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03/10/2019. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello everyone and welcome to the mid-week news on the MNO blog – the most advanced and up-to-date blog solely dedicated to bringing you the latest from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry with prices that only allow the most experienced admins. As my blog is the oldest surviving since starting back in 2007 I remember the industry’s ups and downs and have known record peaks and the deepest recessions. If you ask me, 2019 started slowly with fewer programs than many investors anticipated. The situation however changed for the better since the arrival of GovBid at the end of the summer. The program clearly captured the headlines with the admin having everybody talking about an industry revival and the major player appearing to lead it forward to new heights. The truly innovative approach to making new investment models possible and the flexibility for various types of investment contracts is exactly why GovBid has reached the #1 on the MNO monitor in less than seven weeks. So I reckon it makes sense to make GovBid the subject of further discussion on the MNO TalkBack article where a new question is to be asked at the end of today’s news. Keep reading for that, but also remember to find the latest updates from Hooplex closely trailing GovBid in the MNO monitor‘s at #2 spot. I will start however with the introduction of a brand-new addition to the MNO Premium List called LehmanCapital.

First things first though. If it’s our first visit to MNO let me remind you about the many ways to stay in touch with all the latest updates and new program additions to my monitor. You may follow the MNO News Channels on all the major social networking platforms – Telegram, Facebook and Twitter. If you fancy subscribing to receive regular blog updates sent directly to your email address you can submit and confirm it on this page. Or simply click on the Bell icon you see in the bottom left-hand side of your browser and allow MNO to send you notifications once anything is posted on the blog, so you won’t miss anything important. And of course, if you have any questions, suggestions or would like to discuss the advertising of your program on MNO do not hesitate to contact me via this form, write to me directly at or request a chat online on Telegram @mnoblog. Plus, you can always make your point and support your favourite programs by joining the discussion with your fellow investors on the MNO ShoutBox. Whatever suits you best you may pick to stay updated with all the latest events from the biggest programs listed with MNO!


If you prefer to get paid instantly to your PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin or Ethereum accounts then LehmanCapital might be just the program you’re looking for. The program officially launched last weekend and a couple of days later the admin has already brought it to the MNO monitor‘s Premium List where it’s been since Tuesday night. Quite a few people have already jumped onboard without waiting for any introduction of the program, but I guess that’s their right if they think they see a potential chance to earn money from either of the two investment plans LehmanCapital has on offer. Basically, both plans pay you a fixed interest on every business day (Monday to Friday) while accepting investments starting from an affordable $10 minimum. If you fancy higher returns with the principal included in the daily payouts while reaching the break-even points in four weeks then the Standard Plan is offering 5% for 30 business days (150% total return). On the other hand, if you don’t mind smaller daily returns but reaching the break-even point sooner after only a three week wait then you can join the 1.6% for 15 business days Premium Plan which will bring you 24% net profit on expiry when your initial principal should then be returned separately.

As you can see, it’s a very simple choice between the two options available in LehmanCapital with all withdrawals processed instantly to all the four payment processors (from a $0.1 minimum to PerfectMoney and Payeer and a $5 minimum to BitCoin and Ethereum applied). Over the last couple of days I was able to test the withdrawal system and can confirm you shouldn’t have any issues with LehmanCapital currently on Paying Status on the MNO monitor. As for the website itself, it does look decent and right from the very start the admin opted for presenting it in two languages – English (by default) and Russian (can be changed into by clicking on the flag icon in the top right corner of the screen). There is a UK incorporation certificate available for viewing, just like in the vast majority of currently running HYIPs and the site is running off a DevQuill licensed script which is not uncommon in the industry either. The security of the LehmanCapital website is up to quite a high standard as the site is EV SSL-secured by GeoTrust and hosted on a Dancom server with support and protection by DDoSGuard. You can read more on LehmanCapital‘s investment plans and other features in the upcoming review coming on the MNO blog soon, and meanwhile take note of the latest news from the program announcing the launch of its own Telegram channel which you’re welcome to subscribe to:

We’re on Telegram. Follow us and discuss.
We’re on Telegram. Follow us and discuss.


Despite just being nudged out of the number one spot on the MNO monitor‘s Premium List for the first time in months this week, Hooplex will easily go down as one of the best programs of 2019. Obviously such a quality program like this and organised so professionally would always stand alone as a successful venture in the industry. In this case it’s been helped to reach some far more impressive heights by the relentless offline campaign held across various Asian markets by the Hooplex support team. If you haven’t read my detailed review of the program posted here then let me remind you of a couple of things about Hooplex you’ll need to know before joining. You may invest a $50 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, DogeCoin, EthereumClassic, Tether, Tron, Dash, Zcash, Ripple, Waves, BlackCoin, Neo, Monero, BitcoinGold, DigiByte and Decred. All investment plans will credit your account per calendar with principal back on expiry – 0.7% for 30 days, 0.8% for 60 days, 0.9% for 90 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.05% for 150 days, 1.1% for 180 days. Withdrawals are promised within 72 hours maximum, but in reality they are much faster and I’ve never waited very long myself. Note that as of late you may invest directly via BTC and ETH funds, but the default internal currency of Hooplex is called Lexera which you purchase and then sell back to the program on every withdrawal for a small fee depending on your preferred payment processor.

In the latest news updates from Hooplex below, and it’s almost a cliché by now but barely a week passes in the industry without at least a couple of interesting or even exciting events going on there, there’s a number of items that will catch the attention of members. First of all we have a new so-called “road map”, basically a type of strategy or plan for the medium term future of the program. Well, the administration team have gotten us this far without any problems so clearly they know what they’re doing in an impressive eight month run, if you’re interested in seeing how they plan to build on that follow the information in the first update below. This is followed by news of the latest Hooplex public conference coming up over the weekend. As you might know by now this is one of the things the program has become especially famous for, where program “leaders” gather in public meeting rooms generally in well known hotels and make themselves available to anyone who wants to attend, hear what they have to say, and maybe fire off some questions. And lastly from Hooplex is advice on how to optimise your earnings with the program while getting more involved in supporting it. All the updates from Hooplex over the last few days are gathered below for your convenience:

Hooplex Road Map
The project Road Map is now available to the public!
As we have already said, the Board of Investors has chosen specialists for the top management positions at Hooplex. It is they who will ensure that our project moves in the direction planned.
Our project has been actively developing and improving the technology for the entire time of its existence – you can see it by our results. It is time to show our long-term development plan for Hooplex.
We are pleased to present you the Hooplex Road Map, a document that defines our perspectives. We are confident that with each step in the development of our community, you will have new opportunities for income generation and career growth in the company.
The project’s development plan includes new bonuses for community members, the release of a mobile application, the opening of Hooplex offices in all world regions and much more.
All these stages are steps towards achieving our goals:
– Integration of financial and crypto communities into a single multi-currency network
– Stabilization of the cryptocurrency market
– Simplify the work of multicurrency transfers to instant and intuitively easy
– Multiplicating the LXR coin, as well as promoting Lexera technology
Click here to view the Road Map:

Introducing the latest digital payment technology, LexeraWay: October 5, Bangkalan
Friends, we invite you to our event, which will be held on October 5 in Bangkalan City.
At the presentation, you will learn about the Hooplex project and the benefits of the LEXERAWAY technology.
The event will cover the following topics:
* What opportunities does Hooplex offer to everyone?
* How does Lexera technology work?
* How to build a career in the company?
* How to earn from $100 a day with Hooplex?
* How to get from 21%-33% per month with deposit programs?
* Topical news of the company’s development from top officials.
We are waiting for you!
Date: October 5, 2019, Time: 13.00 pm WIB, Place: RM. Rizky . jl.raya, Tangkil , kec. Burneh. Kab Bangkalan, Theme: Utilizing the Digital Payment as a Digital Asset, Host: Mr Ben, Speaker: Mr. Zenal Mutakin

How much do Hooplex leaders earn?
Good day! The Hooplex community is developing rapidly because we are growing leaders and giving the opportunity to earn money with us.
You simply need to be active, find like-minded people, take team-building to the assembly line, and high passive income is guaranteed!
We provide additional support to active leaders at all stages.
Go to the website to learn about additional opportunities offered by Hooplex for active leaders.
We are interested in working with active leaders. Start your success today.
Best regards, Hooplex Team

The first step to leadership with Hooplex
Good day! Do you know that the journey of a thousand steps begins with a single step?
Today we will tell you how to make this first step and start building the Hooplex team.
What you need:
– log in to your account at;
– subscribe to our Facebook, YouTube and Telegram;
– like our pages and share them in your social networks;
– view and share the Hooplex video presentation with friends.
How not to get into SPAM?
You do not need to advertise Hooplex but tell your experience in the project.
Share this knowledge with friends and acquaintances since we are sure that you will find those who also want to earn passively.
When the first enthusiasts will contact you:
– Send a friend the presentation available at the following link –;
– Show project video reviews of community members –;
– Guide your team member and add him to our community –;
– Help your friend register on the website – and support him at every stage.
That’s it for the first step!
Remember that the development of your team increases your income!
Best regards, Hooplex Team

Connect social networks and earn more with Hooplex!
Good day! How many social networks do you use every day?
Now you cannot just keep correspondence but watch funny videos.
Follow our recommendations and transform your page into a means of earning!
Download the image ( on our website about joining the project, post about the Hooplex project and be sure to insert your referral link:
Hello! I joined the international community called Hooplex. Have you heard of it? The yield on deposit is 0.7-1.1% per day with available additional income from the referral program! Hooplex takes people to a new financial level! If you are interested, check the link: (your referral link)
What is Hooplex? Just watch this video:
See the presentation for more information:
#Hooplex #lexera #lxr
Best regards, Hooplex Team


Just to wrap things up for today then I want to finish our news update with a look at the final results of the most recent MNO TalkBack opinion poll and replace it with another new question. More on that in a few moments but first the results.

One aspect of online business to get more and more coverage in mainstream media in the last number of years has of course been the explosive rise of cryptocurrencies, particularly BitCoin. So much so that you now see BTC exchange rates included in respected print media like “The Financial Times” and covered on the business news reports on international TV news channels. It was a fine idea in theory I suppose, an online system of bartering without government interference where the value would rise and fall based on whatever value people were prepared to attach to it, but my problem with BTC is that it hasn’t really panned out that way. Vast quantities of it are in existence and it’s almost entirely used for speculation. Only the tiniest fraction is used in day-to-day transactions to but goods and services. Maybe illegal narcotics from the dark web, but the less said about that here the better! It’s the almost universal speculation on BitCoin that’s led to its well deserved reputation for volatility, with literally entire fortunes to be earned and lost overnight. This in turn creates a sort of catch-22 situation for legitimate business who want to offer BTC as an option for their customers – it can be an unattractive option compared to regular paper currencies due to the expenses involved, and what might have already been a paper thin profit margin for some businesses is simply too unpredictable now. I mean sure, the value can work in your favour a lot of the time, but that’s just not good enough when you have employees, suppliers, family, etc. all depending on you.

Maybe that’s a debate for another day, right now we just want to focus on the HYIP industry which the whole concept of cryptocurrencies has become very much engrained in. So much so that it’s now very rare to see an online HYIP not accepting at least a bare minimum of one cryptocurrency (in fact off the top of my head I don’t think I can actually name any right now, or even remember the last one I monitored), and increasingly common to see programs that work exclusively with them. Usually this is BitCoin of course, with a lot of other less popular options sometimes there as an alternative. The wide ranging price fluctuations can have just as big an impact on HYIP-related businesses as well of course, though maybe not always in the same way as you see in the offline world. In the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll I asked readers their thoughts on this, specifically: How will the recent drop in BitCoin value affect the HYIP industry in your opinion? 

A mixed response was expressed on the possible replies to the question, but for the most part investors don’t see it as a serious problem. In fact the number one answer with 50% of the vote was that readers see the whole thing “Positively, experienced admins will take advantage of that to last longer”. At the other end of the spectrum however a very significant minority of readers hold a diametrically opposing point of view. 33% of you took the option of voting “Negatively, many unscrupulous admins will disappear with the money”. The remaining 17% of those who voted in the poll are of the opinion that recent events will show “There will be no major difference in the current state of things”. Well, it’s an interesting topic for sure and one we may never quite hear the end.

Moving on now to the new question for the next MNO TalkBack opinion poll, I want to turn back to GovBid. Its rise to fame and their investors’ rise to fortune has been nothing short of a whirlwind, with a well-deserved number one spot now firmly cemented for them after less than seven weeks online. To put this into perspective, it nudges Hooplex back into second place on the MNO monitor‘s Premium List, and they’ve been operating since the beginning of February some 35 weeks ago. I don’t need to repeat my praise of the program yet again here, I’ve spoken about that already and have said almost everything I can on them up until this point. For the moment I think enough has changed since the original GovBid review was published on MNO here to justify a complete re-write in the near future. I guess it’s the fact that GovBid is so difficult to sum up in one quick sound-bite that contributes so much to its success – the fact that it continues to evolve and grow on sometimes even a literally daily basis to meet the needs and demands of a growing membership while the admin retains such tight control over the cash flow and growth levels. Even at this early stage I strongly believe we are still only looking at the beginnings of GovBid and have little doubt that come January 1st next year when the time comes to look back at the best programs of 2019, this one is going to be a very strong contender. The question I would like to ask MNO readers therefore is this, and while I admit it does seem to be aimed more directly at active GovBid investors that is not really the case, all investors can have an opinion whether they join or not, so please feel free to have your say no matter what you think:

How do you rate the performance of GovBid up until now?

Possible answers can be taken from the following options, just give it stars out of five and pick whichever one you feels best reflects your own thoughts:

***** Outstanding – one of the best programs of the year
**** Excellent – enough investors in profit to be a success
*** Acceptable – has achieved the least we should expect
** Average – they need to do more before they are the best
* Complicated – I do not know what the fuss is all about

As ever I just want to leave the poll for now by giving a massive thank you in advance to everyone who takes the time and effort to participate. All opinions are valued equally. Voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here, and the poll will stay open until next week sometime, long enough for everyone who wants to vote to have ample time to do so. Voting takes literally a second, and votes remain 100% anonymous and untraceable at all times. If you feel like it though you are more than welcome to share your thoughts on the matter with your fellow MNO readers on the blog ShoutBox.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: GovBidHooplex, Yesss, InstantBitex, Hodium, LehmanCapital (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s about all the news for today, guys. Thanks for reading and your active participation in the opinion poll on the MNO TalkBack page. Don’t forget to check out my blog over the weekend for a more detailed look at LehmanCapital and all the latest events going on in the biggest investment programs the industry has to offer the smarter HYIP community. Talk to you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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