November 2021 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the MNO blog for all the latest news from the very best investment projects HYIP industry has to offer. Regular readers might know that over the fourteen years MNO has been online there were much better times in the industry than now. It appears that the Covid19 pandemic has taken its toll on the amount of good talented admins who are still able to deliver good results and put you on to fair profits for their investors. Some have given up after the streak of fast scams and an inability to change their strategy to suit the times, others simply retired or took a break from being involved in HYIPs (the same goes for some investors as well). MNO though has stayed the same – a place for only the ambitious and talented admins to come list their programs with. I’m pretty sure my readers do not want fast scams here and, just like me, appreciate quantity over quality and my approach towards keeping listing prices high to eliminate any chancers to take advantage of my readers.

Even with the limited choice of seriously good programs at the moment my readers still have some gems to choose from – be it the flexible hourly paying CoinConnect or extra low interest long-term performer RoboticsOnline. Exactly what’s happening in those two is what I’ll be talking about in today’s MNO blog post followed by the final results of last week’s TalkBack poll and new question I will ask readers to participate and vote in.

First though for the sake of newcomers let me remind you that if you’re just taking your first steps in the HYIP industry and are overwhelmed with what it has to offer then don’t fret! You will be able to find tons of useful information that will help you navigate even the stormiest seas with a series of articles entitled HYIP Admins’ Dirty Secrets. There are already nineteen articles at the moment (and it’s only the beginning as I plan to expand the series in the near future) that will disclose all the common tricks they use to get you part with your money. That series will be very helpful to avoid common mistakes newbies usually do and invest in HYIPs with profit – after all, it’s why all we are here for, aren’t we? So, check them all out here and keep an eye for more interesting articles to come your way. And the best way to stay updated on all the upcoming articles is to subscribe to MNO and join more than 2,500 others already reading my articles from the comfort of their mailbox. Just enter your email address and confirm it on this page and you’re done – articles will be delivered to your email address on a regular basis. It’s easy to unsubscribe as well as my subscription base is handled by which will only take one click to opt out.

If you like the selection of programs offered on the MNO monitor and would like to be among the first to know about the latest newcomers then why not follow me on Telegram, Facebook or Twitter? That way you will ensure you will not miss any new leaders of the HYIP industry and will take advantage of the biggies first. If you have any questions for me of perhaps would like to advertise your quality program then contact me here using the online form, email at or chat live on Telegram @mnoblog. I am always happy to answer within 24 hours, usually much faster if I can though, so don’t hesitate to contact me with anything important.


CoinConnect (reviewed here) has become my readers’ favorite program right from the moment it first launched six weeks ago. The first lucky investors who joined CoinConnect right from the very start are already in 150% profits if they kept their original investment intact, and we can only guess for how much longer the program will keep paying. Judging by the admin’s previous track record it could go much longer, but of course only time will tell as it’s impossible to give any predictions in the ever changing HYIP world.

So far the program has been managed very well and is paying consistently on the 0.15% hourly “forever” plan (that is 3.6% daily or 108% monthly). With CoinConnect an investor gets the highest possible level of flexibility in developing his own investment strategy – something that can be only dreamt of in the vast majority of other HYIPs. That is all because of the only minimum requirement of 24 hours after you make an investment after which a Release button will appear across your deposit which will allow to withdraw your principal fully or partially at any time you wish for a 5% fee. What’s better? All the withdrawals below $100 are usually instant while all those above that mark had to be processed manually within 24 hours which is quite a reasonable timeframe as well. Another peculiarity about CoinConnect many investors appreciate is that your profits will not be converted into USD, but rather kept in the cryptocurrency of your choice – there are thirteen separate dashboards available by the amount of various payment methods CoinConnect has been accepting from its investors.

Originally CoinConnect worked with eleven cryptocurrencies, with the list including BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash, DogeCoin, Dash, Tether, Ripple, ZCash, Tron, Stellar. Just a couple of weeks ago BinanceCoin has been added as the twelfth option, and finally last week CoinConnect announced it had started to accept Cardano cryptocurrency via Binance Smart Chain. As you might guess all the deposits and withdrawals up to $100 via Cardano will be processed instantly, just like any other payment option which CoinConnect has been working with. The news about the Cardano addition was actually posted to every member of CoinConnect in a rare newsletter you can read in full below followed by the regular daily updates posted on the program’s official Telegram channel over the last seven days:

We are now accepting Tether (USDT) & Cardano (ADA) trough Binance Smart Chain (BSC)!
Hello, dear CoinConnect member! We have some good news to share.
As from today, CoinConnect accepts USDT.BEP20 and ADA.BEP20 crypto payment options for both deposits and withdrawals!
We are constantly looking forward to expand our accepted payment options list and we wish you happy earnings with us!
Thousands of customers worldwide have registered with us and are already enjoying their rewards on trading investments.
Best Regards. CoinConnect Team

Bitcoin recently took a tumble dropping the price -3%.
With CoinConnect, volatility is your best friend.
Earn more crypto even with the market is red at

With the recent reds on Bitcoin, experts say the new bottom is actually 60k!
This signifies we are only going up from here on out!
Earn more crypto even with the market is red at

CoinConnect reward user with lucrative referral commission for every friend or family you invite into the platform.
Earn more crypto even with your friends and family at

Despite the recent crypto marker crash, Litecoin holds strong with a 2% green.
Will Litecoin finally break-out of $200 year long bracket?
Earn and grow more Litecoin at

Affiliate Program
Become a part of CoinConnect investment company.
Applying for an account will give you the opportunity to present and promote CoinConnect and be awarded with a three-level referral bonuses.
Earn and grow more crypto at

Looking for instant payments?
At CoinConnect, all withdrawals worth up to $100 are processed instantly.
There are no fees involved when withdrawing.
Earn and grow more crypto at

Starting from 0.0005 BTC, CoinConnect offers to earn 3.6% every day profit with your Principal Back. Larger your contribution amount is – larger is your daily return.
Earn and grow more crypto at


If you don’t like the huge levels of volatility associated with the majority of cryptocurrencies then you might consider investing in RoboticsOnline (reviewed here). The program has been with us for over two years while listed on MNO for 600+ days which is an impressive achievement, anyone will agree! In the turbulent times the HYIP industry has been experiencing over the last couple of years wildly affected by the ongoing Covid19 pandemic it’s even more surprising to realize that such long-running programs as RoboticsOnline actually exist and are thriving. It would be more understandable if you consider the fact that RoboticsOnline only pays very small variable returns usually hovering around the 0.3%-0.4% mark over a period of 12 business days (Monday to Friday). The minimum investment starts from $50 in PerfectMoney or its equivalent in either of the three popular cryptocurrencies – BitCoin, LiteCoin or Ethereum. And the opposite actually applies to what investors expect from CoinConnect for instance – you will be getting the same amount of USD as your cryptocurrencies will be converted both on every investment and withdrawal request. So there will be no surprises at the end and you will get about $4 in profit on every $100 worth deposit. However, the related cryptocurrency fees will apply to every withdrawal you can eliminate it by enabling automatic reinvestment in your RoboticsOnline account. Besides, you will get extra bonus interest for that, so it’s worth exploring the option if you like the program’s long lifespan but are discouraged from investing by the low interest rates.

By the way, if you would like to try RoboticsOnline but don’t have enough funds to invest it’s a perfect opportunity to sign up now, as for a limited time you will get a $300 investment bonus. This money will be reinvested into the program’s 12-business day term and you will be able to keep your earnings for two cycles as well. You will be the one to keep profits which will be around 9% and will also include possible winnings from the weekly lottery where you need to guess seven numbers right (or leave the ones offered by the system on default) and win some extra cash (each $25 invested gets you one free lottery ticket). Sweet, isn’t it? Check out the message on the main page of RoboticsOnline and claim your investment bonus – it won’t last forever!

Among the latest updates from RoboticsOnline posted on the program’s official Telegram channel over the last seven days the first one will address exactly the issue of volatility protection against possible cryptocurrency market fluctuations I talked about above. The second update only issued earlier today describes the free nature of opening an account with RoboticsOnline and explains why it’s a win-win situation for both the company and its investors. Check out the two latest updates from RoboticsOnline below:

Volatility protection
Our team of professionals was able to solve the most important problems that people face when investing in various fields of activity.
You can become an investor today and for free: creating and managing an account is completely free. Registration will take you a couple of minutes. And the result that will bring you the decision to start investing will give you a happy life.
Fund your Robotics account online and get the opportunity to actively invest in promising and profitable areas.
With our RoboticsOnline platform, you can quickly and easily complete all transactions using just your credit card.
We also took care of your protection against volatility. All your cryptocurrency deposits are automatically converted to USD. By depositing or withdrawing money, you receive the appropriate daily rate for your coins. This means you can invest safely without price fluctuations and are protected from volatility.
Our website

Free account
We understand perfectly well that before you start using any investment-related service, you need to understand what the commission for certain services will be. The RoboticsOnline team can ensure that the conditions for using our services are as comfortable as possible for you.
That is why registration, depositing money, maintaining an account, help from a professional investor – everything is free.
Cryptocurrency fees are used as network fees known as transaction fees. The fees for other payment methods are used by the payment provider. RoboticsOnline does not withhold these fees.
Our platform is built in such a way that we win when you win! We make money by holding a percentage of the company’s profits that we received from investments with investors’ money. Therefore, we are maximally interested in making profitable investments.
To start using RoboticsOnline, you only need a desire to make good money, and we will take care of the rest.
Our website


The last item I wanted to discuss with you for today is the result of the most recent MNO TalkBack opinion poll. As always I’ll be replacing this with a brand new question for you to think about over the next week or so, but more on that in a moment. The current poll topic was on the always contentious topic of “how much is too much”, in other words at what point does your HYIP investment turn from simply supporting the program you are joining to actively destroying it. Even with the best intentions in the world, if an admin can’t come up with enough money to pay both what he owes to you and what he owes to all other members then the game is up. Simple economics really, more money can’t come out of a program than what goes in, unless the admin subsidises interest payments from his own pocket which I think we all know just does not happen.

At the core of the issues then essentially is overheating, when everyone who wants to join a particular program does so at the same time and in turn sacrificing a more desirable slow steady cash flow for a sudden avalanche of money. Great news if you happen to be a deliberate fast scammer, not so good if you’re a genuine investor just looking to earn a little extra for yourself. The exact question put to readers in the last poll was this: Will too many large deposits right from the start inevitably lead to a fast scam?

Opinions on this matter were divided, however I was surprised at how evenly so. 50% of you happen to think so, you voted for the option “Yes, it’s impossible to be sustainable as too much funds right away leads to a bubble”. The other 50% of you see a bigger picture coming into place with this only being one obstacle which a skilled admin can manoeuvre his way out of. You voted “Not necessarily, experienced admins can plan thoroughly and budget accordingly”. By the way, just for the record and to keep everything transparent, there was a third option you could have voted for but it seems no one took the view “No, this has no effect on the program’s longevity as it all goes in to the same pool”.

Let’s move on to a new subject now, but still connected with the online HYIP industry. I think it was the French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr who is credited with the quote “the more things change, the more they stay the same”. It’s often used sarcastically of course, all that’s ever really changed in the HYIP industry has been the mechanics of how we go about managing it, the core principles have always been the same. It’s just interesting for me on a personal level to look back over the last 15 years or so and see how “different” the industry is today compared to when MNO first came online. You could argue it’s both vastly different while making an equally compelling argument that it’s fundamentally exactly the same, maybe that’s a subject for another opinion poll, right now I just want to talk about payment options. Specifically cryptocurrencies versus the more traditional dollar based payment handlers.

I use the word traditional here, others might just as well use the word “obsolete” to describe them. When I first got involved in the HYIP industry, first as an investor and then later as a monitor, I don’t think I or anyone I dealt with had the slightest idea what a cryptocurrency was. These days it’s all you are even allowed to use in a lot of programs. The dominance of the US dollar coupled with US government control over who gets to handle their currency has always had an affect on that, again another story for another blog post, for better or worse this is where we now find ourselves.

BitCoin clearly rules the roost in terms of currency/market share, while anyone who has an issue with that has an almost endless list of perfectly viable alternatives. Even the volatility of exchange rates for which cryptocurrencies have become notorious can be navigated by using providers such as Tether, discussed in another MNO article which you can find here, a currency with no fluctuations and a fixed value tied to the dollar (hence the name “Tether” I suppose).

I’m guessing at this point that most new investors coming to the HYIP industry for the first time are quite heavily reliant on cryptocurrencies, be they BitCoin, Ethereum, or any of the plethora of others. Longer term industry players might still have their reasons for preferring the somewhat old school methods of dollar based payment handlers, PerfectMoney being the only really serious example still prepared to serve the HYIP industry, using third party exchangers to pay hard cash directly into your bank account.

Your reasons for preferring one method over the other are entirely personal and up to you, what I am curious about today is just how much of a swing from hard to crypto currency MNO readers have taken. How much preference does one take over the other for you guys these days? Does it even interest you at all, do you pay much attention, or perhaps you deliberately try to mix things up as much as possible. My exact question therefore is this:

How big a role do cryptocurrencies play in your HYIP investments?

Answers can be taken from the following options, please just pick the one that comes closest to matching your own experience:

– Most of my HYIP business goes through cryptocurrencies now
– I prefer to keep a strong mix of hard and cryptocurrencies
– I don’t like to depend on crypto so prefer dollar based providers

As always thanks to everyone who participates, your vote is always most welcome and greatly appreciated. Voting buttons can be found on the MNO TalkBack page here and will stay open for at least another week from the time of posting. Remember it only takes literally a second to cast your vote, and will stay 100% anonymous, untraceable, and confidential at all times. Though you remain free to discuss the question if you want to on the MNO ShoutBox with your fellow readers.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: CoinConnect.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: BNBYields.

That’s about all I have to report in today’s news update, guys. Thank you all for reading. I wish you all a successful and profitable week ahead and hope to see soon again on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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