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30/09/2013. CrestFunds Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! CrestFunds has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a nice weekend. As you might have noticed there’s been a couple of new programs added to the MNO monitor over the last couple of days so there’s been no shortage of activity to report on. So to start off the new business week I want to begin with a closer look at a mid to longer term HYI program called CrestFunds, which despite only being on my monitor since Friday seems to be getting a lot of positive feedback from the readers who’ve contacted me. I should point out first of all that CrestFunds have been online for almost the last two weeks now but wasn’t added to MNO until Friday. The admin had in fact asked for it already, but due to a technical issue this couldn’t be completed until then. It’s not that big a deal anyway, because as we shall see from the CrestFunds investment plans it’s still fair enough to consider the program brand new.

And what better place to start then than with a more detailed description of those plans, and if you’re a fan of longer term programs then you might find something in there that you like. The first thing you will need to keep in mind that the process of investing in CrestFunds is slightly different to what most of you may be used to. It’s not difficult or anything, just different which is due to the script. Basically all you need to do is first to fund your wallet there (which is your account). Once you’ve done this it’s now up to you to redirect that money into the actual plan you were looking to join. You will have to do this in order to activate your investment and start earning money, otherwise the funds will just sit there in the wallet doing nothing.

There’s three plans in total for you to choose from. They run for varying lengths of time and cost different amounts to join, but the first thing I was pleased to notice is that they are all within the financial reach of a good number of investors. Not everyone mind, but enough to keep them valid and available to enough players. The first of these runs for 30 business days (that’s six weeks) and CrestFunds require a minimum deposit of $10 before you can join. Interest payments, made Monday to Friday only, of 1.4% will then be made until expiry, at which point CrestFunds should return your principal. The payments themselves add up to 42%, which of course means that you don’t actually see any profit until the principal is returned. The maximum limit in this plan is $500.

The next option is a plan running for 60 business days, which is 12 weeks, and requires a $50 minimum to join. Once you’re in CrestFunds offer a daily interest payment of 1.6%, again made Monday to Friday only, which eventually adds up to 96% in total. This figure will then become your net profit when CrestFunds return your principal as promised. The maximum amount you are allowed to spend in this plan increases to $5,000.

And finally for the more serious players the third CrestFunds investment plan runs for 90 business days (18 weeks) and will set you back a $100 minimum spend to join. If you take them up on the plan then the offer in return is a daily interest payment of a more generous 1.8%, also from Monday to Friday only. You would earn back an amount equal to your principal 56 business days into the term which means you break even and can’t possibly lose any of your own money after that. By the term’s completion payments will add up to 162% in total at which point CrestFunds should add your own initial principal on top of that. Maximum spend is capped at $10,000.

If you like any of the plans (and there’s nothing to stop you from joining more than one of them assuming you can afford it) then the next thing you will probably want to hear about is the choice of payment processors. And that’s another thing I really like about CrestFunds – the choice is almost as good as anything you will find anywhere in the HYIP industry now. As well as the expected popular options such as PerfectMoney, EgoPay, and SolidTrustPay, CrestFunds are also using OkPay, PexPay, and BitCoin, all of which are starting to pop up more and more often in the industry recently. The withdrawals are all processed manually by the CrestFunds admin and so will need to be requested from within your private members account area. Once you’ve done so you will then be required to allow anything up to 24 hours for the transaction to be completed. In the case of BitCoin by the way, and if you are an account holder there I’m sure you will have figured this out yourself by now, it’s not exactly a payment processor in the traditional sense but rather a digital currency. As such it has a fluctuating value against the dollar, meaning that the actual numbers themselves are going to be different but not the values. For example a $10 deposit via something like STP would cost (I think) something like 0.8 BitCoins. It’s still worth $10 of course, but just keep it in mind. Then again if you’re not a BitCoin user then you probably couldn’t care less, lol! The only other thing I can think of concerning the plans that you might want to keep in mind is that CrestFunds only work on business days, Monday to Friday. There’s nothing to stop you from making a payment request over the weekend of course, assuming they actually owe you anything that is. Just remember that there won’t be any new money credited to your account until the following Monday, so don’t complain about them not paying if you make that mistake.

On the subject of design and security, I guess it’s fair to say that CrestFunds is very much a no frills website but I don’t mean that in a bad way. Everything is basic and kept to a minimum, but all the important stuff and the information you need to know are there. And it’s all quite easy to navigate and user friendly despite running from a script that maybe not all of you might be that familiar with just yet. I’m sure that will change however, as this is one of the other features where CrestFunds compares more favorably than a lot of the competition. The script is under license from ShadowScripts which is definitely one of the better products on the market now. It doesn’t come cheap but it does bring with it a high level of security so both the admin and the investors can have some peace of mind. If you’re interested then I had an interview with its developer some time back which you can read here. Anyway, hosting is also pretty solid with CrestFunds on a dedicated server with the support and DDoS protection of CloudFlare and the website is SSL encrypted by Comodo. Should you have any further questions for the admin that you think haven’t been covered here or any account related issues then CrestFunds can be reached by filling in your details on the customer support form and submitting it through the contacts page. Fans of social networking sites will be pleased to find CrestFunds using both Facebook and Twitter accounts so you can follow them there too if you feel so inclined.

There isn’t a whole lot in the way of texts or any kind of business plan, well information is a little sparse say the least and there’s nothing really there you can independently verify for yourself. For the record it just gives a very brief and highly cryptic mention to currency trading, but the cynic in me says I’m not too sure about any of that. And remember, even if it was entirely true and CrestFunds not a 100% online HYIP then it still doesn’t guarantee profitability. So as is always the case in this industry, be careful with what you are doing and be aware of what you are getting yourself in to. That involves setting a sensible spending limit that you can both afford to spend and afford to lose, and if joining CrestFunds at all then try at least to keep it as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



EmpireFinanceGroup (reviewed here) which until recently only accepted deposits via PerfectMoney and EgoPay (along with direct bank wire deposits for larger amounts) today added another payment system called Payeer in testing mode. I wonder why much bigger systems like SolidTrustPay aren’t added instead by EmpireFinanceGroup and would have to question the decision to add an almost unknown Russian-based payment system. I guess it might be of some interest to Russian investors who may have asked the admin for it. Anyway, Payeer is accepted now by EmpireFinanceGroup to any of the investment plans – 1.3% for 45 business days, 1.5% for 80 business days, 1.7% for 100 business days all with principal back on expiry. The only limitation for investments made via Payeer is the imposed maximum deposit of $5,100 which is still more than enough to invest in any investment plan. Despite the high investment minimums (starting from $100), EmpireFinanceGroup is still a very popular choice among investors looking for something with staying power as it’s been on MNO for over seven months now processing instant payouts all this time and successfully surviving the LR debacle in May this year. Even more mind-boggling is how EmpireFinanceGroup managed to survive for more than three years whilst still paying to everyone, as the official launch date came back to June 2010 (!). Seriously, that still strikes me why EmpireFinanceGroup is still only #2 on my Premium listing, because it surely deserves to be #1, and hopefully will occupy this place soon enough. Here’s the short update regarding the addition of Payeer in test mode:

Payment system update – EmpireFinanceGroup
New payment system is now available for our clients in test period. During this time the maximum deposit limit via Payeer is $5100.
EmpireFinanceGroup Support Department


In comparison to EmpireFinanceGroup the achievement of CatenaFinance which tomorrow celebrates its 100th day online might seem modest enough. However that was enough to see lots of investors earn a decent profit. CatenaFinance (reviewed here) has been on MNO blog since day one and has been paying successfully for all this time to SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, and PerfectMoney accounts on the daily 2% for 365 days with payouts on business days only plan and the more profitable weekly 11% for 55 weeks plan. Both plans are extremely affordable as they start from a $1 minimum and both return the initial investment on expiry. Although for the first 99 days online, no one managed to get their principal back, but let’s see if CatenaFinance manages to celebrate its first year online and return the deposits then. I hope the determination and professionalism with which its admin Enver (interviewed here) runs the program will result in more success in the future. To attract more investors a withdrawable bonus of 10% was announced today and will be valid for 24 hours only. I hope it’s a genuine attempt to get more exposure, but in any case, just consider the bonus as a nice feature but not influencing your decision to join. I myself don’t like admins talking about bonuses, but I hope it works positively for CatenaFinance. See the latest update below for more information:

CatenaFinance: 100th day online
As we already mentioned in the previous newsletter, today (Tuesday, the 1st of October) is our 100th day online.
For that special occasion we have decided on a small promotional bonus: all deposits today will receive a 10% bonus.
The bonus will be added manually. We estimate that it will not take more then 12 hours to apply the bonus. After that, it shall be normally available on your balance and ready for withdrawal.
This offer will be available until the end of day, which is to say until Wednesday the 2nd at 00:00 hours. Consider that we are in the GMT time zone.
We hope this bonus will provide some initiative for our inactive members, as well as ones that want to reinvest.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us. We would be happy to hear from you.
Thank you for your trust.
Regards, CatenaFinance


After the mind-boggling 7.2% profits reported by the admin of PokerByProxy on Friday, the next three days saw smaller returns, but still garnered 6.65% in total, which came to 3.06% profits for Saturday, 1.19% for Sunday and 2.4% for Monday. Taking into consideration that the results from PokerByProxy could be either positive or negative for any given day such stable results should give investors hope that the chain of profitable results shown for the last week online might be more or less permanent. If you read my review of PokerByProxy published here or my interview with its admin Patrick here, you might be aware that the main difference in PokerByProxy compared to more orthodox HYIPs is that it’s totally up to you to decide what term you wish to join for. Your initial principal which can start from as low as $25 is not tied-up even for a day, and you’re entitled to request either all of it or part of it back at any time and get paid usually within 24 hours to EgoPay, PerfectMoney, HD-Money, SolidTrustPay, BitCoin, or PayPal, and within 48 hours to via Bank transfer or Western Union. Many investors that have been in the project since the start of its 25 days online earned excellent profits on their investment. Despite occasional loss days reported in PokerByProxy (capped at a 5% maximum), the profitable days with variable up to 25% daily returns are still very much in the majority. Note that with the automatic compounding you may as well leave your earnings and then the next profits for the day will accrue on the increased deposit as your earnings automatically become the part of the principal every day. However the same goes for potential loss days, as your principal and all the accrued interest will be penalized if PokerByProxy is not so successful in their alleged gaming activities. Anyway, the last three days the admin and the team were lucky enough and made almost 7% for their members. Hoping the lucky streak will continue for longer I’m leaving you with the latest profit reports that are posted on PokerByProxy‘s website at the end of every gaming day:

Saturday 28th September 2013
Result 3.06%
Report After a fun night of entertainment, our team woke up this morning ready for a repeat of yesterday. We decided to start with a walk over to Casino Niagara, which locals have informed us is the older of the two casinos here in Niagara Falls. After getting lost (this casino is a bit of a mystery, with multiple levels), we managed to locate the Poker Room on the second floor. While not as busy as Fallsview, there were plenty of games going, and we got the day’s play started immediately.
After playing for a while at Casino Niagara, we were getting a little frustrated, as the pots are incredibly small, and the limits are incredibly low, particularly for a live casino. Casino Niagara is great for those looking to play some leisurely poker, however for the serious players like ourselves, the limits are just too low to make a decent profit. After about an hour we decided to head back over to Fallsview Casino for some play at more reasonable limits.
Surprisingly, upon returning to Fallsview Casino, there was a waiting list to join the tables, since they didn’t have very many tables going, so we decided to take a short break and enjoy a nice lunch at the Grand Buffet. If you ever happen to be in Niagara Falls and are looking for a buffet, you can’t beat the views of the Grand Buffet. We had a table near the window, overlooking the falls, which is truly a spectacular sight.
With the team well fed, and their names having been called on the waiting list, we returned to the poker room to make the day’s return. The first few hands were losses, however that quickly changed when one of our team members hit a four of a kind against one of the locals who had a full house, securing a massive pot. After about an hour of play, we tallied up the winnings and were at 3.06%. I decided it would be best to play it safe and all it a day.
All accounts have been updated with today’s 3.06% return.

Sunday 29th September 2013
Result 1.19%
Report After an exciting weekend, and some great returns, we only had a short time to play today and we made the most of it. We spent less than an hour at the tables, due to the fact that we had to travel, though during that time we were able to secure a return of 1.19%. All accounts have been updated.

Monday 30th September 2013
Result 2.40%
Report Today we returned to our regular online play, after an exciting weekend in Niagara Falls, Canada. While not quite as fun as live poker, our online play is usually fairly reliable when it comes to making daily profits. After playing for around 4 hours, our team was able to generate a profit of 2.4%. All accounts have been updated with today’s result.


As you know in order to become a long-lasting success the admins of short-term projects must think about something different in order to maintain interest. I’m happy to see that the admin of OilGroup also realizes this and tries to improve his program on a regular basis. You might remember that yesterday OilGroup was added to Standard listing on MNO (read the full review on my blog tomorrow), while today I was already paid on the 104%-120% after 1 day plan which is the shortest one in the series of on expiry plans that also include – 122%-230% after 5 days, 170%-750% after 15 days, 400%-1800% after 30 days, 700%-3000% after 45 days, 800% after 8 days. EgoPay, PerfectMoney, and HD-Money are all accepted by OilTrade starting from a $10 minimum and the payments are made pretty fast so far. I’ll discuss the plans in more detail tomorrow, but for today let’s see how the admin improves communication by adding phone support and live chat. This was covered in the following newsletter sent tonight which you can read below:

Phone Support and Live Chat
Dear investors.
We would like to inform that we have become even closer to you.
From today you can use the online support via the phone and live chat.
Customer support chat is GMT +1 10AM to 10PM. Stay with us and your dreams will come true.
Phone Support +442037347375
Best Regards, William Richardson
OilGroup – The Power Of Dreams


EndoInv was the program I announced yesterday which was launched today and added to Premium listing on MNO. The admin also purchased a top blog banner on my site for one month straight away which alone speak volumes about his intentions to work for a long time. I’ll talk more about EndoInv in my full review to be published on Wednesday but for now just want to mention the main features briefly. EndoInv accepts EgoPay and PerfectMoney starting from a $10 minimum. Although you can also see SolidTrustPay listed as a payment option on the website, it’s a bit misleading as their STP account isn’t properly verified yet and therefore cannot accept deposits in automated mode. The admin assured me it will be available by this business week, so keep reading MNO and I’ll tell you when it happens. Another thing to say about EndoInv is that it provides instant withdrawals to both EgoPay and PerfectMoney (and eventually to STP too). That means that once you request your withdrawal from EndoInv it will be in your e-currency account within seconds. I guess the admin is very confident in the security of EndoInv as it’s hosted on a dedicated server with superb DDoS protection by the industry’s leader BlockDos, it’s SSL-secured by Comodo and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. As for the investment plans, they might be called mid-term. One of them pays you 112% after 8 calendar days (or 12% pure profit). However the more popular investment plan will probably be the daily paying 7% for 30 calendar days plan with a total profit of 54% over the month. You may ask why the profit is so small as opposed to 110% which it’s supposed to be. Well, the answer is simple – out of the 30 calendar days your account in EndoInv will be credited on business days only (Monday to Friday) which equals 22 business days, hence 54% pure profit. Don’t worry if you don’t get how the plans work now, as I’ll explain everything with simple examples in the upcoming review. For now you can read the welcome message from the admin who introduced live chat and a phone number along with a video presentation which you may find useful if considering whether or not to join EndoInv:

EndoInv Official Launch 30/09/2013
Hello, We are ready to cooperate with you! Today we start our investment fund. From now you can invest with us. Our company is registered in London, where you can visit us. Our registration number is: 08701046. You can call us anytime with that number: +44 1157180446. You can also write us on Live Chat where our consultants will answer any your questions. We encourage you to see our video presentation and open an account!
EndoInv Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: After90Days, FxDynamics.
From MNO Premium list: PureIncome, EmpireFinanceGroup, FidelisFinanceCatenaFinance, SolomonHit, PokerByProxy, GeniusCapitalLimited, CrestFunds (the first payments received), EndoInv (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list:  OilGroup (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: InvestmentCapital, IncomeAlways, TheInvestmentBank, WelorTrade.

That’s it for tonight, guys. I hope you find my updates interesting and if so, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Facebook and subscribe to my daily news by typing your email address in the form on top of my blog. I’ll see you all again tomorrow with the full review of OilGroup plus the daily news from the HYIP industry – an exciting world of investment opportunities for everyone. See you then!

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