’s it for today, guys. I hope to see you on MNO blog soon with the latest updates on the most popular programs from the HYIP industry, so stay tuned and see you all soon!WunevAssets

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