February 2015 Archives

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Hi guys! February is almost over and what the spring will bring we can only guess. According to the preliminary results of the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page (click here to see and vote) only about 29% of readers think the spring will mark a revival of the HYIP industry, with 43% believing a recovery will only come in the summer. There were lots of reasons why the HYIP industry lost much of its former appeal to many investors, but the EgoPay scam coupled with the plummeting value of BitCoin were two massive contributing factors, a point highlighted by the admin of CryptoStrategy Olivia in the recent interview for MNO you can read here. Among the multiple factors influencing many investors’ decision to keep their investment activities to the bare minimum was the temporary departure of some good admins, scared off by the lack of activity and allowing the industry to be dominated by fast scammers in the month of January and February – the months traditionally considered profitable in previous years. That was not the case in 2015 and many investors who followed bad advice were at a loss. I’m truly pleased to see however that such admins stay away from MNO due to the cost of listing, which in turn resulted in many investors who stayed exclusively with the sites monitored on MNO earning huge profits.

Only a tiny minority of programs listed on MNO scammed since the end of last year, and the vast majority of them are still paying and bringing investors good money. Overall, I’m very pleased with the selection of programs on the MNO Premium List and in order to find the very best of the best you’re advised to read the most recent article on the Top Five Popular Programs here. I can assure you that my site will continue to do what it does best for many years now, and cover only best programs from the most professional admins in the industry. New programs are now only subject to the when the industry recovers. But if the situation worsened in February, then it was only a black month for those not following MNO). You can be sure that you will see all the big programs run by long term professional admins on MNO as soon as the industry begins to recover. This I can promise you, so stay with the MNO blog for the best new programs to come and trust the proven programs that have been performing well over the winter months.


It seems the admin of MooreFund was living on an uninhabited island until recently, as apparently he just realized that EgoPay is a scam and said deposits there would no longer be allowed. To me it was pretty clear six weeks ago already, and since MooreFund started its online activities only four weeks ago, they should have already known about this fact without wasting their time on supporting unnecessary transactions within their system. Anyway, all the withdrawals from the deposits made via EgoPay will be processed as usual, but new deposits will no longer be accepted according to the newsletter:

EgoPay news update!
We have finally disabled deposits from EgoPay which has been proved as SCAM!
EgoPay is now SCAM Payment Processor. You can still make withdrawals but cannot make new deposits.
Currently Perfect Money, SolidtrustPay, Payeer, Payza and Bitcoin transactions are automatically and instantly processed.
Paypal, Neteller, OKPAY and Skrill are widely accepted and most preferred payment processor with no payment processing fee.
*Payza is secured and feature enriched such as Bank withdrawals, Credit card funding, Local payments, 21 currencies etc.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd

Yet another newsletter from MooreFund dealt with manual deposits made via Neteller/Skrill/PayPal where automated deposits and withdrawals are not possible for obvious reasons. To encourage deposits via these three payment options the admin decided to start offering a 5% deposit bonus for investments made via Neteller, Skrill, or PayPal and decrease the minimum to invest via those systems from the previous $500 to $300. Instructions on how to take advantage of the bonus are given in the following newsletter from MooreFund:

5% Deposit Bonus for Neteller/Skrill/PayPal payments.
There is No Transaction FEE for Neteller, Skrill and Paypal deposits in MooreFund. Additionally, We will award 5% bonus on your deposit.
Step 1) To Make a Deposit, Please log into your MooreFund account.
Step 2) Click “Buy Investment Package” and then select “Spend fund from PayPal” or “Spend fund from Skrill” or “Spend fund from Neteller”
Step 3) Follow the payment instructions on the next page.
Minimum spend is lowered to $300 from previous $500. Any transfer below $300 will be returned back.
* You can use Credit cards to fund your Neteller, Skrill or Paypal account
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd

For those who don’t know much about this excellent program, MooreFund is the first program in recent memory to have their SolidTrustPay account fully approved for instant deposits and withdrawals. Later on Payza was also added for the same purpose, and deposits and withdrawals through them are also fully automated now as well. Apart from those two processors, MooreFund works in automated mode with PerfectMoney, EgoPay (now for withdrawals only), Payeer, BitCoin, and OkPay. Deposits for all these payment processors starts from a $15 minimum and you can get a withdrawable $5 bonus after making your first deposit in the program. Most of the withdrawals from the program are processed instantly, but note that they are subject to a 3% withdrawal fee that will be deducted automatically from every withdrawal. Investment plans include 1.5% for 60 days and 2.2%-3% for 365 days with the principal returned on expiry, or before that for a fee. For more information on the investment process and plans in MooreFund please refer to my detailed review published here.


If you’re looking for a program where you can invest using somewhat more unusual and unique methods then the answer is obvious – try UnitedMicroCredit (reviewed here). Apart from the traditional payment methods for the HYIP industry like PerfectMoney, Payza, EgoPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and even the more (for want of a better word) “exotic” ones like Skrill, Neteller, OkPay, and AsMoney, UnitedMicroCredit will also accept deposits via Western Union, Bank wires and transfers, and even Visa and MasterCard. How-to guides were given in the latest newsletter from UnitedMicroCredit, which accepts deposits starting from $10 minimum into its 2%-3.5% for 78 business days with principal back on expiry plan. Anyone interested to perhaps try investing via such methods please refer to the latest newsletter reposted below:

Invest in UnitedMicroCredit using VISA/Master card
We are proud to tell you a great news. Now UnitedMicroCredit is accepting investments made using some popular payment processors
1. Western Union
2. Bank Wire
3. Master Card and VISA card
4. Online Banking transfer
Now every one can able to deposit here directly with those payment methods
Step 1: Login in to your UnitedMicroCredit user Account. Click to make a deposit and select payment methods and deposit here to using your VISA/master Card or you can using also other payment methods.
Step 2: Directly transfer your fund to our international (IBAN) Bank Account Number.
Stay with us and tell your friends about the benefits of investing in UNITED MICROCREDIT ORGANIZATION LIMITED.
Thanks, Shahriar Kabir
UnitedMicroCredit Organization Limited


Sometimes, very rarely mind, programs that are listed on Problem status on MNO return to Paying, though every case is unique. With Silveks I wasn’t really satisfied with the errors in the script that were caused by the recent changes to the investment plan to 6% credited every 10 calendar days with principal request available at any time after a lock-in period of 20 calendar days. I believe the issue was in the script itself that was not modified properly and did not allow investors to withdraw unless they had 20 accruals already. And taking into consideration that the new investment plan accrues 6% interest only every ten days one would have to wait 200 days in order to withdraw anything. Anyway, from what I can see in my own account with Silveks you have the option to withdraw the original investment and profit after the first twenty days, and as the profits in Silveks are compulsory compounded (read more on the investment process in my original review here) then it means that no one can actually withdraw any profits before the expiry of a 20 day lock-in period. So, it’s still better be careful and watch the further development before investing in Silveks, and I’ll report in about a week or so, after I’m able to withdraw my original investment since the original rules changed. Why return Silveks to Paying status on the MNO monitor then, you may ask? Well, if you remember from what I wrote on my blog a few days ago, my main criticism towards the program was that the admin remains completely unresponsive to any requests and even when I contacted him regarding the problem of one of my referrals (he was unable to withdraw anything even after the lock-in period) I didn’t get an answer. Only two days after moving Silveks to Problem status on MNO had I heard from him, simply saying that my referral could now withdraw his principal and profits. Then it took me another day or so, to check that information with my referral and make sure he was paid properly as promised. Once that was verified I have no further reason to keep Silveks on Problem Status on the MNO monitor, so the program goes back to Paying. I will of course continue watching it closely and report any issues if they arise.


Following the examples of so many programs that started accepting Skrill and Neteller (the most recent being Rockfeller that added them just a couple of days ago) I’ve decided to open accounts there too. I was pleasantly surprised by the efficiency and level of professionalism with them both, by the way. I’m quite surprised why the HYIP industry is not utilizing the services of Skrill and Neteller on a bigger scale yet, as there is certainly a demand for them as licensed payment options and an alternative to Payza and SolidTrustPay. Both Skrill and Neteller have a simple verification process after which you can fund and withdraw from your accounts via bank transfers, or even request their own company debit card that will be delivered via post. I’ve already done so with Neteller and expect it to be delivered to my UK address within the next three weeks. As for Skrill, I intend to do so after I receive the Neteller card and will update you on the progress.

As for SolidTrustPay, I’ve also applied for their new international MasterCard which should be delivered within the next couple of weeks, and can be used in any ATM around the world. The card provider now working with STP is different from the previous one, and I believe is called AeraPay which I can confirm on receipt of the card. From the advantages of the new STP card I can see there’ll be no monthly or dormant fees involved which will be beneficial even for those who don’t use STP very often, due to not so many programs using them now (only MooreFund is currently accepting STP with a fully approved button). Anyone with the old version of the card (provided by PaySpark) can apply for a new one directly from their STP account by clicking Buy STP Debit Cards, submitting the forms, and paying a $5 fee from your balance for discounted first-class mail delivery.

Following my successful testing of Skrill and Neteller and seeing a great future in the HYIP industry for anyone accepting those payment processors, I’ve decided to make MNO more convenient for customers and start accepting both Neteller and Skrill as payment methods you can use for advertising and listing on my monitor. Now MNO is officially accepting seven payment options (more than any other monitor) also including PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, Payza, and SolidTrustPay. You can always find more details about my payment processor accounts and the terms and conditions of listing on MNO on the advertising page.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listCryptoStrategyRockfellerBITC1, BTPerfex, SilveksRollNRichAtrexTrade, MooreFund, UnitedMicroCredit.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness, HashCoin.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare, OgdenOrganization.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. I hope you found it informative enough and gave you some food for thought on where the industry is heading this spring. I’d be grateful to see more votes in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page to see and analyze your opinion on the future of the HYIP industry. Whatever you think, remember to stay close to MNO because once things start getting back to normal we’ll surely see here some really good programs. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, guys, and see you all next week!

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