Sep 4th, 2014 Archives

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Hello everybody! As I would like my blog to be a place to discuss elite and high standard programs listed on my monitor, I think it’s time to take another look at the current list of the five biggest most popular programs there. Some changes took place since the last version was posted on my blog three weeks ago so I need to keep things current and more up-to-date. There were some new entries as well as a shuffling of positions for the others, while two programs – SafeProfitsLtd and BTCLegacy – have scammed. The fact that BTCLegacy was moved to Problem status on MNO will be discussed in the news section in a few moments, but it changes the top end of my monitor significantly enough to do a new article. I have to remind you though that the MNO ranking of the Premium listed programs is the most accurate of any online monitor as it considers not only the number of referrals in each particular program, but also the amount of money invested by them which gives a more precise picture of what programs are doing better than others and thus influence your decision to join or not.

In first place on the MNO Premium List is also the oldest program on my monitor, RemiTrade. The program started back in November 2013 and since has paid instantly to everyone. Investments start from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, and can also be done through BitCoin and direct bank wires. So what does RemiTrade offer investors and why is it different from others? The daily interest which is usually credited to members’ accounts from Tuesday to Saturday (the days following the trading days) can be as low as 0.3% or as high as 4%. This represents a share of the program’s income from its alleged trading activities which can be from 50% to 95% depending on the size. Just check the detailed review of RemiTrade posted here, and I’m sure you will find something interesting to ponder. Many investors have been in good profit with RemiTrade already, and hopefully in October we will see the first principals returned to the first investors as the 240 business day term will expire around then.

The second spot is now taken by LinumFund which happens after only six days online. This is not only a pleasant surprise to me, but also for the program’s admin who is no doubt pleased to see MNO as the biggest referrer with over 100 people in my downline. In addition to that, the first investors were able to release their principals from LinumFund after the five day lock-in period (but most preferred to stay) and received them instantly to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and SolidTrustPay. I expect now that LinumFund has proved its ability to pay we can expect another wave of new investors within the next few days looking for a high quality program obviously run by a very experienced admin. This will obviously propel LinumFund to the very top of my listing which I guess is going to happen very soon, judging by the level of growth the program is currently enjoying. So what makes LinumFund so special and why is it such a tremendous success among my readers? You probably have to read the full review of LinumFund on MNO here to see what I’m talking about, but in a nutshell many investors are enjoying the instant payouts plus the fact that it’s the first program in the the last couple of months with a pre-approved STP payment button and fully automated payouts. The investment plans offered by LinumFund are also quite original and combine the possibility of earning from 3.4% to 3.8% per day indefinitely subject to a five day lock-in period, or from 4.4% to 4.8% subject to a ten day lock-in period with full or partial principal withdrawals afterwards. Such a smart combination of investment plans and the instant payments to all payment processors including the much anticipated STP is what makes LinumFund so appealing to many investors from day one and is the driving force behind them. I wish LinumFund, its admin and all its members, every success in reaching the top of my Top Five list sooner rather than later!

The #3 position in the Top Five goes to TraderWays – a program with the best member’s area I’ve seen for a while and possibly even running off the best original script, with lots of features that can only be fully appreciated and enjoyed when you sign up and check it for yourself. Despite the much criticized recent decision by the admin to accept SolidTrustPay in manual mode the program is still working fine and the withdrawals to STP are processed instantly, just like they are to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and OkPay. TraderWays is yet another program from the increasingly popular group of HYIPs where you can demand the original principal back at any time while enjoying a 1% to 3.5% variable daily interest rate. In this case accruals build up in your account by the second and your balance grows in real time. I believe that TraderWays has already become a one-of-a-kind program in the industry, running successfully for almost a month and after being listed on the MNO monitor for two weeks my own downline has reached 215 investors today. The full review of TraderWays can be found here, which I really encourage you to check out if you’re looking for a really original program with the potential to grow on multiple levels due to a 3-tier referral program.

AssuredAssets takes the #4 spot on the list after running for about six months now and growing very gradually. The investment plan offered by the program was intentionally designed for that – 0.8%-1.4% for 190 business days with the principal returned on expiry. Due to such low returns the first investors in AssuredAssets are yet to be in profit, but at the same time stable payouts usually processed instantly to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin accounts from a $50 minimum deposit (above the industry average but still affordable to most) made the program quite popular. No one can argue that AssuredAssets is a slow burner, so I believe they need to prove themselves first when we see the first profits. For now the program is slowly climbing the charts on every single monitor including MNO, simply due to its persistent and stable payouts for such a long time and having nothing to do with profits yet. For more information on the program, AssuredAsses was first reviewed on MNO here.

Crashing its way into the #5 spot on the most popular list of programs is WeTradeWePay, a medium term HYIP offering somewhat higher returns than we might normally expect from a program like this of 8%-10% for a duration of 25 calendar days and principal returned on expiry. Since launching just ten days ago the program has made a trademark out of fast payouts to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and OkPay which of course always helps a program establish itself and get popular. It’s especially vital for a program like WeTradeWePay which has such a relatively high interest rate over such a short period of time to maintain this record if the impressive growth we’ve seen over the last week and a half is to be sustained, however it’s also worth noting that the admin himself is probably his own most aggressive promoter, making himself available online for any support related issues. To hear more about the program you’ll probably already know it was first reviewed on MNO here, however if you prefer what the admin himself has to say about WeTradeWePay then remember to check his recent interview on my blog here.



Unfortunately I have to start the news section today with something most readers aren’t going to like. Either it’s the first bad news story of the autumn, or the last bad news story of the summer, but whichever way you want to look at it I’m sorry to say BTCLegacy looks like it’s in trouble now. I’ve had to move the program to Problem Status on my monitor due to selective payouts. Payments have now stopped completely (so they’re not just “selective” anymore) and it seems to have run its course and come to the inevitable, eventually expected, conclusion. Any smaller payments that were made were only to encourage “I got paid” posts on forums and monitors and therefore bring in more investments. I can confirm however that even this has now come to a complete stop.

As BTCLegacy was for a time the #1 program on the MNO monitor I feel readers are probably owed a more detailed explanation of exactly what’s been going on. I was first made aware of the problem by one of my referrals in BTCLegacy yesterday when he was left waiting longer than the maximum 48 hour processing time for his payout. I’m not at liberty to say exactly how much this reader was left unpaid for, that much is personal, but I’ll just confirm that it was a substantial amount in four figures. The member in question contacted the admin first before then contacting me when he go no reply, at which point I accessed his account with his permission to confirm the complaint. I then contacted the admin myself to find out what was going on, and while I do admit he was very communicative with me, the root cause of the problem was not addressed. All smoke and mirrors if you want to call it that then but the one single thing that can fix this problem – a full payment of what he’s owed to my referral – has been avoided.

For the record the BTCLegacy admin tried to tell me the member’s account was (wrongly) flagged by a new anti-fraud detection feature in the program’s script. I can’t confirm that this is true or not, but it does seem awfully “convenient” (for the admin, not the member) that this happens a withdrawal of several thousand dollars as opposed to let’s say just $2 or $3. Rather than complete the payment then as the admin has had ample opportunity to do, he preferred to cancel the payment, return it to the member’s balance, and expect him to jump through the same hoops all over again despite already having waited 48 hours anyway. At the time of writing by the way this has now stretched to over 72 hours and still no payment made. I asked the admin to bypass this, but of course it was never realistically going to be considered. It’s very clear to me now that BTCLegacy have run out of money and don’t have enough left in reserve to pay the bigger investors.

To be completely fair here I do want to say that while it was running BTCLegacy was an exceptionally good program and the admin did a damn fine job of taking it to the top. I have no wish for a conflict with him, but at the end of the day I think we all know that HYIPs all meet the same end. They all end badly with someone needing to lose money in order to finance the final payments for others, the question is whether the admin is capable of managing things professionally in order to make sure the biggest number of people possible come away with a profit. This I can tell you he did, and he has my congratulations and respect for that. I sincerely wish him the same success with any future programs he runs, and personally I look forward to them. But for now it’s time to call a spade a spade as they say, and close the book on BTCLegacy. Great program while it lasted, I really do hope you guys did well out of it (better than my referral who wasn’t paid, anyway) but now it’s time to move on. Any future deposits are not recommended and I do not tolerate this attitude towards anyone in my downline, regardless of how big or small the investment. In keeping with this policy MNO was again the first monitor to flag BTCLegacy as being on Problem Status. I hope this also demonstrates why you should follow MNO above all other monitors.


WeTradeWePay (reviewed here) just entered the top five most popular programs on MNO after just ten days online. I think that tells you what you need to know about its performance up to now. Even before the first investors see a profit, WeTradeWePay has had huge interest from a wide audience, attracted by the program’s high returns of 8%-10% for the duration of 25 calendar days (with principal returned on expiry) and fast payouts to PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and OkPay. The admin is also extremely active on the MNO ShoutBox and he’s often there to answer any questions, so don’t be shy and feel free to ask away. The recent interview which was published on MNO yesterday (read it here) might be also useful if you wish to hear more on the program straight from the horse’s mouth. The link to the interview was also included in the short newsletter sent out by the admin David:

WeTradeWePay – MNO Interview
Dear Members
Hope everyone are having a great day.
We are happy to receive accolades for making fast payouts and also seeing many satisfied members posting their payment proofs in Forums as well as in Chat boxes of various forums. We would like to inform that our interview which we had stated in previous newsletter had been published in MNO the famous Monitoring blog. Investors can have a look at the below link in order to get their unanswered queries solved.
Regards. WeTradeWePay


As you might have heard if you have an account there, SolidTrustPay recently announced the start of a so-called “Member Appreciation Week” which started last Monday. This involves some members winning instant cash prizes credited to their accounts, selected randomly. No less than 25 cash prizes are given away on a daily basis during the first week of September with the results being posted on the official blog of SolidTrustPay. I’m well aware that recently SolidTrustPay has not been very friendly towards HYIPs not really allowing many programs to have a payment button approved, but those who do (LinumFund, for example, or even TraderWays which accepts STP in manual mode) are enjoying a tremendous level of success, so it might be worth the admins’ while spending more time on getting their sites approved by SolidTrustPay for much better results upon launching. Unfortunately I’m not really up to speed on STP’s current criteria for accepting investment programs or the demands made of HYIP admins. However the recent launch of LinumFund with the pre-approved STP payment button (the program has already reached the #2 spot on MNO Premium listing after just six days online due to its enormous popularity among my readers) proves it’s possible to achieve for the most determined admins. The preliminary results of the currently running poll on the MNO TalkBack page also shows that about 64% of readers are inclined to invest in programs that accept STP and /or Payza even if they themselves don’t personally use those payment processors. This clearly indicates that investors appreciate admins who make a stronger effort with payment processors that require verification. An article outlining the advantages of having an STP account for investing in HYIPs was posted on MNO here. I strongly recommend reading it whether you have an account with STP or are just considering opening one in the near future. To open a free account with them please click here.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RemiTradeLinumFund, TraderWaysAssuredAssets, WeTradeWePayCryptcoMinerPurpleWealthGlobalBuildingGroupGepardAllianceLaxoTrade, CryptoFarmGoldLoanFinancing.
From MNO Standard list: SafeBetIncome.
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTrade, 20DayGoldVioletStockOgdenOrganizationTradingAllianceLimited, ArbitrageTop.

That’s about all for today, guys. Thanks for reading and I hope you found something useful in today’s article. Don’t forget to please vote in the latest opinion polls running on the MNO TalkBack page about the type of programs you prefer, and as always remember that if you don’t want to miss any important news from the HYIP industry you should follow MNO on Twitter and Facebook where all the most main articles are linked to. Better yet, why not subscribe to the MNO daily news feed? Just fill in your address in the box near the top right side of my main blog page and follow the instructions from there to get all the news sent directly to your inbox every morning. It’s supposedly the era of mass communication after all, so there really isn’t any reason for missing something that could have a huge affect on your investments. Anyway, I’ll see you next time with more info from all your favorite programs, so stay tuned for that and see you all soon. Bye for now!

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