Oct 6th, 2019 Archives

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Beware! LehmanCapital has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone, and welcome to the weekend news update from the biggest and longest running blog dedicated to helping regular investors get a fair shake in the HYIP industry! Despite being Sunday there’s plenty to report since our last update, and anything that’s worth hearing about is covered in the news section coming up in a few moments so keep reading for more info on that. The first thing on my list to cover for today however is to take a closer look at a new addition to the MNO monitor‘s Premium list called LehmanCapital. It’s a new medium term HYIP that launched a week ago and came to MNO for listing later in the week. Overall it’s a fairly straight forward program, no frills and nothing complicated, a fact bourne out by so many readers opting to join LehmanCapital on the spot more or less immediately after it was listed and not yet even introduced on my blog. I guess some people will always go with their own gut instincts no matter what, not even the unfortunate “Lehman” moniker attached to the program dampening their initial optimism (since it’s been many years since that name has been associated with anything other than complete financial disaster, let alone success). But never mind that, I don’t think it’s the name that’s important in the HYIP industry, it’s the management skills and intentions of the admin. So let’s see what LehmanCapital have to offer and whether you think it’s something you’re looking to add to your portfolio or not at this particular time.
There’s two plans to choose from in LehmanCapital. One of them pays you by the day, and the other pays you on expiry. Both have certain advantages over each other but in my own opinion based on experience the one that’s clearly going to have a lot more popularity is more likely to be the shorter term option which is called The Premium Plan. I’ll explain why I think that in a few minutes after I get the numbers out of the way. You only need a $10 minimum to join The Premium Plan, with no upper limits placed on deposits. The term runs for 15 business days, or three full calendar weeks. The offer from LehmanCapital is to repay you at a rate of 1.6% interest each business day, Monday to Friday, for the following three weeks. That adds up to 24% in interest payments alone, at which point LehmanCapital should then return your principal. So out of a 124% total return and 24% is profit.

To take a simple example of let’s say a $100 deposit then, in return for this you would expect LehmanCapital to pay you back $1.60 per day, Monday to Friday only, until you’ve accumulated $24 in total three weeks later. Your own initial hundred should then be added to that in a separate transaction to leave you with $124 in total, $24 more than what you started out with.

LehmanCapital follow this with The Standard Plan, and you can join that for a minimum deposit of $10. The term this time runs for 30 business days, which is six calendar weeks. LehmanCapital will then pay you back 5% interest on your deposit every day between Monday and Friday for the term duration. They’ll be counting your principal as part of those payments so don’t expect that to be returned in a separate payment or anything. By the time the plan comes to maturity then you should expect to have a total return of 150% on your initial deposit, or your own money back plus 50% net profit. There is no upper limit placed on how much you can invest.

To put that into monetary terms, let’s pretend you make a $100 deposit in this plan. LehmanCapital will then start paying you back $5 per hour for the next 30 days, allowing to break even after 20 days and finish up with a total of $150 which is your original hundred plus an extra $50 on top for yourself.

So, the next question you might have is why do I think a clearly less profitable plan would be so much more popular than a plan that pays double the profit for the same size investment? OK, let’s look at the figures for a second. Is the premium really less profitable? Actually no, it isn’t, not when we look at it on an average profit-per-day basis for the entire term. The Standard Plan pays just marginally more than double the profit but remember it also runs for double the term length of The Premium Plan. Perhaps a wiser strategy here then would simply to invest in the shorter term option without making long term commitments to LehmanCapital. Three weeks is already a long enough time in the HYIP industry anyway, there’s absolutely nothing to stop you from re-assessing the situation with the program on expiry of that first plan. If you genuinely believe they still have another cycle in them at that point then fine, go ahead and re-invest. You’ll still be a member for 30 business days anyway, and still come out with just a fraction less profit but at half the risk.

I mean under other circumstances and made by other HYIPs the second option in LehmanCapital wouldn’t be a bad plan by itself, I just don’t see it working here due to being a massive and unnecessary risk without a better financial reward to justify it. But the choice is yours and at least the choice is there for you if you if you want it.

If you’ve made a decision about what or if any of these plans are currently suitable for you, the next thing to look at is your payment options. For those favouring the more traditional dollar based third party handlers LehmanCapital have PerfectMoney and Payeer available. On the other hand if you prefer the more direct approach of using your own cryptocurrency then BitCoin and Ethereum can be used. Payment requests are handled instantly by the script, which I can confirm since receiving a number of them myself already. The only thing you might need to keep an eye on is the minimum withdrawal requirements. Different amounts apply depending on what payment processor you are using, so refer to the LehmanCapital website or contact their support for further information.

On the more technical and design side of things such as website security, the LehmanCapital website is hosted on a dedicated server by Dancom but with protection from malicious attacks furnished by DDoSGuard. The site is running off a script under license from DevQuill and for an additional layer of security there’s an Extended Validation SSL encryption certificate provided by GeoTrust. The LehmanCapital website is bilingual, with English set by default and Russian which can be changed to by simply clicking the flag icon on the top right-hand cornor of the page.

Despite the Russian translation being done either by a professional or a native speaker, there’s nothing to indicate customer support might also be bilingual. Any further questions you may have for the LehmanCapital admin you don’t think were addressed in this review or any account related issues then there’s a couple of communication channels open to you. As always start with the FAQ section to see if that helps, if not then you can escalate it directly to the admin either by mailing him at the listed e-mail address or by filling in your details on the online support form and submitting it through the LehmanCapital website’s contacts page. In one of the more recent news updates from the program LehmanCapital announced the launch of its own Telegram channel which you’re welcome to follow if you have an account there. A postal address in the UK is listed to accompany the program’s certificate of incorporation in that company, though this of course is something any private individual can purchase easily and cheaply over the net without any questions asked, so perhaps this is best ignored.

Something else best ignored due to crudely copy/pasted texts from older now defunct HYIPs (and please note this need only indicate a shared if somewhat lazy designer and not necessarily a common admin) is the alleged business activities LehmanCapital claim are backing the whole thing up. Nothing we haven’t heard a million times before in the HYIP industry anyway, for the record it’s online ForEx trading. Just for any industry newbies tempted to believe it, remember that even if it were to be true that doesn’t necessarily have to make it profitable all the time. So with that in mind, what you mostly need to consider is how long do you believe LehmanCapital will realistically last and act accordingly. Be sensible and approach this as you would any form of high risk gambling, stay well under an affordable spending limit you can afford to lose as well as recoup quickly without any problems from other income sources, and if you do decide to join LehmanCapital then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

So, what do you guys think? Is it something you want to be part of or not? If you have given any thought to LehmanCapital and whether or not you would like to join it then I hope you won’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow MNO readers by voting in the following opinion poll. As always it’s completely anonymous and untraceable, and will only take literally a second of your time. The results are never exactly final as such, but will give an interesting picture of what investors do and don’t like about HYIPs and how many of you make a good decision as we learn more about how the program performs. The question is:

Will you make an active deposit in LehmanCapital?

View Results

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Staying with the above reviewed LehmanCapital, the admin sent the first official newsletter today announcind ten $5 cash bonuses which will be distributed on a random basis to those sharing their payouts with others on the program’s official Telegram channel. Not everyone will get the bonus of course, but even those who don’t can console themselves that they help LehmanCapital grow this way and attract new investors willing to take a chance on either of its investment plans – 5% for 30 business days (principal included) and 1.6% for 15 business days (principal back). Following that announcement the admin of LehmanCapital mentioned adding his project to MNO and couple of other resources, plus the BTC withdrawal minimum being reduced from $5 to $3 which should be welcome by smaller investors. Hopefully in the next newsletter which the admin said would be posted on a weekly basis from now on he will also include the review of his program you can find above this news piece. Meanwhile, here is the newsletter from LehmanCapital in full:

Few updates from LehmanCapital
Dear business partners and friends,
as a new week approaches, we would like to announce a few updates.
The first one is a small weekly contest. Share a payment proof on our Telegram channel. We will award a 5 USD bonus to 10 randomly chosen participants every week.
Our Telegram channel: https://t.me/Lehmancapital
Do you want to increase your chance to win? Share a payment proof on the following servers as well: Money-News-Online, Profvest or MMGP
Furthermore, we have decreased the minimum balance required for a withdrawal when using the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Now you can withdraw as low as 3 USD without paying any additional fee. This change allows even a small investor to try our system where everyone can withdraw their funds on a regular basis.
We want to announce some news using our newsletter every week so you can start each week in a positive way.
Have a blessed day, Andrew Lawson
CEO at LehmanCapital


During its first eight months online Hooplex has become synonymous with success and their extraordinary lifespan only confirms the presence of an utmost professional running this program. Hooplex originally started by accepting only the internal currency Lexera the investor had to buy on every deposit and sell back to Hooplex on every withdrawal for a small fee, however after the first few months online it was decided to open investments via the most popular cryptocurrencies – BTC and ETH. So, at the time of writing Hooplex will accept deposits via twenty payment methods in total with the full list including PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, DogeCoin, EthereumClassic, Tether, Tron, Dash, Zcash, Ripple, Waves, BlackCoin, Neo, Monero, BitcoinGold, DigiByte and Decred. The minimum to invest is $50 in any plan, each of which pay per calendar day and will return your principal on expiry – 0.7% for 30 days, 0.8% for 60 days, 0.9% for 90 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.05% for 150 days, 1.1% for 180 days. As you might see from the structure of these plans after eight months online it was entirely possible to double and even triple your money with Hooplex – and that is I must say a very rare event in the HYIP industry nowadays. Although withdrawals from Hooplex are officially processed within a 72 hour maximum, in reality they are much faster and I have never waited for more than a few hours to be paid myself which is another pleasant bonus for the average investor interested in finding more about Hooplex (read about its investment plans in more detail in my review posted here).

Besides, for residents of certain countries (take Indonesia for example) it’s entirely possible to meet the promotional team behind Hooplex in person during the public conferences organized in multiple cities across the region. The two last conferences over the weekend were announced in Pasuruan (yesterday) and Palembang (today) and all the details for those looking to attend either event posted in the news section of the Hooplex website. There one can also find a list of the company’s top four managers with pictures while the latest newsletters from Hooplex included more advice on promotion to help you make extra money by advertising. Please read all the latest news from Hooplex below:

Hooplex Conference on Lexera technology: PALEMBANG, October 6
Hello friends! We are pleased to announce that the Hooplex conference in Palembang city, Indonesia, will be held on October 6.
This is an event not to be missed! During the conference, you will get to know the Hooplex international community and Lexera technology closer.
You’ll find out:
* What is the Hooplex project?
* How does Lexera technology work?
* What opportunities does the company offer to everyone?
* How to build a career in the company?
* How to get from 21%-33% per month with deposit programs?
You’ll also learn how to build a successful career at Hooplex and earn from $100 a day!
Date: October 6, 2019, Time: 07:00 p.m Indonesian Time, Place: Batiqa Hotel Palembang, Theme: Utilizing the Digital Payment as a Digital Asset, Host: Jamal, Speaker: Rendra
Don’t miss your opportunity to gain financial freedom. Hooplex is a qualitatively new stage in your life. Join us!

Hooplex is open to all ages! We invite students and their parents to the Hooplex conference!
LEXERA technology is a universal payment solution, as well as a tool to generate income. At the conference in Pasuruan, which will be held this Saturday, October 5, we will talk about how our technology can make life easier for students and save them money!
You’ll find out:
* What is the Hooplex project?
* How does Lexera technology work?
* What opportunities does the company offer to everyone?
* How to build a career in the company?
* How to get from 21%-33% per month with deposit programs?
Date: 5 OCTOBER 2019, Time: 14:00 pm Wib, Place: RM KEBUN PRING PASURUAN, Theme: Utilizing Digital Payment as Digital Asset, Leader in charge: SUDARYONO, Host: ILFI NURDIANA, Speaker: NIMAS AYU, Special Guest Speaker: SUDARYONO
Hooplex is your successful future!

Meet Hooplex Top Managers!
Our project is reaching a new level of quality! Previously, the main task of Hooplex was to optimize the technical part, and we successfully managed it! The next stage is the promotion at the global level, which means that it is time to show the key faces of the company!
As we have said before, the Board of Investors has voted on who will hold senior positions at Hooplex. We have chosen the best people in their fields. Their professionalism will help our community to achieve its goals faster and realize the full potential of Hooplex and Lexera.
You can find out what these goals are from the project roadmap, which was published earlier: https://hooplex.com/
Meet the Hooplex top management team!
Hooplex Business Development officer
Hooplex Chief Marketing officer
Hooplex Chief Technical Officer
Hooplex Chief Financial officer
Let’s all wish good luck to our top managers in their responsible business! It is thanks to their work that Hooplex will soon be talked about all over the world!

How to talk about Hooplex if you are not a public speaker?
Good day! Right after making the first simple step, you will be in doubt whether you can become a leader https://hooplex.com/
Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a master of rhetoric.
Watch video reviews of project participants, learn from them or simply forward the finished materials to your friends and acquaintances.
We know for sure that you need certain knowledge to achieve a result.
If you have no experience we will provide you with a mentor.
Remember that nothing should stop you on the way to the goal.
To get a mentor, send our Support Service the following message “I need a mentor” by clicking the link – https://hooplex.com/contact
We believe in you and are ready to support!
Best regards, Hooplex Team

The Hooplex video review you must share
Good day! We have some very important information about Hooplex that you need to share it with everyone!
Do you remember that the more people in your team, the greater your income?
Then we have another tool to achieve this.
Share the best video on the project benefits – https://hooplex.com/promo#projectoverviewvideo, as well as the news about the development of the Hooplex project available via the link – https://hooplex.com/news.
Attention: use your own referral link because the video links to other project participants!
Share the video with friends via your social networks.
Best regards, Hooplex Team


Hodium (reviewed here) has been online for three weeks already and even after such a relatively short time frame it was possible for many investors to make decent profits from the program. How was it possible you might ask? Well, with Hodium it’s up to the individual investor to set their own profit target and then leave the program whenever they want. There is no fixed investment term with Hodium and you can withdraw your principal (partially or fully) at any time you like without any fees and be paid instantly to your BitCoin, LiteCoin or DogeCoin account or manually within 24 hours to your Ethereum, Dash or BitcoinCash accounts. The most interesting part about Hodium though is its variable daily rates of interest which can be as low as 0.1% per day but on the best days can reach up to 1.5%. So far I can see that all the daily rates of interest never dropped below the 1% mark, but I imagine that the lower rates can actually help Hodium survive the slower periods in the HYIP market and significantly increase its lifetime. In these early stages though it’s too early to talk about the admin’s plans for the future, as he’s still searching for ways to improve Hodium‘s image and ways to make it more attractive to potential investors still unimpressed by the current offer. With this in mind the admin of Hodium issued a plea to investors last night asking their opinions on how to make the program better. The winners are promised to be rewarded with Ethereum cash prizes which will be credited to the lucky participants along with the already running weekly Bounty advertising campaign with more Ethereum prizes allocated and even more to come. And don’t forget to check out the Live Payouts page where you will be able to find all the withdrawals processed by the admin, both instantly and manually (the link to it is located at the bottom right-hand side of the page). Please read the two latest emails from Hodium below if you’re interested in earning some extra cash and helping the program positively develop and expand further to new horizons:

Hodium Daily update: Bounties distributed, payment proofs published!
At Hodium, we believe investors deserve an established, transparent crypto asset management platform. That’s the main reason why we have published our payment proof page for everyone to validate our actions: https://hodium.com/allpaidout
On top of that we have distributed our 1st week bounty awards, see here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CLvr22 Don’t worry if you missed out, we currently running our 2nd bounty week.
That’s it for a quick update, have a great weekend! Don’t forget to share your Hodium experience with a community: https://t.me/hodiumchat

Hodium Survey: Answer and earn free Ethereum!
Hodium is constantly looking for ways to improve our platform and it’s transparency to fit the needs with all of our customers.
That’s why we would like to ask you, what keeps you from opening an active investment on your Hodium account? Why you have not deposited? How we can improve our platform for better?
Best suggestions, ideas and opinions will be rewarded with 1 USD in Ethereum. Please note that we are looking for legitimate, detailed, clear replies, not a sentence with few words in it.
Your opinion will be highly appreciated, please email it to: support@hodium.zendesk.com Include your Ethereum address and best suggestions will be rewarded.


I have to finish today’s news on a sour note – after nearly fifteen months on MNO I had to move InstantBitex to Problem status on my monitor. I must admit it happened in the past more than once but every time the admin seemed to be able to make things right and return to Paying status again and again. I’m not sure if that will be the case this time, but all I know for sure is that my referral in InstantBitex is having some difficulties in converting his balance into another cryptocurrency, so the withdrawal for him is not theoretically possible due to higher BTC fees imposed by the admin of InstantBitex (about $8 in fees at the current exchange rate). Judging that the admin forcefully moved my referral’s deposit from DogeCoin to BitCoin and then closed the exchange direction speaks volumes of his true intentions to me. There has been no response from him regarding the matter on Telegram (our usual channel of communication) and after giving him a 24-hour leeway window I had to take action and change the status for InstantBitex on the MNO monitor. I’m not sure now whether this situation is going to be resolved for my referral, but as I always stand for people joining under MNO and try my best to defend their interests and confront HYIP admins if anything goes wrong I will certainly not back down on my demands this time either. So until the above-mentioned issue is resolved for my referral InstantBitex will remain on Problem and possibly go to Scam status on the MNO monitor soon. Please do not invest in InstantBitex anymore, as I will let you know if things improve.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: GovBidHooplex, YesssHodium, LehmanCapital.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s about it for this weekend, guys. Now if you excuse me I’m off to spend the rest of my day in sunny Tel-Aviv on the local beach to enjoy the sunshine as I’m still on vacation from London here for a while longer. I never neglect running MNO though and you can be sure to find all the necessary and up-to-date information here as usual. After more than twelve years online MNO has found its niche by listing only the biggest investment opportunities the HYIP industry has to offer keeping the listing prices high to deter intentional fast scams. This policy has worked wonders and made MNO famous among my followers with over 3,000 subscribers to my blog’s feed (if you haven’t joined it click here) and many more following my latest updates on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter news channels. Then you can ask me anything related to the HYIP industry in general and a particular monitored program by writing me a couple of lines from this contact page, directly at abramsonp@gmail.com or just chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. I will always be pleased to hear from you any questions, suggestions or advertising requests and will try my best to answer you within 24 hours, even if I’m on vacation. I will also appreciate any votes on the MNO TalkBack page where the most recent question about GovBid raised some very polarized opinions and your contribution on the MNO ShoutBox where you can share your experience with your fellow investors. I’ll be back sometime next week to bring you all the latest HYIP news and possibly even introduce a couple of new names on the MNO monitor. Stay tuned and talk to you soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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