February 2015 Archives

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Hello everyone! As the HYIP industry struggles through some tough times, it’s vital for many of us to keep earning instead of losing in multiple fast scams. That’s why it’s of utmost importance to stick with the proven and elite programs you will find on MNO known for providing a superb service to the most experienced admins in the industry who can deliver long-running programs and make profits for their investors. For more information on them you should check out the list on the MNO monitor and perhaps also read the latest article on the Top Five Popular Programs on my monitor posted here. Today we have some good news to discuss from Rockfeller, MooreFund, UnitedMicroCredit, and not so good news from Silveks that has been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor today.


I’ll start with undoubtedly one of the fastest growing programs in the HYIP industry and #2 the MNO rankings Rockfeller. The program was first reviewed on my blog here and for forty days has been providing investors with a superb service and instant payouts on their 3%-5% for 70 business days plans for a $50 minimum and principal back on expiry. Just a week ago the admin Ralph purchased a $1,200 banner on the MNO blog for one month which I believe better than a thousand words confirms his intention to work for a very long time to come. I must say that the information contained in the original review of Rockfeller is still relevant apart from the payment options which have changed.

The latest email from Ralph pleasantly surprised me and others looking for more payment methods to invest in Rockfeller. Neteller and Skrill are both available now so I hope that will help the program. These are both proper payment processors where you can connect your bank account and credit card and pay for your investments directly from there, thus eliminating the need for any third-party services that can significantly drain any earnings with hefty fees. I must say that I myself am considering accepting Skrill and Neteller payments for advertising on MNO in the future, as Rockfeller is now the third program from my Premium (the others being MooreFund and UnitedMicroCredit) to use them. Meanwhile the admin of Rockfeller also told me that he had stopped working with OkPay, but as I don’t see much interest in them anyway I doubt it will be such a great loss. In addition to that, you can always join Rockfeller via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and even Payza, and get paid instantly to all accounts. Coming the time when the first investors are due to be in profit from Rockfeller, I believe the diversification of paymentmethods will be able to play a crucial role in further growth. Here’s the latest from the admin on the new payment options added:

Neteller & Skrill Payment Options Added
Today, February 24th, we have added two new payment gateways. From now on you can use Skrill & Neteller payment systems to deposit and withdraw your funds with Rockfeller.?
Existing clients: please login to your Rockfeller account and go to Account Settings to add your new payment methods. Happy investing!
Rockfeller Asset Management Limited


If you read my previous piece on UnitedMicroCredit (reviewed here), you might remember that the admin was exposed for stealing the content of his previous newsletter from another program – MooreFund – changing only the numbers and the program’s name. The admin then approached me pleading to remove this from my blog and blamed his “personal secretary” for making an unfortunate mistake. Well, too bad for him that I never delete posts, but I can post the follow-up newsletter from UnitedMicroCredit issued last night boasting the program’s 110 days online. That means that the very first investors who joined on day one can withdraw their initial investments in a day or two which they were paid 2%-3.5% for the 78 business day term starting from $10 minimum. That will certainly be a great test for UnitedMicroCredit to prove to everyone that the program has serious intentions to continue. The thing I like most about UnitedMicroCredit is the program’s flexibility on payment options as so many payment methods are accepted, including PerfectMoney, Payza, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, Skrill, Neteller, Bank Wires, WesternUnion, OkPay, and AsMoney. I also see that the admin is trying his best to spread the word about UnitedMicroCredit to the widest possible audience, hence his decision to advertise on MNO. I wish he’d done it sooner of course, but anyway, I still wish UnitedMicroCredit every success. Their latest newsletter is below:

UnitedMicroCredit celebrates successfully 110 paying days Online
February , 24th UnitedMicroCredit celebrates 110 days online. It is a great milestone for us and we are proud for all we managed to achieve during this period and also it inspires us to set new records.
These 110 days online brought us over 4 thousand register members and total 2247 investors and partners from 25 countries of the world. Being represented by 17 regional representatives,and 8 Country Director UnitedMicroCredit has extended its investment activity.
Today UnitedMicroCredit focuses on MICROCREDIT ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS, We appreciate much the trust of our investors and we can predict skyrocketing development and high profits for all our customers and partners.
Stay with us and tell your friends about the benefits of investing in
Sincerely, UnitedMicroCredit team.


I can now confirm that deposits and withdrawals via Payza are processed instantly and in automated mode in MooreFund following the verification of their account. That also eliminates the waiting time for manual approval of deposits and reduces the minimum to invest via Payza from $500 to $15. Manual deposits are still required for PayPal, Neteller, and Skrill. Other payment processors include PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, Payeer, OkPay and are accepted in automated mode with instant payouts. The latest improvement was BitCoin, which was already available in manual mode but as announced in the latest newsletter from MooreFund is now also automated. By the way, the admin Rob is really trying to push his program hard by sending frequent newsletters, which was probably necessary judging by the confusion surrounding the approval process with Payza. Anyway, now that Payza is added properly we should expect a new influx of members from developed countries who, for some reason, might not have an account in SolidTrustPay – the approved account in which made MooreFund famous in some circles from day one. If you haven’t read my full review of MooreFund published here, I’ll just remind you that the program offers several investment plans paying 1.5% for 60 calendar days, and 2.2%-3% for 365 calendar days. The minimum to invest starts from $15 ($500 for some payment options) and the withdrawals on most payment processors are done instantly, which is another selling point. Another advantage is the option to withdraw the original investment for a fee before 60 days and free of charge after that. Just be aware of the 3% withdrawal fee, and a $5 sign-up bonus which you can withdraw instantly to PerfectMoney after making the first deposit with MooreFund. More information on Payza and BitCoin deposits and withdrawals and using Payza (and Credit cards) for deposits in MooreFund is in the three newsletters sent to members over the last 36 hours:

Good News! PAYZA deposits/withdrawals are now instant and automatic!
You can now deposit to your MooreFund account using Payza payment processor. All deposits and withdrawals are automatic and instant.
Payza can be loaded with Credit Cards ( VISA/MasterCard ). So It means you can deposit to your Favourite investment Program with Credit Cards as well.
-All Payza transactions ( deposits/withdraws) are automatic and instant process.
Payza is secured and feature enriched such as Bank withdrawals, Credit card funding, Local payments, 21 currencies etc.
Today is the 24th day of “MooreFund” company.
MooreFund is most popular investment program available online.
– 1) More than 78,800 members has already joined MooreFund and thousands are joining everyday!- 27,400 active investors and 2114 active affiliate advertisers.
– 2) We accept 17 major PP including Perfect Money, SolidtrustPay, Paypal, Payza, Neteller, Skrill etc. – Credit cards payment can be made through PayPal, SolidtrustPay, Neteller and Payza. – Automatic/Instant deposit and withdraw in major payment processors.
– 3) There is no Minimum withdrawal. You can withdraw any amount.
– 4) Compounding is available. – Compounding can be changed anytime. – Withdraw Principal anytime.
We are registered with Company House, England and verified by Worlds most popular security insurance company like Symentec-Norton (veriSign), Comodo and TRUSTe. MOORE PROPERTY INVESTMENT CO LIMITED holds a website identity assurance warranty of $1,750,000. This means that you are insured for up to $1,750,000 when relying on the information provided by IdAuthority on this site. US Patent Number 7,603,699.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd.

How to invest in Moore Fund using VISA card.
You can now deposit to your Moore Fund account using VISA Card. All deposits and withdrawals are automatic and instant.
Step 1: Create a Payza Account. Load desired investment amount using your VISA card to your Payza account.
Step 2: Deposit to your Moore Fund account using Payza.
*All Payza transactions ( deposits/withdraws) are automatic and instant process. *Payza is secured and feature enriched such as Bank withdrawals, Credit card funding, Local payments, 21 currencies etc.
We are registered with Company House, England and verified by Worlds most popular security insurance company like Symentec-Norton (veriSign), Comodo and TRUSTe. MOORE PROPERTY INVESTMENT CO LIMITED holds a website identity assurance warranty of $1,750,000. This means that you are insured for up to $1,750,000 when relying on the information provided by IdAuthority on this site. US Patent Number 7,603,699.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd.

Bitcoin and Payza transactions are now instant/automatically processed.
Payza and Bitcoin deposits / withdrawals are now instant and automatic!
You do not have to wait anymore to get your withdrawals processed into your Payza and Bitcoin payment system.
Currently Perfect Money, SolidtrustPay, EgoPay (SCAM), Payeer, Payza and Bitcoin transactions are automatically and instantly processed.
*Payza is secured and feature enriched such as Bank withdrawals, Credit card funding, Local payments, 21 currencies etc.
MooreFund is registered with Company House, England and verified by Worlds most popular security insurance company like Symentec-Norton (veriSign), Comodo and TRUSTe. MOORE PROPERTY INVESTMENT CO LIMITED holds a website identity assurance warranty of $1,750,000. This means that you are insured for up to $1,750,000 when relying on the information provided by IdAuthority on this site. US Patent Number 7,603,699.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd.


A very important message also came from the administration of SolidTrustPay, once the most popular choice in the HYIP industry, but has since cut back drastically on the programs they will allow. If you’re asked to make deposits manually then it means the merchant in question was not approved by SolidTrustPay and therefore not entitled to accept payouts or process withdrawals. Of course they can try to hide this fact and present themselves as a legitimate merchant which they are not. In the latest post on the STP blog the situation was explicitly discussed with the administration advising against sending manual payments to merchants (and I believe, by that they meant some HYIPs), and not to hold them responsible for any losses if you do. I must say that it’s still possible to get an STP approved button to manage automated deposits and withdrawals, but it usually requires so much skill and patience that only the best in the business can do it successfully. Once getting approved by STP though, such programs usually bask in enormous fame, such as MooreFund. I hope others will follow soon. For your information, here’s the official warning from STP regarding manual deposits in HYIPs:

Reminder to keep your funds safe!
We have noticed an increase of persons attempting to circumvent our approved merchant requirements.
We would like to remind all SolidTrust Pay users never to send manual payments to a merchant. Choosing to do so is done at your own risk.
All approved SolidTrust Pay merchants will accept payments via the payment button located on their website, only. If a merchant is requesting manual payments, it is safe to assume that the merchant has not been approved by SolidTrust Pay to receive payments for their website.
Please exercise caution when choosing to send your funds to any individual you do not know personally.
By refraining from sending manual funds to merchants, you are protecting yourself and helping to ensure that these merchants follow STPay procedures in regards to becoming a verified SolidTrust Pay merchant.
Thank you.


I’m sure many MNO readers are already taking advantage of the programs accepting Payza – currently these include CryptoStrategy, Rockfeller, and, most recently, MooreFund – via convenient direct bank and credit card funding to avoid fees in third-party exchangers. I’m sure that Payza will strengthen its position in the HYIP industry as the best and most professional admins continue to verify their accounts with Payza and become more appealing to larger investors especially from the US who were literally cut off from the HYIP industry for the last couple of years. From the latest updates from Payza aimed at mostly US and Canadian customers (this also concerns Bangladeshi residents though I don’t believe they have the same large numbers involved with the HYIP industry) they are now able to validate their bank accounts with nothing more than two micro-deposits that will be sent to them by Payza. Don’t use it as a tool to get rich quick though as the deposits will be from $1 to $2 and will be used only to verify the fact you’re the owner of the account you’re trying to connect to your Payza account. I’m sure that this new convenient feature will further make things easier to the US and Canadian HYIP investors and will allow them to return to the HYIP industry and start investing in the better, more elite programs. Here’s the latest blog entry from Payza giving a step-by-step guide on bank account validation with micro-deposits:

How to: Validate Your Bank Account with Micro Deposits
If you want to connect a bank account to your Payza account from the U.S., Canada, or Bangladesh, you may have noticed there’s a special validation procedure you’ll need to complete before you can start using that account for deposits and withdrawals. To confirm the account is valid and belongs to you, Payza sends two small amounts (micro-deposits), between 1.00-2.00 in your local currency, which you will then confirm within your Payza account. The full procedure is explained in this Payza FAQ: How do I confirm the micro deposits I received in my bank account?
So, how does the micro deposit validation work? When you log in to your Payza account, click on the “Wallet” menu on the left side, then select “Bank Accounts”. If you haven’t yet added your bank account, you’ll be able to do so here. To add your account complete the form to add your account, review the information and confirm the details.
Once you have connected your bank account, if it is from the U.S., Canada, or Bangladesh, Payza will send you two micro-deposits in two separate transactions. With the help of your bank or online banking tools, locate these two deposits. If you do not have access to an online bank statement, we suggest visiting your branch to get this information directly from your bank.
Once you have located the two micro-deposit amounts, you can enter them into your Payza account on the “Manage Bank Accounts” page, which you can get to by again clicking “Wallet” and then “Bank Accounts” in your Payza account.
On the “Manage Bank Accounts” page, find the bank account you wish to validate. Under the “Status” column you will either see a message “Pending Micro-Deposits”, which means your micro-deposits have not yet arrived, or “Confirm Micro-Deposits” with a link to the confirmation page.
When you click the “Confirm Micro-Deposits” link, the next page will have a place to enter the two amounts. Copy the amounts exactly as they appear on your bank statement and then click “Submit”.
If you entered the micro-deposit amounts correctly, your account will be immediately validated and you can start using it to make deposits and withdrawals.
For more helpful articles that will help you get the most out of your Payza account, visit the “How To Use Payza” section of the Payza blog, or visit Payza’s FAQs for even more information.
Members in Bangladesh may also want to watch this video (in Bengali) that also explains how to confirm micro-deposits: Payza Bangladesh – Micro Deposit Confirmation – Add Bank Account


I have to finish for today on a sad note, moving Silveks to Problem status on the MNO monitor. Basically I’ve had enough of trying to contact the admin multiple times to try and resolve an issue with my referral’s earnings there. As I already mentioned in the previous Top Five article (click here to read it), Silveks is perhaps the only program from the list where investments were not recommended due to the inability of the admin to respond to any questions and changing the investment plans way too often. The final straw was yesterday when he ignored my emails completely. For all I know the site might even be abandoned now, I can’t be sure, but the fact remains that Silveks has no interest in members and is unable to solve even simple tasks of tweaking the script. But maybe that script “error” was done intentionally to mislead the few remaining honest monitors into thinking that Silveks was still paying well (as my payouts have been processed almost instantly until now) while others were were deliberately ignored and left to wonder what might be wrong with their accounts. Anyway, my referral in Silveks is not able to withdraw his earnings and the admin is not interested in fixing the issue. The only conclusion is obvious – Silveks is a scam and should be moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor. To be fair Silveks had quite a successful run and paid for nearly four months, so some investors were well into profit. But for those who lost, please accept my sincere commiserations but move on. The HYIP world does not stand still.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listCryptoStrategyRockfellerBITC1, BTPerfex, RollNRichAtrexTrade, MooreFund, UnitedMicroCredit.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness, HashCoin.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare.

That’s all for today, guys. Stay up-to-date with the MNO blog – the best and most frequently updated English language blog covering elite investment opportunities. Together we can get through these harsh times in the HYIP industry without losing money, but rather earning it. I know opinions on the future of any recovery are mixed (according to the preliminary results of the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page), but one thing is for sure – during the transition period it’s important to keep informed. Watch the latest trends, the latest events, and the latest news from the most elite programs in the HYIP industry. You should really drop the idea of chancing your profits on average programs run possibly by first time amateurs, stay with the best, and let MNO be your guide. Stay updated with the MNO blog via Facebook or Twitter channels, bookmark my site or, even better, subscribe for the news to be delivered straight to your email box. It only takes a minute and could possibly be the best decision you ever make. Information is priceless and can be yours totally free of charge. So take the opportunity with both hands and finally start earning with HYIPs, instead of losing in them with the help of MNO!

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