October 2013 Archives

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Beware! KeystoneLoansDivision has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! I hope your all keeping well after the weekend, though for many of you I suppose you might still be enjoying it. I know I have a lot of readers from the US and Canada so I hope the Columbus Day and Thanksgiving holidays going well for you respectively and you’re enjoying the celebrations. It’s business-as-usual for me though, so I want to take a look at a kind of unusual program called KeystoneLoansDivision. It’s a long term program, and maybe not entirely a HYIP in the traditional sense though it still works off the basic premise that the admin gives you an interest payment in exchange for your money. I have to start by saying that KeystoneLoansDivision is a little bit more complicated than the average online HYIP so if you are genuinely interested then I suggest you read the description below very carefully. Don’t worry though as I’ll explain everything as best I can and try to make it as simple as possible.

There are three investment plans you can join in KeystoneLoansDivision. Like any other online HYIP, you deposit money into a certain plan, and for an agreed period of time the program admin will pay you back with interest in return. In this case however you will be required to do something extra to earn your payment. As KeystoneLoansDivision is a surfing site you will be required every day to log into your account area, click a link on the left hand side of the page that says “start surfing”, and then view a series of advertisements for ten seconds each. This is done in manual mode, meaning you can’t just turn it on and walk away while your computer does all the work. You need to sit there and physically click the “next” button to bring up the next ad once the timer passes ten seconds on the last one. Not only that, KeystoneLoansDivision also require you to rate each ad you view, marking it from 1 to 10 points based on how much you liked it. I’m not entirely sure what the purpose of this is, but it’s built into the script and that’s what you’re going to have to do. Perhaps it’s to ensure members actually do sit down and examine each ad as they are being paid to do, I really can’t say.

If you’re comfortable with that and are happy to give over a few minutes of your time each day to look at some advertising in exchange for money, then let’s get down to the figures. You can join KeystoneLoansDivision for a $10 minimum. Rather than an investment, this is described as buying ad tokens. Tokens costs $1 each, and you need to buy ten of them to join. For any amount up to $499, and I guess that will include most members, the plan will run for 105 business days (21 weeks) paying members 1.4% interest every day from Monday to Friday only. By the end of the term your payments will come to 147% in total, from which KeystoneLoansDivision are including your initial principal and will not be returning it in a separate payment. So that’s your own money back plus an extra 47% net profit for yourself.

To take a simple example than, let’s say you joined KeystoneLoansDivision with $100. As long as you remember to surf the required number of websites (and it really is crucial that you remember to do this) the admin pay you back $1.40 per business day for the coming 21 weeks. This allows you to break even (that is earn back an amount equal to your original investment) after 72 payments and then count the remaining 33 payments as pure passive profit. Payments total at $147, which is the hundred that was yours in the first place plus an extra $47 on top. The maximum spend in this plan is $499.

If you wish to invest $500, that is buy 500 ad tokens, then KeystoneLoansDivision will put you into a slightly more profitable but also slightly shorter term plan. For a 95 business day term (that’s 19 weeks) you can earn 1.6% interest on your deposit per day, Monday to Friday only. KeystoneLoansDivision again factor your original principal into those payments and so will not be returning it on expiry. Payments will amount to 152% in total at the end of the term, which is your own investment plus 52% net profit. You will break even with the 63rd payment. The maximum amount you are allowed for this option is capped at $2,499.

For the really big spenders then prepared to risk upwards of a $2,500 minimum (KeystoneLoansDivision have no maximum limit to this plan) you commit your money to an 80 business day term, which is 16 weeks. During this period you can earn 1.9% per business on your money, allowing you to break even after 53 payments and complete the term with 152% in total. That’s your own money back plus 52% net profit. Hang on, isn’t that the same as the last plan? Yes, but you get it a little bit faster here.

So far you might have noticed I’ve neglected to mention how many ads you will be required to surf in order to get paid. Reason being that this is going to depend on exactly what category of membership you opt for in the program. KeystoneLoansDivision have four different types of membership. The one I suppose the overwhelming majority of you will go for is Free Membership (the other three will cost you). As a free member you are required to surf and rate a minimum of ten ads for ten seconds each per business day. You can if you wish view as many as fifty (in exchange for advertising credits) but ten is the number in order to get your interest payment.

Don’t feel like surfing? Can’t commit to such long terms? Then KeystoneLoansDivision have what’s called a Vacation Membership. This will cost you $3.95 per week, and there are no surfing requirements whatsoever. You can if you wish view up to fifty ads for the advertising credits that come with it, but you can just skip it if you’re not all that bothered.

Premium Membership costs $9.95 per month. This brings various privileges as regards advertising your own websites or ref links, and you can read about that on the KeystoneLoansDivision website. I only want to mention the surfing requirements here which are a minimum of three ads per business day.

For more serious advertisers and promoters KeystoneLoansDivision have Elite Membership at $24.95 per month. Again there are widespread advantages if you are among that group, though as regular investors won’t be interested I will just refer you to the KeystoneLoansDivision website for an explanation. The surfing requirement is all I wanted to mention, and it’s five ads surfed once per week.

If that’s all clear to you then you’ll probably want to know about your payment options. To be honest I have to say I have some really mixed feelings about this aspect to the program and suspect it’s only going to hurt their popularity (or chances of popularity) in the long term. I mean on one hand the actual selection itself is fine, with KeystoneLoansDivision taking the three main industry payment handlers in EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, and PerfectMoney. Nothing wrong with that you might think, but what you are not going to like is that rather than absorbing the fees charged by the payment processors or else just reducing the interest rates in the plans, the admin has instead opted to charge these fees directly to his members. So if you are going to join KeystoneLoansDivision using either SolidTrustPay or EgoPay then the admin is going to charge you 2.5% “admin tax” on every dollar, plus a basic $0.50 per STP transaction and $0.30 per EgoPay transaction. Joining through PerfectMoney is free, however in this case the admin will charge you to withdraw. The rate for that is 0.5%. Remember that the payment processors are also going to charge you for their services so you will end up paying the admin’s fees as well as your own no matter what payment option you go for. Withdrawals are made manually and need to be requested from inside your private members account area. Despite KeystoneLoansDivision only crediting your account with new money on weekdays you are of course free to request the payout any day you like. Once done however you will need to allow anything up to an additional 72 hours for transactions to be completed. That’s for the withdrawal of course, your members account itself should be credited with new earnings at the same time every day, in this case at 12:00 EST server time.

The only other thing I can think of in relation to the plans concerns the script. One of its features requires members to first fund their members account wallet. Once your money is there you then need to re-direct it into the plan of your choice, or in this case to purchase the required number of ad tokens, in order to activate your investment and start earning.

Moving on then to the subject of web design and security, KeystoneLoansDivision is running off one of the better HYIP scripts on the market today in ShadowScripts. On a side note I do have to say I’m kinda pleased to see this one becoming slowly but noticeably more popular since I first interviewed the script developer on MNO which you can read here. It’s quite a dependable product, not cheap but not something you’d want to cut corners on either, and you shouldn’t really put a price on quality anyway. But you get exactly what you pay for with them so KeystoneLoansDivision members can feel confident about its operation. Something that has changed in recent weeks (as I mentioned already the program has been online since late September) is the hosting service. Due to earlier incidents admin felt the need to improve standards here while the program was still relatively brand new, and so you will now find KeystoneLoansDivision hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection of BlackLotus. The website also has an extra layer of security with SSL encryption by Comodo. For the benefit of those whose English isn’t that strong you can find a built-in auto translation tool. They’re rarely 100% accurate (or even close to it) but it’s enough to give you the general idea what’s going on no matter what language you speak. If you have any further questions about how things work then there’s quite an extensive FAQ to draw on, but if there’s something more important like an account related problem you need the admin to deal with then you can reach him by filling in your details on the customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. That’s from the public area. If you’re in your account area then there’s a slightly different support ticketing process, but still works more or less the same way.

Overall I’d have to say that based purely on its own merits KeystoneLoansDivision is a pretty good program with bags of potential to grow. The problem I have with it though is that it’s impossible to judge just how popular this type of thing is or could potentially be with investors these days. But at least it’s different from most of what else is going on in the industry now, so could eventually with time get noticed. One advantage to them that might help is the advertising aspect to it, where you as a member can either promote your own personal website if you own one, or if not maybe put up a referral link to another HYIP you are in and see what happens.

As a business model however I can’t really say that I’ve got any more belief in this than I would any other online HYIP. I mean I can’t dispute the fact that advertising does indeed play a big role in their website and the admin isn’t telling us any lies in that regard unlike all the pretend ForEx deals you hear from most HYIP admins, and you can see quite clearly with your own eyes that he does what he says he does. But I still don’t go for it because I still don’t see how this by itself ever generates one single cent that doesn’t originate from the pockets of regular paid up members. The one and only difference I can see between this and a regular HYIP in fact is that investors get a chance to advertise their websites if they have them, something I know from experience with similar programs that very few people ever show any interest in. And that meant that the very same rules apply to KeystoneLoansDivision as to every other program. Never go beyond a modest and sensible spending limit, be realistic in what you think this program can honestly deliver, and if joining KeystoneLoansDivision at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Please note that due to Columbus Day being celebrated in the US today the profits to the investors in PureIncome will be credited at weekend rates which are usually much lower than those ones credited from Monday to Friday:

Columbus Day in the United States and Pan American Day in Belize
Monday, October 14th, the US celebrates Columbus Day and Belize celebrates Pan American Day. Based on our Terms of Services, on October 14th, the PureIncome stock exchange operates in a day off regime. Shares grow and dividends accrue on bonds as stated at the weekend conditions.

PureIncome currently occupies the #1 spot as the most popular program among MNO readers – a status achieved by stable work online for about nine months now. PureIncome (reviewed here) can be definitely considered a high-quality program and such a rare occurrence these days that everyone is talking about it. PureIncome is allegedly involved in trading and even has its own shares and bonds to buy and sell to mimic the real stock market. Daily profits are credited depending on your portfolio type and the “trading” results reported every calendar day which might be up to 2.3%. Earnings are much higher on business days and lower on weekends and public holidays, but the uniqueness of PureIncome is exactly the fact that it credits your account every single day, regardless of whether it’s a business day or not. After 180 calendar day term you can then sell your stocks or bonds portfolio in PureIncome, i.e. receive the principal back, and I believe over such a long time online many investors already are well in profit. PureIncome accepts deposits starting from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and OkPay payment processors, and with higher minimums via direct Bank wires.


EmpireFinanceGroup (reviewed here) which is ranked at #2 on MNO just behind PureIncome also announced today as a non-profit day for investors. As you can imagine, the reason for that was Columbus Day celebrated in the US:

13/10/2013 – Columbus Day on Monday
Profit will not be added on Monday because of Columbus Day.

Due to EmpireFinanceGroup‘s terms and conditions no interest is credited to members’ accounts on either weekends or US public holidays. On regular working days they offer plans of 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days plans with the original investment returned on expiry. Despite quite a high minimum of $100 to join, the program doesn’t experience any lack of investors as it’s the oldest program on my monitor that has been successfully running since 2010. Therefore they’ve got quite a high level of trust and confidence from investors which has been cemented by stability and instant payouts to EgoPay and PerfectMoney. Also accepted are direct bank wires and payments made via the Payeer system. EmpireFinanceGroup has survived so many industry wide problems that it seems to be almost unsinkable. But still, do remember the possible risks and so only invest what we can afford to lose. Even when we’re talking about such incredibly long-running programs as EmpireFinanceGroup has been so far.


The third position on the MNO Premium listing is occupied by RFIGroup which has been running for almost eight months already and for some curious coincidence the program has chosen today as a day with no interest credited to members’ accounts as well. The reason is the same Columbus Day in the US, although RFIGroup has obviously nothing to do with real trading, like any other HYIP, but it’s a perfect excuse to save money. That though never affects the payouts which you can request in RFIGroup every single day and be paid instantly to PerfectMoney and EgoPay for a $10 minimum, or direct Bank wires for substantially more. RFIGroup has been an outstanding performer on MNO for all these months as well, and with the variety of investment plans and instant payouts it remains a firm favorite with readers. RFIGroup is also a high quality program with lots of unique features discussed in my original review which you’re strongly encouraged to read here before joining. For those too lazy to do so I’ll just briefly remind you RFIGroup has two types of investment plans with the fixed interest paid on every business day – 1% for 100 business days, 1.6% for 130 business days, 2% for 150 business days (all with the principal return on expiry) – and the plans with variable interest and the principal returned at any time. The latest short update from RFIGroup is found below:

Dear investors,
No interest will be credited on October 14 due to the Columbus day holiday.


The administrator of PexPay (interviewed here) was kind enough to mention the recent interview he gave to MNO which was published last Saturday. The interview has attracted a lot of attention from both HYIP admins and HYIP investors alike and I hope that it will help PexPay on its way of becoming a more popular name. I was also reported today that the PexPay team is still working on the addition of a merchants category of their website along with an exchangers category. Once it’s done I’ll let you know here on MNO. So,stay tuned for more news and updates from PexPay and read the latest newsletter from them below:

Recent Interview
Hello PexPay Customer,
This is going to be a short email to start the week. We had the privilege of being interviewed by one of the top blogs online that accepts PexPay and wanted to share the link to this interview with everyone.
Please take time to read the interview, and once you are done please feel free to contact us with any questions that you might have by opening a support ticket from within your PexPay account.
Thank you, PexPay
Your Bridge to Anywhere.


Staying on the topic of the payment processors serving the HYIP industry I cannot help but mention the latest news posted on the official blog of perhaps the most popular payment processor SolidTrustPay. The administration has recently founded a Family Tragedy Fund aimed at the pledging financial assistance to members in personal need, while it was also mentioned that another Member Assistance Fund is still running and taking applications from the members who suffered from natural catastrophic events. If you wish to apply for any of the financial help from SolidTrustPay or wish to help others in hardship please follow the instructions which you can find on the STP official blog or see it re-posted below:

Announcing Our Member Relief Funds
In an effort to serve our clients during periods of personal difficulties, SolidTrust Pay has introduced the SolidTrust Pay Family Tragedy Fund. The SolidTrust Pay Family Tragedy Fund is designed to assist members who are experiencing undue hardship resulting from: medical issues, emergency travel costs or family related tragedy.
SolidTrust Pay will continue to provide aid to our members via the SolidTrust Member Assistance Fund. The Member Assistance Fund is dedicated to helping our members in the event of natural disaster or similar catastrophic events.
If you are an STPay member aware of another member who is currently in need of one of these services, please contact us via email at giving_sharing@solidtrustpay.com with details outlining the user’s situation. You may be contacted by a representative of our staff to provide additional information. All applicants are reviewed on a case by case basis by members of our management and staff. Members are invited and encouraged to donate to the Family Tragedy Fund or the Member Assistance Fund via a member to member transfer to the user name STP_Relief_Funds.
For a list of other organizations SolidTrust Pay is committed to supporting, please visit www.solidtrustpay.com/giving


Please note that FidelisFinance is a proven scam now, so do not invest there anymore. It looks that my concerns regarding the program’s future expressed yesterday were more than justified. There were definitely no issues with PerfectMoney’s API as the admin claimed, and most likely this was an excuse to stop payouts while still accepting deposits for a few hours. Today I got some reports from readers about missing payments to all other payment processors as well. In addition to that, the admin replaced the proper monitoring buttons on FidelisFinance today with static images, further proof of the scam. Therefore I didn’t hesitate in moving FidelisFinance straight to Scam status on MNO today. Unfortunately the admin behaved like a common thief over the last 24 hours, constantly spreading lies about PerfectMoney withdrawals so I believe it’s justified to skip Problem Status for his program and go straight to Scam Status. Please note that some monitors which are not that fast as MNO and possibly even the admin’s accomplices are still keeping FidelisFinance on Paying status, so beware of that and avoid checking such monitors for future information. All in all, FidesliFinance has been a great program for many MNO readers and managed to last for about two months which was enough time to double your money. Unfortunately all HYIPs have a beginning and an end, and the time has comesto say farewell to FidelisFinance now, guys.


Unfortunately PokerByProxy (reviewed here) couldn’t make investors happy either today. Losses for today came to 3.21% meaning that members lost over 3% of their principal. The good thing is that you usually make up for these losses on the more profitable days in the program which usually happen much more often than not. In addition to that, if you’re not satisfied with PokerByProxy‘s performance you can always withdraw any part of your principal or profits in the program at any time you like and get paid to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, HD-Money, BitCoin, and PayPal accounts in a matter of 24 hours while receiving bank and WesternUnion transfers within 48 hours of request. Here’s the latest report the admin Patrick (interviewed here) posts on the results page every calendar day:

Monday 14th October 2013
Result -3.21%
Report Unfortunately things didn’t go quite as planned at the poker tables today, and we have a negative result to announce. No matter what we did, it seemed that we just kept getting bad cards and finding ourselves in unlucky positions. By noon, we had decided that rather than trying to turn things around, we would just announce a negative result for today and try again tomorrow. All accounts have been updated with today’s result of -3.21%.


DeltaTraders is a new addition to Standard listing on MNO. It’s been running for over a month now. Variable returns are paid daily and from previous records I can see they average around the 1% mark which gives you about 20%-25% profit a month. That might not sound too good, but you have to consider that DeltaTraders gives back principal any time on request with no withdrawal fees. The only thing is that your principal must remain a member for at least 10 business days first, after which you’re free to go. PerfectMoney is the only popular payment handler accepted in DeltaTraders from a $10 minimum. A couple of other options are listed but of limited practical use to my readers, however the admin promises to add more soon. There’s no timeframe for that yet, but I’ll let you all know if it happens. The other payment options, apart from PerfectMoney, shows the program to be of Russian or Ukrainian origin as the methods of payments are only in use there. In fact Russian is definitely the stronger language there as their English is less precise. I noticed the script used by DeltaTraders is original and custom made which is always a good thing, as the admin could modify it with time and adjust it to his needs if necessary. The DeltaTraders website is SSL-secured by Thawte and is hosted on a dedicated server with protection by DDoSGuard. There’s plenty of different graphics, stats and other types of information connected to ForEx trading in which DeltaTraders are allegedly involved. The conservative returns would suggest they try to create that impression among investors, but as with any HYIP the rule is the same – invest only what you can afford to lose.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, RFIGroup, CatenaFinance, PokerByProxy, GeniusCapitalLimited,  EndoInv, MightyAssets, InvOil, CrestFunds, InvGlobal,  PrimeEnergy, SabroTechnology.
From MNO Standard list:  OilGroup.
From MNO Basic list: GulfInvestmentClub, WelorTrade, 30minutes, Brows&Co, Azonnali (the first payments received).

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. See you all tomorrow with more news from the HYIP industry and a full review of DeltaTraders program. Bye for now!

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