March 2015 Archives

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Hi guys! You might be wondering what’s going on with the HYIP industry for the last couple of months. Well, the general state of things has been worse than after the LR collapse in May 2013 when seemingly the whole HYIP world stood still. However that was nothing compared to the overwhelming crisis faced by the industry after the unexpected scam of EgoPay. For the proof of that you can check the Alexa ratings (the non artificially inflated ones!) of the major HYIP monitors to see the declining figures which indicate less and less investors. The investors who stayed though have become very selective and try to seek out only the very best programs run by professional admins. And speaking of which, many of them left the industry after the collapse of EgoPay and subsequent drop in investor numbers. Others decided to run fast scams only thinking about their own wallets and killing the goose that laid the golden egg, i.e. investors that were still willing to play but are only been driven away, further compounding the situation. Only the very best HYIP admins are still trying to make a serious effort in running programs for as long as possible and some examples of those superb programs you can currently find on MNO (I especially recommend the programs featured in the Top Five article posted here as the current leaders on the market). I like it that way as it proves that a carefully crafted strategy of pricing out the deliberate scams from my monitor is working and delivering some great results to those who trying to make some money even during a slump in the HYIP industry.


The latest poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack for the last week or so to gauge the investors mood and see what your attitude is towards a possible future recovery in the industry is now finished. Investors were asked: “When do you think the HYIP industry will completely recover from the current slump?” And by looking at the final results I must say most of you remain reasonably positive. Spring-2015 voted with 37.5% and summer-2015 voted with 34.4% gathered the overall majority. Less popular answers included autumn-2015 with 12.5% votes and the more pessimistic “it won’t recover until 2016” answer that took 15.6% of the votes. Judging by the results we can assume the vast majority of investors believe that the so-long awaited recovery will be within the next few months. That can only happen though if the best admins in the HYIP industry are going to return and run the longest possible programs to regain investors’ trust and more large investors participate with bigger amounts. That last point, in my honest opinion, can only be achieved with better use of such payment processors as Payza, SolidTrustPay, Neteller, Skrill, and others that are user-friendly and allow spending directly from bank or credit cards. Also they need to appeal to the US market and be properly licenced in their home countries. The latest scam by EgoPay and closure of LibertyReserve should tell you why. And though I don’t want to say that tomorrow PerfectMoney could close just as easily, it is entirely possible given their shady nature. So it’s simply impossible to keep any large amounts there for investing in HYIPs. BitCoin is no solution either due to it’s plummeting value over the last year left no hope for those using it for any reasonable profit from HYIPs. The only answer is in the wider acceptance of bank-connected payment options and those that offer their own debit cards and other perks for verified members. Investors can then be sure that any money held in Payza, SolidTrustPay, Neteller, Skrill and other accounts is relatively safe and won’t disappear overnight like EgoPay. Of course the acceptance of such payment options requires extra time from HYIP admins and extra skills to verify their businesses, but in the end it will all be worth the effort as deposits in such programs will be much higher compared to those sticking with anonymous options. And the sooner the HYIP admins realize this the more successful their programs will be, with more funds pouring into them from more confident investors. Whenever it’s going to happen I have no idea, but until then the HYIP industry is not going to be as good as it used to.

The next question which will be on the MNO TalkBack page for another week asks if you managed to profit from HYIPs during the last three months. The thing about that is that it would have been a very tough task indeed if you followed other monitors who are now flooded with fast scams. However, MNO managed to avoid this as almost all programs listed here over the winter gave a profit to investors. But regardless of whether you followed MNO or not I would still like to know if you found it possible to invest during the slump and still be in profit. The new question then is worded as follows – What were your results during the winter months? Possible answers are:
1) I made decent profits
2) I made small profits
3) I suffered small losses
4) I suffered big losses
5) I didn’t invest at all

Thanks in advance for voting and the results will be drawn sometime next week. Please click here to vote.


MooreFund (reviewed here) is a shining example of how well a program can be run even during an otherwise slower time in the wider HYIP industry. With the proper preparation, big advertising campaign, and, mostly, by offering so many payment options including Payza and SolidTrustPay where accounts are fully verified and transactions processed in automated mode. Apart from STP and Payza, you can also join MooreFund starting from $15 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay. Deposits via PayPal, Neteller and Skrill are accepted in manual mode starting from $300, though that figure has recently come down from $500 and a 5% deposit bonus has been offered to investors there. Instructions on how to invest manually via these payment options are included in the e-mail below:

Use Credit Cards through Neteller/Skrill/Paypal to deposit MooreFund and get 5% instant reward.
There is No Transaction FEE for Neteller, Skrill and Paypal deposits in Moore Fund. Additionally, We will award 5% bonus on your deposit.
Step 1) To Make a Deposit, Please log into your MooreFund account.
Step 2) Click “Buy Investment Package” and then select “Spend fund from PayPal” or “Spend fund from Skrill” or “Spend fund from Neteller”
Step 3) Follow the payment instructions on the next page.
Minimum spend is lowered to $300 from previous $500. Any transfer below $300 will be returned back.
* You can use Credit cards to fund your Neteller, Skrill or Paypal account
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd

The importance of offering investors the option of using credit card deposits via Payza was noted by the admin of MooreFund since the beginning and he emphasized that point again in another email on automated deposits and withdrawals via Payza – a payment processor that is getting popular very fast:

You can now deposit with PAYZA! All transactions are instant and auto!
Payza payment system SCI & API maintenance was performed successfully and Payza deposit is now accepted.
Step 1) To Make a Deposit, Please log into your MooreFund account.
Step 2) Click “Buy Investment Package” and then select “Spend fund from Payza”
Step 3) Make Payment.
Minimum deposit amount is $15 through Payza.
*You can use Credit cards to fund your Neteller, Skrill or Paypal account.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd

The structure of the investment plans has recently been slightly modified by the admin of MooreFund, but this only applies to larger investors spending $5K or more. From now on the investment term for the plan was reduced from 365 days to only 30 days, meaning that the total profit of 90% can be achieved on expiry of the term when the initial investment is returned. I’m not sure what the reason for this modification is, but I believe that investing such huge amounts in MooreFund is extremely risky, so I would not recommend doing it for my readers. For anyone still interested please read the latest news on the new elite investment package below:

New ELITE investment package in MooreFund!
ELITE investment package will return you 3% daily earning for 30 days. You can withdraw earnings anytime you want. Principal withdrawal can be made anytime as well.
ELITE (3% daily income for 30 Days)
Calculate Earnings
Investment: $5,000 – $99,999
Principal Returned: YES
Return of Investment: 190%
Compounding: NO
Affiliate Commissions: 10% – 3% – 1%
* For example: If you invest $5000 in Elite package, It will return 190% of $5000 which means $9500 in just 30 days.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd

Other investment plans offered by MooreFund remain intact, and with a $15 minimum you can invest in the 1.5% for 60 days and 2.2% for 365 days plan, while if you have $1,000 or more to spare you can join in the 2.6% for 365 days plan. On all investment plans the initial principal is available to request either after 60 days, or on expiry with no fees. However you can leave the program before that if you don’t mind an early withdrawal fee deducted from your principal. Details can be found in my original review of MooreFund. Also remember the $5 investment bonus that you’ll find in your account on signing up, but can only withdraw on making your first deposit. And of course the 3% withdrawal levy on every request is also worth noting, along with the instant withdrawals to most payment options. It’s all contributed to making MooreFund very popular over the first month online and keeping the program strong and stable. If you’re still sitting on the fence undecided if it’s worth your while joining then please read the last newsletters from MooreFund on the latest stats and the major advantages of getting on board:

MooreFund News & Statistics!
Today is the 30th day of “MooreFund” company.
Moore Property Investment Co Ltd. is launched on 1st Feb,2015, bringing to British high quality investment products and solutions by leveraging our relationships with world-class investment companies. We take pride in international growth that has enabled us to touch the lives of thousands and hundreds of people around the world. Our rich offline investment history since 1993, is also the foundation that drives our growth today and for the future.
-1) More than 71,000 members has already joined MooreFund and thousands are joining everyday! – 23,200 active investors and 3900 active affiliate advertisers.
-2) We accept 18 major PP including Perfect Money, SolidtrustPay, Payeer, Paypal, Payza, Neteller, Skrill, Bank Transfer, Western Union etc. – Credit cards payment can be made through PayPal, SolidtrustPay, Neteller and Payza. – Automatic/Instant deposit and withdraw in major payment processors.
-3) There is no Minimum withdrawal. You can withdraw any amount.
-4) 5% Bonus offer for Neteller, Paypal and Skrill deposits. For example, If you deposit $500, we will award $25 additional deposit to your Moore Fund account.
-5) Compounding is available. – Compounding can be changed anytime.
-6) Withdraw Principal anytime.
We are registered with Company House, England and verified by Worlds most popular security insurance company like Symentec-Norton (veriSign), Comodo and TRUSTe. MOORE PROPERTY INVESTMENT CO LIMITED holds a website identity assurance warranty of $1,750,000. This means that you are insured for up to $1,750,000 when relying on the information provided by IdAuthority on this site. US Patent Number 7,603,699.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd

Why MooreFund is the BEST!
Thanks for being a part of “MooreFund” company.
Moore Fund is a premium investment program which is verified by Norton, COMODO, Truswave and TRUSTe. It has EV SSL, High DDOS protection, Super dedicated server, Unique features & design and above all very efficient management team.
So, We are confident that MooreFund will become the best investment program very soon.
MooreFund is a very sustainable and long-term program.
MooreFund is registered in UK and verified by worlds most advanced security companies like Norton and Comodo. If you visit the official website of UK company house ( you can search our company details by registration number “02870772”. You can also click here to download our company certificate, Download Our Certificate.
If you look at the address bar of the browser, Moore Fund website always shows green trust bar EV SSL. You can also check company insurance by clicking or hovering the mouse over the COMODO logo at the right-bottom side of the website. Alternatively you can check this directly from COMODO website,
We are also verified by all Payment processor including SolidtrustPay. Payment processors never approves unsustainable investment programs.
I would suggest you to read the FAQs section too to get a clear understanding of the Moore Fund system,
Why you should choose MooreFund investment:
-24/7 Efficient Customer Support
– Ticket System, Phone, Email and Live Chat.
– 4 years Sustainability plan
– 4 Years long-term sustainability plan.
– Upto 3% daily profit
– Daily Profit can be withdrawn on daily basis.
– High Return of Investment
– Earn upto 1195% on your investment.
– Automatic 24/7 withdrawals.
– Withdrawals are automatically processed.
– Country Representative System
– Efficient CR System to help local investors.
– $5 Bonus on Registration.
– Register today and Get FREE $5 Bonus.
– 3 Level referral system.
– 1st Level 10%, 2nd Level 5% and 3rd Level 1%.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listCryptoStrategyRockfellerBITC1, BTPerfex, SilveksRollNRichMooreFundAtrexTradeUnitedMicroCredit.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness, HashCoin.
From MNO Basic listOgdenOrganization, JumeirahInvest (the first payments received).

That’s all the news for today, guys. Other programs are paying fine as usual which you can check on the MNO monitoring page. Remember that statuses can change at any time, so ALWAYS check the monitor before joining anything. If you like MNO please follow me on Facebook or Twitter and subscribe to get the daily new delivered straight to your email address. I’d also appreciate it if you share your thoughts in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page. See you all again soon and good luck with your investments, everyone!

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