Beware! Bitzee has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all looking forward weekend as I am. I was kept busy for this final day of the business week with a couple of interesting news stories from some of the programs I cover, but mostly with a brand new addition to the MNO monitor called Bitzee, analysing the most important points for the review I want to start today’s update with. Bitzee is another of mostly what I would call a “perpetual program”, in other words once you join and make a deposit there is no fixed term. Bitzee will continue to pay you for how ever long the program manages to survive. Now whether that’s going to be a day, a week, a month, or a year I really can’t say. But once you are in then that’s it, you stay in and you keep getting paid until such a time as you decide you want to leave. The only stipulation is that you must keep an active deposit for at least 24 hours, which will of course mean 24 payments, but after that the rest is up to you depending on your own personal strategy. Anyway, let’s see what Bitzee is all about and whether you like it enough to join or not.
Putting it into the most basic terms, as outlined above the plan has no expiry date and pays investors an hourly interest rate. The exact figure you eventually come away with will depend on the length of time you choose to stay a member, in other words the longer you stay the more payments you can collect. The minimum requirement for joining is $10 (the exact figure varies for different currencies) and for all deposits regardless of size Bitzee are offering an hourly interest payment of 0.15% (which is the equivalent of 3.6% in daily terms).
In that instance it makes Bitzee one of the few programs to treat all investors equally, both big and small with everyone having the same expectations about their final percentage earnings. So let’s look at a theoretical example of how that might play out in monetary terms. If you were to have for example a $100 deposit you would earn $0.15 every hour, or $3.60 every full day. However when it comes time to release your principal you should only expect to get $95 back from the full hundred because Bitzee charge a 5% processing fee for doing so. With this in mind while still profitable it makes a lot more sense to leave your principal in place a bit longer and continue earning. This fee only applies to your final principal return and does not affect your interest payments.
After that it’s a simple matter of you deciding on what the best investment strategy is for you personally and making the appropriate calculations. To expand on that a bit further, 0.15% per hour gives 3.6% interest per day, 34 hours by the time you can release your principal without losing any money in fees and keep the profit you’ve earned, 25.2% interest per week, and would allow you to double your money in just short of 28 full days. Personally speaking as a professional monitor I’m committed to Bitzee for how ever long the admin can keep it in business. That may or may not be the best course of action for you, but it’s one that I’m happy enough with.
Of course, the main strength of such perpetual style payments can in other ways also be their main weakness. I mean, if something is going to pay you every hour of every day unconditionally then why would anyone ever want to leave, right? But the fact is that at some point HYIP investors tend to get a bit jittery and in that case what happens if everyone decides to leave at the same time? Well, rhetorical question, I think you all know the answer there already. Still, there’s no denying that programs built along a similar business model to Bitzee have had some absolutely exceptional runs in the past, going back several years in my memory anyway. Will this be one of them? There’s no reason why on paper it can’t succeed, but since the HYIP industry doesn’t exist on paper it’s probably best to avoid predictions (which are only futile speculation and pointless guesswork most of the time anyway), take it one day at a time, and be sensible.
If you decide to join then the next thing you need to be aware of is what payment methods are available to you. As you can probably tell from the name of the program cryptocurrencies do feature very prominently on Bitzee but it’s by no means the only option open to you. Something that most investors will like is that all withdrawals up to $100 going to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, and DogeCoin are processed instantly. Requests higher than $100 plus anything going to Ethereum, BitcoinCash or Dash (the other payment methods accepted in Bitzee) require manual approval though should still be paid by the admin within a 24 hour maximum. Smaller investors should be aware that Bitzee do have a minimum withdrawal policy, but it shouldn’t be much of an issue as it’s quite small. If using either of the USD based processors it’s only $1. Different limits apply to the cryptocurrencies so check the Bitzee FAQ section for which ever one you are using. For example a minimum of 0.0005 BTC needs to be on your balance before you can withdraw there, and as of the time of writing that happens to be just short of $4 it’s unlikely that very many people there will be earning enough to make an actual withdrawal every hour even though the interest is still being credited to their accounts.
As you prepare to make your first active deposit in Bitzee, by clicking the “Deposit” button on top of the page, by default you’re going to land on the BitCoin option. If this is not your first choice of payment method then look for the floating “Switch Dashboards” button on the left hand side of the page. This will open I suppose what looks like a little circular pin-wheel where your other payment options are listed. Just click on the one you prefer and the correct page to make your deposit will follow.
When you are eventually looking to leave Bitzee then if you’re satisfied with what you’ve taken from the program and want to get your principal back you just need to look for the “Deposit List” tab across the top of the page in your account. Don’t be alarmed if at first you see an error message telling you that “no deposit was found”. It’s actually quite an easy mistake to make and easily fixed. You see the default page you land on when entering this area shows BitCoin deposits. OK if you have a BitCoin deposit with Bitzee, but it you don’t then it won’t show up here. No problem, all you need to do is again simply click the “Switch Dashboards” button. This will now allow you to cycle through all the other accepted payment options, so just click the one you happen to be using and your deposit details will be displayed on the next page. Initially you will only see the message “one day left” on the button underneath your deposit indicating you haven’t surpassed the 24 hour minimum yet, but once the lock-in period has expired the “Release” button becomes active and you can use it anytime after that when you’re ready. One thing to keep in mind when you do request your principal back by the way that it won’t get paid to you directly. It simply gets released into your Bitzee account from where you can make the actual final withdrawal.
I’ll just remind you that, especially if you are leaving early, that you take into consideration the 5% withdrawal fee applied on any principal withdrawal which I already mentioned above. Also note that partial principal withdrawals are not allowed in the program, so when you want to leave you will have to make a clean break of it and go completely. If you think you acted prematurely and change your mind at a later stage you can simply make a new deposit (either from the available balance or brand-new funds), it will only be subject to the same 24-hour holding period anyway.
Looking at the design and security aspects of the website Bitzee is running off the ever popular GoldCoders script and is under license. Even experienced investors may not recognise this at first however as the Bitzee admin (or maybe his programmer) have had it heavily modified to suit the program’s own unique needs and requirements. For a hosting provider the admin has Bitzee on a dedicated server with the support and protection from malicious attacks by Dancom. And for an added layer of protection the Bitzee website comes with an SSL certificate by Let’s Encrypt Authority for improved security on financial transactions and generally safer browsing. Further transparency can be found with a “Live Payouts” page that has been included where you can track all the latest withdrawals to members.
If you have any further need to get in contact with the admin of Bitzee or any further questions or account related issues that need to be dealt with, then there are a couple of ways you can go about it. However as the FAQ section covers most of what you need to know you should definitely start with that. If that doesn’t work then next up is the Live Chat option which you can use to find an operator by clicking the widget on the bottom right hand corner of any page on the Bitzee website. Otherwise you can either fill in the customer support form on the website’s support page and submit it online, or else just write to the admin directly at the e-mail address listed alongside the form. Fans of social media will be able to connect with Bitzee on Facebook and Twitter, plus there’s a telephone number to go with the program’s UK certificate of incorporation. Further support issues can be raised through the official Bitzee Telegram group.
If anyone is interested in the alleged business activities backing up the payments to investors, it’s claimed that Bitzee is a self described “cryptocurrency trading company”, however there’s very little practical information to back this up that you could research and investigate for yourself. And of course, even if it were true that still doesn’t mean it always has to be necessarily profitable all the time. Therefore you shouldn’t really treat Bitzee any differently from other programs around at the moment. So just make yourself aware of the possible dangers, and spend accordingly. Don’t disappoint yourself with unrealistic expectations, set yourself a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose, and if you do decide to join Bitzee then try and keep them as a smaller part of a diverse and balanced portfolio.
Before I finish with the review of Bitzee and move on to today’s news updates I would like to ask if anyone reading this has their own opinions on the program? Good, bad, or indifferent, I hope you won’t mind sharing them with your fellow readers. It takes literally a second to vote, is totally anonymous, and will make for more interesting reading once we are looking back at the program at the end rather than looking forward at the start. In other words how many people would make a good and bad judgement call looking at the program today. Please answer the following question:

As with many successful programs Yesss and its investors have been constantly targeted by various types of scammers trying either to impersonate the admin and team or to steal member’s sensitive info. In any case, the ultimate goal of any such fraud is for people to part with their money. That is why it’s so admirable when the admin of Yesss actually takes so much time and effort in order to warn investors against any involvement with third-party websites and unofficial representatives targeting you with phishing attempts and all the other types of fraud. The latest newsletter from Yesss issued a couple of days ago and reposted below actually highlighted the main dangers of dealing with scammers pretending to be someone they are not and giving you a complete list of all the official and affiliated with Yesss social networks one must only follow in order to get the correct information and not to be deceived in any way:
Dear friends! Want to pay your attention that Yesss has NO ANY APPLICATIONS in google play, app store etc. All applications that are distributed on our behalf are FAKE and may be VERY DANGEROUS programs that can steal your personal data or infect your devices with viruses! Be careful!
Once again, we remind you:
All financial transactions processed ONLY thru official website Yesss. If someone behalf of our company, or Introducing himself as an employee of the company and asking for transferring funds to his account – be aware that this is a simple scammer!
Our employees NEVER ask you to provide personal data or transfer money! Please remember all financial transactions processed ONLY thru official website Yesss.
You can always check all official resources on this page:
Official website: Yesss (All financial transactions processed thru Yesss website ONLY!!!)
Official social media accounts:
TWITTER Account:
YouTube Channel:
Telegram Channel:
Telegram Group:
Instagram Account:
Facebook Page:
All other resources and web addresses other than those listed above are not official and cannot be trusted.
Say Yes to your financial freedom!
Yesss team”.
Yesss has been listed on MNO for almost five months which means that the first investors who joined the program and invested into one of the daily paying (with principal back on expiry) plans – 0.8% for 555 business days or 1% for 120 business days – should be somewhere very close to their break-even point and are about to get into the profit zone soon. Although Yesss claims to have been online for over four years now and it’s true that its history dates back to 2015, in reality it’s been a “sleeper” for most of the time only changing the design and plans while starting a more aggressive marketing campaign about five months ago. That didn’t seem to be an obstacle to the program’s performance and as far as I know all the investors of Yesss are getting paid even on the much riskier plans that include a wide variety of offers paying once on expiry the interest and principal together – 289%-302% after 17 business days, 280%-777% after 20 business days, 150%-360% after 30 business days, 400%-1111% after 40 business days, 240%-1777% after 60 business days, 297.5%-3777% after 85 business days, 360%-7777% after 120 business days. Yesss accept deposits starting from a $25 minimum (although it may vary from plan to plan) via the most popular currencies in the HYIP industry – PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, Dash and BitcoinCash. All withdrawals are processed fast, but the maximum waiting time can reach 48 hours on weekdays or 72 hours if you make a payout request over the weekend. More information on Yesss‘ investment plans and other important features can be found in the detailed review posted here which you’re welcome to read before joining.
Hodium has become a truly established name and acclaimed performer with the program having been running for 40 days as of now. As it’s been listed on MNO since day one and with no requirements to how long one has to stay with the program to gain profits and leave the almost 6-week run of Hodium so far looks like an excellent achievement. The program has significantly improved its payment options recently and at the moment you can invest in Hodium via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, Dash and DogeCoin. Note that every currency is treated separately and upon signing in you can choose what type of currency you will see on default while the switch between them is also available in the member’s area.
As I already mentioned in the full review of the program posted here, with Hodium one can earn 0.1% to 1.5% depending on the “trading” daily performance with the rates clearly displayed in the account (so far daily interest is quite high and much closer to the maximum limits than the minimum). However with such a wide gap in the daily interest one may wonder just how much it would be possible to earn with Hodium, provided the daily ROI will remain stable. For that purpose the admin has recently developed a useful calculator based on the program’s past performance so far and thus giving the investor an opportunity to look to the future and estimate their profits that might be received using compounding over a given period of time. That would certainly be of help to some savvy investors looking to develop their own long-term strategy now that Hodium has earned their trust with prompt instant payouts and fast manual ones available for selected currencies. The new feature has been successfully added after yesterday’s poll from the admin of Hodium which received an overwhelmingly positive response to the proposal. That is actually the main strength of Hodium – and something you can see with the naked eye – listening to what investors want and trying to satisfy demand by constantly improving the program. I sincerely hope that will be a main contributing factor for further growth which will see Hodium take leadership status in the HYIP industry soon. Below you will find the link to the poll mentioned above:
“Question of the day!
Please leave a vote, your opinion matters!
Question of the day: Would you like us to create an interactive calculator where you would be able to to calculate your future interest returns, based on our average daily interest?
– No, I’m good with the math.
– Yes, otherwise I have no idea how much interest will I receive.
– I would use it, but that’s not a must have tool.
Vote here!”.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Yesss, Hodium, Bitzee.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s all the news I have for you tonight, guys. Have a relaxing weekend ahead of you and come back to check out the MNO blog and monitor sometime next week for all the latest updates from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry. If you like to read my blog then why not join over 3,000 subscribers to the regular newsletters to be sent to your email address you can submit here? For more urgent announcements and new program additions you may want to follow MNO on Telegram, Twitter or Facebook where these are posted in real-time and immediately after they become known on the MNO ShoutBox – another great tool to stay informed and share information with your fellow investors. Please remember to support your favourite programs by voting for them on the MNO monitor and answer the latest question on the MNO TalkBack page opinion poll with the final results to be drawn in a few days time. I’m always pleased to communicate with readers either by chatting online on Telegram @mnoblog or by answering your queries submitted via this contact form or by writing directly to my email address Thanks for reading and hope to talk to you again soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Oct 25th, 2019. Comment.
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