Mar 21st, 2015 Archives

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Hello everyone! I hope your weekend is going well so far. Tonight I want to take a look at the updated list of the most popular programs from my Premium List as two programs left us over the last two weeks and are replaced by others. The circle of life continues in the HYIP industry if you want to call it that, and the newer promising programs replace the old ones that run their course. We will see today that two programs – RollNRich and BTCPlaza – take the vacant spots in the list, so I hope you’re all happy to welcome the new additions. The latest news from the HYIP industry include latest updates from MooreFund, UnitedMicroCredit, and PokerAutomatics, and news from the two most respected payment processors SolidTrustPay and Payza. So let’s get started!

First off before we start on the list let me remind you of the criteria used to determine the rankings on the MNO monitor. It’s quite a unique concept actually, developed by my programmer Andrew, and takes into consideration not only my own earnings from each program but also the income received from referral commissions. That alone will help smart investors determine to what extent a program is popular among my readers and see if they like the level of growth enough to join. Plus, all the programs from the Premium List are known to work for longer than many other programs on cheap monitors. That’s possibly the main advantage of following MNO in comparison to other monitors as only professional admins bring the most elite programs here.

Anyway, we’ll start with the undoubted leader of the HYIP industry Rockfeller at the moment, running successfully for over two months now. The admin Ralph certainly cemented his program’s position on the MNO Premium List when he purchased the big banner on my blog for three months, declaring his interest to be “the biggest investment program of 2015”. When it started Rockfeller only worked with anonymous payment processors like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin, but since then three proper payment processors have been added that should attract bigger spending investors from the US and Europe like Neteller, Skrill, and especially Payza. And although the minimum to invest in Rockfeller is an above average $50, the abundance of the payment choice makes it a popular choice for investors in plans paying from 3% to 5% (depending on your principal) for a duration of 70 business with your initial investment returned on expiry. Another attractive feature of Rockfeller is the instant payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and Payza for amounts below $500. Payments to Skrill and Neteller and for amounts bigger than $500 to any other payment processor will take up to 48 hours to be done manually. In my honest opinion, Rockfeller is run by a very experienced admin, and I’m glad to see that such professionals returning to the HYIP industry. Anyway, those who joined Rockfeller at the beginning when it just came to MNO are already in good profits, while others are certainly getting there too. For more information on Rockfeller please take some time to read my review here.

Jumping from fourth to a well deserved second position on the MNO rankings is MooreFund. The program has certainly earned a high level of praise from the members today by overcoming a short crisis that occurred earlier and temporarily disabled the instant withdrawals in favor of manual withdrawals due to security concerns (more on that in today’s news section). Although OkPay was recently dropped from the list of the accepted payment processors, MooreFund is still providing plenty of choice for investors taking such traditional methods as PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, having approved payment buttons for SolidTrustPay and Payza, and even taking the less common payment options for HYIPs such as Skrill, Neteller, PayPal, bank transfers and Western Union transfers. You can start investing in MooreFund from as low as $15 and on sign up be given a $5 bonus which you may withdraw once you make your first deposit. Note that there is a 3% fee charged on all withdrawals from investment plans that currently include – 1.5% for 60 days, 2.2%-2.6% for 365 days, 3% for 30 days. Note that your initial deposit is returned on expiry and you can withdraw your deposit early if you wish (subject to certain fees). If you wish to read more about MooreFund you can always refer to my original review of the program published here, but do keep an eye on the daily updates posted on the MNO blog too, as it’s been a very dynamic program so far and the admin is up to making some changes from time to time.

In the previous version of the Top Five posted here my major criticism of BTPerfex was the lack of advertising meaning the program was not getting the attention it deserved. Well, it appears the admin took my point and this week purchased the top banner on the MNO monitor for a month which helped cement its position in the #3 spot and made it more prominent. The program was also recently re-reviewed on my blog (click here to read that) due to the fact that since its launch back in December 2014 the admin Andy (interviewed here) drastically overhauled the program with a new design and the plans. No detail was overlooked in the updated review, and explains the difference between the original 1.25%-2% for 180 days plan that lost any appeal to investors once the new no-expiry plan was introduced. This one pays 3% to 6% daily forever with the option to request your principal back after a lock-in period of 10 days for a 10% fee. Although the minimum to invest in BTPerfex was reduced to $10 after the website redesign, the lack of payment processors serving the needs of larger investors (like Payza and STP, for instance) is still limiting the program from further growth. So I have my doubts that BTPerfex will become a true leader of the HYIP industry this year, unless the admin reconsiders his strategy and offers investors more options. The market clearly demands as much, according to the preliminary results of the poll on the MNO TalkBack page (so far in favor of programs accepting Payza or SolidTrustPay with 88% of the vote). Anyway, at the time of writing both the first investors of BTPerfex in the old plan and those who joined the new no-expiry perpetual plan have all managed to profit. So I guess we can be sure that the program has been managed quite efficiently so far with another professional admin at the wheel.

One of the newcomers to the Top Five and debuting at #4 this week is RollNRich. I must say that when the program first launched back in the mid-January I was quite skeptical and didn’t expect it would be where it is now, almost ten weeks later. You see, the main difference between RollNRich and other investment programs featured on MNO is just the fact that the admin didn’t pretend that his program is anything other than a game, and actually uses this fact to his benefit by inviting members to play. Just like playing monopoly, you roll a set of dice, but virtually and on your computer screen. The amount you can earn on every business day (you play once from Monday to Friday only) for a duration of 300 business days is totally a matter of luck, and so the results for your individual investment cannot be predicted. I know some people though that doubled their original deposits with RollNRoch already (which accepts anything from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, or the more recently added BitCoin) while some are still far from being in profit. The thing is on some days you can earn up to 10% profit on your investment while there are also some unlucky days when you might earn nothing. That makes it simply impossible to give examples of how it might work from one day to the next. Remember that once you finish playing on every day (starts from 12.00 am GMT) you can request a withdrawal to your payment processor and be paid within a 48 hour maximum which is longer than many other programs in the HYIP industry, but so far the admin has always been within terms. The only major criticism of this otherwise perfectly performing program is the occasional instability of the website, so please allow plenty of time and return to RollNRich site later if necessary. And of course it’s of utmost importance to read my original review of RollNRich published here to understand how it all works.

And finally, the fifth place on the Top Five rating is taken by another newcomer, BTCPlaza. This is actually the first short-term program to obtain such a high position in my ratings this year, and I’m pretty confident the admin knows exactly what he’s doing to run it for as long as possible. The program might have boasted an extensive 80 days online, but it’s during these first three months that it was more like a “sleeper” program. Only a few weeks back the admin started stepping up the advertising campaign for BTCPlaza, the pinnacle of which was purchasing Premium listing on MNO and buying a banner spot on my monitoring page for a whole month. No wonder so that BTCPlaza managed to reach the Top Five on MNO in just ten days on my site. The program offers reasonable short and medium-term returns like 103%-125% after 1 day, 116%-240% after 5 days, 155%-800% after 16 days, 350%-1700% after 32 days, though perhaps you might avoid plans with unfeasible returns or too high minimums like 600%-2900% after 55 days, 1000%-4500% after 80 days, 1000% after 15 days, 2000% after 25 days, 3000% after 35 days. Anyway, experienced investors know perfectly well how to play such games as BTCPlaza and be in profit, but if you have no idea then please refer to the following review for further information. Besides, it only requires $10 in your PerfectMoney, OkPay, Payeer, or BitCoin account to try BTCPlaza – certainly the hottest short-term program in the HYIP industry at the moment.

I’d just like to remind you that the current Top Five Popular Programs on MNO reflects only the current state of things on my monitor at the time of writing, and like everything in the HYIP industry that list can change. So always make sure to check and make sure any program that interests you is on Paying status there. Only invest what you can afford to lose, and good luck with investing in the biggest programs in the industry as featured on MNO, guys!



It has been a very dramatic 24 hours for both the admin of MooreFund and its investors as the program suddenly stopped instant payouts last night, causing some controversy and distrust of the admin who did so without any prior notice and thus created panic among members. It took me about 12 hours to receive a reply from him regarding all of this and obviously I had to act and moved MooreFund first to Waiting and subsequently to Problem status on the MNO monitor. I must admit that the official updates that followed today didn’t inspire much confidence that the admin was serious enough in his intentions to revive the program and bring it back to Paying, especially after his confession to me that the instant withdrawals were disabled due to an attempted hack and theft of some PM funds. Anyway, in the first two newsletters there was nothing about this and they just contain a general promise to resume the payouts within the next 24 hours:

Maintenance work going on!
We are working on some upgrades! Some features of MooreFund may be unavailable at this moment. However, We will come back shortly! Thanks
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd

MooreFund maintenance updates!
We are almost done with Maintenance!
There are still few bugs and tweaks which are being fixed by our highly skilled programmers.
– All pending payments will be paid within next 24 hours.
– Auto withdrawals will be reinstated. OKPAY will be removed from payment system.
– All members who deposited with OKPAY will be refunded back.
– Payza and STP is re-enabled. Thanks for your patience.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd”.

That didn’t really satisfy me as I was still very cautious regarding MooreFund‘s future. I didn’t understand why the program disabled automated withdrawals, but at the same time made no attempt to process them manually and still accepted new deposits as if nothing happened. It smelt like a scam to me and going on previous experience with HYIPs I issued a warning on the MNO ShoutBox to stay away from the program. To my great joy and surprise, the admin did in fact deliver on his promise to pay everyone what was owed and did it even before the deadline of 24 hours he set for himself. This happens very rarely in the industry and I believe that the admin has really good intentions now and is planning to run his program for a long time to come. Note that a few payments to SolidTrustPay are still pending due to daily limits imposed by STP, but they should be all processed by tomorrow. In the latest newsletter where this good news was reported, the admin also promised to add some features and fix any vulnerabilities in the script, which will hopefully help bring about the return of instant payouts. For now, you should allow 24 hours for any payments to be done manually. I (and I’m sure the majority of readers) am eagerly anticipating what the admin is going to do next. Keep an eye on MNO to be the first to know:

MooreFund payments!
We have sent almost all the pending withdrawals manually. Just few STP payment are remaining due to exceeding of daily limit which will be paid as soon as possible.
MooreFund is very long term highly profitable investment program.
– Auto withdrawals will be reinstated once MooreFund is completely fixed from all bugs/tweaks.
– All other features are exactly same as before.We will publish our sustainability plan within next 48 hours. After complete upgrade, MooreFund will be more transparent and highly efficient with more features.
Thanks, Rob Moore
MooreFund Property Investment Co Ltd“.


Do you think that more than four months online is a long term for a HYIP? Well, that was certainly enough for many investors in UnitedMicroCredit (reviewed here) to make a profit from the originally offered 2%-3.5% for 78 business days plan. When UnitedMicroCredit first came to MNO a month ago I didn’t hold my breath for a long run, but now I believe that the admin is capable of delivering some good results and who knows, maybe he will surprise us all even further. Unlike many other programs that only accept PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin, the admin of UnitedMicroCredit went much further and also takes Payza, Skrill, Neteller, OkPay, AsMoney, Western Union and bank wire transfers. If you go with the traditional payment methods though, then you only need $10 to invest in the program. Note that since my review there were many more investment plans introduced so if you don’t fancy the original one you may try 4% for 22 days, 5% for 30 days, 6% for 40 days, 7% for 45 days, (all returning the original principal back on expiry), or go with the paying on expiry 200% after 15 days, 350% after 22 days, 500% after 30 days, or 750% after 41 days. Just remember that in my honest opinion the new plans requiring much higher minimums are not very sustainable in the long term and are quite risky, so perhaps are best avoided. As for the other interesting features UnitedMicroCredit has to offer please read their latest newsletter posted below:

UnitedMicroCredit celebrates successfully 135 paying days Online
UnitedMicroCredit Organization Limited is an officially registered investment company that works with investing capital into international micro-credit operations, You can verify the information about registration and legitimacy of umo1 limited at the following address: and verified by Worlds most popular security insurance company like Symantec Norton (veriSign), Comodo and TRUSTe. UnitedMicroCredit Organization holds a website identity assurance warranty of $1,750,000. This means that you are insured for up to $1,750,000 when relying on the information provided by Id Authority on this site. US Patent Number 7,603,699.
If you are really want to know ,Why We are different from others;
To know more details please Click here:
How to earn more with UnitedMicroCredit Organization:
Step 1) Make Deposits to your desired investment plans
Up to 3.5% Daily guaranteed profits for 78 working days total Return of Investment is 373%.
DAILY INVEST PACKAGE FOR (22 TO 45) Calendar Days:
4% to 7% daily total investment return is minimum 188% and maximum 415%
AFTER INVEST PACKAGE FOR ( 15 to 41 ) Calendar Days:
total investment return is minimum 200% and maximum 750% with principal
To know more details please click here:
Hot Deals
We proudly offer our customers a 20 days money back guarantee on all of our packages. Invest with confidence with just a few clicks and you will have plenty of time to making sure the package meet your expectations. Your complete satisfaction is our first priority.
Thanks,Shahriar Kabir
UnitedMicroCredit Organization


If I had to pick one program that I think has a pretty good chance to reach the Top Five list on MNO with time I would have to go for PokerAutomatics (reviewed here). I believe the program has great potential to develop into something really big, and although it’s been running for several months the moderate returns and the abundance of payment options gives me hope for a very long run. The most impressive achievement shown by PokerAutomatics lately was the addition of SolidTrustPay – a payment processor with perhaps the strictest verification and merchant approval criteria in the HYIP industry and a favorite of many serious investors from the US, Canada and European countries. Just after PokerAutomatics became an approved STP merchant and eligible to accept deposits the admin come to MNO. I’m sure he has made the right choice, as the latest results of the poll on the TalkBack page clearly shows overwhelming interest from readers in STP/Payza approved programs. Among other payment processors you can use in PokerAutomatics – a program with quite a unique background story of earning money from poker bots with the shared profit of around 1% daily for the period of 180 calendar days with principal back on expiry – are PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, Qiwi, OkPay, NixMoney, WebMoney, YandexMoney, and several banks from which you can deposit directly if you’re a resident of Russia. The admin, however, is not going to stop there. Just last night it was officially announced that PokerAutomatics had added another payment option. If you wish, you might have a look at this new and, in my opinion, quite promising payment method that is now accepted by PokerAutomatics at this link:

Advanced Cash payment system was added for deposits and withdrawals.
You can add funds by SWIFT/wire transfer, Paxum, eCoin etc.
You can get your ATM card to withdraw your funds worldwide.
Minimum amount to add funds – 30 USD.
Minimum amount for withdrawal – 10 USD.
Commission – 0%.

From other news from PokerAutomatics known for a wide group of regional representatives helping promote the program on local markets is the addition of another name from Ireland (I guess this was a present for members celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, lol!):

We have a new Representative
Liam Fitz – Ireland
You may contact him by email.

And finally, the latest daily results from PokerAutomatics (read more on the unusual profit sharing process in my review posted here) and the weekly summary of its online activities are posted below, along with the link to where you can find the payment records dating back to the beginning of the program.

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
18.03.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.03%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
19.03.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.81%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
20.03.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.13%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
21.03.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.78%

PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,423
Total investors: 18,617
Investment capital: $ 1,692,753
Own capital: $373,514
Total Income: $142,779 (6,91%)
Share of Expenses: $ 54,399 (2,63%)
Profit: $ 88,380 (4,28%)
Total withdraw: $3,702,664
TOP-1 Investor: $79,524
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,027 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 806


The payment processor that has been hailed by many over the years as the safest option to keep money and invest in HYIPs – SolidTrustPay (read more on the advantages of using it in this article) – is asking members to participate in a customer survey. I’ve already completed it myself and can assure you that it will take only a couple of minutes of your time, but at the same will help the STP administration to improve your experience with them and make it even smoother than ever. For more information please refer to the latest post on the STP official blog or find the link below:

SolidTrustPay Customer Survey!
In the effort to better serve you and improve our services, please take a small moment of your time to fill out our survey. We would like to get to know you better! Please click on the following link to complete survey:
*Please note that ALL answers are anonymous and confidential.
While you’re at it, we update new surveys and information frequently on our other social media pages:
Thank you for being a vital part of the SolidTrust Pay community. We welcome your business.


Although Payza is only accepted by four of the ten programs featured on the MNO Premium List, namely Rockfeller (reviewed here), Lionery (reviewed here), MooreFund (reviewed here), and UnitedMicroCredit (reviewed here), their influence and growing share of the HYIP market cannot be overstated. More and more serious investors and experienced HYIP admins realize this potential and have started using it. The stricter rules for verification and approval and the reversible nature of payments give a higher level of protection when it comes to investing in HYIPs while at the same time making the admins’ life harder when they try to pull quick scams and steal members’ money. In fact the addition of Payza is not worth the admin’s while if he’s not planning to run the program for a long time. More on the advantages of using Payza for HYIP activities (both from the admin’s and investor’s point of view) will be in an article dedicated entirely to that subject on my blog soon. Stay tuned for that, as it will be one of the most read articles on MNO and might just change your entire opinion of the HYIP industry which is currently not such good shape. This is largely down to a diminishing level of trust by investors in anonymous currencies. Meanwhile, as Payza is properly licensed to run its business in the US and Canada (unlike other anonymous currencies that can steal your funds anytime), if you live in these countries you can take advantage of some special offers from Payza as described below, offering cut priced breakdown insurance for drivers. For more details on the deal please read below, and see the upcoming article on Payza for more info on the benefits they can offer when investing in HYIPs:

Payza and Loyalty Roadside Assurance Team Up for a Special Offer
Nobody wants to be left out in the cold, stranded on the side of a lonesome highway waiting for a tow truck that’s sure to cost a small fortune. It’s something nobody wants to experience, but a reality that every driver should be prepared for.
Now, Payza members in the U.S. and Canada can be prepared for the worst when it comes to their cars thanks to a special offer from Loyalty Roadside Assurance. For as little as $49.99 a year, you and your family can be covered for anything and everything that life may throw at you and your car.
Out of gas? Dead Battery? Loyalty Roadside Assurance has you covered. Lost your keys? Flat tire? No problem. With access to over 32,000 service providers across North America, someone will be there to help in about 30 minutes, 24 hours a day, every day!
Loyalty Roadside Assurance already serves over 12 million members in the U.S. and Canada, that’s 12 million people who know they can depend on the speed and service of Loyalty Roadside Assurance. Now, with Payza, you can get access to everything Loyalty Roadside Assurance has to offer at their lowest price ever, $49.99 for a year of roadside assistance and tire coverage.
To learn more, visit Loyalty Roadside Assurance’s website, or log in to your Payza account.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRockfellerMooreFund, BTPerfexRollNRich, BTCPlaza, SilveksAtrexTradeLioneryUnitedMicroCredit.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness, HashCoin.
From MNO Basic list: OgdenOrganization.

That’s where we leave it for today, guys. Thanks a lot for reading, and enjoy the rest of your weekend. I’ll be taking a day off tomorrow, but only from the blog as the monitor will always be kept up-to-date. The next update will be on Monday so until then, best of luck with your investments. Incidentally, I do hope you enjoy the new feature which I’ve added to the main blog page where you can read some inspirational quotes from many historical figures throughout the ages across the top of each article. Hopefully it will give us all something to think about and reflect on, for bad times as well as for good. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the article and remember that your feedback on anything you see on the MNO website is always welcome. See you soon, everyone!

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