Oct 9th, 2019 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the MNO blog – the oldest online resource covering the most significant investment opportunities from the HYIP industry. I wouldn’t say it was a great few days as we encountered two albeit completely different types of scams – GovBid which unexpectedly ended earlier today after a more than respectable 53 day run and LehmanCapital which was a shameless fast scam that didn’t improve the overall picture either. The remaining programs you can find on the MNO monitor at the moment are still paying fine though and there are some important updates to tell you about from two of them – Hooplex and Hodium. More on all of that and also the MNO TalkBack poll results and a new question posted in possibly one of the most heart-breaking articles of the year dealing with the possible long-term consequences of GovBid‘s demise that might follow soon.

First though allow me to remind you that in order to be the first to know about newly added programs on the MNO monitor along with timely scam warnings please follow me on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter. In order to get notified in your browser and to activate push notification please click on the Bell icon you can find at the bottom right-hand corner of your browser. Also, why not join the 3,000+ readers who have already subscribed for MNO blog articles delivered straight to your email address regularly and enter your email address here? I always strive to be the first to report both good and bad news, so you won’t be disappointed if you follow MNO. However if you have any personal questions to me regarding any subject related to the HYIP industry or simply want to add your project to the monitor you’re always welcome to chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog, or submit your query here or just send me a couple of lines directly at abramsonp@gmail.com

Let’s start today’s article with the news that shocked the whole industry today – the untimely collapse of GovBid.


I’m sure that the most devastating news for many investors today would be is the demise of GovBid after seven and a half weeks on MNO. Of course, as the program was listed right from day one and many of the contracts offered a very reasonable rate of interest over the short period of time it was entirely possible for many people to earn quite a good income from GovBid. However, the majority of investors will be disappointed as many (including myself) clearly saw it as a visionary program that has a great chance to become the best of the year and pull the HYIP industry out of the ditch it’s still in at the moment. However despite its unique approach to investing and various styles of investment contracts the case with GovBid was different as right from the start the admin provided absolutely no guarantees of safety of investors’ money which is done by almost all the HYIPs. In fact already in the introductory message from the admin everyone prepared to join was explicitly warned against having any unreasonable expectations. Here is just a piece from the article to demonstrate this:

No matter how you look at it, yes – it is quite risky, no revenue or potential return is guaranteed, besides, you may lose your funds anytime with no explanation or further research!

And so GovBid has ended today – as promised, without any prior warnings or explanation on the admin’s part. Nevertheless, maybe, just maybe I will hear some more information on the reasons for the GovBid closure from the admin who promised to provide some exclusive information for posting on the MNO blog soon. Not much consolation to investors hoping GovBid would be able to repeat the runaway success of LaserOnline or any similar big giants of the past and spent more that they could afford to lose. In fact, just how many of my readers profited from GovBid by wisely playing it for over seven weeks on MNO remain to be seen, as I will dedicat the next question on the TalkBack poll to that very matter. I would like to reiterate again now – I’m quite disappointed that GovBid had to end so abruptly today as I myself had a very high expectations of the program, but it appears the current state of things in the HYIP industry really prevents many programs from developing into something truly big, even if they utilize unique concepts and have a long-term vision for constant development. If even such professionally created programs like GovBid cannot last longer than two months what can we expect from amateur admins? That’s the question many people will be certainly pondering when mourning GovBid‘s death. I can only say that the program is now on Problem Status with Telegram chats deleted and all payments halted. Do not invest in GovBid anymore, guys, and read the TalkBack part for more discussion on the subject!


Hooplex is a program that continues to impress with its ability to pay promptly and to everyone for over eight months now. As Hooplex was listed on the MNO monitor since the first day online my readers took advantage of being the first to try its lucrative medium- and long-term plans all of which pay you on every calendar day with the principal return on expiry – 0.7% for 30 days, 0.8% for 60 days, 0.9% for 90 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.05% for 150 days, 1.1% for 180 days. Having started with quite a few payment options onboard Hooplex is now working with a whopping 20 (!) payment methods and you may invest starting from a $50 minimum in each plan via the following – PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, DogeCoin, EthereumClassic, Tether, Tron, Dash, Zcash, Ripple, Waves, BlackCoin, Neo, Monero, BitcoinGold, DigiByte and Decred. There are some peculiarities of working with Hooplex though as you have to convert your available funds into the internal currency Lexera on every deposit and withdrawal for a small fee. That’s actually how I described Hooplex in my original review posted here, however as of now you have an alternative of using direct deposits with either BTC or ETH funds. Withdrawals from Hooplex have to be requested from your account and are supposed to be processed within a 72-hour timeframe, but in reality they are paid much faster than that.

Unlike many other programs that work exclusively online, Hooplex is famous for holding various personal events for a more intimate eye-to-eye meeting with the program’s representatives, also called “leaders”. This vital part of the Hooplex promotional campaign is essential for spreading the word outside of the regular HYIP circle, thus allowing the program to grow consistently and at odds with the general state of things in the industry which I admit hasn’t been good lately. Over the last three days there was lots of news posted on the Hooplex website dedicated to the recent and upcoming conferences in various Asian countries and you can read about them in more detail below and try to attend them if you live in the vicinity. In addition to that, there was some important information in the last two articles regarding the benefits and perks of becoming a Hooplex regional representative and what you may achieve if you’re any good in recruiting others. All the information from Hooplex can be found below:

Introducing the latest digital payment technology, LexeraWay: October 8, Cirebon
We invite everyone to attend the Hooplex conference!
Friends, as you have noticed, we have a very busy schedule of events and it’s great! It means that you have the opportunity to meet the leaders of our community in person and hear from them first hand about the benefits of Hooplex and LexeraWay.
On October 8th we are waiting for you in Cirebon City! Be sure to come – this event will change your life for the better!
You’ll find out:
* What is the Hooplex project?
* How does Lexera technology work?
* What opportunities does the company offer to everyone?
* How to build a career in the company?
* How to get from 21%-33% per month with deposit programs?
The conference will also include training on how to work with the platform and personal account.
Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2019, Time: 6.30 pm, Place: Hotel Grage Cirebon, Theme: Utilizing the Digital Payment as a Digital Asset, Host: Mr khemal, Speaker: Mr Prabu

Hooplex Conference: Kota Kinabalu Sabah, October 11
Welcome friends! We invite you to attend the Hooplex conference in Malaysia!
The event will take place on October 11 in the conference hall of the PUTATAN PLATINIUM HOTEL, KOTA KINABALU SABAH. Entrance is free for everyone!
The key goal of the Hooplex international community is to improve the well-being of all its members. We firmly believe that wealthy and happy people can make this world a better place!
Come to the conference in Malaysia to become part of our community! At the event you will find out:
* What is the Hooplex project?
* How does Lexera technology work?
* What opportunities does the company offer to everyone?
* How to build a career in the company?
* How to get from 21%-33% per month with deposit programs?
You’ll also learn how to build a successful career at Hooplex and earn from $100 a day!
We’re waiting for you!
Date: October 11, 2019, Time: 8 pm Malaysia Time, Place: PUTATAN PLATINIUM HOTEL KOTA KINABALU SABAH, Theme: Hooplex the latest digital payment technology, LexeraWay, Host: ANN, Speaker: EFFIE HAMIDI
Follow us to keep up to date with the latest news of the community.

Hooplex Conference in Sukabumi, October 11
Welcome to Hooplex! Friends, we are pleased to announce that the first conference of our community in Sukabumi will be held on October 11th!
We invite you all to attend this event! Hooplex Conference is a unique opportunity to make your life better! At this event you will not hear useless theory – only pure practice and training on working with the platform. We guarantee that the knowledge gained will bring you to a new financial level!
At the event you will find out:
– What is the Hooplex project?
– How does Lexera technology work?
– What opportunities does the company offer to everyone?
– How to build a career in the company?
– How to get from 21%-33% per month with deposit programs?
You’ll also learn how to build a successful career at Hooplex and earn from $100 a day!
Place: Maxone Hotel Sukabumi, Date: October 11, 2019, Time: 18:00 – 20:00, Speakers: Asep Saparudin, Riyan
We’re waiting for you!

Hooplex online conference for residents of Indonesia
Welcome friends! We’ve decided to organize the second online conference for Indonesians by your numerous requests!
We are grateful to the participants of the first webinar for their activity! Most of you have already made your first profit with Hooplex and we are sure that this is just the beginning.
Hooplex events take place in different cities and countries, but not everyone has the opportunity to visit our conferences. That’s why we decided to hold online events, where you will get all the necessary information about the community and Lexera technology.
On October 9, we will hold our second online conference for Indonesians!
You will find out:
– What opportunities does Hooplex offer to everyone?
– How does Lexera technology work?
– How to build a career in the company?
– How to earn from $100 a day with Hooplex?
– How to get from 21%-33% per month with deposit programs?
– Topical news of the company’s development from top officials.
And all this from the comfort of the house!
SPEAKERS: top leaders of Indonesia Mr ZENAL MUTAKIN & Mr SUDARYONO, Date: October , Time: 19:00 wib (Jakarta Time), Link to the online conference: https://live.myownconference.com/prck-zxbh-lsxj-gcpk
We’re waiting for you at your monitors!
ATTENTION: the number of places is limited! Click on the link in advance to get the place in time!
Send this letter to your entire structure!

Hooplex Conference: Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam
Welcome friends! We are pleased to announce that we have launched a series of conferences for our community!
Very soon, residents of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam will be able to attend Hooplex events in their cities. You will have live communication with leaders and speakers, presentation of the project, training in working with the platform.
We guarantee maximum useful information.
At the event you will find out:
* What is the Hooplex project?
* How does Lexera technology work?
* What opportunities does the company offer to everyone?
* How to build a career in the company?
* How to get from 21%-33% per month with deposit programs?
You’ll also learn how to build a successful career at Hooplex and earn from $100 a day!
Palembang, Promoter: Mr Jamal & Mr Rendra, Place: Batiqa Hotel, Palembang, Time: 07.00pm, Date: October 6, 2019
Cirebon, Promoter : Mr Prabu & Mr Khemal, Place: Hotel Grage Cirebon, Time: 6.30pm, Date: October 8, 2019
Sukabumi, Promoter: Mr Asep Saparudin & Mr Riyan, Place: Maxone Hotel, Sukabumi, Time: 6.00pm Until Finish, Date: October 12, 2019
MALAYSIA Kota Kinabalu , Sabah, Promoter : Dato Fee , Mr Dody Andika & Mrs Ann, Place: Putatan Platinium Hotel, Date : October 11, 2019, Time : 08.00pm
VIETNAM Hanoi, Promoter: Dato Nirwan & Hj Amir, Place: Sunway Hotel, Hanoi, Time: 3.00pm – 6.00pm, Date: October 12, 2019

5 Hooplex leader statuses: what’s yours?
Good day! How to earn more with a referral program?
There is a difference in the percentage of referral rewards between the 1st and 5th status of the referral program.
Upon opening the new status you increase the percentage and unlock additional levels.
Therefore, it is important to improve career status!
What influences career status:
– Number of people in your structure;
– Turnover of your system.
Keep track of your performance and take active actions to improve your status.
For example, you have already engaged 10 people and become B2 leader.
You need another 90 people to reach the next goal. Is it a lot?
If you invite 1 user per day, you will reach it in 3 months.
If several people will join you per day, you will do reach it in a month.
Follow the project news on the website https://hooplex.com/news, Facebook, Telegram and share your progress with your friends!
Track your progress to succeed with Hooplex!
Best regards, Hooplex Team

Become an official Hooplex representative in your country!
Good day! The Hooplex team welcomes the initiatives of the leaders within the structures!
Your growth and desire to take responsibility for community development into your own hands will be rewarded.
We offer such participants to become a representative in their country, attract more people and get great bonuses.
If you prove to be ambitious to grow we will provide you with special project terms!
You will get more money and recognition just for sharing your secret of making passive earnings with daily payments.
Do you want to become our official representative?
Apply via the link https://hooplex-team.com/ or contact us via online chat. We will help you progress at every stage of our cooperation.
Thank you for being with us!
Best regards, Hooplex Team


It’s always admirable when a HYIP admin is not only trying to make money for himself, but is determined to make his program last for longer and at the same time educate the newbies on the possible pitfalls of investing in crypto markets by themselves and without thinking clearly or having any real strategy to follow. Take Hodium, for example. Having started over three weeks ago and listed on the MNO monitor‘s Premium List right from day one Hodium has already proved that it was possible to provide investors with the sensible approach and eager to stay flexible in their financial decisions with small but reasonable rates which can vary from 0.1% to 1.5% daily. Although that might seem much smaller than one can get in any other HYIP you should remember that with Hodium the biggest advantage is that you may withdraw your principal (fully or partially) at any time you wish and without paying any fees whatsoever. What else? If you withdraw via BitCoin, LiteCoin or DogeCoin your withdrawal will be processed instantly, while those investing via BitcoinCash, Dash or Ethereum will have to wait up to 24 hours to be paid manually by the admin. I firmly believe that by offering variable and not fixed daily rates the Hodium admin is trying to create some sort of stability and longevity that will help the program survive during leaner times, yet still give investors the freedom of taking back their deposit or any part of it at any time they want. That’s a bit of a different approach to what we usually see in the HYIP industry as fully discussed in the full review of Hodium you can find here.

As I saidabove, the admin recently posted a very interesting article giving food for thought to those of you who pondering on stepping into the potentially very lucrative but at the same time risky world of crypto investing on their own. And after reading the article I believe you might think twice as to whether it’s actually worthwhile to give it a go without any experience on your part or you would rather trust your money to professional HYIP admins like Hodium:

Cryptocurrency trading is one out of many ways of making profit in the crypto world. And considering the recent soar in the price of cryptocurrencies, it’s no doubt that many crypto maniacs especially newbies are already thinking of investing in it.
Investing in crypto trading is a very risky investment. You can make a huge profit and you can also lose all you’ve invested. The crypto market is highly volatile just like Forex. Aside from the fact that It’s not a business you rush into, if you really want to make profit, you need to have the right skill-set to analyze the market — and this takes time to understand.
While there are so many landmines that could hinder you from making your intended profit from trading crypto, here are five ways to safely invest and still make the most of it.
#1 Don’t be susceptible to FOMO:
One of the core reasons why many people lose so much that they run into debt is because of FOMO (fear of missing out). FOMO is that voice that keeps ringing in your head when you hear about the success of other crypto investors. It makes you act without thinking about the side effects.
My friend, Ayo, was a victim of it. In fact, his countenance changed when I asked him how much bitcoin he has in his bitcoin wallet. He replied with a painful look: “I don’t think I can ever do crypto again. I’ve received so much great news about how people became millionaires from investing, so, I invested all I had with the hope to make my first million too. Unfortunately, the market went against me. I lost 80% of what I had invested. Till date, I still regret investing in crypto on November 2017.”
I felt bad for Ayo. His story made me realize how dangerous FOMO is. To safely invest in crypto and still make the most out of it, you need to develop a strong immunity to FOMO. Yes, it’s not easy, but it’s possible with the right determination.
#2 Leverage crypto trading tools or crypto expert.
Making profits in crypto trading is not a simple task. In fact, It requires lots of discipline and learning from mistakes to make worthwhile profits. But, the truth is that many of us traders still find it difficult to keep these things in check. And investing with such an irrational mind-frame might ruin our portfolio.
However, to be on a safe side, it’s advisable to leverage “reliable” crypto experts like Hodium — to minimize your trading risks. Hodium is a leading cryptoasset investment firm focused on professional trading, investing and portfolio management. The platform provides secure access and diversified exposure to the digital currency asset classes by connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of data, people and capital.
Meanwhile, you have to be cautious with whom you trust your trading account with.
For there are many scamsters out there claiming to be “expert”– promising what they can’t deliver. In fact, they can go as far as showing you fake successful trade account just to get your attention. Unlike Hodium, their platform provides secure access and diversified exposure to the digital currency asset classes by connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of data, people and capital. More so, you can also leverage reliable ‘crypto tools’ to minimize your risk decisions.
#3 Invest only a portion you can forget about if things go south:
There is no competition when it comes to investing in cryptocoins. In other words, you don’t have to invest what you see others invest. As aforementioned, crypto trading is very complex and risky. Therefore, for safety sake, it’s advisable to invest what you can bear to lose and forget.
Let’s say, you have $1000 and you can only afford to lose 10% which is $100. Invest $100. Don’t go higher than that so that you’d not suffer from some emotional pain.
#4 Don’t invest in new coins you know nothing about
Every day new coins are entering the crypto market. While most of them are not actually what they seem to be, it is crucial you know that cyber thieves are now leveraging this medium to rob people of their money.
Hence be weary of new coins. Advisably, it is safer to trade some bitcoin and some leading altcoin like Ripple, ETH, LTH, BCH, etc.
Note: I’m not saying you shouldn’t invest in new coins. I’m only saying you should do your research properly before you put in your hard-earned $$$ on something you know nothing about. However, If you must, I’d advice you deeply study their whitepapers and ask expert traders what they think about it.
#5 Make sure your computer and data are kept safe:
Cyber threat is real. Hackers are getting more sophisticated daily to steal cryptocoins from investors. To safely invest, you have to be not just sure that the trading platform has top-notch security, you have to ensure that your anti-virus is regularly updated, and more importantly, ensure you’re not giving out your trading account password to someone online especially if you’re storing cryptocurrency online.
Remember, a little weakness from your end is enough for hackers to sweep all your cryptos. So, be smart!


Unfortunately, I have yet another fast scam to report tonight, guys. LehmanCapital which was added to MNO only a week ago stopped paying last night and immediately the first reports of the withdrawals going to pending status instead of being paid instantly as usual started to pour in. It didn’t take me long to first move LehmanCapital to Waiting status and then change it to Problem after the admin ignored my messages, but surely it made me sad to see another rotten apple spoiling the bunch. A very short lifetime and the licensed DevQuill script could possibly indicate the same admin who previously ran Litemax which also ended quite disgracefully and with no one in profit. Of course, I cannot say it for sure and maybe it’s just a coincidence that after a long period of absence we watched two consecutive fast scams on my monitor both running off the same script and with similar designs. Anyway, you can draw your own conclusions and simply ignore all the programs running off that script which is most likely either owned by the admin or his buddies. Please note that LehmanCapital is now a proven scam, so stop investing there, guys! There is really nothing more to say about this terrible program that brought only losses to hopeful investors and shattered their dreams of profits. Better luck next time!


It hadn’t been my intention to draw the final results of the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll so early in the week, however given that it refers to GovBid and in light of the disappointing news emerging from the program today it seems there’s no real reason to continue. I was pretty sure – and I admit to saying so quite frankly on many occasions – that GovBid could have done a lot better than this in terms of its eventual final lifespan. But when you actually sit down and look at it, from seven and a half weeks online a good solid seven of those full weeks could have been extremely profitable for you if you played it right. Anyway, what’s done is done, no need to analyse everything to death, we’ve covered everything you need to know for the moment in the news section above which is that GovBid is no longer a paying program. Good while it lasted, but the end has to come sooner or later.

Personally I think we were all hoping for later, but we don’t always get our own way in the HYIP industry. For what it’s worth though the poll was asking readers about their opinions of the performance of GovBid right up until the end. Despite the sudden and unexpected demise of the program, this can’t really take anything away from the results that were delivered day-in day-out by the admin, and this is reflected in some very one-sided results. You might remember I asked readers to rate GovBid using a sort of star system, ie one to five like you might see movie reviews and the like. The exact question was “How do you rate the performance of GovBid up until now?

Results were pretty one-sided, with just about everyone coming down on one extreme or the other. For the record 80% gave GovBid a five star rating, calling it “Outstanding – one of the best programs of the year”. The remaining 20% of readers decided for their own reasons that GovBid wasn’t quite what they were looking for in an online HYIP and voted to give it just one star with the opinion it was “Complicated – I do not know what the fuss is all about”. Just to keep everything official and above board, I can tell you there was absolutely no middle ground here whatsoever, with all other options rating GovBid with two, three, and four stars receiving no votes at all between them. So I guess the old expression was true of this one, you either loved it or hated it.

Ordinarily I wouldn’t bother focusing on a program that’s just collapsed for a new opinion poll, but let’s be honest it’s kind of the hot topic right now and what everyone is going to want to talk about for the next few days regardless. I suppose just to draw a line under the whole episode as they say and put it all behind us once and for all, I just wonder what your own results were from the program. I mean since 80% of you seemed to rate GovBid as one of the best programs of the year, did your financial results match that? The next question the MNO TalkBack opinion poll will simply be as follows:

Did you make or lose money in GovBid?

Possible answers can be:
– I managed to make a big profit
– I made a small percentage profit
– I made a small percentage loss
– I lost most of my investment

I know this question is aimed exclusively at GovBid members so sorry if anyone feels excluded here by virtue of the fact that they may never have joined the program. But given that it was the most popular venture among readers I think it does include the majority. Likewise with the previous question there’s no reason to leave this open unnecessarily long, plus there’s no real thought process or opinions sought from voters – you whether won or lost, simple as that, just to what degree. Either way I’ll leave the poll open for as long as I see any interest shown by readers in participating, but you will have ample time to vote if you wish. The voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here, and as always I’ll just remind you that all votes cast remain 100% anonymous and untraceable. As always though you’re quite free to discuss the results and your personal experience with GovBid on the MNO ShoutBox with your fellow readers. Thanks in advance to everyone who participates, your opinions are always welcome.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Hooplex, YesssHodium.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s it for today’s news on the MNO blog. Thanks for reading, guys, and I hope the rest if the week is better. Following the shocking news of the GovBid closure very few people expected today I would ask of you to please share your opinion on how much you have earned/lost from the program in the poll posted here. The votes will be verified and the final results will be drawn sometime next week and it would be very interesting to see just how many investors did well from GovBid and how many didn’t for some reason. And as usual don’t forget to check the MNO monitor for the possible new additions and speak your mind on the MNO ShoutBox if you have anything to share with your fellow investors. Take care and talk to you again on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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