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03/06/2017. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello everyone! Welcome again to the MNO blog – the only blog dealing exclusively with high-budget investment projects in the HYIP industry, and weeding out the cheap ones with intentionally high listing prices. It’s been a slow start to the summer which is fine by me, many people are enjoying vacations now and are not that involved in investing for the moment. After all, we know the HYIP industry works in cycles and after a period of slowdown a revival always follows. Taking a look back in the year and after the extremely high activities over the first three months we saw the following two months with very little going on. Now with the arrival of summer the expectations of HYIP investors are high, as shown from the preliminary results of the poll everyone still running on the MNO TalkBack page here. Yet we don’t have many programs to establish themselves as the next big industry leader. A few good programs from my monitoring list are running really well, just take FexFund and AxisCrude as good examples of what highly-skilled and experienced admins can achieve even during slow periods. Anyway, very soon we will be able to see more and more long-lasting programs opening up. The good times are just around the corner, of this I have no doubt. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that summer will deliver some really good results, and meanwhile let’s check out the latest updates from the current programs on the MNO monitor.


I have to say I’ve been really pleased with the way FexFund has been going since the program first launched some seven weeks back. Pleased, but not surprised. I expected it would eventually prove to be a success despite the wider HYIP industry not being in a particularly good state at the time. In fact the latest newsletter from FexFund sees the admin proudly underline that very point to the naysayers and self-appointed “experts” who wrote the program off almost as soon as it got started. With terms that offer 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, and 5% for 30 days, all plans have now completed between one and five full cycles, all with instant payouts throughout. I think those numbers speak for themselves, and no one can argue anymore that in HYIP terms FexFund has been anything other than a welcome if albeit all too rare success story. If you want more details on the plans or anything else to do with the program then FexFund was first reviewed on MNO here, and to see what the admin himself has to say about it all he was also interviewed on MNO here. He recently took a poll among investors asking what changes they would like to see made to the FexFund investment plans, and unsurprisingly the most popular answer was “don’t change a thing!” If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it as the saying goes.

Anyway, in the interests of further promoting the program and bringing FexFund to the wider audience it surely deserves, another referral contest has been launched. This one differs somewhat from the last contest insofar as it does more than focus on just getting new members to join, you are also rewarded if you can get existing members of your downline to re-invest. Perhaps of lesser interest (certainly I don’t get it myself anyway) is the upcoming alleged “partnership” with an online retail store due to open later in the summer which serves the African market and deals exclusively with BitCoin and other digital only currencies. In addition to BitCoin by the way FexFund also works with PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash and all the payouts are processed instantly as I said before already. The full newsletter from FexFund is included below:

Latest updates from FexFund
Another Friday has just begun, and I couldn’t be happier to send you another newsletter with the latest updates.
Today it’s our 35th day online. I wish I could reverse the time and make a bet with every single person who said that it “doesn’t make sense to open trading site”, “you will not survive even one week” and any other negative stuff we heard from people. I would be rich while winning all the bets ; )
But let’s focus on the things which are happening now. We are heading to the end of first Promoter Contest. We got very positive feedback from sponsors and just regular users who are recommending our site to their friends. That’s why we have decided to open another contest, this time for two weeks and with different rules. We will count deposits from all referrals, not only those who signed up during the competition time! So you can encourage your existing referrals to invest with us and have a chance to win contest’s prizes.
Also, there is ongoing pool about making changes in the plans on the site. As we hear you and your voice is the most important for us we can already finish that pool as your votes say it’s all:
Remove Starter plan and add 45 days plan – 557
Remove Starter plan and add 60 days plan – 418
Do not remove Starter and add 45 days plan- 293
Do not remove Starter and add 60 days plan- 445
Do not make any changes – 4181
So considering this results, we will make no further changes in the plan system.
We have some big news as well.
We are opening partnership with SHOPNOW.NG which is Africa’s 1st online store that will accept Bitcoin as the only means of payment. SHOPNOW.NG will be launched on July 29th and will host top Bitcoin investors from Nigeria, Africa and the world as well have the partnership with two international companies already (BITREFILL & BITWALA) and FexFund making it the third. Shopnow will not be limited to just e-commerce but will be an exchange for BTC users to change their BTC to Naira and vice versa; it will also be a platform to advertise Bitcoin investments or businesses.
I just realised that it is another long newsletter, so I better finish this off :)
Don’t forget to join our telegram channel:
Have a wonderful weekend.
George Soleos. CEO of FexFund.


Another program that’s impressed investors with a professional attitude and instant payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin is AxisCrude (reviewed here). Although it’s a somewhat longer term option offering terms of 3% for 55 days and 4% for 50 days, AxisCrude is not with us long enough to complete its first cycle just yet but has certainly been here long enough to put the first investors in profit. In that sense AxisCrude can probably be deemed a limited success already, given that they’ve done something so many other programs have been failing to deliver. Of course we would all like to expect a good deal more than just the bare minimum from AxisCrude in the future, but seeing as the program is barely getting started let’s give them time and see how it goes. The admin seems to have been busy with two newsletters recently, as do some of the members themselves with some creative video reviews uploaded to YouTube. If you have a knack for such things then feel free to have a go at it yourself, because at the end of the day anything that helps AxisCrude expand its share of the market ultimately helps protect your own personal investment with them as well. The second update from the AxisCrude admin is also related to videos, this time one of their own. To be honest I’m a bit more sceptical about this one, it appears to be a hand-held camera phone being moved around over some illegible graphs on a computer screen and some truly dreadful “music” playing in the background. The reason I’m sceptical is that this video is labeled “Live Trading from AxisCrude” as if it was some kind of proof, whereas in actual fact it’s nothing of the sort. Anyway, I don’t want to take anything away from the fact that AxisCrude has been an otherwise dependable performer up to now, and as it’s an official video on behalf of the program I’ve had it embedded in the MNOVision page. Both newsletters can be read in full below:

Greetings to all our active investors around the world. We thank you all for choosing AxisCrude Investment LTD; we are the best.
No doubt, AxisCrude Investment has been a great opportunity for very many people to earn passive income and achieve their financial dreams. Also, there is no doubt that AxisCrude Investment will continue to put smiles on everyone’s face; this is our aim and we have consistently worked hard to maintain it.
Right now, some of our satisfied investors have voluntarily sent some videos of their review about AxisCrude Investment. These videos are awesome, motivating and they reflect the fact that AxisCrude Investment is creating a positive impact around the world.
Watch these three videos:
If investors can be so excited to share their success stories through videos, then, they must be satisfied enough and impressed with AxisCrude Investment. Think about it, who would make a video for a scamming site? Who would make a video for a crappy and shabby project? Nobody! So we are very proud of these individuals who have shown how grateful they are for joining AxisCrude Investment.
We hope to see more videos like these ones and we’ll be glad if you send yours too.
AxisCrude Investment is growing bigger and better every day, we are the best; we keep our words and fulfill our promises.
Please continue to spread the good news about AxisCrude Investment.
Do not forget to join our Official Facebook Group.
Once again, we appreciate every single investor; you are the reason we are still in business.
Team AxisCrude Investment LTD
Need Assistance? We’re happy to help:
WhatsApp Support:- +44 744 719 1725
Protect your account: -Always keep your password confidential and never share it with anyone.

Hello, Wonderful greetings to all our active investors around the world.
Thank you for choosing AxisCrude Investment LTD; we are the best.
Severally, we have told you that AxisCrude Investment is a real company; we trade with your funds to give you profits daily. Now, we have brought you one of those trading sessions and this is to show you how our experts are working tirelessly and professionally to make sure that maximum profits are generated from invested funds.
Please watch the video here:
Now, if you’re a professional trader, you will understand exactly what’s going on right there in the video, but if you’re not, you may be caught up in some unprecedented gibberish. Well, this is just to show you what goes on behind the scene and how much effort we put in to generate profits daily.
At AxisCrude Investment, we work continuously to retain the trust and confidence you have in us; we put in more effort daily to make sure that every investor is satisfied. We work for you while you relax and wait for profits.
We will not fail to do all that is professionally possible to generate profits for all our active investors. That’s why we have the best team, best trading experts, honest admin and other dedicated staff. We are not one of those fraudulent schemes that are not ready for long term business, they are only out to take people’s funds and run away.
No! AxisCrude Investment is here to stay, with long term plans, many more days ahead and much profit for everyone.
AxisCrude Investment is growing bigger and better every day, we are the best; we keep our words and fulfill our promises.
Please continue to spread the good news about AxisCrude Investment.
Do not forget to join our Official Facebook Group.
Once again, we appreciate every single investor, you are the reason we are still in business.
Team AxisCrude Investment Ltd.
Need Assistance? We’re happy to help:
WhatsApp Support:- +44 744 719 1725
Protect your account: -Always keep your password confidential and never share it with anyone.


Finally for today as it’s a weekend and not much else going on in the industry news-wise I thought I might take a look at what’s been going on with the payment processors that investors are using. As usual, Payza don’t disappoint and have some interesting articles on their official news blog. I know this might not even be directly related to the HYIP industry much less the programs that accept them, but as an account holder and regular Payza user I have to say I always find them quite interesting to read even is not practically relevant to the business we are in. At the moment only two programs on the MNO monitor make use of Payza, including TrafficHeap (reviewed here), and the long standing industry stalwart BandeiraCorp (first reviewed here an amazing 15 months ago!). Not many but then Payza has always been known for the enforcement of much stricter policies when it comes to the approval of merchants authorised to use their services. From the investors point of view however it could hardly be better, given the raft of affordable low price ways you can move money in and out of your Payza account without the need for third party exchangers and their unwelcome fees. These include direct bank transfers in and out of your account, credit cards, and a very handy Payza debit card that allows you to load funds directly from your account withdraw as cash from any ATM worldwide, or just make over the counter purchases with any local shop/business in your local area. The main focus of the most recent update from Payza by the way, just in case you are interested, is how employers can manage salary and wage payments for “remote” employees, i.e. staff members who don’t carry out their duties in the traditional office or factory environment and may work from their own homes. Like I said, maybe no directly related to the HYIP industry as covered on MNO but it might be useful in the personal offline business of some readers, so I’ll include in in full below:

Distributed Teams: Payouts for International Workers
In today’s digital economy, distributed teams are common. Many organizations, including the majority of companies doing business online, have anywhere from a few to a few hundred employees who rarely, if ever, come into the office. This brings countless advantages for the employer as well as the employee, but one of the new challenges it introduces to businesses is how to manage payroll. We have some experience in this area, and we’d like to pass on our expertise!
Working remotely is not a new concept, but the idea of working remotely was often thought of as a carrot to be dangled in front of workers – a “perk” that few could hope to gain and that, frankly, didn’t make much sense for the employer. Or so it was believed until remote labor pioneers such as Dell and IBM experimented with distributed workforces and discovered that not only did expenses go down, but productively actually went up! Organizations saved the overhead costs of office space, computers, building maintenance, phone and travel allowances, while employees became happier, more flexible, and, surprisingly, more productive.
Naturally, as remote labor became more common, businesses realized that they no longer had to hire the most qualified person within commuting distance of their office, they could now hire the most qualified person, period. Today, some companies don’t have an office at all, operating instead as a fully distributed team. These companies use a slew of specialized apps and cloud technologies to collaborate from all corners of the world.
How do you manage payroll for a distributed team?
Though managing remote employees in other countries is entirely doable, it does require a different set of tools and practices. Communication and access to the cloud is not limited by location, but the ability to pay employees, contractors and affiliates may be.
Businesses now need to consider several new issues including:
– International legal and compliance issues
– Security and reliability of regular payouts
– Risk of currency fluctuation (and whether the company or the employee absorbs that risk)
– Payroll account management and reporting
For startups and small organizations, these concerns can add a great deal of expense and man hours to a business that already operates on small margins and with small teams.
Because of these factors, most companies with a distributed workforce opt to outsource their international payroll. There are two main ways to do this: using payroll cards, or consolidating payouts using a global payouts platform.
Payroll Cards
An alternative to direct deposit or paper checks, a payroll card is a reloadable prepaid card onto which an employer loads a worker’s earnings at the end of each pay cycle. Typically issued by major credit card providers or payment processors, workers can use them anywhere credit cards are accepted, including ATMs and cash-back transactions.
The advantage of payroll cards is that employers can deposit money directly onto the card without having to pay the high bank fees for international money transfers, and workers aren’t required to have a bank account. The downside is that payroll cards do still come with fees, similar to those charged on traditional debit cards, which vary depending on the issuer. It’s import to inform workers of these fees before they agree to this payroll method.
Global Platforms
The most convenient option for businesses with distributed workforces is to consolidate all of their payroll needs into one place. This is made possible using a global payment platform. International payroll services allow businesses to eliminate the labor required to execute and manage multi-currency payouts. These platforms also remove the need for businesses to have full banking services in every country where they are employing workers.
Payment platforms consolidate payroll into one place. This allows a business to keep their total salary expenses organized and ensures secure and reliable delivery of payments to employees, contactors, and affiliates, regardless of location. Payroll specialists utilizing cutting-edge payment technologies can provide these services more efficiently and affordably than traditional banks and can reduce or eliminate the costs of accounting, legal, HR, and compliance associated with international payouts.
Consolidating payments with a global platform also benefits workers. International payroll providers can deliver payments in a more timely manner and can pay workers in local currencies, saving them the currency conversion fees. This also allows the company to pay a fixed salary in the local currency, which safeguards workers against currency fluctuations.
By using Payza’s global payment platform to consolidate payouts to your employees, contractors, and affiliates around the world, you can rest easy knowing you’re in the hands of the most secure, reliable and affordable payout provider you can find. Payza’s highly secure payment processor is easy to integrate into your website and supports a wide range of payment options, such as credit card, Bitcoin, and e-money transfers. Payza’s Mass Pay feature lets you easily send payouts to all your recipients in one action, saving you time and trouble.
A Payza Business account makes it easy to complete your payouts with just one click. Send money to employees, freelancers, contractors, affiliates and suppliers and keep track of your payments with Payza’s detailed Transaction History. Just upload your payroll spreadsheet and send money to anywhere from a few people to a few hundred, instantly!


Two programs on the MNO monitor scammed over the last couple of days though I must say neither came as a huge surprise to me personally or for most savvy HYIP investors. They were Biksbit and Coinmee, but the reasons behind the scams were entirely different as I will explain.

Starting with Biksbit, the admin actually did quite a smart job by running his website as a “sleeper” for about a year before really getting started with a highly refurbished website and investment plans. Of course, fifty-five days in active mode on MNO was more than enough time to profit from Biksbit‘s daily paying plans, on condition you completely avoided the “trap” of on expiry plans I strongly suggested you ignore many times. Anyone who did so could earn quite well from Biksbit, but those who ignored my warnings might as well just throw their money away. That’s how things work in the HYIP industry at all times – in order for someone to win you need somebody else to finance that by making a loss. My latest article on Biksbit posted a couple of days ago explicitly warned readers to stay away even if they were still getting paid as the end was imminent. I myself estimated it would be somewhere within a few days, judging on the extremely high rate short term investment plans introduced by Biksbit earlier. My predictions sadly became a reality and as of yesterday the admin of Biksbit has disappeared and no one’s getting paid anymore. If you made a deposit in the program via Payza you should really file a dispute for at least a partial refund from the program’s reserves in that payment processor, but for everyone else there is no hope to get anything back and the game is certainly over. If you’re still unaware of the situation with Biksbit please stay away and do not invest!

As for Coinmee, the program was a total and utter failure with an admin who should be ashamed of even thinking about it. He was obviously a complete newbie not knowing what to do to attract investors and very poor with math at the same time. Just one undisputed fact – a change of investment plans just days after the official launch, caused by the humiliation of a totally wrong calculation and too small returns offered with 102% after 7 days plan with 5% withdrawal fee on top. You don’t need to be a university professor to see that this puts all investors at a loss. The admin has realized his mistake only to replace it with something just as unappealing, 1% to 10% within a 30-day investment term and principal returned on expiry. Needless to say than no one took this bait either and the admin closed the shop completely after just a bit more than two weeks. Funny when the usually instantly processed withdrawals went to pending status for me a couple of days ago I was told by their Live Support to wait for 12 business hours. I’m just not gullible enough to fall for that one, as I know a thing or two after being in the HYIP industry for ten years now. So after contacting the admin of Coinmee directly he had admitted he had to close the program due to lack of interest from investors. What did he expect with such disastrous investment plans? That everyone rush and invest thousands of dollars before even testing if Coinmee is going to pay on expiry of the 30-day term? It doesn’t work that way and if the admin expected to scam my readers fast and get away with thousands of dollars in his pocket, it doesn’t work that way with me either. All the HYIP admins bringing programs to be advertised on MNO know that it takes a lot of time and effort before a program can pick up and become famous. The original expenses have to be covered before reaping the rewards which only experienced HYIP admins can do. That is not a one-way street, and you cannot demand from good results if your program is rubbish. So we have established that HYIP admins should only bring programs to the attention of my readers after they are totally convinced they look good and offer a set of reasonably priced offers. No one joins a program just because it’s listed on MNO, as the example of Coinmee shows perfectly well. Please do not invest there or in Biksbit, guys, as they are proven scams now!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: BitCTradeBitcoinsBrainBandeiraCorpFexFund,
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7Reborn.
From MNO Basic list: SwissCreditCryptoGolden.

That’s all for today everyone. I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend and are enjoying the first days of summer, because I certainly am. I’ll be back on Monday with another update from the long absent series of MNO Top Five programs, so don’t miss it. I’ll also have the results of the poll currently featured on the MNO TalkBack page to further analyse readers expectations from the summer HYIP season that has started already, so click here to vote if you haven’t done done so yet.

To stay in the loop on all the main events with the biggest programs in the HYIP industry you can do the following. You can either subscribe to the Daily News handled by Feedburner on by submitting your email address here, or simply follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter, where all the major news events are posted first. Nothing can be simpler than that to stay updated, and you will thank me when you see your investment portfolio is improved. Remember that MNO is dealing exclusively with high-budget HYIPs whose admins’ main intention is to stay here for a long time. The summer of 2017 will be hot for sure, so stay with the hottest and the oldest blog in the HYIP industry MNO – For Money Lovers!

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