Sep 16th, 2014 Archives

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Hi guys! Some fantastic new programs are coming to MNO this week so I guess I’ll be busy reviewing them for the next couple of days. PiNeverEnds is a brand-new program so far only listed on MNO monitor as the admin has chosen me as the first monitor he wants to be featured on. PiNeverEnds is perhaps the most exciting of two new additions to the Premium List in the last 24 hours, the other being MaverBet. There was a third program, SkyRocketInv, then added to the Standard List. I’ve also received a payment for a big monthly banner from a program that is going to launch within the next few days and will be on MNO too. That means we’re probably facing a second wave of highly original programs looking to advertise on the biggest and most popular blog for elite investment programs which is what MNO blog has finally become this September. Of course, we can never exclude the possibility of some fast scams still slipping through the nets, but these are very rare exceptions now and mostly from inexperienced admins. Overall, I’m pretty pleased with the results of the current advertising policies and higher prices which effectively made MNO the most expensive monitor ever seen. And do not worry – this is only a barrier to admins with bad intentions. The good ones like LinumFund can confirm that MNO is by far the best place to refer members for high quality programs. The program has currently reached #1 in the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO list (read the last article on that here). Among the news stories up for discussion today we have the latest newsletter from LinumFund, as well as the final results from MNO TalkBack polls. For now let’s take a first look at the new programs from the MNO Premium List due to be reviewed over the next few days.


I must say that the admin of PiNeverEnds – a brand-new program on MNO – already made his plans known to me a couple of weeks before the official launch which happened just last night and expressed his wish to make MNO his first official monitoring site with the gradual promotion starting on the right foot for sure. The program might look overcomplicated for some at first glance, but believe me that behind all the layers of complex layout and innovative ideas for calculating the plans you won’t find not too many substantial difficulties. At least, I’m sure you will have all your questions answered after you read the full review of PiNeverEnds on MNO tomorrow. For now all you need to know is that everything about the program revolves around the mathematical number “Pi” (?) which is usually rounded off to 3.14, and I’ll try and simplify for you as best I can. The first plan where I have my own investment pays a variable rate of anything up to a 9% maximum per day. The rate is variable, but it’s also predictable. You see it follows the digits of the number “Pi”, meaning that one day you get 3%, the next day it’s 1%, the day after that it’s 4%, and so on like that. This plan runs for a duration of 314 calendar days but please note that interest is only credited on business days (Monday through Friday). Still, that means that your eventual income will reach slightly over 1000% on your original investment which is not returned at the end of the term. The average daily income on that plan is 4.53% as calculated on the site which is enough to see you break-even relatively quickly into the term, around a month or so, and start making profits after that. If you don’t want to wait for that long you can also invest in any of the three other plans offered by PiNeverEnds – 136% after 7 days and 264% after 31 days. There is also another plan available paying a daily interest of 3.14% for a duration of 20 business days with the principal return on expiry. The minimum to invest in each plan for PiNeverEnds is $25 and the payment processors currently accepted are PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin with the withdrawals promised to be processed within a 48-hour maximum. I have to tell you though that my own first payment was already completed and it was nowhere near 48 hours. It was in fact just a couple of hours waiting time, with the 48 hour maximum really just being a safety-net for the admin if there’s and technical problems with the payment processors I would imagine.

As if the admin was aware that some potential investors would be disappointed with the absence of Payza or SolidTrustPay he offered a bonus for deposits made via BitCoin of 3.14% until at least one of those payment processors is added. In fact I’ve even been paid this bonus myself already, so if you’re interested in getting the same then make a deposit equal to $25 through BitCoin at what ever the current exchange rate is. This was announced in the first newsletter posted on the PiNeverEnds website which I’m re-posting below before we continue:

Launch Day has Arrived!
Today has been long-awaited, but we’re finally off and running!
For those of you just joining us, welcome! Let’s get you caught up on a few things.
We want to continue to build the sort of program that YOU want to be a part of and want to bring your friends to. So don’t be shy about passing along ideas on features and functions you’d like to see! We won’t be able to implement everything, but we’ll keep you in the know about what we’re working on.
Prior to launch, we had a 5% referral for single-level referrals, which is pretty standard. But it dawned on us that nothing else we do is standard, so why should our referrals be?
Here’s the new breakdown:
Level-1: 6.28319% (Pi x 2 for the clever ones out there)
Level-2: 3.14156% (Just Pi)
Level-3: 1.57079% (one-half Pi)
Get the word out, and have your referrals get the word out, and have your referrals have their referrals get the word out! You’ll be buying an island before you know it. (Damn, we should have called this project “Islands for Everyone!” Missed opportunity…)
Hope you love this rethought commission structure.
We know, no SolidTrust Pay. We’re doing what we can, but since honesty is the name of the game around here, we aren’t holding our breath, and we don’t advise you to either. Should we have a shift, it won’t happen quietly at all, it’ll be with fanfare!
We’re working on Payza. At the moment, we don’t have any known issues. We just didn’t want to wait around any longer.
In light of the absence of Payza and STP, we’re offering a 3.14% deposit bonus to all Bitcoin deposits until we have either Payza or STP on board.
To wrap up, as of the time of this writing, these are our payment processors:
Bitcoin, Perfect Money, Payeer, EgoPay
That’s enough for now, see you around!
–Greka Letero and the PiNeverEnds team

As for the technical side of things, the PiNeverEnds is running off a licensed script from Shadow scripts which is widely regarded as the best commercial script available in the HYIP industry (read the interview with the Shadow script developer here for more information on that). The biggest peculiarity of that script is that when depositing you need first to fund your e-wallet and then re-distribute the funds between the four available plans as you see fit. DDoS protection is provided by Shadow scripts as well as part of the package while PiNeverEnds is hosted on a dedicated server by SharkTech. The main focal point of the website include a really well-build design full of original texts, ideas and even an interesting musical Pi-themed video. It’s better to check out the site for yourselves as it’s quite unique and I have little doubt it’s going to be a very popular program within the coming weeks. I’m flattered that the admin brought it to MNO readers first and hope this will help you all to achieve your investment goals faster, as timing is everything in the HYIP industry. The full review of PiNeverEnds is coming tomorrow, so stay tuned for that!


For the second program joining the MNO Premium List today – MaverBet – I do have some reservations. First off, for some reason the admin has been waiting for over three months before bringing his program to MNO and while being quite successful I’m not sure how much more the program has in terms of potential to grow. Especially if he sees my site as the last resort to let people know about it. Second thing I really do not like about the program is that MaverBet not only accepts SolidTrustPay in manual mode only (which in itself is not allowed by the payment processor’s administration without prior approval of their payment button), but also seemingly using a second-hand account with the username “kakala”. Sound familiar? Well, it should because this account formerly belonged to the admin of BTCLegacy, a now defunct scam which briefly accepted STP deposits made manually to this very same account, but quickly removed it when STP warned him about the rules. To prove my point here are two excerpts from BTCLegacy‘s email issued three weeks ago:
NOTE: Please put yourBTCLEGACY.COM username in the “note” of the transaction. “kakala” without the parentheses is our verified STP account ID.
And this text is taken from MaverBet instructions on how to make deposits via STP manually auto-translated from the Russian language (for some reason the instruction is available only in Russian even though STP is almost never used there by anyone):
You have created a deposit via Solid Trust Pay please login to your profile purse, then put the required amount to the address kakala after the operation is completed, copy the data transfer (transaction date, amount, ID transaction) and paste in the window make a deposit in your account Maverbet”.

Anyway, I have challenged the admin about this and will let you know as soon as he replies, as I do not know how a second-hand account came into his possession. Neither option is particularly good here, so whether MaverBet is run by the same admin as BTCLegacy, or the account was simply bought on the black market doesn’t make he program sound very appealing. In my opinion it would be better for MaverBet just to drop the whole thing immediately. It’s in total disregard of all the rules set by SolidTrustPay and endangers the funds of people who might follow the instruction. Anyway, from the accepted payment methods in MaverBet the MasterCard investments announced in my member’s area are not working either, and I believe that this is slated for the future (if ever!). Otherwise, the minimum investment requirement of $50 applies to deposits via PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer, while the 0.01 Btc is the minimum for BitCoin users. In exchange for handing your money over to MaverBet you’re promised a variable daily interest rate from 0% to 6% credited to your account at the end of the business day in Moscow. According to their background story, MaverBet is located in Russia and is involved in the sports betting, with results posted every business day and available for public viewing. As I haven’t been in MaverBet for long I can only say that the recent daily result was 1% which isn’t great, but I’m unaware of what the average payments were like up to now. Remember that MaverBet has a the lock-in period of 24 hours after which you’re free to leave by requesting your deposit. Note that the waiting time for processing payments can be anything from several hours to three days. The MaverBet website itself looks pretty good with lots of information and instructions. It’s running off a custom-made script which is also a good selling point, is SSL secured by Comodo, and hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by GeniusGuard. As far as I can see MaverBet is mostly promoted via social networks to a Russian-speaking audience, so I believe listing on MNO an attempt to reach a wider audience in English speaking countries where MaverBet is relatively unknown. However in my honest opinion, MaverBet would have become popular among my readers if the admin came to me three months ago and not tried to use a second-hand STP account with a shady past. Also, I’m not sure how MaverBet is going to compete against much younger “perpetual” style programs which do not have 3-day waiting rule on principal withdrawals and pay on calendar instead of business days. A more detailed review will be published on MNO within the next few days!


Perhaps LinumFund (reviewed here) can be safely described as the main program to watch this season. If you’re not in the program you’re really missing out on the best the HYIP industry has to offer this September as they’re the only program I’m aware of whose payment button was properly approved by SolidTrustPay even prior to its launch (I’m going to make a poll on LinumFund itself and manual vs. automatic STP payments on MNO TalkBack today). No wonder that the program attracted hordes of investors from every corner of the globe, including many who were still dormant after the summer. LinumFund is that popular now that only after 18 days on MNO it managed to attract thousands of investors and has deservedly reached #1 spot on my Premium List, surpassing even RemiTrade in terms of the amount of deposits made by my referrals there. The admin Marcus seems to be unstoppable though and to ensure further growth for LinumFund he recently completed an interview for MNO which he linked to in his most recent newsletter last night (click here to read the interview). Also announced was the addition of Payza, making LinumFund the only program in the industry accepting both SolidTrustPay and Payza at the same time. This will almost certainly attract thousands of investors from the US and other countries using these payment options along with PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, and BitCoin which are also accepted. I remind you that you can invest in either of the two investment plans offered by the program starting from just a $20 minimum. The first pays a fixed rate of 3.4%-3.8% per day depending on the size of your deposit for an indefinite period of time with the option to withdraw your principal partially or fully after a five day lock-in period. The second pays a higher rate of 4.4% to 4.8% but commits you to a ten day lock-in. You should agree that the plans offered by LinumFund are quite unique as they combine the flexibility of a “perpetual” plan but combats the hit-and-runners at the same time with the short lock-in periods. The admin is obviously trying to reward those who stay loyal to LinumFund by introducing a system of bonuses as well as compounding which is coming soon. LinumFund is clearly expanding and, in my opinion, the admin is doing a great job. The full version of the latest newsletter can be seen below:

LinumFund – 3rd Newsletter
Dear investors!
Our project has already worked for 15 days, and we have some news.
1. A few days ago an interview with our administrator Marcus Jordan was published in the MNO blog. Many of you have read it already, but if you have not read it, you can find it here In this interview you will find answers to some interesting questions for you.
2. Recruitment of the regional representatives continues. Please note that all your applications are considered but we add the representatives only once a week (usually on Mondays). Some of our representatives actively promote our project. Another official group has appeared on Facebook lately ( Dr. Lieven Van Neste has created Skype Chat for our project (you can find the link to it on his website).
3. From Wednesday the project will be able to use Compounding and increasing of your actual deposit. All this you will be able to do from the same place where you withdraw your deposit (go to «Deposits» section, then select the deposit and click on «Active»). You will be able to issue Compounding during the creation of deposit. You can also change its value in the process of deposit. Due to these upgrades the website may not be available on Wednesday morning (updates will not last more than an hour).
4. We finally completed verification of Payza. That means that you can also use this way to deposit and withdraw funds. Deposit via Payza is already available, but we add it manually yet. Tomorrow we will try to fix such problem and all transactions will be fully automatic.
5. Finally, we have some good news. As we promised earlier, tomorrow we are starting a bonus program. You will find out all terms and conditions tomorrow morning. So far we can only give you a hint – do not rush to withdraw your deposit!
Marcus Jordan. LinumFund


The third program joining MNO today, this time on the Standard List is a brand new venture called SkyRocketInv. Launched only today, the program is I suppose best described as a more traditional short-term program, paying a fixed rate on expiry and the rate determined by the size of your deposit. SkyRocketInv offers the following investment plans all starting from a $10 minimum – 103%-125% after 1 day, 111%-300% after 3 days, 125%-475% after 7 days, 150%-731% after 15 days, 180%-1130% after 25 days. Obviously it’s highly advisable to be modest in your expectations from the program and invest only affordable amounts that are offered sustainable and achievable rates of interest. Three payment processors are accepted in SkyRocketInv, namely PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and Payeer, and the withdrawals have to be requested from your account. These are promised within a 48 hour maximum (although I believe it won’t take the admin so long to process earnings in the program’s early stages). Anyway, I’ll tell you in the upcoming review of SkyRocketInvest to be published on MNO in a couple of days how long it took me to receive my own payout. The website is running off a licensed version of a GoldCoders script, is hosted on a dedicated server with the support and protection from Koddos, and features an SSL extended validation certificate from Comodo. I believe that with good layout and security SkyRocketInv will definitely become a good choice provided you join fast and in the appropriate term plan. More on the program will in the upcoming review on MNO soon!


Finishing up today’s update, I want to take a look at the final results of the opinion polls that have been running on the MNO TalkBack page. I also have two new questions which are loosely connected to some of the issues discussed in the news section above. But first to the old polls which have now closed. The first question asked what your expectations are when you first join an online HYIP. I think (or at least I would hope!) that by now most people will appreciate that playing the online HYIP industry is basically a form of gambling, and as such you have to accept that everyone has to lose money from time to time. You can’t win ’em all as the saying goes, but at the same time I wouldn’t think anyone joins a program intending to lose money either. You join in the hope of seeing a profit of course, but generally speaking what are you realistically hoping to walk away with from any one program you join? The exact question was:
What is the level of profit you see as your ultimate goal when investing in HYIPs?
20% of those who voted had the most modest, some might even say most realistic, expectation when they said they hope to earn from 1% up to 25% net profit on their investments.
The single biggest group however were a bit more ambitious, with 60% of readers saying they think it’s reasonable to expect something upwards of 25% to as much as 60% net profit back from the programs they join.
The remaining votes were split equally with 10% of readers saying they hope for a return of between 60% and 200%, and the other 10% saying they they think a return of more than 200% is what they seriously looking for before joining anything.

The second question was on the often thorny subject of HYIP industry hit-and-runners. You know, people who join programs for the shortest possible period of time, make just one deposit, and never make any continued effort to support the program. In many ways it’s an understandable attitude, I mean HYIPs are a shifty business in the first place and the admins rarely show loyalty to their members when the money runs out, and it’s rare to predict a scam before it’s too late to get your money back. So how do you see yourself under the circumstances? In this case the question was:
Would you describe yourself as a hit-n-runner?
Some interesting thoughts and ideas were shared, but curiously only 5% of readers made the candid admission that this was an accurate description of them. They voted “yes, I always try to get fast profits and leave the program as soon as possible.” I’m surprised at this for the simple reason that the practice is a lot more widespread in the industry than just a 5% share of the vote would suggest, so I’m now actually kinda curious as to whether investors even recognize the practice of hit-and-running when they are the ones doing it.
In second place with 14% of the vote was the option at the other extreme of the scale, with readers here saying “no, I always support the program until the end and re-invest part of my profits”.
It was no real surprise though, given that the majority of MNO readers would have some degree of experience in the HYIP industry, that the single biggest group of you fall somewhere in the middle and consider these things on a program by program basis. yan of the voters said “depending on the program I mix different strategies to achieve the best results”.

Moving on then to the next series of questions I’d like to know what you feel about, the program everyone is talking about at the moment is LinumFund. I don’t want this to look like some sort of advertising feature for the program or anything, but facts are facts and LinumFund is definitely the number one program out there at the moment. And as such, regular industry players are likely to have an opinion on it. It doesn’t have to be a good opinion, but I think most experienced investors will know what LinumFund is and will have an opinion on whether they think it’s worth their while joining or not. You can read a bit more on the program in the original review published on MNO which I’ve linked in in the news update from them earlier (here it is again for you) but I’ll just give you a brief recap anyway.

LinumFund is another of the “perpetual” style programs that have been so popular over this last year, making daily interest payments to their members indefinitely. In other words they continue to pay you for how ever long you decide to remain a member, and then return your principal when you decide you want to take your money back and leave. That’s more or less the gist of it anyway, though LinumFund do have a couple of other features that mark them out from most of the other similar programs. There are some minimum lock-in requirements before getting your principal back for instance (either five or ten days depending on what plan you join), but what has really set them apart is the use of SolidTrustPay. And not manual STP payments either, I mean official sanction with a verified account, automated transactions, and a properly approved payments button.

So everyone knows who they are, but what are you doing about it? My first question for you today then is as follows:
Are you an investor with LinumFund?
Yes, I made a profit.
Yes, I’m still collecting interest payments.
Yes, I signed up but haven’t made a deposit yet.
No, but I think I’ll probably join.
No, at the moment I don’t think I’m going to join at all.

For the second question, I want to go back to the issue of programs adding SolidTrustPay as a payment option, but without the prior approval of the payment processor themselves, something which they very clearly state violates their terms and conditions by the way and something they advise account holders against doing. A couple of programs have been trying this method recently, especially since STP became so strict (almost overnight for some reason) on the HYIPs they allow to use their services. Using unapproved manual transactions to join some programs has (I hate to admit) seen a certain degree of success for some admins, but definitely some more than others and you never know if or when STP might intervene and put a stop to it. The reason I’m bringing this up in an opinion poll today of all day’s is perhaps the most bare faced and flagrant disregard of the payment processor’s standards has recently emerged with MaverBet, an online HYIP using a blatant second-hand STP account with a very tainted record behind it. It’s just asking for trouble in my opinion and only a matter of time before it comes to someone’s attention within the STP organization with the authority to shut down the account and freeze any funds located there.

So here’s my question to you:
What do you think of HYIPs using STP for unapproved manual transactions?
I like it – STP make things too difficult for HYIPs.
I don’t care – it’s my money and I’ll take the risk if I want.
I’m against it – there’s no security and accounts can be blocked without warning.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: LinumFundRemiTradeAssuredAssets2FXLtd, SparbsPurpleWealth, TradingAllianceLimitedLaxoTradeCryptoFarm, PiNeverEnds (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: TrustForexTrade, VioletStockGunInvestOgdenOrganization.

That’s all the news from the HYIP industry I have for you today, guys. I hope to see you all again tomorrow for a more detailed look at a brand-new and for the moment still exclusive to MNO program PiNeverEnds, plus the latest news from the currently monitored programs will also be analyzed. Please don’t forget to share your thoughts in the new polls on MNO TalkBack page and follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter for the latest articles which might be of interest to you. See you later, everyone!

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