Beware! GilmoreAssets has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone, and welcome once more to the MNO blog for all the latest happenings in the HYIP world! Despite being Saturday and just weeks before Christmas there’s surprisingly quite a lot to catch up on today, so put any weekend shopping on hold for the moment and get comfortable. The main point of today’s post however is an exciting new addition to the MNO monitor’s Premium List called GilmoreAssets. It’s also been pinned to the Sticky List for at least the first week of being included, I can only guess the admin is perhaps trying to catch up on lost time since GilmoreAssets in fact first started a month ago. It’s always difficult to say which way the market will go in December of all months, but assuming they can make it to the all important date of the first day of January then GilmoreAssets have quite an attractive if eclectic mix of plans that could see them become one of the first big hits of 2018. But let’s not start running too far ahead of ourselves just yet, there’s still a lot of daylight between now and then and a lot of hard work that needs to be done. So if you’re feeling optimistic then read on and we’ll see what GilmoreAssets are doing to convince you there’s room for them in your portfolio.
Starting with the investment plans, it’s fair to say already that the first investors who joined GilmoreAssets when it first appeared online are comfortably in profit by now. So, the track record is established and there for all to see. However despite being the shortest option and also quite affordable I doubt very much the first plan will prove the most popular. That’s because it only makes one payment on expiry while there are equally affordable daily payment options available. But that’s up to you to decide. It’s called The Short Strategy and GilmoreAssets require a $20 minimum to join. The term runs for 20 calendar days at the end of which investors can collect a single one time payment of 115%, principal included, on all deposits to a maximum value of $5,000. So if you invested $100 the hope is to withdraw $115 at the end of the twenty days. Alternatively if you really fancy your luck GilmoreAssets make a slightly more generous of offer of 116% on deposits between $5,001 and $25,000, and 118% on expiry for amounts between $25,001 to an upper limit of $500,000.
A slightly longer term but ultimately more profitable option follows in the form of The Standard Strategy. It runs for a duration of 30 calendar days with a still affordable $20 minimum required for an entry level deposit. In return GilmoreAssets will this time pay you a daily interest rate of 1.1% each day for the term if you are spending anything up to a $5,000 limit. This adds up to 33% in total, nowhere near to putting you in profit by itself of course, that comes when the GilmoreAssets admin returns your principal in a separate payment. So that means the same $100 deposit made here would get you back $1.10 per day, $33 by the end of the term, and then your initial hundred paid out on top of that. Larger investments are encouraged by the admin offering 1.3% per day on amounts between $5,001 and $25,000 (39% net profit) and 1.5% per day (45% net profit) on larger sums to a $500,000 maximum limit.
Just one other quick point I need to make, and this is very important. Although I have given you a full description of both the short and medium plans, the truth is that at the time of writing GilmoreAssets are imposing some temporary restriction on them to better manage cash flow as we approach Christmas. I would imagine this is in an effort to limit the damage caused by hit-and-runners, always a problem but particularly at this time. So, all investors combined will only be allowed to make a maximum investment of $500 per day, collectively between them, in either of the above two plans. So for example if one single investor who happens to be the earliest of the day decides he wants to invest let’s say $450, all other members would only be allowed to make a combined total of $50 between them for the rest of the day. I have no idea when the GilmoreAssets admin intends to lift these restrictions, but I’d hazard a guess and say it’s going to stay this way until the holidays are out of the way.
The only genuinely long term plan, as far as online HYIPs are concerned anyway, is the third GilmoreAssets plan called The Long Strategy. No such investment limits are in place here, and the plan is up and running at full steam. You can still join for a bargain $20 minimum, and the term stretches to 75 calendar days. Daily interest payments are again the order of the day, with GilmoreAssets offering 2.3% every day for a 75 calendar day term. This adds up to 172.5% in total, however in this case GilmoreAssets are including your principal as part of the payments and so will not be returning it in a separate payment. That means you get your own money back plus 72.5% in total net profits. Or to put that in monetary terms, let’s suppose you make a $100 deposit here. For anything up to a $5,000 upper limit you should expect GilmoreAssets to pay you back $2.30 per day until you have $172.50 in total. A more important statistic it could be argued is the break even point, when you earn back an amount equivalent to your deposit and therefore cannot possibly be in a loss no matter what happens next. This comes after 44 days. Bigger spending players are offered 2.5% interest per day if they spend between $5,001 and $25,000 (total 187.5%, break even after 40 days) and the maximum possible rate from the program of 2.7% per day for amounts between $25,001 and $500,000 (giving you a total of 202.5% with a break even point of 38 days).
If you like any of those enough to join then the next thing you’re going to need to know about is what are your payment options. Fairly predictable in this case but also dependable, with GilmoreAssets accepting the four biggest payment options in regular day-to-day use in the HYIP industry, in this case PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and of course BitCoin. Payments must be requested from your GilmoreAssets account and you should be paid instantly in the majority of cases which I can confirm. The admin however is reserving the right to pay within 72 hours in manual mode for security reasons if the amount is large, such as the return of your principal for example.
Technically from a design and security viewpoint the GilmoreAssets website looks good. It runs off a unique and at the same time very comprehensive and easy-to-navigate script which was developed especially to suit the program’s individual needs. This would also allow the admin a greater degree of freedom if he ever feels the need to make some changes or improvements as the program continues. The GilmoreAssets website is fully SSL-secured by Comodo with a superior Extended Validation Green Bar for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is provided on a dedicated DDoS protected OVH server, so it’s clear throughout that the admin was not cutting corners on quality. Other features include video presentations and a certificate of incorporation in the US displayed. To try and make GilmoreAssets more appealing to as wide an audience as possible the website has more recently been made available in five languages, the default English one plus Russian, German, Spanish, and Chinese.
Online support if you still have any outstanding questions for the GilmoreAssets admin or any account related issues is also multilingual. Particularly for this though you will have to use one of the Telegram based chats which are in English, German, and Russian. Live Chat support is also available through a built-in widget you’ll notice on the bottom right hand corner of the GilmoreAssets website, so you might be able to get your questions answered in real time before firing off any lengthy e-mails to the admin. Should that become necessary, GilmoreAssets have an online e-mail support form where you can fill in your details and submit through the contacts page, or just write directly to one of three listed e-mail addresses depending on the nature of your query. There’s a postal address listed in the US which as usual I suggest you ignore as more likely to be just a serviced virtual work space used for the company registration, though it does come with a telephone number so feel free to check it out if you think someone may answer.
As for any serious business plan backing it all up, texts and website content might be original but are also predictably vague when it comes to explaining anything the GilmoreAssets might be able to research and verify for themselves. For the record though, it alludes to ForEx trading. Suffice to say you should really only be treating this the same way as any other online HYIP. A higher quality HYIP than most perhaps, but still a HYIP nonetheless with the potential risks that accompany the potential rewards. So if you are going to join GilmoreAssets then remember to keep them as part of a wider more diverse portfolios, and stay within a spending limit you can afford.
If you’ve already come to a decision about whether GilmoreAssets has a place in your investment plans for this coming festive season or beyond then perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing with the other readers and answering the following poll. Remember it’s 100% anonymous and untraceable, and will eventually tell us how many people were right to go with their first impressions of the program either for better or worse. It can also indicate what standards people expect from a HYI website before they are prepared to part with their money.

The admin of the above reviewed GilmoreAssets has prepared more rewarding incentives for the best promoters and regular members who make a video on their experience with the program and post it on Youtube. The best promoters over the slow festive season until January 5th will have their accounts rewarded with up to a $1K deposit bonus or even win an IPhone X. Those posting videos on GilmoreAssets will get from $25 to $100 prize money, and for everyone who makes a new deposit until New Year’s Eve there will be a chance to double the amount of the deposit. That really sounds exciting and hopefully this newly introduced Bounty scheme will help GilmoreAssets pull through a traditionally slow upcoming few weeks in the HYIP industry. Here’s the latest from the GilmoreAssets admin on that:
“Christmas bonuses from GilmoreAssets
For representatives
We are all looking forward to the most family-friendly, bright and large-scale holiday – Christmas.
Gilmore Finance Limited traditionally presents gifts. In the period from 10 to 31th of December we announce the Christmas competition for our active partners – CHRISTMAS RUSH.
Any registered participant can participate in the race. The rules of the race are simple – 7 people who will attract the most investments in the pre-holiday period (from 10 to 31 December), will receive excellent New Year gifts from the company.
I place – Iphone X 256 Gb, II place – Iphone X 64 Gb, III-IV places – $1000 on personal account, IV-V places – $500 on personal account, VI-VII places – $300 on personal account
Only the first level of invitations is set off. Prize money is awarded to the Long Strategy plan.
In the period until December 1 to 5th of January ’18, we will sum up the results of the competition and announce the winners.
For our investors
Winter Bounty program.
By popular demand, this winter, GilmoreAssets launches a Winter Bounty program for all investors. Each registered participant can participate in it.
1) Get up to $ 100 bonus for the video review.
– Make a video of the GilmoreAssets service, with your work experience and opinion;
– Add the review on Youtube – Send a link of the review at, marked “Bounty”. Do not forget to indicate in your letter your email (login)
– Within three working days we will check your review and calculate from $25 to $100 Bounty bonus to your balance. The amount of reward depends on the quality of the video, the activity of your channel. For a bigger bonus, you can make reposts review on forums / in social networks and send us a link to reposts. Bonus is added to the Long Strategy investment plan.
2) Up to 100% of the deposit bonus.
Make a deposit between December 10 and 31 and you will have a chance to double the amount. Each deposit in our system has its own serial number. In January, with the help of a random number generator, we will select 9 random deposits and add + 100%, + 90%, +80% … + 10% to their amounts.
We will increase the number of assignments and bonuses on the Bounty program soon.”
If you live in Indonesia and would like to attend an upcoming Octoin conference you might still have some time left to apply for a seat. The further details of the conference such as place, time, and people who will be giving speeches on investment opportunities with Octoin can be found in the update below:
The event will be attended by TOP LEADER and investors from all over Indonesia.
This event will be very Festive with FULL DRONE DOCUMENTATION of the show and will be shared publicly to social media and Youtube.
Do not miss this event, because this event will be SPECTACULAR, and there are also DOORPRIZE’s that will be given at the end of the event.
This event will be hosted by:
1. MR. Hilmy who will give education, what is Crypto, how to get it and He will reveal secrets such as FRONT HOME OPPORTUNITY of FUTURE CRYPTOCURRENCY
2. MR. Yayang A.S. who will reveal how to get CRYPTO in the EASIEST way using OCTOIN PLATFORM, how to create an OCTOIN account, How to GET UNLIMITED INCOME FROM OCTOIN
This event will be held on: SUNDAY
Contact person (Team Support BOJONEGORO): Mr.Oman 0822-3259-9552, Mr.Yoe 0852-5959-8097, Mr. Hadi 0852-3435-3454”.
With Octoin you have a chance to profit from multiple income streams where the investment offer itself is just the tip of the iceberg. Others include mining, P2P exchange, and team-building. If you’re just interested in Octoin‘s investment plans then you have to chose a duration from 30 to 150 calendar days during which you will be paid about 1% on your investment with the principal returned on expiry. All in all, Octoin is a very complicated program with much more features than your average HYIP has, so not to get lost in them and make sense of all of it please read my detailed review posted here.
We all know that the recent galloping prices for BitCoin when at one point reached a whopping $17K per BTC has had a tremendous impact on the current higher than usual fees in BlockChain network as well as slowed down significantly the time needed for transactions to be confirmed there. The admin of Bitcy has a simple solution for those affected by that and left waiting for ages before getting money in and out of BitCoin – reinvest in the program or temporarily use an alternative, like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash. Since my original review of Bitcy posted here they are all now accepted by the program starting with only $20. There are plenty of options to choose from which include a few daily and hourly paying plans with principal back on expiry – 2.3% for 15 days, 2.6% for 25 days, 0.13% for 1440 hours – and only once-off paying plans with a single payment on expiry – 155% after 15 business days, 550% after 20 business days, 1700% after 40 business days, 1200% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days. Needless to say that due to rapidly approaching Christmas holidays it would be unwise to invest in any paying on expiry plans, although I’m sure that the admin will greet them with open arms. So be sensible in your expectations and if you still wish to invest you can check one of the recent updates posted on Bitcy‘s official Facebook pages highlighting some starting points on registering an account. The point on the high load in the Blockchain network is also given in the first update, so keep reading for that:
“High load in Blockchain
As you know now there is high load in Blockchain again due to a huge number of transactions. For more information please follow this link:
Due to this, according to the forecasts of our analytical department, confirmation of transfers made on December 7th 2017 can take more than three days. Once the load in Blockchain is lower the transactions will be confirmed within a few hours again. Expected date of load reduction is December 8th 2017. Avoiding problems with payment delays can be made possible by postponing all transfers for a day or making use of fiat payment systems.
To use time effectively Bitcy Limited recommends that you make new deposits from the balance in your account and receive regular profit. While others are waiting for confirmation of transactions and cannot use their funds you have a chance to increase your capital.
Benefit from any situations with Bitcy Limited!”
“How to start earning with Bitcy?
Bitcy Limited is engaged in the creation of a unique multicurrency platform, which will ensure rapid and safe management of any monetary arrays. Invest your funds in the development of the platform and get the right to share the profits of a promising British company. Making a contribution now, you secure your future!
Joining us in four steps
To start cooperation with us, you need to create a personal account. The whole procedure will take you a few minutes.
1. Start the registration. At the top right of the screen, click on “Register”. The registration form will open. After having filled in the data, make sure that they are correct before sending.
2. Login info. Enter the data to manage your account. Think of a unique login, a strong password and a secret question that will enable you to restore access to your account in case of loss. The answer must be known only to you.
3. Personal info. Provide your personal information for contact with you: your full first and last names and e-mail. Please note that the data must be reliable. The information received by us is completely confidential and is not transferable to third parties.
4. Completion of the registration. Check the box next to “I agree with Terms and Conditions”. To complete the registration, click “REGISTER NOW!”.
Congratulations, now you have your personal account! A simple and intuitively understandable interface will enable you to easily manage your balance. Become an active partner of the company and secure stable passive income for several years!”
One admin in a vociferous mood these last few days has been ResonanceCapital. No less than three news updates covering various topics have been shared on the websites news section since my last post on MNO. You may remember that the program, first reviewed here, offers weekly paying investment plans such as 28% for 4 weeks, 6%-6.2% for 24 weeks, 3.3%-6% for 48 weeks. These are some slow burners for sure but in the nine months that ResonanceCapital have been online and the two months that I’ve been covering them on MNO I’ve never encountered a problem worth repeating when it comes to payments. These are made through PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCach, NixMoney, BitCoin, and Ethereum. Among the updates reposted below we see some that are largely cosmetic, or at least that’s how they’re going to be viewed by seasoned HYIP campaigners. This involves the registration of ResonanceCapital as an official management company within the EU, Ireland to be more specific. A video has been embedded and also posted on YouTube explaining why this is beneficial to the program. Regular players will know the most important point here which always goes unsaid is this – appearances. It gives industry newbies, and especially those coming to the industry for the first time as they explore channels to make some extra money around Christmas (though ResonanceCapital won’t be one of them, the plans are too long) the impression that they are making a solid investment rather than just playing the HYIP market. Anyway, if it helps, and it probably will, who am I to argue?
The second update from ResonanceCapital warns (or informs!) investors that the test bonuses previously available on some plans are to be scrapped. This is to make way for some new investment packages intended to be made available in early January. It’s not happening today or tomorrow so you still have a chance to take advantage, but do be aware that things will be changing here soon. The information in that is contained in the second posted update below. And finally, who doesn’t enjoy a good old Ho, Ho, Ho with Santa Clause! He’s coming early to the members of ResonanceCapital this year. To put it bluntly all new investments starting from today and continuing for the remainder of 2017 will be assigned a random bonus of 5%, 10%, of if you are extremely lucky then possibly 15% though I would imagine that would be something of a rarity. Remember to thank Santa in your letters to the North Pole this year kids! His generosity is explained in the third and final update from ResonanceCapital below:
Hello, dear ResonanceCapital customers.
We’d like to remind that you can find a full package of highly value legal documents publicly available via the “Legal Information” section of our website. Its purpose is to show you the entire legal framework of our company in exquisite detail. We’d like you to obtain understanding and confidence that we operate 100% legitimately at the level of international law, while tanks to a license for financial operations we can manage third parties’ funds and provide financial services in line with contracts without hindrance.
Moreover, many of our customers already know that we decided to convert the bulk of our company’s floating capital into crypto-currency in September, 2017. And about 75% of our floating capital has already been concentrated into the following crypto-currencies: Bitcoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, and Litecoin.
Our aim is to bring at least 85% of our floating capital on the crypto-currency market by the end of January 2018. And if you monitor crypto-currency developments, you should know that companies working with crypto-currencies are not subject to compulsory licensing. In other words, the financial license we obtained in the jurisdiction of VFSC is not mandatory, since ResonanceCapital is fully refocusing its operations aiming at the crypto-currency market. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to stay a licensed company until the end of the license validity period, i.e., until May 9, 2018.
Dear customers of ResonanceCapital, now you will see another interesting part of our legal framework. We’d like to provide you with exclusive info capable of inevitably simplifying our operations on the global financial market and granting a great number of new benefits to all our customers.
Since ResonanceCapital Co. initially operated on the classic financial markets and changed its investment development vector to embrace crypto-currencies, our Legal Department made the only right choice by establishing a new management company ResonanceCapital Management LP in Ireland (within the EU legal field) not being a subject to compulsory licensing. That’s how we received a number key advantages:
– High-profile EU jurisdiction;
– Zero restrictions on doing business with other EU-based companies and banks;
– Moderate tax burden (corporate tax rate at 12.5% a year);
– Availability of electronic agreements (public offer);
– Unconstrained capital management via crypto-currency stock exchanges.
Now then, we’re more than happy to offer you insights into our company’s main document. This document provides all our clients with endless possibilities in the investment world.
Currently you can view ResonanceCapital Management LP’s certificate of establishment with registration No. LP2132 and tax No. 3506075H. And more importantly, absolutely anyone can verify ResonanceCapital Management LP Co.’s certificate via the official website of Ireland-based EU registrar confirming this certificate remains in force: (see the list of companies in the document LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NUMERICAL.pdf or LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ALPHA.pdf)
Please accept our heartiest congratulations on this significant event and may your cooperation with our company be easy-going, long-term, as well as profitable. Remember that our company runs its business on the world’s best, most profitable, and most trendy crypto-currency market.
From now on, the most important document in our legal framework, which all our clients can officially refer to, will be the establishment certificate of ResonanceCapital Management LP within the Irish legal field.
We are very pleased to inform that you no longer need to refer to a financial license in the Republic of Vanuatu, especially since ResonanceCapital has successfully changed its financial operations to start working within an unlicensed field.
Dear customers, we congratulate you on yet another great day for our company. Thanks to successful official registration in Europe and a number of benefits arising from this fact, we pushed on to an even higher business level. And now we face the future, pride intact.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital”.
Dear customers of ResonanceCapital.
PLEASE NOTE! Starting January 8, 2018, buyers of investment portfolios START, BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD, PLATINUM and VIP worth $ 10 to $ 500 will no longer be credited with TEST bonus portfolios. The reason for this is that we’re getting ready to launch a brand-new investment product RC Crypto Pool. Consequently, you may get free TEST portfolios only until January 7, 2018 inclusive.
Today, we are very pleased to have good news to all ResonanceCapital clients who invest in the middle price segment, and to announce the expansion of the limits for purchase of START and BRONZE investment portfolios.
It’s no secret that 70% customers of any investment company are holders of investment portfolios of up to $5,000 (middle price bracket). The remaining 30% customers confidently use the investment offers of up to $15,000 (GOLD, PLATINUM and VIP portfolios) and even up to $50,000 and higher (IPO portfolio).
By the numerous requests of our clients of the middle investment segment, who have been working with ResonanceCapital from the very beginning and have duly assessed the profitability of our investment products, we are making another pleasant exception and extending the limits for purchase of the most popular investment portfolios – START and BRONZE – up to 20 pcs for each portfolio.
This decision is due to significant results in the company’s capital management achieved over the past 2 months. Due to the expansion of the company’s share in the cryptocurrency market and the increase in the overall share of profits, we have got high investment figures and are able to respond reasonably to the requests of our long-standing and proven customers.
Let us remember what path passes any investor of our company and what benefits he receives from START ($100) and BRONZE ($700) investment portfolios.
START Portfolio
— Investment: $100
— Purchase bonus: $10
— Weekly profit: $6
— Monthly profit: $24
— Payback period: 105 days or 15 weeks ($6 x 15 weeks = $90 + $10 bonus = $1
— Net profit: $54 (for the remaining 9 weeks before the end of the portfolio service life)
— Total: $154
BRONZE Portfolio
— Investment: $700
— Purchase bonus: $30
— Weekly profit: $43.4
— Monthly profit: $173.6
— Payback period: 112 days or 16 weeks ($43.4 x 16 weeks = $694.4 + $30 bonus = $726.4)
— Net profit: $347.2 (for the remaining 8 weeks before the end of the portfolio service life)
— Total: $1073.6
Let us assume that you have purchased 20 START portfolios for $100 each, then your net profit is $1,080. When purchasing 20 BRONZE portfolios for $700 each, your net profit is $6,944.
Based on this, we can calculate your projected profit, namely: $1,080 + $6,944 = $8,024 net profit for six months with a total investment portfolio of $16,000. This is more than 50% net profit for 6 months and more than 100% net profit for 12 months. Let us also add to this figure your deposit, and in total we get +200% total profit for 1 calendar year.
We would like to thank all the ResonanceCapital customers for the contribution you make to the company’s development, as well as for your suggestions and desire not only to make big money, but also to see in our company the clients with minimum and medium deposits, so that they can experience firsthand their right choice and confidently increase the volume of their investment portfolios by purchasing more expensive products.
Yours faithfully, ResonanceCapital”.
Hello, dear ResonanceCapital customers.
The customers of the world’s leading investment company are the ones Santa will choose to visit first, won’t he? And it’ll be not just a mere Santa, but a Santa Resonator appreciating and respecting all ResonanceCapital customers with no exception.
We are very pleased to be visited by such an important guest. And how can such an event be held without celebration and vigour? Our company’s top managers teamed with Santa and decided to distribute New Year’s gifts to all the customers of ResonanceCapital.
Now then, a brand new RC Santa suit was sewn. Santa filled his bag with gifts up to the brim. And he’s ready to start a Pre-New Year distribution of presents among all the clients of our company buying any investment portfolio between Dec 09, 2017, and Dec 31, 2017. Presents distribution will commence at 00:00 on Dec 12, 2017.
There are three valuable gifts in Santa’s bag: a ramp up of the investment portfolio bought by 5%, 10%, and 15%. Simply put, when buying any investment portfolio, you will receive at least 5% more profit, while some lucky persons will get additional profit at 15%.
You have a little left to do: login into your back-office, initiate the purchase of any investment portfolio and RC Santa will offer you to choose one of 3 gift boxes containing at least a guaranteed gift of 5%. And maybe the odds will be in your favor and you will get an epic prize in the form of a ramp up of the investment portfolio bought by 15%?
On behalf of our company’s management, we wish all our customers a happy upcoming New Year’s holidays and a multiple expansion of the past year’s results!
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital”.
Given the lull in activity seen in the HYIP industry in the end of December perhaps it’s a good decision for such low-paying programs like AlpexTrade to take a break for a few days and ease the pressure on their cashflow reserves in order to save some funds for 2018 payments. So AlpexTrade has recently posted a rare news update on their website announcing some lengthy winter holidays when daily profits will not be credited to members’ accounts. Starting on December 20, work resumes on January 1 when the company returns from the holidays and interest accruals will continue as normal. If you haven’t read my full review of AlpexTrade posted here I should say a couple of words regarding their payment schedule. So despite making their “trades” Monday to Friday AlpexTrade will credit your account with profits on the following day, so you will be paid Tuesday to Saturday. For a $10 minimum deposit made via PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin you will be able to keep earning a variable interest payment for a 250 business day term. It will represent the percentage of the company’s announced daily trading results and may start from 45% to 95% (depending on the size of your investment). The principal is then returned on expiry, but since AlpexTrade has been online for only a few months, no one has reached the point when they found themselves in profit yet. Usually the daily profit for smaller deposits doesn’t exceed 1%, so with no more than a 5% weekly return AlpexTrade is a choice for patient investors only. Anyway, the previous programs from the same admins have always been a success and he has always taken winter holidays for longer than other HYIPs, so hopefully in this case we will see also see a good performance from AlpexTrade to continue in 2018 as well. Here is the official announcement on the festive holidays for your reference:
“Official Company Holidays
Dear customers! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Due to the holidays we have the following official non-trading days: December 20, 2017 – January 1, 2018
We start our trading activity as usual on January,1, 2018
All deposits and withdrawals are processed instantly as usual In accordance with our Terms of Service no interest is paid on these days.”
With RenaissanceInvest it’s an even more bizarre holiday schedule, as they seem to be firmly aligned for some reason with the official Austrian banking holiday system in place. Therefore, for instance yesterday was The Feast of the Immaculate Conception officially celebrated in Austria due to which members of RenaissanceInvest had to suffer not getting the usual daily profits in their accounts. As per my review published here, you might know that RenaissanceInvest accepts a huge variety of payment processors that includes PerfectMoney, OkPay, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash, and BitcoinCash. The investment plans will lock your principal into a 90 or 180 calendar day term during which you get a daily interest payment on business days only (and not Austrian public holidays like the one specified above). Your investment can start from as low as $10 and depending on its size you’re paid 0.8%-1.2% per business days for 90 days or 1.6%-2% per business day for 180 days with an option to take your principal at any time you like (subject to a withdrawal fee). More on the holiday that Austria and some other countries celebrated on a national level yesterday please read below:
“Dear Investors!
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates the solemn belief in the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is universally celebrated on December 8, nine months before the feast of the Nativity of Mary, which is celebrated on September 8. It is one of the most important Marian feasts in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church, celebrated worldwide.
According to Catholic dogma, all humans are born with original sin, which is why babies are baptized shortly after birth to make them worthy of entry to Heaven. But Mary was never tainted by original sin, kept ‘immaculate’ from the moment of her conception because God knew she would one day give birth to Jesus Christ.
December 8th was first officially declared a holy day by the Vatican in 1854, when Pope Pius IX settled disputes and confirmed that the conception had been immaculate. But the first celebrations of the event happened as early is the seventh century.
The feast is a public holiday in Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Chile, Colombia, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Guam, Italy, Liechtenstein, Macau, Malta, Monaco, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, San Marino, Seychelles, Spain, Vatican City, Venezuela, and in the Catholic Cantons of Switzerland.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: Octoin, MyBTCDreams, GilmoreAssets.
From MNO Premium list: ChainGroupService, Bitcy, CoinPlace, AlpexTrade, CurrencyGlobal.
From MNO Standard list: BISTInvest.
From MNO Basic list: Colobit.
That’s all for today, guys. I will be back with more updates and new additions to my monitor in a couple of days. So stay tuned and follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter for all the latest news from the HYIP industry. You can also subscribe to the daily news here and if you have any questions contact me here. If you prefer direct communication write a line or two on Telegram @mnoblog or post on the MNO ShoutBox. Remember that MNO will always stay the place for elite investment opportunities only, so even if you can’t find a suitable program for your investment portfolio right now please keep returning, as some gem might be just around the corner. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, guys, and thanks for following MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Dec 9th, 2017. Comment.
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