Beware! GovBid has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone, and welcome once more to the first update of the new business week from the HYIP industry on MNO! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and are looking forward to what new opportunities the new week might bring our way. I was actually kept quite busy myself with the newest addition to the MNO monitor, a highly developed and quite unique program called GovBid. I don’t want to put a jinx on anything by speaking too soon, but it’s been a while since I felt this impressed or excited by a new program. In fact I have a feeling that if the admin – clearly an experienced and competent pro who knows what he’s doing by the way – can keep the program somewhat under wraps and at a slow and manageable growth level for at least the rest of this month, then there’s no reason to think that GovBid can’t become the number one dominant industry powerhouse in September and continue to rule for quite some time into the future as well.
The first thing that struck me about GovBid is that it’s not organised along the same lines as anything I recall seeing in the HYIP industry before. If this model has ever been used in the past then I certainly don’t remember it. On the surface it bears very little in resemblance to anything that passes for a conventional HYIP come to think of it, other than the core principle that you invest money with the goal of taking out more than you put in. But why get so excited? Well, to be honest it’s hard to put your finger on things like this, it’s just a sort of natural instinct that comes with experience after running a monitor for 12 years. I refuse to speculate and will never say what other programs the admin may or may not have run in the past (another futile exercise anyway) but have many good reasons to believe GovBid is run by someone who understands that the best way for him to succeed is to help as many of his investors as is feasibly possible to succeed along the way too. If you want to be part of this phenomenon then that’s entirely up to you, just accept that the GovBid website is very explicit in the fact that you will be given absolutely no guarantees on anything. A refreshingly honest statement of fact by the way, there’s all sorts of statements made on other programs promising some sort of bizarre insurance policy against HYIP losses, something which I’m pleased to see absent on GovBid.
So what about the investment plans you might ask? The odd thing here is that the GovBid admin probably wouldn’t like me even using the phrase “investment plans” as they prefer to refer to them as “contracts” (fair enough, I do it anyway because that’s the way most readers are going to see it weather he likes it or not). Reason being because these are not organised in quite the same manner as anything else currently in the HYIP industry, either now or to the best of my recollection from the past.
Before I continue with the numbers I suppose it might help if I give you some brief information about the backstory surrounding GovBid, i.e. what the company is allegedly involved with and therefore explain the nature of their plans, or to use the program’s own preferred description, contracts. The concept here is that GovBid are involved with bidding on government supply contracts, hence the portmanteau GovBid. Well, I suppose we’ve heard the old legends of the US military spending $60,000 for an ashtray and so on so it’s not an altogether impossible idea to get rich on things like this. Someone out there certainly is! Of course I know that most MNO readers and regular HYIP industry players will take all of this lightly, but I feel that the GovBid admin is aiming way past just this audience and has a far bigger market in mind for the longer term. I just mention it to give a broader idea of where he’s coming from with such a uniquely organised investment structure.
Before you sign up you should appreciate that security is pretty high around here. For one thing you will need to set up your own four digit code for withdrawals and answer three security questions answers to that can be used to help you recover access to your account. You will also be asked to specify the BTC address you will be using for investing (the admin promised to add more payment processors in the future) but for now BTC is the only accepted payment method. I’ll let you know on MNO when this happens, but for now you need to take into account that BTC investments converted into USD. This is important because BTC can experience huge fluctuations in value so profit in USD can be different. As both deposits and withdrawals are measured using dollars but in practical terms get paid using BTC at the rate at the time of exchange which can be extremely volatile.
After the sign-up you will initially be prompted to go to the My Wallet section of the GovBid website and invest the amount who wish, theoretically from $1 and $10,000 in the BTC equivalent which is added to your account after three Blockchain confirmations. After that you may check the Available Contracts section and choose whichever ones you might want to join (remembering you can only any join one contact once and cannot add subsequent amounts later). After the contract time expires, you either make a withdrawal request manually and sit out the required waiting time, or else purchase another contract with the available balance in your GovBid wallet. Remember that minimum withdrawal is set at $10 which can be requested from the My Wallet section in your account area, so if you haven’t reached that amount yet then it might be wiser to reinvest into one of the available contracts which assuming there happens to be one available so cheaply at the time. This can bring you a profit faster than if you were just waiting to reach the minimum withdrawal limit every time.
Rather than go through exact fixed numbers with you here as I would with other programs, I think it’s a lot more important that you understand how the contracts actually work. These contracts form a series of limited in time offers. These are in a state of constant flux, with older ones expiring as new ones are added to replace them. At the time of writing GovBid have I believe 28 available plans/contracts, just remember that by the time you read this review there might be a few more or a few less. These contracts are divided into four different categories, called Homeland, Public, Security, and Industrial depending on things like the cost of joining, the final profit and so on. The minimum cost of joining can fluctuate so don’t take this information as a literal statement of fact, but the GovBid admin has given some basic guidelines. For example, plans within the Homeland category can be expected to offer investments of from $1 up to $100, however that doesn’t necessarily have to mean you will always find contracts at either extreme. Likewise with the Public group of plans which carry various minimum entry point levels. The GovBid admin says that most opening bids on this group of contracts can start at $100, though currently the most affordable offer actually starts at $90. Other plans in this group might start from a low point of $5,000, my point is that it won’t necessarily be that exact number at all times. The most expensive plans fall under the Security and Industrial umbrellas with minimum bids aiming for $5,000 to $10,000, and $10,000 plus respectively. The required deposit for an investment bid in each contract is fixed. There’s no minimum or maximum limit as such, you either spend what GovBid asks or else move on to another contract more suited to your budget. It’s called an “Open Bid” in the contract descriptions and is the only amount you can join a contract with. No more, no less, so in some circumstances it’s worth paying close attention, as some bids will only be open for a short time and you can potentially earn high profits on them if you find them at the right time.
As for the term length, again this is also a very unique concept with very little in common with the regular HYIP industry. Not everyone needs to wait the same amount of time to get paid. The bidding process for each individual contract remains open until a fixed expiry date. That expiry date is listed under each contract with a countdown timer running down the days and hours until payments are returned to investors. Basically you can jump in anytime before the timer reaches zero. After that you just wait out the remaining time until your contract expires and you can get paid. I would suggest you not wait until the last minute though, you see as the contract gets closer and closer to the expiry point the interest rate begins to drop. After all, it hardly seems fair that the investor who trusted his money to the admin for let’s say a seven day waiting period walks away with the same reward as someone who joined seven minutes ago. The earlier you join the higher the risk, but naturally also the better the reward. That is after all what the HYIP industry is all about. It really all boils down to what your priorities are. A quick low profit for a low risk, or are you prepared to take a chance and “go large” as they say? It starts off pretty slowly but once the contract gets into its final day you can visibly see the interest rate on offer dropping in real time like a stopwatch. So keep in mind that contracts are coming and going in GovBid all the time so act fast if you like the look of one. You may not necessarily find the same offer tomorrow as you did today if you hesitate.
The timer isn’t the only thing that can potentially close a contract to new investments. There’s also something in GovBid referred to as the “Corporate Bid”. To explain what this means you really need to look at the contracts in GovBid sort of like pots. They can only hold a certain limited amount of money, and investors are invited to make a partial contribution according to what they can afford. Once the pot is full there’s no room for any further deposits, so the contract closes with immediate effect. So for example a smaller lower paying plan might only require a total pool of $1,000 or $2,000 invested between all members before they are closed to new members. Existing members will be paid what they are owed, the contracts are still valid, but if the fund is full then no further new members will be allowed to join. It’s entirely possible then that depending on the popularity of the contract that you might join something expecting to wait 10 or 12 days for a payment, only to find yourself getting paid tomorrow. Well, maybe that example is a bit extreme but that’s more or less the idea. One of the contracts that I purchased from GovBid a few days ago with a 10% profit margin now offers less than 7% (and dropping fast) to new investors joining today. Mind you, this particular off expires later tonight. Other contracts may have Corporate Bids of several hundred thousand dollars and are more likely to require significantly bigger investment minimums making them less prone to an early closure. As I said, you’d really have to check your GovBid account area on a day-to-day basis to see what’s going on and how the offers are evolving. Once it reaches the so called Corporate Bid level as stated the contract will close for new entries.
So, after all that how about we finally get to a practical example of how this might work out for you in practical terms. I suppose I’ll just tell you about my own investments, as long as you accept that the plans may not be exactly the same for you when you read this as they were for me. I had $500 to spend on GovBid, that being the investment level for Standard List programs on the MNO monitor. I decided to split it between different contracts, with the smallest amount going in to the fastest paying option which would then allow me to verify that GovBid was legit and move it to Paying status on my monitor. Mission accomplished there by the way. The bulk of the money, $300 if you must know, went into a contract called P00011 (that’s how they’re all numbered). This contract carries a minimum entry level bid of $300, and at the time of writing this contract offers 27% interest on expiry. So for my $300 deposit I’m expecting GovBid to pay me $381 on expiry. As of now there’s still 9 days to run on this contract, so if you join today you too can still get the same return. Wait a bit closer to the expiry date and that 27% will start to drop, but in a nutshell that’s my personal expectation – $381 back on a $300 investment – what you guys get will depend on if/when you join the same plan. Depending on when you are reading this the same P00011 contract may look radically different or may no longer even be open and disappeared from the GovBid website completely.
The thing that I really like here though when it comes to the investment plans is I suppose you could call “the simplicity of genius”. I mean, there’s literally infinite possibilities isn’t there? For example, over many years observing the HYIP industry I’ve seen investors swing backwards and forwards with trends and tastes going from short to long term, low ROI to high ROI, all depending on what happens to be getting the best results at the time. The GovBid admin can easily play around with this, giving investors what they want no matter what happens to be popular at any given moment. It also helps keep the cash flow at optimum levels by focusing on the type of plan – whatever that happens to be at any given time – that happens to be more popular.
Due to the fluid nature of the GovBid plans changing from one day to the next it would be a bit pointless to offer any other examples, they’re going to be obsolete pretty soon. The important point here is that if you can understand how the contract I’ve just described to you above works, then honestly that’s all you really need to know here. The dates and the numbers will change, but the basic operating system remains the same, as follows: a) Payment on expiry, b) Join early for a high risk high profit, c) Join late for a lower risk lower profit. Make sense?
As for the actual withdrawal process itself, it’s fully automated. You are going to have to keep an eye on the expiry point of your chosen contract because you are going to have to make a withdrawal request from inside your GovBid member’s account area. But once you’ve done this you will then see a countdown timer similar to the one across every available contract telling you the exact time you can expect to be paid to your registered BTC wallet. Once the timer reaches zero your money (principal plus profit) is then sent instantly and automatically by the script to your payment account. Having made a successful withdrawal myself already I can confirm that it works pretty smoothly. The actual waiting time can vary depending on the amount you are requesting. Most average investors can expect a typical waiting time of 24 or 48 hours, it just depends on the security checks needed on bigger withdrawals to ensure the money goes to its rightful owner. However the GovBid admin hasn’t ruled out the possibility of introducing sort of “flash contracts” if I can call them that where there might be no waiting time at all and just make a straight instant payout.
On the more technical side of the program such as design and site security, I’m happy so see that GovBid have cut no corners here. Not surprising given the professionalism of the admin, plus the fact that simply too much work has gone into so many other aspects of getting the program up and running to throw it away so easily. The script as you might expect is custom made and developed from scratch to suit the program’s unique requirements. The hosting provider is BlockDos who are keeping the GovBid website on a dedicated server with their tech support and protection from malicious attacks additionally handled by CloudFlare. The domain name was created back in 2006 and expires only in 2026 – something pretty exciting to see as well. Also if you are one of the growing number of people no longer depending on desktop and laptop computers to get online, there’s now a mobile version of the GovBid website to keep things more easily navigable for you too.
If you have any further questions you think I may not have addressed in this review or any other account or support related issues then there’s plenty of ways to get in touch. Communication is vital for success in this business, and I can definitely vouch for this being one of the GovBid admin’s strong points. In the short time I’ve been monitoring his program, researching it and testing it out so I could present this description to you today, I can tell you he’s never left me waiting long before doing into highly detailed replies to even the most modest matters. So if there’s anything you need to know then as always make sure you’ve read the FAQ section thoroughly before you contact anyone connected with GovBid directly. After that, the best way for people who prefer social media to stay connected is to go through the program’s Facebook group, Twitter channel, or Telegram channel. If social media isn’t for you then you have the option of going through GovBid‘s online ticketing system. Not unique in the HYIP industry of course but one really nice touch in this case is that you can get a lot more information as to how your ticket is progressing through the system. For example you can see how many operators are online at any given moment, what the average response time to a new ticket is going to be, etc.
But something else that’s an absolute rarity in the HYIP industry and something I think is going to prove hugely popular with investors as GovBid grows is the fact that for once customer support is multi-lingual. Live Chat support in the past has always been a handy tool, despite the fact that a lot of the so-called operators on other sites only ever just sent you back copy/pasted answers to questions you were never even asking! The trouble was that with the HYIP industry being international by definition, not everyone spoke English to the same level, or in many cases not at all but it was still foisted upon them. Many admins wouldn’t exactly have English as their native language either, but in clandestine efforts to disguise their location would deny use of their native tongue, even if that language was something global (Spanish for example would spring to mind). Therefore I have to salute the admin of GovBid for providing Live Chat support options through the Telegram app with Hindi, Russian, and Spanish speaking operators all available at your disposal. All the operators are bilingual as well so speak English if you prefer, and of course there’s always the main Telegram Support Channel.
Other than that I really don’t know what else to say without repeating myself. GovBid is the most original thing to hit the HYIP industry in recent times, and as a business model I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it started to catch on and be repeated/imitated before too long. I guess it might depend on the success of GovBid itself, but as we’ve seen so many times in the past the old saying “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” is never so true as it is in the HYIP world. If this admin can make it work, others will surely want to try their hands. I’ve mentioned the alleged line of business we are told is backing up GovBid already so no need to say it again, regular MNO readers and experienced players won’t care much and that’s something that’s never had much influence on their decision to join anyway. But as GovBid begins to expand beyond the initial HYIP-centric audience it can really be a big help.
So, what do you think of all that? If you have given any thought to joining GovBid I hope you won’t mind sharing your first opinions with your fellow MNO readers. Good, bad, or indifferent, what do you think of them right now? Prepared to join or keep it on hold for the moment, please let us know. It will as always make for interesting reading, not now, but in the coming weeks and months from now as we see how many people had the right first impression (good or bad). Please take just a couple of seconds to vote in the following opinion poll, remembering that it remains 100% anonymous and untraceable at all times. So:

Hooplex continues to impress investors with stable payouts on all the available plans counted in calendar days and returning principals on expiry – 0.7% for 30 days, 0.8% for 60 days, 0.9% for 90 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.05% for 150 days, and 1.1% for 180 days. Although withdrawals are promised to be processed within 72 hours maximum in reality I have never waited for more than a few hours to be paid. I guess the maximum timeframe only applies when there is a deficit in funds in one of the multiple payment processors and cryptocurrencies you can make your withdrawal paid to – PerfectMoney, BitCoin, LiteCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, EthereumClassic, DogeCoin, Dash, Zcash, Tether, Tron, Ripple, BlackCoin or Waves. As Hooplex converts funds into the internal currency called Lexera which you then sell back to the company for a small fee, you can actually invest via one payment processor and withdraw via a totally different one if necessary. However, lately Hooplex took some investors’ criticism seriously and now they allow not only Lexera investments, but also direct deposits from BitCoin and Ethereum – undoubtedly the two mot popular cryptocurrencies in the HYIP industry. If you’re interested in finding more information about this wonderful program that has been paying for over six months already you are welcome to read the detailed review of Hooplex posted here.
Of course, the tremendous success the program has been enjoying so far wouldn’t be possible with the constant support of the active promoters that try hard to build their teams in various parts of the world in exchange for lucrative multi-tier commissions from new members’ deposits. Hooplex is actually one of the very few HYIPs out there that organize meetings of prospective investors with promotional teams which can attract much bigger crowds than inside of the usual HYIP world’s borders. The last two conferences will be held in a few days time in two Indonesian cities of which Hooplex issued the latest updates containing all the information anyone wishing to attend might need. In addition to that, more than $80K has been recently given to a few most active leaders of the Hooplex community – an example which will certainly inspire others to perform similar promotional activities for the sake of the community and the longevity of the program. Here are all the latest news from Hooplex posted on their news page over the last few days time:
“Hooplex is giving away 80,000 LXR
Friends, we remind you that on the 15th of each month our community holds a drawing of money prizes among the leaders.
We continue to reward our leaders for their active contribution to community development, and this time Hooplex is giving 80,000 LXR. These funds can be spent on both personal needs and company development.
Join our community, develop it in your country, get a decent reward for it and even such unexpected prizes! We provide maximum assistance to the leaders in the development of the project. Our marketing department is a team of specialists who will help leaders in any situation.
If you are an active leader and are ready to develop the Hooplex community, check out the terms of cooperation with our company at
Congratulations to the winners!
China –
Wang Ying (20,000), 9561 4251 9503 2653,
Fizy Plus (20,000), 5912 5704 6473 2685,
Tony Montana (20,000), 7935 3260 4627 4856,
Thailand – Kung Labba (10,000), 1985 3612 8145 5341,
Russia – (10,000) Aleksandr Sobolev, 3065 3701 1765 4952,
The next draw will be held on September 15, 2019. Everyone can become the winner!”
“Introducing the latest digital payment technology, LexeraWay: August 25, Pematangsiantar
Friends, we invite you to our event, which will be held on August 25 in Pematangsiantar.
We have prepared for you only the most necessary and useful information, which will allow you to quickly start working and earn on our platform.
At the presentation, you will learn about the Hooplex project and the benefits of the LEXERAWAY technology.
The event will cover the following topics:
– Company profile
– Products : LexeraLXR and LexeraWAY 1.0
– Backoffice knowledge
– How to make Registration
– How to deposit
– How to withdraw
– How to create payment gateway and wallet btc etc
You will also learn about career opportunities in our company.
We are waiting for you!
Date: August 25, 2019, Time: 14.00 wib, Place: Hotel Horison Pematangsiantar, Theme: Introducing the latest digital payment technology, LexeraWay, Leader in Charge of: Zulkifli, Promoter: Zulkifli, Host: Zainal Mutaqin, Speaker: Sudaryono”.
“DIGITAL ASSET CONFERENCE: Banjarmasin, August 23
Dear friends, this is the long-awaited event in Banjarmasin— the Hooplex community conference. Discover the new opportunities that will lead the dramatic changes in your life!
Our community invites to attend this event everyone who wants to:
– improve your financial situation;
– earn passive income;
– build a successful career in the company.
The event will cover the following topics:
– Company profile
– Products : LexeraLXR and LexeraWAY 1.0
– Backoffice knowledge
– How to make Registration
– How to deposit
– How to withdraw
– How to create payment gateway and wallet btc etc
You will also learn about career opportunities in our company.
Date: Friday, August 23, 2019, Time: 15.00 – 19.00, Place:
Barito Ballroom Hotel Arya Barito Internasional Banjarmasin, Speaker: Panji Samudra”.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Hooplex, Yesss.
From MNO Standard list: GovBid (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: –
That will be all the news for today, guys. I have decided to postpone drawing the results of the MNO TalkBack poll until next time, as I had to dedicate much of my spare time to explaining everything about GovBid‘s unique features. So, if you haven’t voted yet please do so here and you can discuss the results of the poll on the MNO ShoutBox which is always open to your feedback regarding my monitor and the pograms listed on it. Remember that MNO will never be working with cheap scams, and that unlike many other monitors I only list high-budget investment projects run by experienced admins. Therefore, if you want to invest only in the truly best projects which will be in abundance in the upcoming new autumn season please do yourself a favor and follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter where all the latest announcements are posted first. You may also want to subscribe to the regular blog updates delivered straight to your mailbox you can submit here. And of course, I will be more than pleased to answer all your questions and suggestions you can submit on this page, by writing directly to my email address or by chatting with me on Telegram @mnoblog. Thanks for your kind attention and talk to you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Aug 20th, 2019. Comment.
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