Apr 17th, 2014 Archives

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Beware! BlocLimited has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! For the last couple of days (until the weekend in fact) I’ve been based in the wonderful medieval city of Logrono, capital of the Rioja region and home to some truly remarkable old churches and cathedrals dating back several hundred years. Apart from the wine (which is still flowing really well, by the way!) I’ve really been enjoying the colorful Easter “capirote” processions going on all over the area late into every evening with the drums and trumpets making a deafening noise that echos so well around the old market and cathedral squares. Interesting for me of course because it’s the first time I’ve seen anything like it up close, but it really does add to the atmospheric feel when you’re in a centuries old place like this. I’m hoping to see more in San Sebastian when I get there on Saturday as the Easter celebrations will still be going on then. The countryside and the vineyards outside the city are something worth a visit in their own right by the way (where I spent the day hiking), so if you get a chance there’s worse things you could do with your day.

Back to business for now though, and I want to begin with a closer look at another of the brand new programs added to the MNO monitor’s Premium List. There’s been a noticeable, not to mention welcome, surge in activity in the industry recently and particularly on my monitor where I’ve had several new additions. After today I still have two more programs to review as you will see in the introductions coming later in the news section. The one I want to look at tonight is called BlocLimited, a newly launched short/medium term program which I think could be in line for a good run (relative to its plans I mean). The plans are a bit more modest – some might prefer the word sensible – when compared to HYIPs with similar length plans so provided the admin knows what he’s doing could I hope succeed in ultimately paying achievable returns to more investors. So let’s see exactly what BlocLimited have to offer and whether you think it’s worth taking a chance on. Being brand new I would guess that a lot of you interested in BlocLimited at all one way or another will be eager to make a decision on that as fast as possible.

Starting with the investment plans as always then, BlocLimited are offering four of them. These are then divided into two categories – plans that allow you a daily interest payment versus one that makes a single payment on expiry. All of them run for the same length of term however which is 15 business days, or three weeks. Not particularly long in HYIP terms, but I feel most people might think this is bit of a stretch for an on expiry plan, ie three full weeks without ever getting any return on your investment. As I said, not a long time in HYIP terms but only if you are getting paid by the day. If not then it can feel like a lifetime to some investors!

So let’s see what the numbers are. The first and I would guess by far the most popular option is likely to be The Basic Plan. Why the most popular? For reasons of basic affordability really, as BlocLimited require a minimum of just $10 to join but will also allow anything up to $2,000. As I said above the terms in all plans will be 15 business days, and during this time the investors can claim a daily payment of 8% interest made from Monday to Friday. These payments will include your principal as part of them, so your original investment is not then returned in a separate payment. BlocLimited‘s final return to you then comes to 120% (8% x 15 days) which means you have a net profit of 20% for yourself.

To put that into practical terms then, let’s say you joined with a $100 deposit. BlocLimited pay you back $8 on that every day from Monday to Friday for the next three weeks. You break even, that is earn back an amount equivalent to your investment on receipt of the 13th payment so you can’t possible lose money after that, and complete the term with $120. So that will be your original hundred plus an extra twenty on top courtesy of BlocLimited.

The following two plans are more or less the same, with the exception that BlocLimited‘s interest rates go up a little in return for bigger and bigger deposits. Their second plan then, called The Medium Plan, offers members an improved rate of 9% interest per day for the same 15 business day term, but only if you deposit something between a $2,001 minimum and an $8,000 maximum. Your principal is counted as part of the payments, and the final return comes to 135%, from which 35% is the member’s net profit.

The Pro Plan then is for the really big spenders, with BlocLimited asking for at least $8,001 to join, or anything above that to a $30,000 maximum. For 15 business days investors here are offered 10% interest per day, Monday to Friday, and your principal included as part of the payouts. This comes to 150% by the time of expiry, or your own money back plus 50% net profit.

BlocLimited change direction somewhat for their fourth and final offer, called The VIP Plan. In the public area it first appears as if it covers all deposits ranging from the minimum $10 up to a maximum of $30,000, though in fact payouts will be based on what you spend. For investments here BlocLimited pays members just one lump sum on expiry of the term. The term remains at 15 business days by the way, the only significant change being the payout schedule. The rates then are calculated as follows:
140% is paid on expiry to members willing to join with anything from the $10 minimum requirement up to as much as $2,000.
160% is offered to bigger investors spending from $2,001 to $8,000.
And finally 180% is the rate offered to the really big spenders joining with amounts from $8,000 to the maximum allowed $30,000. All figures include your principal obviously.

If you agree that the plans might be a suitable addition to your portfolios then, the next item on your list is to check out what your payment options are. In this case they’re up to a reasonable calibre by current industry standard, with BlocLimited accepting pretty much every payment processor that are prepared to work with them in return. You can channel money in and out of the program using any of PerfectMoney, Payeer, EgoPay, or BitCoin. Any of the more popular processors (let’s be honest, there’s only one) are unlikely to be interested in allowing BlocLimited a verified account, but I think the existing list has enough options to keep most investors happy enough. Payments are made manually and need to be requested by members from inside their private account area. Once you’ve done so, the BlocLimited admin requires anything up to a further 24 hours to make sure all transactions are fully processed.

On the subject of the design, security, and more technical details of the program, BlocLimited are running off a script under license from GoldCoders. The hosting provider is DDoS-Guard who’ve been around for a while but for whatever reason seem to be popping up more and more often these days as a first choice for admins. They are keeping BlocLimited on a dedicated server with tech support and protection from DDoS attacks. Also in use is the superior (and more expensive) green bar SSL-certificate from Comodo to improve security on browsing the website and for online transactions made via BlocLimited.

If you have any further questions you think weren’t really covered in this review, or any issues with your account you need to have dealt with then you can get in touch by a variety of methods that start with the online e-mail support form where you simply fill in your details and submit it through the contacts page. As of today BlocLimited has a Live Chat feature which the admin says will be open 24 hours per day. And if none of that is suitable to you, you can e-mail the BlocLimited admin at the address listed, or try their phone number if you think you might get a response. If it helps explain things a bit better then there’s a brief introductory video outling the program on the homepage. Promised for the future but not currently in place is a Skype account, but if this is something of interest to you then keep an eye on the news updates on my blog and I’ll let you know if/when that happens. For now though fans of social networking sites can find them keeping profiles on Twitter and Facebook, and the admin has an account on the MNO ShoutBox so hopefully you might see him contributing there from time to time.

That’s about it I suppose. Not much else I can think of adding, except maybe for the record the website content, i.e. the texts, appear original even if the actual claims made there are not. It’s alleged that BlocLimited are involved in ForEx trading, something I think even the newbies to the HYIP industry will shrug their shoulders at. Not to disparage the overall quality of BlocLimited of course, it’s just that when these claims are never proven (and trust me, they never are) I can only advise readers to ignore them and proceed as if you were simply gambling. Which in a sense you are. Therefore never ever go past a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, and if you are joining BlocLimited at all then at least try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



One of the many features I discussed in the above review of BlocLimited was the useful Live chat which the admin has just made available 24/7, so that might be the most convenient way to get in touch if in a hurry. The admin also mentioned that he was thinking of hiring more people to provide support in other languages, so if you have a suggestion as to what language will be more useful for you then share it with the admin as instructed:

24/7 live chat available!
Hello everyone, from today we will provide 24/7 English language chat support, feel free to contact our friendly online consultants any time and day, we will be happy to assist and consult you in any of your questions. We also plan to add other languages, so tell us, which language you prefer in live chat support? Get back to with your suggestion, don’t sit on the sidelines, be a part BlocLimited community!
Best Regards, Ray Taylor, BlocLimited


RemiTrade has remained a solid performer with the instantly processed withdrawals to PerfectMoney for about five months now. I believe those who have been in the program from the very beginning and listened to my advice on investing in this program already saw some excellent profits. Just be aware that it’s really hard to predict exactly when you’re due your first profits from RemiTrade as the program utilizes a very unique approach towards paying shares of the income they allegedly make on ForEx trading. It’s actually hard to explain in few words how the program works so I believe it might be better to read my detailed review of RemiTrade here. I’ll just add that your deposit can start from $10 via PerfectMoney or BitCoin, or higher amounts via direct bank wires. In exchange for that you will be paid a variable daily interest rate made after the business day it was generated (Tuesday to Saturday) and may request your principal back after 240 business days. By the way, speaking of the days on which the interest in RemiTrade is credited to members’ accounts – there will be two extra days on which you won’t see any profit from the program. These are covered in the rare short update from the admin of RemiTrade on the program’s website which I’m republishing below:

Holidays Schedule in May
Due to the holidays we have the following official non-trading days.
1 May 2014
6 May 2014
All deposits and withdrawals are processed instantly as usual In accordance with our Terms of Service no interest is paid on these days.


BTCArbs almost gave everyone a heart attack today when the site disappeared and wasn’t available for several hours and the admin nowhere to be found to explain the reason why. Anyway, the source of the problem has been been identified and eliminated, according to the admin in the latest profit report which, by the way, resulted in 0.6% profit for today. Less than the Tuesday result of 1.17% and the Wednesday result of 1.22% due to most of the admin’s time taken up with technical issues. If you haven’t read my detailed review of BTCArbs posted here I remind you that the admin is allegedly very good in profiting from the volatile BitCoin prices posted on different exchange platforms which allow him to pay from 0.1% to 10% daily to investors with deposits starting from $50 via SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and BitCoin itself. Over the first two months online BTCArbs provided investors with a unique opportunity to be in charge of their own deposits by allowing them to withdraw any amount of the principal or profit at any time they liked. All the payouts were then processed manually by the admin and they are usually completed within 36 hours. Today’s downtime was definitely something unplanned and therefore the payouts were slightly delayed which forced me to move BTCArbs to Waiting status on the MNO monitor while the site was down. I had little doubt though that the website would be restored as eventually happened and is now loading even faster than before. All outstanding withdrawal requests were also honoured. In the latest of the profit reports for the last three days republished below you will also find a note on the limited support hours during Easter from Friday to Monday, so please refrain from contacting the support without urgent need and allow more time in order to get a response:

Tuesday 15th April 2014 – 1.17%
Today was supposed to be the big day where China implements new legislation that would impact the Bitcoin industry… however today has come and gone without any major changes in the Chinese market. Despite grave predictions that new Chinese regulations would cause the price to plummet, it has instead started to recover from the downturn it took over the past couple weeks. The price rose dramatically yesterday, and once again today moved on an upwards trajectory. The number of arbitrage opportunities was markedly lower than over the past few days, however we still managed to earn 1.17%.

Wednesday 16th April 2014 – 1.22%
The price of Bitcoin seems to be continuing on an upward trend, likely due to the fact that the China deadline has come and gone, with little to no impact on the operations of the exchanges in that country. For what seems like the fifth time, China has managed to successfully cause a market crash, and then an eventual recovery. The good news for us is that every time the price plummets or rises rapidly, the markets fluctuate at different speeds, with Bitstamp often experiencing much more wild swings than the other markets. In doing so, numerous arb opportunities pop up. Today’s result is once again pretty nice, at 1.22%.

Thursday 17th April 2014 – 0.60%
First and foremost, we would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the website downtime that we have experienced for roughly the past 12 hours. Due to a hardware failure in our data centre, our website was temporarily offline. During this time, arbitrage trading continued as per usual, however users were not able to access their accounts. We have pinpointed the point of failure, and have taken steps to ensure that it does not happen again. Please do not contact us to inform us that the website was offline, we were aware and such messages serve solely to create a support backlog.
Next on the agenda, Easter. Due to the Easter Holidays, our staff will be working limited hours this weekend, including Friday and Monday. Please refrain from sending unnecessary support messages, and allow for a slightly longer than usual response time.
And finally, we’ll move on to the day’s results. Our arbitrage was limited today since the entire team was focused on restoring our servers. We did however manage a 0.6% result.


SolidTrustPay located in Canada and which is favored by many MNO readers for various reasons including the direct funding and withdrawal options and a selective approach to the HYIPs that are allowed to use their services have announced their holiday work schedule over Easter. Now it’s absolutely clear that SolidTrustPay mostly stays away from the shorter term programs, however, it would be a mistake to say that some experienced admins can’t get their STP accounts approved. STP is still accepted by nearly half of the Premium listed programs on MNO and the seal of approval given by SolidTrustPay to the few lucky admins actually boosts their program’s popularity and allows them to reach the next level with bigger investors and bigger profits. With the Easter celebrations almost at their peak now, these will be observed by STP and account holders are asked to make allowances for this. In the latest post on the STP blog I found today there was a statement advising of this which you can read below:

Customer Support Holiday – Good Friday and Easter Monday
Spring has finally sprung!
Please be advised that SolidTrust Pay’s offices will be closed on Friday April 18th and Monday April 21st for Good Friday and Easter Monday. As these are also Canadian banking holidays, customers are reminded to add extra processing time for deposits, withdrawals, and e-currency exchanges.
We would like to wish all those celebrating a safe and joyful Easter!


If you haven’t read my review of VaBank (posted here) I guess there’s no further need of doing so. Starting today VaBank has totally changed their line of investment plans and got rid of the most of them. Customers in existing plans will not be affected and will be allowed to have their deposits expire under the old rules, but from today those plans are inactive and you can’t deposit there anymore. The new plans include 7.8% daily paid for a duration of 15 calendar days your principal included (17% pure profit) and 1.67% for the same 15-calendar day period with the initial principal back on expiry (25.05% pure profit). The minimum to deposit in both plans remains $10 and the same payment methods are in place – PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin. Now, it’s really hard to say what forced the admin to change so completely after three weeks online, but my gut feeling tells me that it must be something awfully serious. And I don’t believe it’s something positive for investors. In almost all cases I’ve seen this happen in other programs such a radical departure usually indicates a pending scam. Anyway, I don’t want to sound alarmist (withdrawals in VaBank are still being processed instantly after all) and most of the current investors didn’t seem to see it as a warning considering their current plans will still be allowed to expire under the old terms. However, anything can happen now and by not knowing whats really going on behind the scenes VaBank might be digging their own grave. Here’s the newsletter containing all the information you might need if you’re still willing to invest in VaBank under the new terms:

Change in deposits
Hello, dear friends, respected clients and partners of our company, we welcome you again! We are also pleased to inform you about the changes in investments. We are online for a long time, since that time we proved to many investors our seriousness and solvency and also our intentions for a long work. During this time our analysts have tested the project and in particular investment plans and referral system, and made corrections. At 7.8% for 15 days the first deposit is included in each payout, net profit – 17%; at 1.67% for 15 days the first deposit returning by one payment in the end of term of plan, net profit is 25%. Investor choose the version of payouts on his own. When you choose reinvest which is available in the second plan, Your profit will be accrue everyday, although, beginning from the second payment the interest of the profit will be counted according to the balance growth ( deposit+ profit). When you choose the plan with fixed interest the sum which is in the description of plan will be listed to you. It turned out that the most current and popular plans were and are:
Daily profit 7,8%
Amount of investment 10 – 100000 USD
Accruals / Withdrawal profit Daily / Daily (instantly)
Investment period 15 days
Early withdrawal of deposit Unavailable
Reinvestment Unavailable
Refund of a deposit Not refundable (included in percent)
Daily profit 1,67%
Amount of investment 10 – 100000 USD
Accruals / Withdrawal profit Daily / Daily (instantly)
Investment period 15 days
Early withdrawal of deposit Unavailable
Reinvestment Available
Refund of a deposit Returned in the end of term
Changes in the referral system: charging referral rewards comes from the creation of a one-time deposit in the amount of: the 1st level – 5%, 2nd level – 2%. Representative referral system: the 1-st level – 7% of the deposit, the 2nd level – 2% of the deposit, the third level – 1% of the deposit. Existing deposits will work until the end, they will not change. But existing referral which accrues from profit, won’t be accrued because now the program can’t do it, but from the next, and each refill of your referral you will receive a referral by the new rules in full, so for you it’s will be even better. Thank you for your attention! Wish you good luck and success on the investment market.


I was very suspicious regarding an odd newsletter from the admin of ForexStructure last night containing some really weird information about features allegedly added to the program but in fact non-existent. It looked more like one last attempt by a failing admin to get some deposits before closing. Yesterday also saw the first reports of payment delays. No coincidence then that instead of the expected payment we only got a long winded newsletter. ForexStructure has been a very bad choice for all the investors as with only a month paying 2% daily the admin was the only one who might possibly see a profit. At the beginning it seemed as if ForexStructure might get some positive results, but unfortunately the program’s launch was hardly noticed by any serious investors and the admin couldn’t be bothered making more of an effort. Please note that the site of ForexStructure is still online and deposits are still accepted, but stay away from the program from now on.

The situation with XAxisInc was more predictable. The admin didn’t even try to hide her intentions last week when begging for money from newbies with an offer of huge deposit bonuses. As fully expected the program stopped paying this week and was moved to Problem status on MNO today. I hope my constant warnings last week saved somebody money, as no one from my own downline made any deposits there during the bonus campaign which pleased me. But to be fair XAxisInc did run for two and a half months which was enough time to profit from it. Unfortunately, starting the program on a very cheerful and positive tone with lots of talk and advertising over the first weeks online the admin then completely abandoned the site with even the support requests went unanswered for days. This drastic change in behavior didn’t go unnoticed and many smart investors saw the warning signs and avoided the trap. Please do not make any further investments in XAxisInc!


Finally it’s time to introduce the new programs joining the Premium List on MNO today. I’ll start with 5DailyPro, a new mid-term program that just launched yesterday as was announced in the welcoming newsletter on the website:

Welcome to 5DailyPro
We are pleased to announce that 5DailyPro has been launched on April, 16 2014 and is now available for investors all over the world.
Best Regards, Joseph Lloyd

5DailyPro has a very simple to understand set of plans paying from 5% to 6% fixed interest on your deposit for a duration of 30 calendar days. Please note that your initial deposit is already included in the daily profits and therefore will not be returned on expiry leaving you with 50% to 80% pure profit on your investment at the end of the term. The minimum to invest in 5DailyPro starts from $10 and is accepted via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, or BitCoin. Maximum withdrawal processing time is 24 hours and I can make a more accurate statement on my own withdrawals when I get paid for the first time in tomorrow’s review. 5DailyPro is running off a licensed GoldCoders script, is SSL-secured by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated SoftLayer server with DDoS-protection and support by DDoS-Guard. More details will be in tomorrow’s review, so stay tuned for that.


AmazingProfitClub is the second program joining the MNO Premium List today straight upon launch. The timing can be crucial here as AmazingProfitClub is a short term program offering one daily paying plan with 37% to 38% returns paid over a period of 3 calendar days. The other plans all pay on expiry and include – 108%-110% after 2 days, 118%-128% after 4 days, 146%-190% after 8 days, 200%-320% after 15 days, 380%-800% after 30 days. AmazingProfitClub pays quite fast and once you request your withdrawal it should be processed within a 12 hour maximum. My own withdrawals from the program were done much faster today and I hope this will continue as it’s vital to please investors in making such a program a success. AmazingProfitClub is running off a licensed version of the GoldCoders script, has a Comodo SSL connection to secure transactions, and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by BlackLotus. A more detailed review will follow on Saturday.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RockwellPartners, DublinCryptoriumLimited, FinMutual, InvGlobal, ApexBinary, RemiTrade, BTCArbs, VaBank, Eblone, BitcoFinancial, AssuredAssets, BlocLimited, AmazingProfitClub (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: GrandForexLimited, AdShareCycler.
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, ThaiMonetaryFund, ZeusInvest, SteadyInvest, OdgenOrganization, Yupiter (the first instant payments received).

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoy reading MNO every day just as I enjoy writing it for nearly seven years already. Thanks for all your outstanding support and remember to like me on Facebook and follow my posts on Twitter. To see the very latest news from your favorite programs and the full review of 5DailyPro please come back tomorrow!

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