Jun 22nd, 2017 Archives

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Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everyone! First off, sorry for not posting so often these days, as I’m really enjoying the untypical +30C weather here in London. It can be hard to feel motivated in such heat to post news from a HYIP industry that seems to be going through a period of inactivity itself. This situation will not last forever though and can change anytime soon, so stay tuned to MNO. It’s especially true to say that many very experienced admins are already playing their cards and launching programs in hope of winning the HYIP market back even despite the low tide at the moment. Only yesterday I got two new additions to the Premium List on MNO which I’m almost certain are from admins who at some point in the past ran some of the leading industry programs of the day. These new programs are AlpexTrade and Bitcoin456 and I will talk about their main features while introducing them in today’s news section just before getting to the other main stories from such perfectly paying programs as UnityReserve, FatFunds, ControlFinance, and FexFund. That will be followed by the final results of the latest opinion poll on the MNO TalkBack page with a new question added, and a very interesting article from Payza that will certainly find fans among crypto-currency lovers. First things first though, allow me to introduce two possible future leaders of the HYIP industry as I’m quite confident in their admins’ abilities to deliver spectacular results as they have in the past.


The first program that joined MNO yesterday is called Bitcoin456. The admin purchased Premium listing immediately after the program was announced on the major HYIP forums. That is in my view a good sign of an admin willing to showcase his program prominently on the most successful HYIP blog ever and I suspect we’ve already collaborated with him in the past, although I wouldn’t mention specific programs here so not to create a huge flow of deposits right from the very start. I can only tell you that his previous program was a very successful venture and I hope that Bitcoin456 will be able to rival it in terms of profitability for its members.

Speaking of the investment plans, there is only one of them with three variations offering 4%, 5%, or 6% daily over a fixed term of 30 calendar days, principal included. I guess those numbers will give you a hint as to where the name of the program Bitcoin456 originates from, and the alleged source of their income as you might imagine is the cryptocurrency trading. The minimum to invest in Bitcoin456 is $10 and depending on how much you spend determines whether you get the 4%, 5%, or 6% daily rates. Your request will then be processed manually by the admin and it may take up to 8 hours on weekdays and up to 14 hours on weekends before you see money transferred to your account. I’ve already received my first payout from Bitcoin456 and must say that it was processed quite fast, so I hope that the admin will keep it that way, at least at the first stages of his program’s development.

Technically Bitcoin456 looks fine to me with SSL-encryption provided by Comodo for secure transactions, a custom-made script which the admin says is a modified version of GoldCoders, and DDoS protected hosting with the site on a dedicated server. I guess everything is in place for a good start and the rest will depend on the admin whose track record on MNO has been quite remarkable so far. More on Bitcoin456 please read in the more detailed review to be posted on my blog over the weekend.


AlpexTrade is another brand new program that was added to Premium listing on MNO last night and whose admin might be the one responsible for bringing us such huge hits of the past like ArdexFunds and a few others before that. The main common feature shared by all these programs without exemption was a very long running time, in some cases even two years in total. It was not very hard to achieve though considering all those past programs offered variable daily return which represented the company’s share of profits earned on a particular business day. And yet the admin’s determination and desire to run his programs for such long periods and allow as many members as possible to see decent profits should be appreciated and encouraged by new deposits, in my humble opinion. Thus, I’m going to be very positive about AlpexTrade‘s chances to stay online for longer than almost anything else you see starting up in the industry at the moment. If you want to take a closer look at the program’s features and investment plans then check out my blog sometime next week for a detailed review. Meanwhile, let’s start with a brief intro of the basics and see if AlpexTrade deserves your attention.

The program works off quite a complicated at first glance concept of profit sharing and variable daily returns depending on the reported profit on any given day. Considering all the possible variations will be covered in the upcoming review, I will just give you a simple example of how it works. AlpexTrade reports daily profits on the main page of the website and as far as I can see they seem to hover around the 2% mark. The profits are reported every business day from Monday to Friday and then on the following day you will see profits credited to your account and available for withdrawal with different minimums depending on the payment processor you are using – PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin are all accepted starting from a $10 minimum. Withdrawals are usually processed instantly and I can confirm that my own first withdrawal has been processed within literally seconds earlier today which prompted me to move AlpexTrade to Paying status on the MNO monitor. Note that due to the peculiarities of the script the site is running off (a custom made one used in a few highly successful programs in the past) the daily profit announced on one particular date is then available for investors to withdraw on the following day, i.e. the profit on Monday will be shared with investors on Tuesday, and so on. That effectively means AlpexTrade pay their members from Tuesday to Saturday and the percentage will depend on both the profits announced for the previous day and your own share of the company profits depending on the size of your investment. Most of you (with deposits ranging from $10 to $1,000) will fall into the first category where your daily profits will be 45% of the company’s profits announced on the previous day. Suppose the profit for Monday is 2% and your investment in AlpexTrade is $100, which means that your account will be credited with 0.9% on Tuesday which constitutes 0.90$ on your deposit. This is because you are getting a 45% share of the 2% profit, in this case 0.9%. You can potentially earn up to a 95% share of company’s profits, but that will be out of reach for most investors who are less confident about putting more than $1K into a single program, even if it is most promising.

Another very important factor to consider is that compounding in AlpexTrade is optional, but your account is already set for 100% compounding by default. So if you wish to change it to zero which is highly recommended please do so in the settings before you spend. The investment term is 250 business days after which your deposit is returned. However you are allowed to withdraw with a fee which gradually diminishes the longer you wait, dropping from an initial 65% to 0% by the end of the term. The minimum lock in period is 25 business days, which is five calendar weeks. I’ll go through everything in more detail in the upcoming review of AlpexTrade to be posted on MNO soon, so stay tuned for that.

What I personally like about AlpexTrade is the fact that the admin can be quite flexible with interest rates, and thus compensate the dry times in the industry by lowering the daily rates while keeping them high when there’s more activity. I believe though that the days when we see the minimum guaranteed daily rate of 0.25% available will be limited and with an average of 1% per day you will be able to see your first profit with AlpexTrade in just a few months time, which is highly likely considering the proven track record of similar programs run by the same admin in the past. The website has been already translated into Spanish and Russian, and I suspect that more versions will be released soon which I will certainly report on the MNO blog.


Of all the possible extra payment processors the admin of UnityReserve could have added to his program, I have to say the one he eventually went for was not the one I was expecting. Then again who am I to argue, the program has fairly and by merit become the most popular of all those currently listed on the MNO monitor. I’ll just remind you that when UnityReserve was first reviewed on MNO not long after it launched back at the end of April (read the review here) it worked exclusively with BitCoin. This has now been joined, not by a more traditional style payment processor but by another crypto-currency, DashCoin. I don’t know that this is really going to help with the expansion of UnityReserve or really open them up to new markets, though I also don’t know if it’s really supposed to at this time. Like I said, after 55 days online in the current HYIP industry climate the admin clearly knows what he’s doing so I won’t question his judgement if what he really wants to do is keep the program growing very slowly. Get through the summer, and anything can happen. Meanwhile UnityReserve is a target based program paying variable interest rates of 0.2%-5% every day until such a time as you reach 160% in total back on your investment. The program has already fully completed its first investment cycle, and all those who invested when the program first appeared on MNO should be in very good profit by now. I hope many others will join them soon. The news of DashCoin now available alongside BitCoin for investors is in the newsletter below:

Dear partners! An open decentralized payment system Dashcoin has been connected to the UnityReserve investment platform today. You can top up your balance and withdraw the earned dividends using one of the popular and anonymous cryptocurrencies. The Dashcoin rate is fixed and displayed in the Investor’s Personal Account.
Earn stable profits with UnityReserve!
Sincerely, UnityReserve administration!


I have to say one of the most curious and interestingly organised HYI programs to come my way in a very long time now has to be FatFunds. It’s not unusual in the sense that it’s a regular HYIP, the program is if anything quite ordinary with just one plan you can take seriously that offers 2.1% for 100 business days, and another that I’d be a bit less excited about that offer 799.05% after expiry of a term running 100 business days. What really sets FatFunds apart is how the admin also uses the program as a platform to encourage healthy lifestyle changes. And if you can earn a few extra dollars for yourself while doing so, what’s not to like? For example, the latest promotional campaign from the FatFunds admin was centred on the theme of giving up smoking, fairly sound advice for anyone regardless of the HYIP industry. For example, if anyone reading this is a smoker, have you ever tried to calculate the amount of money you have spent on tobacco products in your life? What if someone offered to repay you all of that money back right now if it meant you would never smoke again? The correct answer should be yes regardless of the money, but that’s the unique angle that FatFunds are coming from. The other point about FatFunds (first reviewed on MNO here) is the absence of any real members account area to speak of. You simply make your initial deposit, and payments are then made in fully automated mode to your PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney or BitCoin without the need for you to ever log in and make a request. So anyway, the recent anti-smoking based promotional campaign has just come to an end, and if the figures being shared by the admin are to be believed then it seems to have been quite a success. Just read the update from FatFunds below to see for yourselves:

Quit smoking” week is over for now!
Dear Friends,
FatFunds team is proud to annouce a considerable increase of deposits according “Quit smoking with FatFunds” wellness week.
We are grateful to all members, who invested 897 deposits into anti-smoking campaign.
“Quit smoking” week is over for now. Thank you for your support and participation.
Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy – stay with us.
Yours sincerely, FatFunds


ControlFinance (reviewed here) was added to the Standard List on MNO eleven days ago and since then has been instantly paying daily rates of 1% to 1.5%. No one is in profit just yet as ControlFinance is quite a new program offering investments via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, or BitCoin for an open ended term, i.e. it will keep paying while it stays online. I especially like the fact that you can exchange your funds in your account within ControlFinance‘s members’ area and get paid to a totally different payment processor than the one you joined with. I think this feature plus instant payouts are the ones the most appealing to online investors. Although we all know the true nature of HYIPs and the risks involved with them yet the admin of ControlFinance keeps issuing weekly trading reports that might encourage newbies to take the program more seriously than they should. The latest such attempt was made today when already the fourth trading report was issued in PDF format and available for examination by everyone interested in making an investment with ControlFinance:

New trade report
We posted Company’s weekly trade report covering the period from June 12, 2017, to June 18, 2017. You can have a look at it clicking on the following link: https://control-finance.com/report/Trade-report-4.pdf


One of the most consistent performers in the HYIP industry in recent times – not that there’s been a lot of competition for that title – has definitely been FexFund (reviewed here). The program has been monitored for 54 days on MNO at the time of writing, so you can calculate for yourselves just what this means for the investors who joined plans offering 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, or 5% for 30 days. Throughout this time FexFund have always made instant payouts to the payment handlers they deal with, namely PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin. Anyway, the admin of the program George (who was interviewed on MNO here) has always been very active and is continuously making improvements to his program as the need arises and the demand identified. For example, the latest newsletter from George tells us that the FexFund website has just been translated into Spanish. Apart from the default English version this now joins German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese. That’s a pretty good representation of the world’s population right there, so FexFund is even more accessible to anyone who wants it but might not be so strong in English. George goes on to warn FexFund investors about fake e-mails from some scammer impersonating the program. There is of course no other reason for such mails apart from someone attempting to steal personal details from you and use this to steal your money. Pay close attention to the warning as George explains what the only legitimate point of contact is for FexFund, and that all other addresses are to be ignored. In recent times George has also been pitching some ideas for possible changes that can be made to the FexFund website, should a majority of account holders consent to them. For example he recently ran a poll asking members what they thought about making some adjustments to the investment plans. This was overwhelmingly rejected, and so the idea was dropped. This time George is asking about what you think of the website’s design, and whether you think it could be improved. You can read all the updates from George and FexFund below:

¡El idioma español está disponible ahora!
Hi, I hope Google made the good job again! We are pleased to add Spanish language on the site done by our partner Eduardo Chevarria. Enjoy!

Fake email warning!
Dear Investors
Many of you have reported getting emails sent by some scamer saying that we do the bonuses. Please ignore any email which is not sent from office@fexfund.net as this is the only email address we sent our messages from. Also we send emails only on Friday as a newsletters. Do not give or share your details with anyone who is asking for them on the email.

New design of the website
Dear Investors, as we are expanding and growing day by day we’ve decided to ask you if we should update our design. We would like to make the site more informative, with tutorials, share our deals and provide you more information on how we work. That would require rebuilding of the design we use so, please vote for your favourite option:
– Do not change anything
– Keep and update your current design
– Make the new design, bright one
– Make the new design, dark one
– I do not care


That last piece from FexFund got me thinking about the subject of the next opinion poll for the MNO TalkBack page. Exactly how much importance do you attach to the design of the programs you join anyway? I’ll get to that in a moment, but first let’s see the results of the last poll. The previous question was on the topic of on expiry payment plans, specifically “Do you invest in paying once on expiry plans?”. Unlike results of a lot the recent polls, this one has been quite inconclusive with the vote split between the various options fairly evenly. Generally though, people are more negative about them, with 40% of readers saying they never join such plans. A further 30% said they do join, but “only in rare cases”. The remaining 30% of voters, a minority but a significant one, say they regularly join payment on expiry plans. Personally as a monitor and covering programs that offer payment on expiry of a fixed length term for the last ten years now, I know there’s a massive gulf between some of them. Some offer very modest payments on expiry of a short term and can be quite sustainable for many cycles. 110% after a week for example, or 103% after three days which have been popular choices with investors in the past. But then on the other hand you get more obvious scams that can never be feasible, like 500% after a month, or anything that demands an exceptionally high minimum investment to join at all. Either way though, I think the general and correct consensus is that payment on expiry plans require more of a gamble on the investor’s behalf.

So, what about the new question. As I mentioned the previous news release from FexFund, they are currently asking their members for their thoughts on the program changing the design of their website. Given that FexFund is one of the rare success stories doing the rounds in the HYIP industry at the moment and has put a huge number of investors into profit several times over by now, do you really think the design of the FexFund website has had all that much to do with this? Some programs in the past have been shall we say basic at best and went on to be quite popular, whilst others that ploughed a lot of money into intricate and elaborate designs turned out to be dismal failures. I know, these things are unpredictable at the best of times, but surely first impressions have some amount of influence on most of us. I’m just asking how much. So, the next question on the MNO TalkBack page is:
How important is website design when you decide to join a HYIP?

Answers are as follows:
– Very important, it shows the professionalism and experience of the admin
– It’s one factor I definitely consider, but others have more importance
– Not at all, design doesn’t have much influence on a program’s success

The poll will stay open for around about the next week to ten days or so, as usual long enough to give anyone interested in voting ample opportunity to do so. You can find the poll on the MNO TalkBack page here, and remember that it only takes a second to vote and is completely anonymous and untraceable. Thanks in advance to everyone who participates, the results can be beneficial for all industry players as they help admins identify the things that are important to investors and to meet the minimum requirements demanded before you decide to join or not.


To finish up for today let’s have a look at the latest news from Payza which is very much favoured by HYIP investors. The payment processor is accepted by such popular programs from the MNO monitor as BandeiraCorp (reviewed here) and TrafficHeap (reviewed here). You may know from my previous posts already that Payza has become the very first payment processor serving HYIPs to allow verified members to use BitCoin to fund and withdraw from Payza accounts. Now Payza is going even further in terms of incorporating more so-called altcoins, or BitCoin alternatives that have been recently gaining more public support and market share from BitCoin. Lots and lots of options are now available for all Payza verified members to sell their altcoins to Payza and, if they have a prepaid Payza card which can be ordered by post and delivered to your door by courier, even immediately transfer them to the card to spend in any POS or withdraw via ATM. The extensive list of e-currencies accepted by Payza as a funding method can be found in the latest article taken from the official blog of company who are rapidly developing in the direction of accommodating a growing demand for crypto-currencies:

Exchange Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and More: Sell Altcoins to Payza
Payza members can now use altcoins as an e-wallet funding method. Members in most countries can now sell Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, Zcash and dozens of other cryptocurrencies to Payza.
Recently, Payza announced full Bitcoin support. Now, Payza has added altcoins as a deposit option, letting verified members sell the most popular Bitcoin alternatives. Over 50 different altcoins can now be exchanged with Payza, the full list can be found by accessing the altcoin deposit option within your Payza Account.
Payza members with a Payza Card can use funds added by altcoin to load the prepaid cards, giving them a simple way to turn altcoins into US Dollars that can be spent online, in-stores, or withdrawn from most ATMs.
Payza is committed to giving our members a complete online payments solution, and that means incorporating Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies into our platform. Providing our members with a way to sell altcoins to Payza is one more step in the direction of complete Bitcoin and altcoin support within the Payza platform.
In the future, Payza members will also be able to buy altcoins, similar to how they can currently buy Bitcoin from Payza. Our team is also working on a one-step Payza Card loading option that will allow members with a Payza Card to load it with funds from Bitcoin or altcoin exchanges in just one action. This new feature will bypass the need to first send those funds to a Payza Account, and then load them onto the card.
The list of altcoins that Payza accepts for exchanges will be constantly growing as more cryptocurrencies gain popularity. For the launch, the following altcoins can be sold to Payza:
Altcoins Available for Payza Exchange:
Ethereum, Monero, Zcash, Dash, Ripple, Steem, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, NEM, Synereo, Aragon, Ardor, Basic Attention, Bytecoin, Darcrus, Decred, DigixDAO, Dogecoin, Edgeless, Expanse, GameCredits, Byteball, Gnosis, Golem, Matchpool (Guppy), LBRY Credits, Lisk, Lunyr, MaidSafeCoin, Melon, NAVCoin, NuBits, Gulden, Nxt, PIVX, PotCoin, QuazarCoin, Radium, Augur, iEx.ec, SinglularDTV, Stratis, SwarmCity, Syscoin, Chronobank, WeTrust (Trustcoin), TetherUSD, Waves, Wings DAO, Xaurum, Digital Note, FantomCoin, SteemDollar


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: UnityReserveTrafficHeapFexFund,
BandeiraCorpFatFundsAurumBank, Bitcoin456 (the first payment received), AlpexTrade (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: ControlFinance.
From MNO Basic list: BitXxa, CryptoGolden, Investellect.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading MNO and will be back for more in a few days when I’m planning to post a detailed review of Bitcoin456 and update you on all the most important news in the HYIP industry. Remember that MNO is proud to only work with professional HYIP admins who have a sizeable advertising budget and are not afraid to take risks to propel their programs directly to the top. As they say, fortune favours the brave and this is particularly relevant in the HYIP industry as well, as MNO will always prefer to work closely only with top-notch admins capable of delivering longevity and profitability for their members. Think of that when you compare MNO to lower quality blogs and monitors and see the results which you can potentially achieve by investing in the programs listed here. All the best programs in the new HYIP season that is about to start within the next few weeks will certainly be present on MNO, so don’t miss anything important by following MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter or subscribe to my daily news to be delivered to your email address regularly using this form. I’ll be back most probably on Saturday, so until then stay safe and enjoy the summer, guys! Talk to you all soon on MNO – for Money Lovers!

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