July 2013 Archives

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Beware! CatenaFinance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! Sorry if this is beginning to sound a bit repetitive, truth be told I’m starting to get a little bored with it myself, but there’s no denying the obvious fact that things are a bit on the slow side in the HYIP industry at the moment. LR closure aside I guess this was kind of expected for the summer anyway. I’m pleased to say though that slow doesn’t mean a complete standstill, and there are still a couple of good opportunities out there. It would seem however that the best of them are definitely leaning towards longer term low ROI plans, and while that might not be of interest to all investors it definitely makes a lot of sense right now and is clearly the more logical strategy to be following. So the latest long term HYIP joining the MNO monitoring list is CatenaFinance which is what I want to look at for you now before moving on to the day’s news stories. If you regularly check my monitor incidentally then you should have noticed CatenaFinance there already before now. It’s been covered there for the last week already on Basic Listing before upgrading to Premium just yesterday. That would also seem indicative of the development plan the admin has for the program, aiming for slow, manageable, and sustainable growth to ensure the CatenaFinance doesn’t overheat too soon and can hopefully occupy a more dominant role in the industry once things start picking up again as they usually do at the end of the summer.

We’ll start our detailed look at CatenaFinance therefore with the the thing you’re probably most interested in – the investment plans. CatenaFinance have two of them, and the minimum price of joining is a bargain basement $1 so it’s going to be open to as wide a range of investor as possible. Your first option is a plan that makes daily payments, though that’s business days only, Monday to Friday, for a term running for one full calendar year. Then, when the term expires, CatenaFinance offer to return your principal, adding it to whatever you have already earned in the previous 12 months (assuming they’ve survived that long of course). The interest rate which is payable to all deposits regardless of how big or how small, is 2% per business day. This would bring in an income of 10% profit per week, totaling at 520% by the end of the term and considered net profit once CatenaFinance return your principal.

Let’s see a practical example then and how it might work out in monetary terms. As there’s no information about what, if any, additional holidays CatenaFinance might be taking off during the year, I’m going to work off the assumption that every single week contains five business days (for example Christmas this year will be on a Wednesday, but I’m going to guess members get paid as usual as there is nothing to currently indicate otherwise). So let’s say you invested $100 in this plan. That should see you getting back $2 per business day for the next 12 months. The most important statistic to pay attention to is that you can break even, as in earn back an amount equal to your own deposit and therefore make it impossible for you to lose money no matter what happens after that, in ten weeks. The remainder of the term sees you collecting pure passive profit. Payments should add up to $520 by the end of the term, at which point CatenaFinance should add your initial hundred.

The second plan is a little more profitable. On the face of it it may appear a bit more of a risk given that it only makes weekly payments as opposed to daily ones, but honestly when we’re talking about such lengthy investment terms as those imposed by CatenaFinance it really shouldn’t be a major concern for you. The minimum cost of joining remains just $1 and there is no upper limit. The investment term runs for 55 weeks, during which you will be offered a weekly interest payment of 11%. That’s marginally more profitable than the previous plan (on a weekly basis anyway) but over the course of the term eventually adds up to 605% in total. That then becomes your net profit once CatenaFinance return your principal as promised.

So if you’re happy enough with that and think it might be the type of thing you’re looking to add to your portfolio, then you’ll probably be interested in the payment options. CatenaFinance have all the remaining popular processors catering to the online HYIP industry, including SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, and EgoPay. Withdrawals are handled manually by the admin and so need to be requested by the members by logging into your private CatenaFinance account area. Keeping in mind that you are only paid from Monday to Friday (though strictly speaking I guess there’s nothing to stop you requesting a payment over the weekend) the admin requires a maximum of 24 hours to process your request. Personally I never had to wait anything even close to that, though of course when or if the program gets more popular the admin’s workload increases in line with that, so always allow at least the maximum before contacting support.

Just one other thing worth mentioning about the CatenaFinance investment plans that you might be interested in is the availability of compounding. I’m no great fan of the practice myself and prefer to avoid it, but that’s entirely a matter of personal choice and in no way does it reflect on the quality of the program offering it. So if you like to increase the risk for what might turn out to be a bigger payment, the option is there for you.

On the technical and design side of things CatenaFinance look to be up to an acceptable industry standard. The program is running off a script that’s been licensed from GoldCoders, and the website is SSL encrypted by GeoTrust for safer browsing and more secure transactions. As for the hosting, well, I can’t really comment on that one way or another as I’m not familiar with the provider and can’t say I’ve come across them in the HYIP industry before. One thing I can tell you for sure however is that if previous experience in the HYIP industry is anything to go by it probably won’t take us very long to find out if they’re any good or not. They’re a Luxembourg based company called RootLu and I suppose the good thing is at least that they are keeping CatenaFinance on a dedicated server. The admin assures me the website is protected from DDoS attacks, but whether or not his hosting provider is prepared for the fact that such malicious attacks are a frequent and everyday occurrence in this business is what I’m wondering about. Anyway, like I just said it probably won’t take long before we find out just how prepared they are. For any further questions or account related issues you need to have dealt with the CatenaFinance admin can be reached by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page.

As for the website content, it’s a straight copy/paste from an older HYIP source and not original. Therefore I wouldn’t take any of the claims about CatenaFinance being involved in any sort of stock market or ForEx trading activities like they claim too seriously. Well, longer term readers will know I wouldn’t have taken them seriously anyway but I only mention it here because it should make it a bit more clear to the newbies. Don’t take CatenaFinance as anything other than an online HYIP with all the risks that go with it. That means as always setting yourself a sensible spending limit that you can both afford to invest and afford to lose. And if joining CatenaFinance at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider and more diverse portfolio.



For some reason I never received the latest newsletter from the admin of NEOMutual John sent to members a few days ago. I asked John about it today so he re-sent it for me to include here for you tonight. Not only did he do this, he also updated the news section on the website to include any news updates that might not have been received by every NEOMutual investor in case it wasn’t just me that was missing them. I’m sure the problem with email delivery might be better explained by Chris, the developer of ShadowScript, which NEOMutual runs off and interviewed on MNO some time back which you can still read here.

As you know from my original review of NEOMutual (published here) the program is allegedly financed by crowdfunding projects though till recently there was no evidence of this. Now that the Phase II has been announced in the latest email from the admin who also marked 1,200 active investors after eleven weeks online, the crowdfunding decisions are being opened to a public vote. Some projects presented on a specially created page where active investors of NEOMutual with contributions of $500 or more (Senior or Executive level) may vote for projects they want their own funds to contribute to. If you haven’t read my review yet, I remind you that NEOMutual is currently ranked at #1 on MNO’s Premium listing and is accepting deposits starting from a $20 minimum to a 1.4%-1.9% for 200 business days plan. Payment handlers include SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, EgoPay, PexPay, and BitCoin. By the way, with the collapse of LibertyReserve that was originally accepted by NEOMutual the admin decided not to provide any compensation investors who lost money there and announced it as a force-majeure. There was some compensation scheme in place announced by John for those who formerly invested in NEOMutual via LibertyReserve, however, it only applied to new deposits. When it comes to the terms and service investors had to agree on when joining NEOMutual everything was done according to the rules and therefore can be considered fair and square and done to ensure the longevity of his program.

Anyway, let’s get back to the Phase II of the project which was the main subject of the latest newsletter from NEOMutual mentioned above. In preparation for Phase III that’s going to start in approximately a month from now the admin will test the system properly and encourages active investors with at least $500 to participate in evaluating the investment opportunities listed. In my opinion it’s a unique opportunity to differentiate NEOMutual from other similar projects and attract more attention from all around the world. I’ll be watching the development closely on MNO and will report on any further updates. For now please read the latest below and hope that John will explain everything better than I just did:

NEOMutual – Introduction to Phase II
Hello Crowdfunders
We’re really excited to work with you!
When we welcomed our 1,200th active contributor a few days back, it became clear to us that we have not yet peaked. On the contrary, we’ve just started, keep getting better – a day at a time.
Now it’s time to get serious!
NEOMutual Phase II: Introduction
We have made it clear from the very beginning, that we will include our Senior Contributors into the crowdfunding decision making process.
It works like this: after an initial assessment, we’ll add a new project to the Portfolio section of our website and, as a Senior or Executive level contributor, you can vote on whether the project should be funded or turned down. It’s a great way of being actively involved in the process.
To familiarize yourself with the procedure of voting and the look-alike of our portfolio pages, we have added example pages to our website.
The Portfolio Overview page, found here, gives a brief overview of all current projects. More detailed project information can be found by clicking on the respective ‘View Project’ buttons.
We have added three project examples, one for each stage: Voting, Raising and Funded.
If you are a Senior or Executive level contributor, we would appreciate if you could go to the ‘Asian in the West End’ project page, located here to cast your vote.
Voting is very much self-explained – all you need to do is to click on the ‘Vote Now‘ button, enter your NEOMutual Username and Password and validate your credentials. If you are a Senior or Executive contributor you may vote now.
It is important to test the system thoroughly before real projects are added — so please take a minute and participate.
NEOMutual Phase III: Coming Soon
Phase III, our first crowdfunding projects will be introduced at the end of July/beginning of August.
It’s an exciting journey so far. Don’t miss it, join now – jump on!
All the best, John


I guess most HYIP admins try to persuade others about his program’s success and enormous growth. Although every experienced investor will know the admins exaggerate and so need to separate the fact from the fiction themselves as it were. Take the admin of WunevAssets Nicolasina for example. In the newsletter issued last night the admin reported that 8,000 members registered in WunevAssets during its first month online. I could hardly believe that statement even during the peak of the HYIP industry before the LR closure, but today I wouldn’t believe even 10% of that figure. However it’s just my own opinion and I might be completely wrong. Only the admin knows the real stats, but from all my own experience 8,000 members now is a total and utter exaggeration.

I can’t deny that WunevAssets is popular among MNO readers as it reached the #4 position in the Premium listed programs which is really a decent achievement for a program paying 3.5% interest for the duration of 75 calendar days. From the advantages of WunevAssets that possibly contributed to that success I would say the timely payouts to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney that have never been outside the promised 24-hour timeframe would feature strongly. Even when the admin had issues with processing payouts to PerfectMoney once before he always kept his members properly informed. No wonder then that the membership in WunevAssets is steadily increasing every day (although not at the pace the admin tries to convey in his latest update), especially considering that recently the first members who joined a month ago are collecting profits on their deposits already.

Communication is yet another strong point of WunevAssets for which the admin has been universally praised by members. Recently another point of contact was added so together with submitting a support ticket in case you have any account issues if you simply wish to share your opinions or suggestions you can join the Skype room and also communicate with the admin like that. I already discussed this option in the MNO news update last night, so I guess there’s no need to repeat it. With that being said I will leave you with the latest newsletter from WunevAssets (first reviewed here):

WunevAssets Ltd Newsletter
We have broken another milestone record with our membership surpassing 8,000 members.
My name is Nicolasina Van Litsenburg and I am the Director of WunevAssets Limited for those of you who do not know. I can be reached via Skype at: wunevltd
If you run a Skype room for WunevAssets discussion, please feel free to invite me as I am participating in several rooms. Communication between our company and our members along with members connecting with each other is important to us. For those of you who have not joined a Skype room discussing WunevAssets, please feel free to ask me and I can add you to a Skype room dedicated to WunevAssets. Up to date information is being discussed including revenue sources and is not to be missed by any of our members.
Thank You, Nicolasina Van Litsenburg


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: MalaysianINC, EmpireFinanceGroupWunevAssets, InstantRox, BTCBankGroup, CatenaFinance, SeedFunding.
From MNO Standard list: PureIncome.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, MagicInvest, TheInvestmentBank, LoanClicks.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. See you tomorrow with a comprehensive interview from the admin of AustralianBusinessGroup (reviewed here) – a program added to MNO monitor eight months ago but running for over a year now and just recently upgraded its listing to Premium status. The program accepts BitCoin, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay funds starting from a $1 minimum to a variety of investment plans. Stay tuned for that and don’t forget to check out my blog then, as it’s not very often we see such long lasting projects from talented admins these days. Bye for now and see you all then!

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