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30/08/2019. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hi guys and welcome to the weekend news update from the MNO blog – the leading online resource now in its 13th year online exclusively covering only the biggest and best investment opportunities you only find in the HYIP industry. It just occurred to me that this will be the final blog entry of the summer I think everyone will agree that we really hope autumn finally puts an end to the seasonal slowdown in the industry and we start a new era of promising programs fighting it out for the position of industry leader. One thing that we will certainly see is that leader emerging from the programs listed on the MNO monitor, simply undisputable I would say, it always happened and it always will. That’s why it’s of vital importance for you to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter to identify the next big thing and take advantage of investing right away, before it’s more widely known to the general public. By the way, the MNO Telegram news channel is approaching 300 members which is not such a bad result after just a few months online, so join it here if you haven’t done so yet. Although the oldest tool to read all the latest news posted on the MNO blog would be to subscribe to the news feed by submitting and confirming your email address here. That way you will join more than 3,000 of your fellow investors and certainly won’t miss on any current and upcoming big entries on the HYIP market. Remember that if you have any queries, questions, suggestions or advertising requests you can always write directly to my email address, use this contact form or just chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. I will be pleased to make contact with you and you won’t wait for longer than 24 hours in order to get my response.

As we rapidly approach the autumn there will almost certainly be more activity in the HYIP industry, so I anticipate posting more often than in the summer. So expect some brand-new entries on the MNO monitor which now you should check more often than before. In today’s article though there will be no new introductions or reviews, but rather I will tell you about the latest developments from two very different, but equally special programs that already became quite opular among my readers – Hooplex and GovBid.


Despite the summer slowdown affecting the rest of the industry, one program never far from the headlines has always been Hooplex. The fact that Hooplex has come through the summer unscathed and still performing strongly would indicate that September and October could be very exciting times for the program and its investors, with no real excuse anymore not to be in profit. The plans have all matured and put their members into profit, in some cases several times over as Hooplex has been listed on MNO since February. These include 0.7% for 30 days, 0.8% for 60 days, 0.9% for 90 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.05% for 150 days, 1.1% for 180 days, all with your principal back on expiry. You can join for a $50 minimum through PerfectMoney, BitCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, DogeCoin, EthereumClassic, Tether, Tron, LiteCoin, Dash, Zcach, Ripple, Waves, or BlackCoin. The Hooplex admin asks for a 72 hour waiting period to guarantee all payment requests are completed, in reality however it’s very rare to be left waiting much more than a few hours at longest. If you want to know more about how the program works and it’s background then the most logical place to start is the detailed MNO review of Hooplex first published here. It’s worth your while taking a few moments of your time to check it out as Hooplex really is quite unique and unlike most of what’s running in the HYIP industry at the moment. Maybe that’s why they’ve eventually made their way to becoming the number one performer in the industry now. Not that there’s been a lot of competition during the summer months for that title but still, we can’t really take anything away from a stellar performance that speaks for itself.

One of the things that Hooplex has become famous for and something that really sets them apart from the crowd is their offline activities. In the almost seven months that Hooplex has been operating they’ve been holding countless public events, free for all to attend. Granted the lion’s share of these have been in Indonesia but by no means all of them, though they do, rightfully I suppose, tend to concentrate on the more lucrative Asian markets. Mostly these events are held in hotels and other public meeting spaces where Hooplex representatives make themselves available on a sort of one-on-one basis to explain what the program does and take your questions personally. It doesn’t make Hooplex any less of a HYIP of course, but I just think it’s good bonus and a great promotional strategy. Perhaps not one aimed directly at let’s say the more seasoned industry players who know to take whatever claims are made at these events with a pinch of salt, but I can’t deny I’d be awfully curious to attend one anyway were I ever to find myself in close proximity. Anyway, the latest events from Hooplex are outlined in the two newsletters I’m reposting for you below, including their most recent public gatherings in Indonesia and Thailand:

LexeraWay: August 25, Pematangsiantar
Pematangsiantar, thank you for the warm welcome! We are grateful to everyone who came to our event on August 25th to focus on innovative digital payment technology, LexeraWay.
The world is changing rapidly, and we are glad that you are ready to change with it as well! The Hooplex international community stands for progress in all its forms. We believe that we must not just adapt to the changes that are taking place – we must learn to benefit from them!
This is exactly what our LexeraWay technology is all about, providing our community members with a high income.
Join the Hooplex community in Indonesia! Join our Leaders Chat to hear first-hand about the project, the platform and more:
For more information, write here
Hooplex is a community of successful people. People don’t come here like that – they become like that here! We teach you how to use the cryptocurrency so that you can grow, learn new technologies and make a profit.
If you are an active leader and are ready to develop the Hooplex community, check out the terms of cooperation with our company at

Crypto Education & Blockchain: Thailand, 26 August
Hooplex is moving forward! We are not sitting still and our project is conquering more and more countries! Today we want to thank Thailand for the warm welcome.
On August 26th Pattaya hosted a training session for our participants from Thailand. We are confident that the knowledge gained will help you to achieve your goals faster.
We guarantee that we will provide maximum assistance and support – our cohesive team is always ready to solve any problem. Hooplex is your financial independence!
Build your successful future with our community. Join Hooplex in Thailand!
Local leaders have created a chat! Here you can start to promote the project and earn money with Hooplex:
Become our leader in Thailand!
Join the International Leaders Chat to get first-hand feedback on the project, platform features and more:
For more information, write here
Hooplex is a community of successful people. People don’t come here like that – they become like that here! We teach you how to use the cryptocurrency so that you can grow, learn new technologies and make a profit.
If you are an active leader and are ready to develop the Hooplex community, check out the terms of cooperation with our company at


GovBid which I recently reviewed on MNO has become literally the program everyone in the HYIP industry had been talking and speculating about lately. There were all sorts of theories circulating here and there of who the admin behind GovBid is, what he ran in the past and what he might be up to this time, but I will not be indulging myself in pointless rumours. After all, everyone knows that every single program should be treated separately from others and taken as a single entry into the HYIP world where only time will tell if it can succeed. At the moment GovBid is doing well and since it’s been online for too little time to make a full judgement apart from the potentially explosive growth when the industry gets back on its feet it’s still too early to say how it will all progress.

However, given the amount of preparation and the level of uniqueness the GovBid website has clearly demonstrated from the first day of its official launch almost two weeks ago it’s easy to see why for many HYIP investors only this program is worth discussing and are are so excited about the program’s prospects. I will personally not be feeding any rumours or further fuelling any speculation, but would rather concentrate my efforts on bringing you the latest from the program where it was entirely possible for the first investors to be in profit already. You see, GovBid offers an opportunity to fund your wallet from as low as $1 and then start investing by purchasing contracts with their own specific value and terms, closed for new investments on reaching a specific mark known as a “Corporate Bid”. After purchasing one or more contract with the funded amount you will see a countdown timer showing you when each contract expires, after which the expected amount is to be transferred to your Wallet. It’s up to you then whether to withdraw or reinvest to other available contracts which are always different and rotating. It’s possible even to be in profit if you jump into an available contract just hours before expiry if the Corporate Bid target has not reached yet, but your potential income will be lower if you join at a later stage. If that sounds too complicated it really isn’t and would urge you to read the full review of GovBid (posted here) to understand the concept behind the program and how the investment process works.

As for the withdrawal process it may take 24 to 48 hours to get paid and you will see a countdown timer which will send you the requested amount as soon as it reaches zero. Remember though that GovBid will not send any withdrawals on weekends, so you should add at least 48 hours to that timer if you make a request over the weekend. When officially launched GovBid has been working exclusively with BitCoins while testing the platform, but just a couple of days ago the admin added more cryptocurrencies you may fund your internal wallet and request your payout to once it reaches the equivalent of $10. Now you may also invest via such popular options as Ripple, Ethereum and LiteCoin while the admin also told me he had been planning to add PerfectMoney and Payeer over the weekend, so stay tuned for more news on that, guys.

When it comes to other important improvements announced in the latest newsletter from GovBid, I should mention the improved login process the technical team were busy making adjustments to. Now you can see some stages of that process on every login attempt when you try to access your GovBid account. The importance of the promotion of the website on popular social networks was also emphasized in the newsletter, as well as the currently in development mobile version of the site and some other minor improvements the screenshots from which can be seen below. In addition to everything said about GovBid already and what you can read yourself in the newsletter I’m reposting below, I would also like to note that the GovBid website is still a work in progress, so in order to be able to implement some important updates the technical team might need to take the website down at times. It actually happened just over this previous weekend, so don’t be surprised if it happens again this Saturday or Sunday, if the planned improvements are going to be installed. In any case, with all the social networking channels GovBid already has you can check the latest news there or just contact me and I will ask the admin anything on your behalf. I’m in constant contact with the GovBid admin, by the way, so any of my downline should have no problem in addressing any issues to me or just ask any questions if you need assistance with understanding the investment process. I’m here for you, guys, so don’t panic if anything goes wrong and simply write me a couple of lines or chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog for faster reaction. Here is all the latest news from GovBid:

It’s been already a full business week since the official launch of the platform. As time goes by strikingly fast, it is a good moment to prepare for upcoming growth. On this very day, we’ve greeted a little under 500 users with over $100,000 of Digital Assets deposited. These numbers may not become a high mark of utmost popularity, perhaps not just yet, but the staggering fact worth to brag about is the overall activity of our audience…
To be honest with you, such a pace of the contract acquisitions we were not prepared for. Technologically speaking everything is solid steel, yet listing the wave of lots daily did cost us some man-hours. Right now we do have a better understanding of the bidding statistic as well as an overall dynamic of G.B.P. user contracts preferences. The main agenda of ours as always to meet your standards of quality. With that set in mind, allow us to introduce a list of upgrades…
From now on, you may top-up your available balance with not only Bitcoin but also Ethereum (ETH), Dash, Litecoin (LTC) & Ripple (XRP) and many others, with more payment processors to be added within the nearest future (as we gain enough audience data and adjust our exchange rate properly).
In addition, as we’ve overlooked your bidding activity, we decided that adding 15 more easy to bid contracts would be a nice gift for all the newcomers! Addressing all the adepts – please allow novices to enjoy small lots as well. They deserve it! Explore new contracts all at your Secure Area today!
RUGGED LOGIN SYSTEM (Unique proprietary feature!)
Security came out to be a constant testing subject for the past few days, as our Security Team has successfully reflected a few hacking attempts already. A necessary set of Sucuri web firewalls and checkups was initialized for both the platform management and our clients. You will see this authorization checkup page while logging in your profile from this day…
– Encrypting the channel…(to make sure your connection is https always).
– Fetching your IP Address…(in a way that respects your privacy, yet allows to prevent unauthorized login attempts).
– Syncing Contracts list & Vendors Database… (so we can reflect your operations faster).
– Establishing TCP Handshake… (to protect the organization’s administrative members logins).
– Performing the A.F.P. (Affiliate-Fraud-Prevention)…(to protect the system from inside).
– Looking for a transaction’s action duplicates… (to make sure you will have no fraudulent wallet changes no matter what).
– Synchronizing your log’s history… (to stay aware of your identity and recognize your sessions).
This upgrade is a major and complex one, so if you have experienced any technical inconsistencies lately, please address it to our Technical Support Team and we will assist yours shortly!
The social activity made a clear way to our Roadmap priority list, it means that the advertising budget we thought to is a must, is all to be redirected back to the localization and informational support (translations, new media files, helpful tips and so on are to be created…)
Right now you may join the following list of Telegram Country-Based chat groups, where you can effectively communicate with locals, as well as to work with our Client Assistance and perform Troubleshooting right on the spot!
Based on our recent pools at our channels, it is clear that the Mobile Version is to become a priority number one when it comes to the convenience of use. Unfortunately, we were not able to finish it in time, mainly due to the fact of countless design improvements on the go, thus by Friday, you should expect us to deliver such a toolset. Finishing the “haven’t done it yet” series, contract management is to become easier with a set of useful upgrades and improved filtering, as well as suggestions, feature, all coming as a final update by the end of the week! As a little sneak peek, enjoy the preview!
There were numerous advertising offers sent to our Marketing Department, so at this point, we believe that new markets are yet to become covered, hence blowing up the marketing budget is not at our checkbook. If you want to become a paid partner, feel free to start your first steps and honor us with your decisiveness!
That should be all for today.
Stay in touch with our updates, and let’s hit our first thousand of users this very week together!
G.B.P. Global Edition is Imminent.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Hooplex, InstantBitex, Yesss.
From MNO Standard list: GovBid.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all the news for today, guys. Thanks a lot for reading and have a good weekend. I’ll be back with more news from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry already next week. Meanwhile please remember to keep voting in the TalkBack poll asking about the original investment plans offered by GovBid and analysed in detail in my previous review of the program posted here. Next week is certainly going to be exciting with a back to school vibe circulating in the air now, so don’t miss anything important and stay with MNO – For Money Lovers!

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