Jul 21st, 2017 Archives

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Beware! CryptoSolutions has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend. I’m spending it relaxing in Eindhoven which some of you might know as home to the Dutch giant Phillips electronics corporation, purveyors of everything from lightbulbs to x-ray machines, before I move over the border for the short trip to Aachen in Germany on Sunday where I’ll be posting my next update. To finish up the business week I want to focus on a recent addition to the MNO monitor‘s Premium List called CryptoSolutions. New to my monitor anyway, but certainly not new online. In fact CryptoSolutions has been running “clandestinely” as it were for well over a year now, albeit it off the radars of most investors in the form of a sleeper. For those of you who don’t know what that means then it’s actually an old trick used by HYIP admins to launch programs (or perhaps better to just say launch new HYIP websites), get them listed on forums and a couple of cheap monitors so as to create an official traceable online history or timeline, but then deliberately make them as obscure or unattractive as possible in order to bury them from public view. Why do such a thing? Well, when the admin eventually thinks the time is right to start running the program as he originally envisioned it, he can then point to this artificially inflated life time during which yes, the program was technically online although no real investors were present, as evidence of a solid dependable payments record stretching back in this case for 15 months. It’s just that very few if any real people were withdrawing those payments. Anyway, that’s just a brief explanation of Sleeper Programs for the benefit of industry newbies. How you want to approach CryptoSolutions at this point is entirely up to yourself, though personally I would view the current advertising campaign as the admin’s attempt to start the program rather than finish it. So let’s see what CryptoSolutions is all about and if you have room for them in your portfolios.

The first thing you are going to notice, and probably even be overwhelmed by, is the sheer number of investment plans available in CryptoSolutions. At first glance it looks as if there are eight of them, by itself a lot more than average, but on closer inspection these are broken down into a lot more than just that, something like 34 different categories. Don’t worry though, I’ll explain all of this in more detail as we go. As with most HYIPs that flood you with so many plans however it’s almost always the case that the majority of them are to be avoided. Either they cost way more than you can afford, therefore making the decision for you not to join pretty easy, or else just offering unrealistic goals that will never be achieved. CryptoSolutions is no exception here, but don’t let that put you off some of the more feasible options.

Starting with one of the better options, The Crypto One Plan runs for 30 calendar days. Investments need to be between at least a $10 minimum so it’s quite affordable to most, or can go as high as $1,000 if you can afford it. CryptoSolutions offer members a daily interest payment of 1.5% on their deposits for the duration of the term. This adds up to 45% of your money back by expiry, which then becomes your net profit once CryptoSolutions return your principal as promised. So for example, a $100 deposit here gets you $1.50 back every day until you have $45 in total from the admin. Your principal is then added to this to give you $145 back on your investment, $45 of which is your profit. Pretty simple, eh?

Next is The Crypto Two Plan. The term runs for 60 calendar days, but you can only join for an eye watering $1,000 minimum. Anything up to an upper limit of $2,000 sees a payment of 1.7% returned to you every day. This adds up to 102% in total payments by the end, and with CryptoSolutions then returning your principal in a separate payment, that’s your net profit. At first glance it might look like a good return, but remember that the break-even point doesn’t come until almost the last day. And 59 days is a long time to wait in the HYIP industry before seeing even your first profit.

CryptoSolutions then shift to one time payment on expiry plans, the safest of which is The Crypto Three Plan continues with payments made on expiry of a term running 15 calendar days. A single payment on expiry sees CryptoSolutions offer 125% back, principal included, on deposits ranging from a $10 minimum to a high of $1,000, and a 130% payment if investing from $1,001 to $5,000. Anyone thinking about spending more than that can check further offers in their CryptoSolutions members account area.

Next on the list logically enough is The Crypto Four Plan. The term extends to 30 calendar days, so as you can see, the plans gradually get riskier and riskier as we progress. Thankfully though CryptoSolutions are still only looking for a $10 minimum to join, so the personal financial risk to yourself is only what you make it. Payment on expiry of 155%, principal included, is offered to anyone spending between that $10 minimum up to as much as $1,000. This then increases to 170% for those investing from $1,001 up to $5,000. Once again any information on investments bigger than that can be found by logging in to your private CryptoSolutions account area.

The Crypto Five Plan runs for 50 calendar days. If you invest between a $10 minimum and a $1,000 maximum CryptoSolutions offer a single payment of 200% on expiry, principal included. Spend between $1,001 and $5,000 and that goes up to 250%. Once again you should look at your CryptoSolutions members account area if you have any genuine interest in bigger investments than that.

Next is The Crypto Six Plan which carries an investment term of 75 calendar days. A deposit here between the minimum allowed $10 up to as much as a $1,000 maximum is offered a single payment of 300% on expiry, principal included. This goes up to 400% if spending from at least $1,001 to an upper limit of $5,000. further information on bigger investments can be found in our CryptoSolutions members area.

Prices go up somewhat for the following two plans, continuing with The Special Offer Plan. It will set you back at least $200 to find out if (and I do emphasize the “if” part here!) the offer is genuine, because the term runs for 100 calendar days during which your money earns nothing at all. This only comes on expiry with the CryptoSolutions admin offering a rather unlikely return of 5,000%. The maximum limit for this option is capped at $2,000.

Next is The VIP Advanced Plan, which I only include for informational purposes. CryptoSolutions ask for investments (read “donations”) between $50,000 to $100,000. In return you are offered 1,000% interest on expiry of a 25 calendar day term. Ok, so this isn’t going to matter to any real HYIP players, but who knows? Maybe some billionaire Russian oil oligarchs love to do unbelievably stupid things with their money when they get full of vodka, and stumble across CryptoSolutions some night by accident, lol!

Remember I said there’s eight investment plans in CryptoSolutions? Well actually there’s a ninth, I’m just not sure it’s strictly speaking intended for “real” investors as opposed to just monitors. I can’t see a specific rule deliberately barring you from it either, so I’ll just go ahead and include it for informational purposes. It’s called The Partners Plan (hence the hint that it might just be aimed at monitors) and offers 1.5% interest per calendar day for a 500 day term. Investments can be from $10 up to a maximum limit $1,000.

If you’ve managed to make sense out of all that and have isolated the plan that best suits your requirements, the next thing you should know is what are the payment options CryptoSolutions are working with. As you might expect, the list is fairly standard with PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash accepted if you prefer the more conventional third party payment handlers, and BitCoin if you want to bypass this with a more direct route and deposit with your own digital e-currency. Withdrawals from your CryptoSolutions account have to be requested by logging in to the members area. These are then paid manually with the admin asking you to allow 12 hours for most transactions. Just be aware that they also reserve the right to extend this timeframe to 48 hours in some exceptional cases. My own payments have all been processed very promptly so far though, so I hope the admin can keep to his original schedule in as many cases as possible.

Overall the more technical design and security aspects of the CryptoSolutions website gives a positive impression. The domain name is registered for five years in advance, which is neither a difficult nor an expensive thing to do but does at least show a certain level of professionalism. The CryptoSolutions website is powered off a script under licence from GoldCoders which I’m sure many of the regular players will have recognised anyway, with its trademark customer friendly and easy-to-navigate interface. For an added layer of site security CryptoSolutions is SSL secured with a superior Green Bar Extended Validation certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The website is hosted on a DDoS protected server with tech support and protection from DDoS attacks supplied by Koddos.

If after reading this review about CryptoSolutions you still find yourself with some unanswered questions about the program or some account related issues you need dealt with then you have a couple of options. Start with the FAQ by the way, the page is there for a reason, and might help explain a lot of things before you go composing any lengthy emails. Otherwise you can fill in your details on the online support form and submit it via the contacts page, or alternatively try and raise one of the program’s Live Chat operators by clicking the built-in widget at the top left hand corner of the page. It might be beneficial to a lot of investors that, and this is surprisingly rare in the HYIP industry, CryptoSolutions offer Live Chat in Russian as well as English. It isn’t a 24/7 service by the way, so check first. Fans of social media networks will be able to find CryptoSolutions on Facebook. Most recently CryptoSolutions announced they are in the process of launching a regional representative scheme, so get in touch for further details if interested. There’s a postal address in Australia which as is normally the case with online HYIPs can safely be ignored. Not because the address itself isn’t genuine, but because it’s most likely to be a serviced workspace for registration purposes and not where anyone connected with CryptoSolutions is physically located. On the other hand the address does at least come with a telephone number so feel free to check it out if you expect to get a response.

As for any alleged business activities supporting the program, as you may guess from the name CryptoSolutions claims to be involved with the trading of electronic cryptocurrencies. Experienced investors will appreciate that such claims can’t be researched and verified and know perfectly well to treat CryptoSolutions like any other regular HYIP. For anyone else new to the industry and tempted to believe the story, remember that even if it was true there’s still no guarantee it always has to be profitable. So take account of the risks that go with investing, set yourself a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose and recoup easily from other sources, and if joining CryptoSolutions then use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

I’ll leave it at that for now, but just briefly before we move on to the news I hope readers won’t mind sharing their own thoughts on the program. Is it a hit or miss do you think? Please vote in the following poll about CryptoSolutions which as always is completely anonymous. I think in the weeks to come it will give a more interesting picture about how many people made the correct judgment call about the program and its chances of success right from the start. So:

Will you make an active deposit in CryptoSolutions?

View Results

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Staying on the subject of CryptoSolutions I should add that over the last couple of days the admin decided to upgrade his listing on MNO from Standard to Premium. This means his advertising campaign becomes more aggressive in order to get a bigger share of the HYIP market. Nothing wrong with that, every admin should be ambitious enough to reach for the stars. Hopefully the approach will work wonders for CryptoSolutions, but the main part will undeniably be good customer support of the current and potential investors. I believe that’s why it was decided to improve the support in English and Russian (the latter I suspect might be the native language of the admin, as the level of English in the newsletter is below average). For that to happen there was a Live Chat option introduced on the website working during specific hours plus phone support is also now available. For more information please read the latest newsletter from CryptoSolutions below:

The live and online supporting have been started.
Dear visitors and investors of the the CryptoSolutions PTY Limited company investment program.
We inform you that today has been started work online the support, realized by chats which was provided for English and Russian-speaking investors. Now any question which can arise at you in connection with working of our investment program you will be able always to solve, having contacted to English-speaking or Russian-speaking online chat.
Online support works from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 21:00 GMT. On Saturday and Sunday the days off.
In addition to the online support, each user can use a live support, realized by the hot line phone. You can call by the +61 251 04 06 02 number and get the necessary advice and consulting.
Live support works from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 15:00 GMT. On Saturday and Sunday the days off.
The investment program and services provided for our clients are continue its development and we hope that our improvements will be useful to all participants.
Yours faithfully, CryptoSolutions PTY Limited team.
Build your future by CryptoSolutions


The admin of one of the best and longest running programs in the HYIP industry at the moment FexFund George (he was interviewed here) is clearly an expert when it comes to BitCoin-related issues. Over the last couple of days he tried his best to explain what was going on with the BitCoin exchange rate which first lost almost a third of its value before rebounding strongly yesterday. Apparently a very important decision regarding the future of BitCoin has been made which inspired confidence in the majority of BitCoin funds holders and helped it grow on positive expectations. As I’m no expert myself, you will be able to read more in George’s latest updates posted on the website and in today’s newsletter. Hope it all makes sense for you then and will explain why FexFund is now offering a limited time only 5% deposit bonus for new deposits (not reinvestments!) made by the end of Sunday server time. The recent BitCoin fluctuations certainly created some perfect money making opportunities for active traders like FexFund and hope that the new purchase of BitCoins at a lower price will make the program last even longer. Even by now FexFund (reviewed here) was able to show incredible results by running for almost three months. And having been on MNO since day one certainly help lots of my readers do well from the program’s four investment offers – 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, 5% for 30 days, 4% for 60 days. FexFund has always paid instantly to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash accounts and I cannot think of a program with a better record. As one of the highlights of this summer and one of the best long-term performers on MNO I certainly hope tthings continue like this. Both newsletters are below, but please also pay a special attention at the end of the second one sharing some safety tips to keep your funds and your FexFund account secure – it’s an important issue so don’t dismiss it:

Attention Bitcoin investors
Dear Investors. We are getting a lot of questions about the safety of their Bitcoin investment, considering a lot of confusion with SegWit, BIP’s, Hard Forks, Soft Forks, etc.
Most likely there won’t be any Bitcoin split which is the great news. Also please keep in mind that Bitcoin deposited on our site is not “blockchain dependent” so they are safe in here and what is more, making the profit for you.
We are in close contact with our wallet provider, and if there will be any disruption in Bitcoin Network, then we will consider pausing receiving and sending money via Bitcoin until problems will be resolved (but your investments will be working as usual). But for now there are no problems at all, and we are operating as normal.

BIP 91 Locked In, 5% BTC Bonus and other news
Good morning! Welcome to our 84th day online which is one of the best in FexFund‘s history. Why is that? It’s because looks like there are real consensus achieved about Bitcoin changes!
Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 91 (BIP 91) was recently activated which means that we will have no Bitcoin split and what is more, there probably won’t be any “August 1st” drama anymore! We already can see how BTC rate is going up and I think it might even hit 4k USD wall this time : ) I hope you got some good stash of BTC while the price was like $1800 as we did.
Because of that I’ve decided to do a little celebration and announcing 5% deposit bonus for any “fresh” Bitcoin deposit. How does it work? If you, for example, deposit 1 BTC, then after we will get needed confirmations, you will get 1.05 BTC in your investment plan. Please keep in mind that the bonus won’t work for reinvestments. Also, the bonus applies only to BTC payments, and it’s valid from now on until Sunday, midnight time (23rd July 00:00:00 of a server time).
Also, I would like to warn you against scamming people, trying to steal your password. Their method is simple. They write to you saying that they will make the deposit as your referral, but you have to go to the site X and sign up there. This site X is a fake site which collects your password and username. If they are lucky, they might take over your account in FexFund. Luckily there was only one account compromised and only because the owner wasn’t careful.
Please remember those simple rules when running your account on FexFund and then you will be 100% safe:
1. Never use the same password anywhere, you use on FexFund
2. Make sure your email address is correct so that you will get notifications in case of any payment account changes done on your account.
3. Always enable at least PIN number in Security area or Google Authenticator.
Also keep in mind that we send only one newsletter weekly, on Fridays and we will never ask you to give us anything in exchange for something. We don’t ask you for any mobile numbers etc. and we don’t send multilingual newsletters. You can always cross check email content against site’s news section as they always match as well.
I made this long enough, so I won’t keep you anymore today. I hope you are enjoying your stay in FexFund as much as we are glad to have you here.
Have a great weekend. George Soleos. CEO of FexFund.


As the admin of FexFund seems to be on top of things when it comes to explaining what’s going on with BitCoin and its fund holders, the admin of ControlFinance shared already outdated information based on speculation. In the latest newsletter which was posted yesterday he nevertheless managed to outline his program’s strategy of BitCoin trading and shared it with his members. It’s hard to imagine though that with the current BitCoin price of over $2,700 it will go back to the $1,200 or even $1,900 level anytime soon, but anyway here is what he has to say on that:

A premonition of hardfork in the safe haven of ControlFinance.
Hello. By handing over your funds to us to manage, you are protecting yourself against SegWit-related fluctuations in the market.
The next two weeks are likely to mark the culmination of lengthy discussions about diversification and proper allocation of your assets. Our company’s balance is calculated in US dollars, so we recommend you invest right now, and you will be protected from possible bifurcation of the blockchain network.
Our team has already prepared for possible volatility in the market. We are planning to buy bitcoin from about $1200 to $1900. By the end of the month, Altcoins will make up the bulk of our portfolio.

ControlFinance has been paying MNO readers for forty days already with the program officially launched even earlier than that. However, with the relatively low interest rates of 1% to 1.5% daily depending on the size of your investment for an open ended term even the first investors are yet to profit with ControlFinance. It’s definitely getting there with the program paying instantly to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash accounts, and hopefully with more support from investors and dedication from the admin we’ll see ControlFinance becoming quite a success in the future. Time will tell and meanwhile you can read the full review of ControlFinance posted on MNO here and decide for yourself.


I would like to sincerely thank the admin of FxLTD for spreading the word about MNO and sharing a link to the review posted on the blog a couple of days ago in his newsletter. This way not only did he do a favour to his program and its future development, but also made sure that more investors are aware of MNO – the source of the biggest and the best investment projects in the HYIP industry. That way the admin contributes to the success of his program and his investors looking to diversify their portfolios. MNO is definitely the place to find them, and I hope we might get some extra information if he agrees to answer my interview questions. For now I’ll just let you read the MNO review announcement posted by FxLTD‘s admin earlier today. If you haven’t read the review posted here, I’ll remind you that FxLTD is currently on its third successful month online paying investors within 12 hours on request to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin. The investment minimums start at $10 and you can choose from several investment plans paying daily with principals back on expiry – 1.6% for 15 days, 1.8% for 30 days, 2.2% for 50 days – or stick with the shortest investment plan paying 110% after just 7 calendar days:

FxLTD – MNO Review Published
Hello. Our review was published on MNO. It will help you to understand our website, plans and more about our work.
We would like to publicly thank Paul, the MNO administrator for the interest.
The Link of review is below: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2017/07/19/19072017-fxltd-review-daily-news-hyip-industry/
Let me know if you have any other question. Thank you.
Best Regards, Jack Morston, Chief Executive Officers Team
FxLTD – 101% Safe investment Company


Several programs from the MNO monitor accept Payza from investors. They include TrafficHeap (reviewed here), LaserOnline (reviewed here), and BandeiraCorp (reviewed here). It’s no coincidence that they are all currently in the Top Five most popular programs on MNO, as the Payza option usually gives programs a boost in confidence and increases interest from more than just Payza users themselves. There’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for that, as Payza is not very convenient to deal with for HYIP admins out for a fast scam. Recent developments with Payza getting more involved with BitCoins and other altcoins offering merchants simple solutions whilst working with them are further boosting their popularity. So I wonder why more HYIPs are not accepting Payza, as that would benefit all parties. Among the latest news on cryptocurrency expansion Payza has recently introduced the new BitCoin SendMoney API now available for business account holders and allows payments to people who don’t even have a Payza account directly via BitCoin. There was also another update posted on the Payza official blog that compares exchanging BitCoin and altcoins via popular exchange sites and the Payza card. I must add here that any sensible Payza account holder has to order the Payza debit card to be delivered to his home address. It can then be used at any ATM or POS. Just read the second article to be convinced to try it out and start saving time and money:

Payza Launches New Bitcoin SendMoney API for External Bitcoin Wallets
Payza continues to improve our Bitcoin services. Our latest feature, Bitcoin SendMoney API, makes it possible for merchants to send Bitcoin payouts to people who don’t have a Payza account. This new API makes it possible for payout merchants to pay all their affiliates in Bitcoin, whether they have a Payza account or not.
The new feature is similar to Payza’s existing SendMoney API, which allows you to send a payment without having to log in directly to your Payza account. It’s a great tool for those who want to further automate their payout system. Like our original SendMoney API, the new Bitcoin SendMoney API will allow merchants to send automated payments, but, unlike the original, Bitcoin SendMoney API lets users send bitcoins directly to a Bitcoin address. This gives merchants even more freedom and flexibility when paying affiliates, by giving them an easy option to pay affiliates outside of Payza’s network of members.
With the new Bitcoin Sendmoney API, merchants can enter a Bitcoin address and an amount in the currency of their choice. If BTC is chosen as the currency, that amount of Bitcoin will be sent, and when a fiat currency code is entered, our system will calculate the appropriate amount of Bitcoin to send based on the real-time exchange rate. The transactions created using this API will be treated as withdrawals and subject to the standard Bitcoin Withdraw processing time.
The Bitcoin SendMoney API will save you time and money by giving you the power to design automated Bitcoin payouts to anyone with a Bitcoin wallet address. By pairing our powerful APIs with Bitcoin payments, Payza offers you a whole new feature that we’re sure you’ll love!
To enable your Payza Business Account for API use, follow the instructions in our Payza Merchant Setup Guide. The required coding information can be found in our Reference Center.

From Cryptocurrency to Cash: Exchanging Is Easier Than You Think
Going from cryptocurrencies, especially altcoins, to cash can be difficult. So we’ve compared the best solutions on the market for exchanging Bitcoin and altcoins to make your life a little easier.
Over the past week, Bitcoin and altcoin values have dropped dramatically. A month ago, the price of Bitcoin climbed above $3,000 USD for the first time, but on Sunday it dropped as low as $1,863.22 and remains below June’s lowest value at the time of writing. Ethereum, which reached nearly $400 in June, is now trading at half that value. And just about all other cryptocurrencies experienced a similar decline.
A cursory glance at the news coverage reveals a number of possible causes for this drop – which has seen the total cryptocurrency market capitalization decrease from a mid-June high of $115 billion to as little at $61 billion at its lowest point (so far) – but the most likely culprit is the imminence of SegWit, scheduled for August 1st.
Don’t know what SegWit is? Click here for our take on SegWit and the Future of Bitcoin.
In light of the past week (which some are preemptively calling a crash) we’ve decided to take a look at the best solutions available for cryptocurrency exchanges, and which services you can use to send Bitcoin to your Payza e-wallet or to acquire altcoins that you can later sell to Payza.
Since there are so many to choose from – hundreds of different exchanges which might seem indistinguishable to the casual Bitcoin user – we’ve collected the results from 10 different recent Best-Of lists from leading crypto publications, including Bitcoinist, The Merkle and 99 Bitcoins, to create the ultimate Top 5 list:
5. Gemini
Unlike most others on this list, Gemini is a fully regulated exchange licensed in the US, meaning that they’re held to a similar set of rules and standards as a bank. Gemini sports a great, minimalist user interface but you can only trade in Bitcoin, Ether and USD and the service is only available in 42 states, Canada, the UK, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and South Korea.
PROS: Highly secure, user-friendly design, great analytics tools, no deposit or withdrawal fees.
CONS: Limited to USD, BTC and ETH, available in only a handful of locations.
Founded in London, England in 2013, CEX.IO trades in most major cryptocurrencies and support USD, EUR, GBP and RUB fiat currencies. The platform is intuitive and user-friendly but also powerful enough for professional traders, and has a good reputation for security.
PROS: Accepts credit cards, mobile-friendly, worldwide availability.
CONS: Long verification process, high deposit fees, limited customer support.
3. Bitstamp
Making it onto over half of our lists, Bitstamp is the oldest exchange standing, having launched back in 2011. Both EUR and USD are accepted and multiple deposit methods (including credit card) are supported. As the third-largest Bitcoin exchange by volume, Bitstamp is a very reliable option.
PROS: Well-known for reliability, accepts credit cards, fee structure makes it a good choice for large transactions.
CONS: Poor user interface not recommended for beginners, can only trade Bitcoin for fiat currencies.
2. Coinbase
Founded in 2012, Coinbase is a customer-centric exchange, meaning it’s an excellent place for people new to cryptocurrency. It’s one of the most popular solutions around because of its low transaction fees and ease-of-use, but Coinbase only supports a limited amount of features, currencies and countries.
PROS: User friendly, low fees, stored currency is insured, a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods supported.
CONS: Limited availability, only supports Bitcoin, Ether and Litecoin.
1. Kraken
Almost as old as Bitstamp, Kraken was founded in 2011 as a Bitcoin exchange, and only recently expanded into altcoins. Unlike most on this list which require you to exchange fiat currencies to and from Bitcoin before trading in other altcoins, Kraken allows Ether, Ripple, ZCash, Monero and several others to be traded for fiat currency.
PROS: Reliable, supports a variety of trading pairs between cryptos and EUR or USD, low withdrawal fees.
CONS: High deposit fees, not the most intuitive design (recommended for experienced traders).
There is no shortage of Bitcoin and altcoin exchanges and opinion is very divided on which ones are superior. No exchanges appeared on more than 8 of the 10 “top exchanges” lists we consulted, so some reviewers found reasons to leave exchanges like Kraken and Coinbase off some lists.
Be careful if you decide to choose an exchange not on this list. Many other popular exchanges, such as Poloniex and Bittrex, do not support any fiat currencies and can only be used to exchange between different cryptos, meaning you won’t be able to sell your coins for cash.
Payza Unveils a Better Solution
If you’re frustrated by the lack of solutions on the market to turn Bitcoin and altcoins into cash, Payza has a great new option for you. The Payza Card and Payza cryptocurrency loading options let you go from cryptocurrency to cash in a matter of minutes. And we’re working on ways to make that process even smoother! Order your own Payza Card today and find out just how fast and simple it can be to turn digital money into cold hard cash.
PROS: Instant exchanges, load cryptocurrencies to the Payza Card instantly, over 50 cryptocurrencies and over 190 countries supported.
CONS: Identity verification is required to use Payza’s cryptocurrency services.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TrafficHeapLaserOnlineFexFundFatFunds,
ControlFinanceAlpexTradeRolyInvestment, FxLTDCryptoSolutions.
From MNO Standard list: YkkeBit2Moon.
From MNO Basic listCryptoGolden.

That’s all for you today, guys. I hope you’re enjoying reading MNO and profiting from some good programs and not the fast scams found on many cheap monitors and self-proclaimed experts. It just means the MNO policy of keeping the listing prices high is working wonders and makes deliberate scams avoid coming here. The end result is MNO readers are earning good money while others keep losing, and it will stay that way. So do yourself a favour guys, be a part of a smarter community for your own sake! I’m back on Sunday with a detailed review of a very promising program called Bit2Moon plus all the latest news from the biggest online investment programs. I’ll also have the results of the poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page (so if you haven’t voted yet, please have your say here). If you always want to stay in the loop then always check the MNO monitor for the new additions from the HYIP industry, follow me on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, or subscribe to get daily news regularly by email here. You can always contact me from this page if you have any questions. After all, MNO has entered its eleventh year online and I feel it will be a success. Talk to you all on Sunday, guys!

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