Nov 2nd, 2021 Archives

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Hello guys! I’m pleased to welcome you back to MNO. My site has been online for over fourteen years now and unlike others it’s still here to bring you the latest news from the hottest online investment opportunities. Of course, CoinConnect is definitely the one everyone’s been talking about lately and I’m very proud that the admin of this wonderful program has chosen MNO as his main advertising platform. I guess my personal experience and MNO’s untainted reputation and uncompromising approach to covering top programs had something to do with it.

I hope you all celebrated Halloween last week as we are ready for the new beginnings this autumn season will bring us. Remember that MNO might surprise you with new promising programs in the HYIP industry you might not find anywhere else and which might be as good as anything listed on the MNO monitor. So it’s not too late to start following MNO on Telegram, Twitter or Facebook to be among the first to know about the next industry giants and take advantage of joining them on day one. Meanwhile why not join over 2.5K of subscribers of the MNO blog who receive the full version of published articles direct to email? To join this smart bunch of people simple click here and submit and confirm your email address. If you have any questions, suggestions or advertising requests you can always direct them to me by submitting your query via this online form, email me directly at or chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog. I’m always here for you to assist in any possible way I can and my regular readers know this and appreciate the level of support I provide to my referrals.

Before getting to the news from the HYIP industry let me introduce you to the main article of this week – smart contracts and their significance for an online investor.

If there is one lesson I’ve learned from the HYIP industry over the almost 15 years I’ve been blogging about it, I’d have to say that you have to always “expect the unexpected”. The nature of the industry is that nothing ever stays the same for very long, which of course I hope is always the case, and always keeps things interesting.

As you may know if you’ve been following the MNO news blog, one of many areas that I’ve been covering has been that of crypto currencies. In turn that leads us to the subject of so called “smart contracts” which is what I want to discuss in today’s blog post. Not in any great detail for the moment, I just want to talk a little bit about the basics for now, such as what that expression means and what it’s all about, especially for HYIP investors like you and me.

So, let’s get to the most obvious question on everyone’s lips right now – what exactly is the definition of a “smart contract”? You see, the thing is that these so called smart contracts is more or less where the future direction of the HYIP industry is going. It’s already the basic operating procedure that governs the Ethereum cryptocurrency, so I guess it was only a matter of time until it made its way into the wider HYIP industry. To keep things as simple as possible then, it’s this. Do “smart contracts” represent the future of the online HYIP industry?

The first and most obvious question then is of course what exactly is a so-called smart contract. I guess it can represent many things, but for the purposes of the MNO news blog I want to talk about its relevance to the online HYIP industry. In my own mind I suppose the origin of the expression goes back to cryptocurrencies, specifically Ethereum which you can read about here. The phrase has then been more or less co-opted into wider more popular usage as the HYIP industry evolves and develops. But at its essence a smart contract is an algorithm written in code that allows transactions to occur. Financial or otherwise, it’s a deal between two parties that cuts out any middle-men, such as banks or lawyers or insurance companies but can still be accountable and traceable through the blockchain.

Outside of the actual HYIP industry a simple example of a smart contract might be this for instance – a cryptocurrency online exchange, which is probably something most regular HYIP players have had to do at some point in their business. You give money in one currency to “X”, who then returns you the same amount of money minus his fee in another currency. The same way one might swap let’s say dollars for euros in the more traditional case, except here instead of an “over the counter” face-to-face transaction where you count the money there’s a publicly accessible record which can be checked and verified by anyone to prove that money moved from “A to B” and back again without any fraud or scam. Nobody gets to deny that they did or did not deliver the service you paid them for because the receipt is on public display. And if some dishonest person is out there soliciting money from you, you can check their payments record totally free of charge and see what other clients they do business with have to say about them.

With the development of cryptocurrencies, it’s perhaps not surprising that something innovative should happen in the field of investment projects. In many ways we are present at the dawning of a new era in terms of projects on smart contracts and it is very interesting to see what will come of all this. How then do smart contract projects work? All these contracts are written on the basis of Ethereum, on the project sites themselves there are no personal accounts, registration, ref links, but only information pages that talk about marketing and how to do everything in order to invest in the project. The very process of investing and receiving payments takes place directly between your Ether wallet and the project contract wallet. As soon as we send the amount to the project’s wallet, the contract remembers our wallet and charges interest on it, and in order to receive a payment, it is enough to send money to the admin’s wallet and it will immediately send our payment, instantly.

Sometimes a contract is spelled out in such a way that there is no need to order, there are smart contracts with automatic payments. So here you just need to read the marketing on the project website. In other words as far as online HYIPs go, that could equate to “invest $50 and get paid 1% interest per day” for example, or something like that.

What is the difference between smart contracts and regular HYIPs? In ordinary projects, we play against the admin to some extent, who of course always wins. In much the same way as gambling on sports events, business depends on a small minority of players winning, and their earnings being funded by the losses of the majority who “backed the wrong horse” so to speak. In smart contracts, on the contrary, we play everything against everyone, everyone only for himself. After all, at least now, all projects created on smart contracts are completely autonomous: after the contract is written, the administration gives up its ownership and from that moment on the contract works by itself without the risk that the admin wakes up tomorrow and closes payments. He cannot even withdraw money. Absolutely nothing. In these projects, the administrator’s earnings are only on commission, for the distribution of funds, which are spelled out in the marketing and the contract itself from the very beginning.

This is provided that the administration has relinquished ownership, look carefully if there is such a project. Giving up ownership is both a plus and a minus in general. Plus, because, as I said above, you can not be afraid of a malicious admin who wants to steal your money simply because he’s more or less committing to take a fixed percentage earning. In traditional HYIPs for example you might see 99% of players spending 10 to 50 dollars, until once out of nowhere one random big spender comes along and blows $10,000. What can the admin do in this case? He clearly doesn’t have the funds to finance interest payments to one single investor, so who does he scam? Either shut the project completely and run off with everything, or else just scam the one big spender hoping that no one else cares all that much as long as they continue getting paid on their $20 deposit.

Some people in regular business see this as a downside in that after giving up ownership, the administration can no longer make any amendments to the contract. But for HYIP investors I would disagree. Everything is absolutely transparent in smart contracts, we see how much money comes in and out, how much money is on the project’s balance sheet. All this can be clearly seen through Ethereum, it is enough to drive in the project wallet and watch.

Here, too, is a plus and a minus, as you understand. It seems like it’s great to know and see everything, and not guess how things are in the project, but the interpretation of an ordinary participant leaves much to be desired. Someone may be frightened, seeing a loss and spreading panic when in reality this is all in the order of things. All projects have both positive and negative days. And here, more than ever, everything depends on us. Speaking as a monitor I often get asked the question (which I hate by the way!) “how long do you think Program X will run for?”. The answer is always the same, it will run for how ever long the admin takes in more money than he pays out, but if you think I can put a calendar date on that then you’re being ridiculous.

The same can be done by just large investor/hit/n/runners, it is not necessary to be an administrator for this. Or, on the contrary, admins can pour money into the project for support, for example, seeing an outflow in order to align the schedules and breathe new life into the project for everyone’s benefit. As in all HYI programs, it’s better for the admin to be experienced in this matter, even with a perfectly written contract. In addition to creating, you need to know how to manage and develop the project. But in general, success depends on the participants themselves. Thanks to re-investments, reviews, and a little bit of faith, sometimes rather unlikely projects can live for a very, very long time.

Participants of such schemes usually understand their involvement in the pyramid. These people perceive this project as a casino. Everyone understands that he can either win or lose. The only difference is that in case of losing in casino, the participant loses it all. Meanwhile in many pyramids most of participants manage to withdraw at least part of their initial investment, even if they lose.

I suppose if you really want to get into the basics of online HYIPs, they can mostly be are classified as follows: Low (return up to 15% per month), Medium (return from 15% to 50% per month), High (return from 50% per month). The higher return HYIP project offers, the shorter is his lifetime.

Now, while I did say I don’t like to estimate the lifetime of any particular project, you can of course have a guess based on the level of payments. In other words the higher the interest the shorter the life span. So let’s say one HYIP offers you 3% per day without any limits. Thus, an investor needs 33 days to return his money and break even. After that it follows an endless period of receiving profits. Such a HYIP needs to double the amount of total investments each month comparing to previous month. In many cases the lifetime of such project won’t exceed 40–50 days, but in my own experience I’ve seen them run for two years.

Pyramids on smart contracts are the projects that work autonomously and don’t depend on their creators and administrators as such. The operating principle is quite simple. The participant needs to hold an Ethereum wallet. From the HYIP admin’s side there is also a smart contract, which is the same Ethereum wallet but working on a predefined algorithm. As soon as the user transfers the required amount of ETH to a smart contract account, the system remembers the user and promotes him to a participant of the project. Afterwards the investor receives payments according to conditions defined in the smart contract. Depending on rules predefined in the contract, the participant receives payments on his account automatically or upon request by sending zero transactions (payment) to the smart contract.

The main thing that the user should bear in mind is that all actions are irrecoverable as the whole process is run by algorithms and is not controlled by a person. The fact that the project administrator will not be able to change anything after the start is guaranteed by the function “withdrawal from ownership”. Smart contracts are not stored on centralized servers owned by project creators. Their repository is the blockchain network of Ethereum cryptocurrency. Contracts of all such projects are stored in this network. By uploading there a contract and activating the “withdrawal from ownership” function, the administrator can no longer change the terms of the contract. The code of the smart contract is placed in the public domain and anyone with relevant programming knowledge can check it for vulnerabilities. The administrators of such projects receive fixed commissions from each transaction — this is their reward. In such way all the participants in the transaction are assured to receive the result based on the previously specified and unaltered conditions.

Information on transactions and the amount held in the fund is available to all participants in real time on the Ethereum blockchain network, and not on the project’s website. In this sense the scheme quickly gains huge popularity due to its openness, and the impossibility to steal the project’s fund puts such HYIPs in a leading position.

As usual with such articles my main aim is to just give readers a brief introduction to the ever changing world of the HYIP industry and how, well, the way we made money ten years ago is different to the way we make it today but the fundamental basics are still the same. I.e. you gamble and you earn, or your gamble and you lose. The mechanics of how you do it might change but the principle does not.

I hope you found this article useful and interesting, remember that you are free to discuss any of the points raised here or ask any questions on the MNO ShoutBox and if you wish to read more articles on cryptocurrencies please check out this page.



If you somehow missed CoinConnect (reviewed here) you should realize that after three weeks online it’s still not too late to join and earn some good money. You see, unlike so many others with CoinConnect you don’t have to wait so long until you see a profit, as the lock-in period is only the first 24 hours after which you’re free to leave anytime. The returns are quite generous at 0.1% hourly (which makes it 3.6% daily) and the first investors should be close to doubling their investments after a few days. CoinConnect works with literally all the popular currencies and doesn’t convert your cryptofunds into USD, so you get exactly the amount you invest without any transactional losses. There are separate dashboards available for any of the following payment methods – BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, DogeCoin, Dash, Tether, Ripple, ZCash, Tron, and Stellar. What’s more? Withdrawals of up to $100 in value are processed instantly and automatically while larger ones are approved and paid manually within 24 hours.

With CoinConnect investors are flexible when deciding what profit target they want to achieve and when is the right time to leave. Remembering that the principal can be withdrawn any time you like (partially or fully for a 5% fee) empowers confidence among current and potential clients. And of course, the admin’s reputation also helps achieve new goals and the gradual development necessary for long term growth.

Even without an active investment you may earn some money by referring others and participating in the weekly Bounty program which enables you to earn LTC funds by fulfilling simple promotional tasks. The Bounty program from CoinConnect is now in its fourth week with full results can be seen on a special page of the website. In addition to that, communication with the growing membership has always been a strong point in establishing trust, and the regular updates posted on various social media channels strengthens investor relations with the project as well. Below you will find the latest updates from CoinConnect over the last week on the official Telegram group (pay special attention to the hottest topic of the SquidGame token that collapsed just yesterday):

Is Ripple on par with Bitcoin?
Ripple promises instantly move money to all corners of the world. Bitcoin on the otherhand is slow in confirming transactions.
Will XRP eventually overpower BTC?
Earn more XRP and BTC at

The Power of Stellar!
Stellar partners tap USDC for remittances between Europe and Africa!
Will this sleeping giant finally get the much awaited recognition it deserves?
Earn more XLM and many more cryptos at

Flash in with Dash!
Dash Launches DashDirect App Surpassing Bitcoin Merchant Acceptance With 155,000 Locations!
With Coinconnect, you can grow your Dash portfolio with easy steps!
Earn more Dash and many more cryptos at

Have you seen the recent rally of Dogecoin? The OG crypto-meme sure do not want to back down against the highly popular SHIB!
With Coinconnect, you can grow your Dogecoin portfolio even more!
Earn more Dogecoin and many more cryptos at

More ways to earn!
Invest and earn up to 3.6% daily profit.
Refer and earn up to 7% referral commission.
Join our bounty and earn up to $15 in Litecoin!
Earn now at

Do not be afraid of crypto volatility, for a trader it can either be a blessing or a curse.
With CoinConnect, you will not have to worry with volatility. Keep earning even when the market is in the red.
Earn now at

Banks tried to kill Crypto but Failed!
With the emergence of cryptocurrency, most banks tried to stop its progress and adoption.
But now that most big merchants and even Tesla allows crypto, Banks are now embracing cryptocurrency!
With CoinConnect, you will not need banks anymore.
Earn now at

In recent events, a meme token Squid Game token got rug pulled that dove its price to negatives.
With CoinConnect, Only the most trustworthy and popular cryptos are supported so you are safe from rug pull.
Be safe and start earning now at


RoboticsOnline (reviewed here) has proven multiple times that even a program offering a super-low ROI can be attractive enough to many investors and is capable of living for over two years time now. Starting with $50 minimum investment you may get your PerfectMoney, BitCoin, LiteCoin or Ethereum funds invested into RoboticsOnline‘s only plan paying you a variable rate of interest over the 12-business day term. The daily interest is credited to members’ accounts every day Monday to Friday and is very low accounting to about 4% return within the course of the investment term. However, you may increase the chance to get more by enabling the automatic reinvesting of your principal into the next term, thus getting a certain bonus which will increase with every reinvestment made. I wonder if this feature has anything to do with the marvel of longevity the admin has clearly demonstrated over the 25-month run so far. We must say that in any case and by any standards RoboticsOnline has been running really well and perhaps those of you looking for a stable option and another program to diversify your portfolio should have a closer look at this incredible program.

Lately the admin of RoboticsOnline has started posting regular updates on the program’s Telegram channel where all the latest updates will be shared from now on. I would just like to share with you two latest updates connected to the program’s performance and outlining the program’s main features you may find interesting and worthy of your attention. More to follow soon for sure, and for now please have a look at the following posts from RoboticsOnline:

Want to become an investor, but don’t know how to start? We’ve created a RoboticsOnline platform to achieve your financial goals and to start investing, you don’t need anything. Only the desire to make your dreams come true.
You can get started completely free: creating and managing an account is completely free. It takes just 2 minutes to create your account. There are no commissions or other fees for you to manage your account.
Fund your account with RoboticsOnline and get the opportunity to actively invest in the most promising areas.
Using RoboticsOnline, you can easily and quickly buy and sell using a credit card and fund your account instantly.
Our platform will automatically convert all your cryptocurrency deposits to USD. By depositing or withdrawing your money, you receive the appropriate daily rate for your coins. This means you can invest safely without price fluctuations and are protected from volatility.
Our website

Using RoboticsOnline‘s unique investment strategy, you can easily invest even without prior knowledge and make your financial dreams come true faster.
Our main goal is to ensure the highest possible profit for our users. That is why we decided to forget about ordinary investments that will last for many years. And you know what? All investments in RoboticsOnline are only 12 business days. With our investment plans, you will start earning in 12 days.
According to our statistics, the profit for the last 12-day investment period was 4.4%.
As soon as the 12-day period expires, all your refunds are credited to you and you can freely dispose of your assets. In order to start earning you only need to register and make a deposit. RoboticsOnline will do the rest.
Maximizing profits and showing excellent results are the main tasks of our team.
Our website


I would like to finish for today by drawing the results of the latest poll posted on the MNO TalkBack page and offering my readers a chance to vote in the next poll which is directly related to the main subject of the article on smart contracts.

Let’s start with the final results of the previous poll. Apparently, the majority of my readers are not only familiar with the LiteCoin cryptocurrency but also actively use it when investing in HYIPs. Answering the poll’s question “Do you use LiteCoin for investing in HYIPs?56% of my readers said “Yes, I use it regularly or occasionally”. The other two answers have been redistributed equally between two options – 22% for “I have a LiteCoin wallet but I don’t use it” and another 22% for “No, I don’t have a LiteCoin wallet”.

The results have not become a huge surprise to me or anyone else for that matter, because LiteCoin has been one of the oldest and most recognizable cryptocurrencies and very close to BitCoin in terms of main functionality. It does have its own advantages over BitCoin though which was thoroughly covered by me in the blog’s article entitled “An Introduction to LiteCoin” which you can find here. By the way, there are more articles on the subject of cryptocurrencies on the MNO blog, so if you wish to read more articles on the subject please click here and take your pick. That would be exceptionally beneficial for newbies in the cryptocurrencies who only get started and take baby steps in order to find out more on the subject before investing.

For today’s new question on the MNO blog I would like to stay on the subject of smart contracts covered in the main article. I know that these programs have been quite a popular thing a couple of years ago and even now occasional programs (like the one featured recently on Basic listing on MNO) sometimes pop up and become a center of attention. The advantages of HYIPs based on smart contracts have been already covered in the article, so there is no need to repeat myself. And just to continue with that I would like to ask the MNO readers whether they like such type of programs or prefer the traditional HYIPs instead. So, the question and answers you can vote for on the MNO TalkBack over the next week or so will read as:

Do you prefer programs running on smart contracts over traditional HYIPs?

-Yes, as the risk of getting scammed is significantly lower
-Not sure, I like when the admin has some level of control
-No, I prefer when a program is fully managed by a person

Thanks in advance to everyone voting, as the final results will be fully drawn and analysed in the next blog article in about a week from now. Remember that all the votes are completely anonymous and untraceable, and it will only take a second to vote on the MNO TalkBack. What are you waiting for, guys? Click here and share what you think!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 192 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CoinConnect.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: BNBYields (the first instant payments received).

That’s about all I have to share with you for today, guys. I’ll talk to you again in a few days. For now thanks for staying tuned and always in touch with MNO – For Money Lovers!

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