May 21st, 2021 Archives

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Hello all! Thanks for tuning in to the latest news from the HYIP industry and its brightest representatives. The MNO blog has been regularly posting for almost 14 years now and I truly appreciate your support and loyalty towards trying the most professionally run programs, some of which the HYIP industry has been generally lacking this year. Remember that you can support my work by subscribing to the email newsletter here, and follow MNO on Telegram, Twitter, or Facebook, to be the first to know about status changes and the new additions to the MNO monitor. I’m generally available to answer all your questions and suggestions on Telegram @mnoblog, or you may submit your query via this online form or email me directly at I’m always happy to hear from my readers and respond to all your inquiries in a timely manner.

It’s been a turbulent seven days in the cryptocurrency markets as BTC and other cryptocurrencies suffered one of the most severe price crashes for many years. That was caused mainly by an announcement by regulators in China that cryptocurrency payments would be banned and prior to that by Elon Musk’s speculations. Although in a later tweet Musk then confirmed his company would not be selling his cryptocurrency assets despite the crash on the markets it didn’t seem to much improve the situation overall. By the way, I will try to take a closer look at Musk’s influence on the cryptomarket in the TalkBack section of today’s blog article, so keep reading to find out more on that.

At the time of writing BTC has been trading at about $37K after briefly dropping below $30K at some point earlier in the week which marks about 40% loss in value after reaching a tremendous $64K just weeks ago. We can easilly speculate that such high market volatility might in some way help the HYIP industry (almost abandoned nowadays) to recover quicker than we initially thought. However only time will tell as to when that might happen, but MNO will be closely watching the current situation develop and report my readers the latest on the state of things. Such well-performing programs like QubitLife might have suffered tremendously during the recent crypto crash and that caused me to move the program to Problem status on the MNO monitor after more than eleven months of stable payments (read more on that below). First though, let’s see how the legends are still doing well even despite the current extremely high volatility on the cryptocurrency markets. I’m talking of course about CryptoCapital which I suggest we start our regular updates with.


CryptoCapital has been showing great results for investors for nearly two months already. As the program keeps paying 0.1% on an indefinite hourly basis (until you decide it’s time to withdraw your principal for a 5% fee which can be done after the first 24 hours passes since your deposit was added) it was entirely possible for many early investors to more than double their funds by now. With 2.4% paid on a daily basis and no conversion between eleven accepted cryptocurrencies and USD it’s no wonder CryptoCapital was listed as the best program of the 2021 HYIP year by many already. Despite the temporary offset with cryptocurrency prices you can still rely on CryptoCapital to invest your BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, DogeCoin, Dash, Tether, Ripple, ZCash, Tron, and Stellar funds and keep them growing instead of shrinking. Those who decided to keep their cryptocurrency finds in CryptoCapital instead of just their wallets will have seen their value increase and be saved from suffering losses due to the frequent downward trends we will inevitably see in the cryptoworld in the future as well.

If you read my detailed review of CryptoCapital posted here, you might know that not only will the investors get a great deal of flexibility when it comes to add extra funds and withdraw principals (fully or partially) but they will also get paid instantly on all the payout requests not exceeding $100 in value while larger withdrawals are to be processed within a very reasonable maximum timeframe of 24 hours. In addition to profits CryptoCapital‘s members are invited to participate in the weekly Bounty program to earn some LTC bonuses for fulfilling a couple of basic simple promotional tasks, thus helping the program grow while earning something on top of your profits too. It’s a win-win situation and something that will make CryptoCapital grow in the long term. And I have no doubt that the program’s admin Adrian has quite an ambitious plan for making this happen. By the way, below you will find all the latest interesting short updates on the cryptocurrency market that are posted on various social media channels belonging to CryptoCapital (follow its Telegram channel to stay updated):

The Meme Tokens has taken over!
With the sucess Dogecoin. Hundreds of new memetoken has emerged.
From AKITA, SHIB, HOGE to even Woofy (whatever that is).
But no matter what, Dogecoin still remains the grand puppy of all meme coin.
Grow more of your Dogecoin on CryptoCapital.
Learn more, visit the website CryptoCapital

The Crypto-Drama continues! Does the market really care about Elon musk opinions?
Bitcoin quickly dropped 17% when Tesla CEO Elon Musk criticized its carbon footprint but quickly bounced back.
Are we off to a new rally now?
CryptoCapital is always here to assist you with your portfolio no matter the crypto trend.
Learn more, visit the website CryptoCapital

Got many social media followers? Want to earn more crypto?
CryptoCapital has a great referral program wherein everyone can earn 7% on each referral deposit!
Learn more, visit the website CryptoCapital

Are you prepared for the bear market?
Have you cut your losses and gained profit in the previous bull run?
CryptoCapital is your way to prep for the bear market and continue earning crypto.
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital

Bitcoin is now holding at $44k.
Will the dip continue or are we off to another bull run?
CryptoCapital is your gateway any market trend and continue earning crypto.
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital

The bears have finally awoken!
Bitcoin dropped 29% in the past 7 days. The entire crypto is bleeding red!
No matter the crypto trend is, get stable earnings with CryptoCapital.
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital

Is Ethereum bouncing back?
Ethereum recently gained 3.8% price increase in today’s bearish market.
Will ETH overtun this to red market to green or is this just another attempt to pump the bleeding bags?
No matter the crypto trend is, you can get stable earnings with CryptoCapital.
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital

Grab on to your seat as the crypto-market bounced back!
Will we see new all time highs this time? or is this just a pump and dump in the making?
Get stable earnings with CryptoCapital plus a 7% referral commission!
Learn more, visit the website. CryptoCapital


Unfortunately, after almost a year of stable payouts I have made a decision to move QubitLife (formerly known as QubitTech) to Problem status on the MNO monitor and warn my readers against investing there. Despite QubitLife being named the best program back in 2020 by the majority of readers and being easy enough to double your money from it (provided you joined at early stages) some clear warning signs started to appear a couple of weeks ago. MNO has honestly reported those signs on the blog and advised everyone to think twice before making an investment decision there. Apparently I was right in my assumptions as QubitLife seems to be having problems now with many withdrawal requests having been delayed. The worst thing is that not only did members with smaller deposits have to wait until they accumulate $50 on their balance before being allowed to withdraw they are now forced to reinvest money. If you don’t do it then you may not withdraw your available balance even if you have reached the required $50 threshold. The only way around is to invest $100 fresh money from BTC or ETH by buying the so-called Education license. However, with clear signs QubitLife is going down at any moment it would be stupid to sponsor them with free funds in order to withdraw. I’m certainly not doing this myself and not advising my readers to do so, as the admin remains pretty much silent and the Live support is not answering either. With such a reckless attitude towards legitimate complaint I cannot simply continue my duties as a monitor and so I have decided to put QubitLife to indefinite Problem status where the program remains on until my issue is resolved or until any further scamming signs come to light. Please note that information and stay away from QubitLife until further notice and don’t make any reinvestments even if by some miracle you’re still getting paid not to regret about that later. You’ve been warned!


Lastly for today I want to look at the results of the MNO TalkBack opinion poll and replace it with another new question. I doubt very much there’s many people left on the planet whose lives haven’t been impacted by the global Covid19 pandemic. Probably infants too young to be aware of what’s going on around them and who live up mountains on desert islands maybe, but for the rest of us it’s been a year we’ll never forget.

It’s a pretty simple question then, to be honest – one which few of us are actually qualified to answer but still one which we are entitled to ask – When do you think the Covid19 pandemic is going to be fully over?

Well, we all know the answer we are hoping for but that’s not necessarily the answer we genuinely believe. The answers were hard to differentiate, but I’d like to think more optimistic than apocalyptical! 50% of you replied “Sometime in 2022”. That much we can agree on, but I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed since I know nothing about being a doctor. A large minority took the more doomsday view, 37% saying “It will never end”. And meanwhile the remaining 13% of you say things will be OK again “In a few months”. Just for the record there was a fourth option but that received no votes at all. That one went “Within a few weeks” which of course we all hope would be true none of us actually believe it.

So how about a new question? I guess it isn’t any secret that the “traditional” HYIP based websites have been losing popularity to direct cryptocurrency trading platforms. And why wouldn’t they? I mean it’s easier today more than it’s ever been in the past for HYIP investors to do the actual buying/selling/trading of cryptocurrencies themselves rather than just giving their money to some anonymous internet HYIP admin who just pretends to trade on your behalf but in reality just pockets your money for himself. So what happens then when and actual bona fide “billionaire oligarch” comes along and starts talking about cryptocurrencies? And the millions of dollars he’s got lying around his mansion’s basement just gathering dust that he’s got nothing more urgent to do with than buy some BitCoin or DogeCoin?

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Elon Musk. A man who barely needs any introduction to anyone I’m sure, especially from the likes of me. Famous for a lot of things, and rightly so. Like a lot of entrepreneurs he doesn’t always come up with a lot of new groundbreaking ideas, he just goes ahead and does it. I remember an old interview with the Virgin boss Richard Branson where he quite openly stated that he’s never come up with an original idea in his life! He just looked at other companies, asked which way culture and technology was going, and wondered how he could make money by making things easier for the budget customer. In many ways the same as Elon Musk though his business might still be hinging on the slightly more wealthy customer for now.

Be that as it may, the fact is that when someone who turns $100 into a billion dollars then why wouldn’t you want to pay attention? Say what you like about his public statements but when it comes right down to it we could all have came up with the idea for PayPal, he was the one who actually went out and did it. And got phenomenally rich from it. So when more or less out of nowhere you get a guy like Elon Musk suddenly pontificating on BitCoin and cryptocurrencies then yes, other people will start to listen and try to follow. It might not be the best advice to take, remember he can blow a million dollars eating breakfast, the rest of us can’t.

When recently Elon Musk made the statement that he was investing quite heavily in BitCoin, a bizarre statement to make public in my opinion by the way but again what would I know, how did you react? The market itself took a bounce, then the Chinese government decided they were going to place restrictions on the spending of the currency. You can still hold it of course, there’s nothing for the moment they can do about that, but they can easily penalise the businesses that accept your BTC effectively making it useless as a currency.

The exact question for this newest poll on the MNO TalkBack poll for this week will be as follows:

Do you think the words of Elon Musk can have a serious impact on cryptocurrencies?

Possible answers can be as follows:

– Yes, he has proved it already many times before
– Sometimes, when it’s backed by other factors
– No, this guy is a joke and can’t be treated seriously

I’d appreciate if you take a moment of your time to go to the MNO TalkBack page here and cast your vote. I’ll collate the results and mood of readers and then draw the final results in about another week or two. Thanks in advance for taking part guys, and remember that votes only take a second and remain anonymous and untraceable at all times.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 192 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CryptoCapital.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: UnlimitedMoney.

That will be about it for today, guys. I’m feeling pretty excited as the UK starts a bit of reopening and I’m looking forward to a brighter future ahead, I’m pretty sure many of my readers are as well but if you are in a more dangerous situation please do stay cautious and be safe for the sake of your friends and loved ones! I wish you all the best for a relaxing weekend ahead. I’ll be back next week with the full review of RoboticsOnline which is the oldest remaining program on the MNO monitor at the moment, along with the latest news from the HYIP industry as a whole. Stay tuned and thank you all for following MNO – For Money Lovers!

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