Mar 13th, 2015 Archives

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Beware! Lionery has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! To finish up the business week I can’t help but notice small but hugely encouraging improvement in the fortunes of the HYIP industry so far this month compared to, well, anytime during the last several months. Any advance in the industry is to be welcomed obviously, but in this case I really feel that it’s more than just a “spike” or one time anomaly. Reason being that it strikes me that more and more competent long serving admins are beginning to wake up to the fact that investors, particularly the bigger spending more experienced ones, are not to be taken for granted anymore. Interest in the HYIP industry is still there, that’s never gone away, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into dollars being spent anymore. The fact of the matter is that recent events have forced intelligent investors to re-think their strategies, and they’re simply not prepared to queue up to join any old garbage programs put in front of them anymore. Investors and their standards and expectations are becoming more demanding, rightly so in my opinion, and if admins don’t measure up then thankfully more and more of the bigger players are saying “forget about it, I’ll keep my money for as long as it takes for something better to come along”.

And if that’s what you also think, then kudos to you because I think you’re helping to force a major improvement in the industry. The fast scams are still there naturally, that’s always been the case, though they’re getting even shorter lived with thankfully fewer victims each time. The better admins more serious about longer term success are catching on to the fact that they are either going to have to give investors what they want, or else watch the programs they might have otherwise have put a lot of time and expense into fail. So with this in mind I want to look at one such program, a brand new online venture called Lionery.
So here’s how it all works. Lionery has just one investment plan which I suppose you could probably best describe as long term. In reality though Lionery differs from most other programs in that it doesn’t actually have a fixed length investment term as such. Instead they have an earnings target, and pay their members a variable interest rate every day until such a time as you reach that target. Payments will vary from one day to the next based on the program’s performance, however they should stay within the range of a 1% minimum which you are guaranteed (perhaps “promised” is a better word) every day no matter what happens, to as high as a 5% maximum. For all investors the final return is 150%, i.e. that’s what you can expect to earn no matter how big or small your deposit. You will need a minimum investment of $10 to join, and all members regardless of size will receive the same interest rate even though that rate will change from one day to another. Maximum spend is $50,000. Members receive a payment every day until such a time as it accumulates to 150% of your deposit. Your principal is included in the payments, so it’s your own money back plus 50% net profit for yourself.

From an economic point of view the benefits of such a policy are fairly obvious. Rather than make a commitment to pay X amount of interest on any given day and then struggle to come up with that number when the program has a slow week or two, the admin can cool things down a bit to keep tighter control over the cash flow. It can also help prevent Lionery from overheating, i.e. everyone who wants to join all joining together on the same day.

As for how long all of this might take, well, that’s largely a question of luck and timing. Depending on what day of the week you join and how the program happens to be performing around that time, different members of Lionery will all reach the ultimate 150% target after different times. The actual rates that have been paid out from one day to another since Lionery launched are all displayed on their website, so you can see for yourself how things have been going so far. The program is still a bit new for me to be talking about average payments, but so far the rates have been quite healthy and closer to the maximum than the minimum. You should also remember by the way that your account will be credited with your daily profit payment once per day, at exactly the same time you deposited. So if you make your initial investment at 10 o’clock at night then expect to be paid at 10 o’clock at night, and don’t start complaining that other people report payments in the morning when you’re still waiting for yours.

If you think that investment plan is something that can work for you and worth a spot in your portfolios, then the next thing you’ll need to know about is what your payment options are. Lionery have all the main industry providers, but especially important in attracting the more discerning investors, there’s a verified account with Payza in automatic mode. Alternatively if for whatever reason you still prefer the riskier anonymous processors then Lionery will accommodate you too, allowing members to move money in and out of the program using PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. No matter what your preference however, all withdrawal requests should be processed instantly. You will still of course need to log in to your members account area and make a proper withdrawal request, but once done you should have the money in your preferred processor account in under a minute. Do keep in mind however that every website, Lionery included as well as the payment websites themselves will have occasional technical glitch, need for account replenishment, etc, so under these circumstances you should really allow perhaps 24 hours. Otherwise all other transactions should be immediate.

Something else connected with the payment processors that I like about Lionery, not necessarily “an essential feature” as such but something I really appreciate from the admin nonetheless, is the exchangers page. Especially handy for newbies, you can find an alphabetical list of e-currency exchanger providers on the Lionery website to help you turn virtual money on your computer screen into actual cash in your pocket. Different providers are more suitable for different investors than others, depending on where you are in the world, what language you prefer, exactly what kind of service you are looking for, et cetera, so have a look and you’re sure to find one that’s suitable for you. I can’t say I know all of them myself, but many are also listed on the MNO approved exchangers page so I can assure you that those ones at least will definitely provide a dependable service.

On the technical side of things the Lionery website is up to a more than acceptable standard for the HYIP industry when it comes to design, security, et cetera. For hosting the admin has opted for DDoSGuard, a popular and very dependable provider who are keeping Lionery on a dedicated server with their support and protection from malicious DDoS attacks. For an extra layer of protection Lionery features SSL-security by Comodo as evidenced by an extended validation certificate and displaying the Green Bar in the browser’s address bar, a superior version than what’s used by most other programs. What might surprise a lot of members, even somewhat experienced ones, is the program’s script. Not that it’s particularly unusual or anything, in fact it’s under license from GoldCoders, the most widely used provider in the HYIP industry for many years now, but in this case it’s barely recognizable. It’s been heavily modified to suit the admin’s unique requirements and really gives an appearance to Lionery quite unlike anything else, making it memorable and giving that all important good first impression.

If you still have any further questions for the admin you think might not have been explained here or any account related issues you need to have dealt with, then there’s a number of communication channels open to you. If sustainability and profitability are the two main factors you need to be looking for in an investment plan, then a good level of communication between admin and members is probably next for bringing a HYIP to the top of your list of programs to join. The Lionery admin has proved more than capable on that front so far (admittedly I’ve not been dealing with him for very long), so I hope this continues. Unlike the vast majority of programs for example, Lionery has its own blog, plus an internal chat room for member’s use. Even the FAQ is of an above average standard, extensive, well written, and broken down into different categories to help you find the most helpful answer as quickly as possible. The fastest option for some enquiries will probably be the Live Chat widget which is built-in to the Lionery website. For something that might take a bit more work you can either fill in your details on the online customer support form and submit it via the contacts page, or else e-mail the admin directly at the address provided. You’ll see a postal address for Lionery in the UK, though you should probably dismiss that as no more than a virtual hosted office and not where you would find anyone connected with the program actually located. On the other hand there is a phone number to go with the address, so if you think someone might answer then feel free to try it out. Fans of social media will be able to find Lionery keeping profiles of the main networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google +.

Actually a good place to start (after the MNO review of course!) for further information about Lionery is a downloadable e-book which explains the workings of the program. This has the added benefit of being a good promotional tool, being in PDF format, which members can distribute if they are good at building downlines. For a more rudimentary guide if you’re just getting started with them, Lionery also include a “how to” guide, giving you instructions on the basics of joining and profiting from the program. Again maybe not a deal breaker for experienced investors but a very nice touch that will definitely encourage and increase the numbers getting involved.

Overall then the first impression, indeed first experience with Lionery has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s professional, well planned and organized, profitable but also flexible enough to allow the admin to manage it more carefully than most and so we hope keep it afloat just that little bit longer and allow a greater number of investors to profit. On the business side of things incidentally Lionery claim to be involved with ForEx trading. We’ve all heard that claim be made I don’t know how many times in the past so I don’t really know what else I can add about that now. Needles to say, as experienced HYIP players will already know, you can only take such claims at face value. And anyway, even if Lionery were genuinely involved with any kind of outside business that still doesn’t mean it has to be profitable all the time. As online HYIPs go however there’s a lot of thought and planning gone in here, and hopefully it will pay off. Just don’t forget that you should never go looking for guarantees where none can be offered, so set yourself a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining Lionery at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



I hope you all enjoyed reading the above review of Lionery. The last newsletter was issued by the program’s admin Charles yesterday before the review was written, but he was still very excited about having his program listed on MNO as the biggest blog and monitor for elite investment programs and expects some very good results. I’m very pleased to hear such words of encouragement from a professional admin like Charles, and will do my best to provide an accurate service that will benefit the program and its members. I can see already huge interest in Lionery from my readers, and many deposits via different payment methods have been made over the first couple of days online, in great hope and anticipation that Charles can deliver some good results in the long run.

Anyway, the latest newsletter was not only about MNO, but also about plans for the future which are quite exciting and I look forward to seeing them implemented. Here’s the full newsletter in full for you: added, future goals revealed!
Hello to all members and readers,
Spring is kicking in day by day and it’s just a natural instinct to get out of the office and enjoy some quality time outside in the fresh spring air. However that’s not the case in Lionery headquarters; in fact, it’s just the opposite as Lionery has started their advertising campaign. Although we believe that the best advertising is so-called “word-of-mouth” marketing, we know that we have to keep our feet on the ground before we can achieve such brilliance. added.
In order to expose our project to the general public, we have to turn to the industry’s most reliable bloggers, whom have massive amounts of followers, and who will definitely help us to achieve the exposure we are looking for.
We have listed our project on, and you can expect a detailed review about our project in the upcoming days. We will let you know when reviews are published. Bloggers are well known for being reliable and always “up to date” kind of people, so you can be sure that you will get the best information by visiting the blog. Be sure to stay tuned for the reviews!
Our future goals revealed.
As a first newsletter and second news update, I believe that it is important to reveal our main goals, which we aim to achieve in the near future. First of all we plan to establish a strong link with our customers, and we plan to do so by actively communicating with them via various forms and by providing them with lucrative returns. Secondly we plan to achieve success in the long run; we believe that the only way you can do this is by “word-of-mouth” marketing from our customers. Thus, providing a high quality service is what will push us forward. Thirdly we plan to achieve the market’s pinnacle – with hard work and dedication we believe that we can do so in a few months when our first investors will start to enjoy the fruits of our labour, or in other words, when our customers will start to enjoy their profits and will be confident in the services that we provide.
Before I let you go on this fantastic spring day, I just want to let you know that soon we will launch our chat platform, where you will be able to communicate with other customers online. Stay tuned for it.
That’s it for today, take care!
Charles Castillo. Main Redactor


Perhaps one of the best and most talked about HYIPs of recent weeks is MooreFund. I myself spotted the program right from the start and the admin listed it on MNO after just a few days online. Pretty much immediately MooreFund which was first reviewed on my blog here attracted dozens of satisfied investors. They are now enjoying their profits paid instantly (in most cases) to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, plus SolidTrustPay and Payza (accepted in automated mode!). More recently the admin of MooreFund also announced the acceptance of direct Bank wires and Western Union transfers for deposits starting from a $500 minimum. For the majority of payment methods used by MooreFund though you will be able to join with just $15 in the most popular plans paying 1.5% for 60 days and 2.2% for 365 days. For the other two investment plans paying 2.6% for 365 days and 3% for 30 days the minimums are much higher so you might want to skip them. For all investment plans in MooreFund you will be able to get your principal back on expiry of your term or earlier for a fee. All the regular withdrawals are subject to an automatically deducted 3% fee, so take that into consideration when joining. Also I believe the $5 bonus is still valid for new investors and you will be able to withdraw it immediately after making your first investment of $15 or more. For the latest stats from MooreFund (still very much exaggerated by the admin) and the main advantages of joining please refer to the latest newsletter re-posted below:

MooreFund News & Statistics!
Today is the 41th day of “MooreFund” company.
And we have already become the #1 investment program available online:
– 1) More than 92,300 members has already joined MooreFund and thousands are joining everyday!  – 34,100 active investors and 2400 active affiliate advertisers.
– 2) We accept 17 major PP including Perfect Money, SolidtrustPay, Paypal, Payza, Payeer, Neteller, Skrill, Bitcoin, Bank, Western Union transfer etc.  – Credit cards payment can be made through PayPal, SolidtrustPay, Neteller,Payza and Skrill.  – Automatic/Instant deposit and withdraw in major payment processors.
– 3) There is no Minimum withdrawal. You can withdraw any amount.
– 4) Compounding is available.  – Compounding can be changed anytime.
– 5) Withdrawal of Principal anytime.
MooreFund is completely different from any other online investment/money generating program available online. It is unique, powerful, feature enriched a very sustainable long-term income generating system.
MooreFund withdrawals are completely automatic and instantly processed. Sometime users do not set Payment Processors account correctly in their profile which makes the withdrawal request pending.
* Check our new ELITE investment package. Calculate your earnings here, Calculate Earnings
We have a 4 Years long-term sustainability plan. MooreFund has a unique and bast marketing strategy that makes it sustainable in long-run. Thousands of members are joining MooreFund every day and we have maximum number of affiliate advertisers because we pay best referral/affiliate commissions to advertisers/sponsors. MooreFund is highly optimized for traffics.
MooreFund has an excellent 3-level referral system: 10% commission for direct sponsors/uplines, 3% for 2nd level sponsors and finally 1% commission for 3rd level sponsors of deposit amount. Referral commissions are paid automatically and instantly and can be withdrawn instantly without depositing. We pay as high as 15% referral commission to advertisers, country representatives, forum posters with high performance.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd


Time now to draw the results of the latest poll from the MNO TalkBack page. You probably know that the winter of 2014-2015 was filled with fast scams (very few of them listed on MNO by the way) with only a handful of great programs you could profit from (conversely most of those were listed on my monitor). I’m pleased to report that the MNO readers who avoided programs not on my monitor achieved some great results despite the fact that other monitors were flooded with fast cheap scams. I guess that’s just one of the more obvious advantages of following MNO and investing in the programs advertised here as part of a well-diversified investment portfolio. So, back to the poll results as I was asking readers what their financial results were from the HYIP industry over the winter. Over 36% of readers reported of making decent profits from HYIPs during the winter, with about 23% saying they made smaller profits. As you can see, the overall majority managed to use MNO to their benefit and profit from the programs here. Unfortunately, there were a few others tempted by the cheap fast scams they saw on other monitors and therefore, predictably lost their money on a significant scale (as reported by almost 14%) or just suffered small losses (18% of the vote). And only 9% decided they were better off staying away from HYIPs completely during the winter and didn’t invest at all. Most of those were likely to be saving their time and money for spring and summer months, as I can clearly see a sharp rise in activity.

The return of the HYIP industry to normal in March was widely expected and, in my personal opinion, as the abundance of fast scams was partially caused by the collapse and subsequent disappearance of EgoPay. Many investors and HYIP admins alike lost significant amounts of money in the EgoPay scam thus causing some difficulties for everyone in the industry, and raised more speculation on the future of so-called anonymous payment processors like PerfectMoney and Payeer and even concerns about the level of safety of funds held in BitCoin. Really, the main advantage of such payment processors is lower transaction fees. But do you really want to sacrifice security and trust your money with the likes of PerfectMoney and Payeer that exist only online, or BitCoin with its highly volatile exchange rates that can plummet overnight? Or is it better to trust the real payment processors that have real offices, proper security features preventing fraud and theft, and at the same time offering funding and withdrawal options direct to your bank account or credit/debit card? Of course you will pay higher fees for such a professional service, but at least you will save on third-party exchanger fees and have peace of mind that your money won’t disappear overnight as happened twice already now in as many years – first with LibertyReserve, and then EgoPay – both times causing a huge crisis in the online HYIP industry. Wouldn’t it be better for you to keep your funds for investing instead in payment processors like SolidTrustPay, Payza, Neteller, or Skrill requiring verification and a KYC policy? Yes, I believe these are a lot more beneficial for serious and smart HYIP investors, but for the same reason of the fast scammers wouldn’t really benefit. You see, HYIP admins don’t really benefit from having much money in their STP or Payza accounts as if they stop paying to customers their funds will be frozen and account suspended, and they won’t be able to withdraw any stolen funds. Plus, the time-consuming process of account verification with Payza, SolidTrustPay, Skrill, or Neteller and the abundance of different documents proving their business activities a HYIP admin has to submit to have his account and payment button approved make the process for fast scammers less worthwhile. The same goes the opposite way – the professional admins that are serious about their programs simply cannot ignore the advantages of using Payza and STP to expand into new markets and either work hard on adding them before the launch, or try to do so when running their programs. Such hard-working admins deserve some extra attention from savvy investors and the acceptance of Payza and/or SolidTrustPay by a program is just another test of how the admin is ready for the new conditions in the industry. So, the next question for the MNO poll is quite simple – Would you be more willing to invest in the programs accepting STP and/or Payza? And the possible answers are just a simple “Yes” or “No“. I’ll try to have a more detailed article on MNO about the advantages of using the payment processors requiring verification for regular HYIP investors, but the admins should really think hard about the benefits that adding Payza, SolidTrustPay, Neteller, or Skrill can bring their businesses in the form of higher investments from the more serious investors with larger funds to play with. Please vote in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page and I’ll draw the results next week sometime.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRockfellerBTPerfex, MooreFundSilveks, RollNRichAtrexTrade, UnitedMicroCreditLioneryPokerAutomatics, BTCPlaza (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness, HashCoin.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization, JumeirahInvest.

Finally I’d like to finish the news for today with an important update on the status of UnitedMicroCredit on MNO. If you remember in the last post I had to move them to Waiting status on my monitor due to the fact that no payments were processed over the previous 24 hours. I also wrote to the admin about it and received an apology where he told me he had some technical issues with processing withdrawals and promised everything would be fixed within the next 12 hours. I heard many such excuses over the years so first I didn’t quite believe it, but the admin proved me wrong and paid everything that was due to investors. Bottom line, UnitedMicroCredit is back to Paying status on the MNO monitor now, and I hope there will be no further delays in future. You can read more about the program in my review posted here.

That’s all the news for tonight, guys. I hope to see you all again on Sunday for a closer look at a new short-term program on MNO from which I was just paid for the first time today – BTCPlaza. As usual you can also expect all the latest news from the HYIP world from the most popular investment blog online – Money-News-Online. If you like what you see why not follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter, or simply subscribe to my daily news to receive it hassle-free direct to your email address every day? I would also like to encourage more activity by MNO readers on the ShoutBox and TalkBack page where your votes are always welcome in the opinion polls that run there. Enjoy the weekend guys, and good luck with your investments!

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