14/07/2017. Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hello dear readers! I’m writing today from the train heading to the diamond city of Antwerp where I’m going to spend the next few days of my European vacation. Hard to imagine anything quite so breathtaking as Bruges which I just left today but I’m sure it’s still going to be a fun experience. I know many of my readers are also taking a break from HYIPs to enjoy the summer, but if you still just can’t get enough of the industry then you’ve come to the right place. MNO is exactly where to find both the most popular investment projects of the day and the new ones with lots of potential to develop into something big. You see, MNO is the first choice for experienced HYIP admins as I have been online for over ten years. I’ve developed a special relationship with the best admins who return over and over again. The few deliberate fast scams who occasionally slip through and manage to list their programs on MNO are not getting much back for themselves and generally lose their advertising budget as the listing prices on the MNO monitor are prohibitively high to discourage such dishonest admins.
That’s the main reason you see so many fast scams on the less popular resources as they simply switch to cheaper and less demanding monitors that would accept all kind of rubbish. I am not afraid to admit that I’ve personally earned enough money over the years of running MNO to secure the lifestyle I want for myself for any foreseeable future and freed myself from any financial burdens which may lie ahead. That in turn gives me freedom from posting on the MNO blog too frequently, like I used to do just a few years back, and take the title of the most expensive monitor in the HYIP industry. I have at the same time ensured that only the most elite programs with big advertising budgets are listed on MNO. That, of course, doesn’t mean that I’m completely free of malicious admins and the usual level of awareness of all the risks should still be remembered.
My advertising policy has cleared the way for the most successful programs only which are all now in the Top Five most popular list which I like sharing with my readers, as they all brought profits to their members. As I’ve decided to skip posting another article from the series of Top Five Popular Programs on MNO in favour of a regular news update and have two new programs on the Premium List to introduce tonight anyway – CastleInvestment and FxLTD – I want to ask you to please look at the poll below and vote for your favourite program from the current Top Five. These are TrafficHeap (reviewed here), FexFund (reviewed here), BandeiraCorp (reviewed here), FatFunds (reviewed here), and of course, LaserOnline (reviewed here). Share your favourites with your fellow investors and let the world know what program you think is the best!

The first of two program I want to introduce today is CastleInvestment which I guess will be more popular. There’s a couple of reasons why I think so. First, CastleInvestment is a brand-new program which only launched yesterday and was immediately added to the Premium List on MNO. Second, withdrawals over $1 to all accepted payment processors including PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin are instant which will certainly win over a lot of fans. And finally, there are two investment plans which I believe both might be of interest of people with a taste for short to medium term profits. The first offers 6% profit per day basis for 25 calendar days, principal included, or 50% net profit. While it’s available from a $15 minimum I believe that the second plan aimed at those willing to risk $250 or more may also win investors hearts. You see, the second plan will credit your account not daily, but hourly and along with the instantly processed withdrawals it might be a deciding factor for many. CastleInvestment will pay you 0.5% hourly (that is 12% daily) over a period of 250 hours, or just over 10 calendar days. Of course, the final profit of 25% which you will get by the end of the term is smaller, but since you get paid 12% against of 6% in the former plan (if we consider it on a daily basis) you can see the appeal it has for investors who can spend more money.
If we take a look at the CastleInvestment site from a technical point of view it’s running off a licensed script from GoldCoders which has been an ever popular choice among HYIP admins for many years and familiar to the majority of investors. CastleInvestment is hosted on a dedicated and protected server by DDoSGuard, one the leaders in the HYIP industry. An SSL-secured connection with Green Bar EV certificate issued by Comodo is also present. And of course the predictable UK company registration is there too. A full review of CastleInvestment with all the main features can be read on Monday, meanwhile here’s the admin’s welcome message:
We are happy to announce the opening of CastleInv!
Castle Financial Investment Ltd is a new investment company uniting professional Crypto-Currencies, Stock, Forex Market and Equity Market. Castle Financial Investment Ltd offering one of the most comprehensive opportunities for Bitcoin enthusiasts to invest in the future of the world’s most famous Crypto-Currency. We start our online services from today to the investors for all over the world.
The mission is to provide the best investment products and excellent value to help our investors reach their financial goals.
FxLTD is the second program that was added to the Premium List on MNO over the last 24 hours, but it’s been running for quite some time already – since the beginning of May. Some people would say it’s too old, but others might argue that it’s more reliable that its newer counterparts, since it’s been paying for that long. In any case, it appears that the admin of FxLTD has finally decided the time is right to list the program on MNO as well, and I hope that it will revive interest in it. FxLTD is currently working with four payment processors – PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin – and you can join for as low as $5 (although different minimums apply to different plans). I’ll talk you through the numbers in the upcoming review of FxLTD sometime next week, for now I’ll just have a quick look. One plan pays 110% after 7 calendar days for a $50 minimum. Three others pay a fixed interest rate over per day with your principal back on expiry – 1.6% for 15 days, 1.8% for 30 days, and 2.2% for 50 days. Withdrawals have to be requested from your account in FxLTD and should be paid manually within 12 hours. I cannot vouch for this yet as I’m still to request my own first payout, but by the time the full review of FxLTD is posted on the MNO blog I’ll be able to confirm.
What else do you need to know about the program? FxLTD is running off a licensed GoldCoders script with its user-friendly interface so investors won’t get lost. The domain of FxLTD is registered for three years in advance which indicates the admin’s long-term vision for his program. The SSL certificate features the more advanced Extended Validation version with a UK address where the company is allegedly registered. Finally, FxLTD is hosted on a dedicated server from a provider called Psychz Networks. There is quite a lot of information provided on the website as to how FxLTD is making money for investors, which can be usually skipped by experienced players who know better. The admin’s own explanation is given in the only news update I managed to find on the website. Read it below and for the full review of FxLTD please check MNO next week:
FxLTD Limited is ready to offer a unique financial services if you are looking for a reliable management company to get stable earnings. Regardless of whether you are a professional investor or it is the first time when you have decided to make money online we can meet your needs. Our company is involved in trading of currency pairs and precious metals in the Forex Market for more than five years. During this time, our financial experts have established themselves as real professionals who can be trusted with your assets.
Most of our employees have a lot of experience and previously worked in the largest financial companies basically in the UK. Combining their knowledge and skills enables us to develop our own strategies for success in the market and ensure a stable cash flow for numerous partners and customers.
In 2016, the company’s managers have taken a fateful decision about entering the international investment market and making public offer of cooperation. Having the experience of attracting private capital heretofore, we are confident in our success also abroad.
Earnings from FxLTD Limited is easy to understand and a guaranteed for your future. Anyone has a possibility to become our client, the minimum requirements for deposit will surprise you, because you can start your acquaintance with the company advantages with only 3$ in your wallet.
Terms for placing funds involve quite fast earnings in the shortest possible time. In just two days you can get your positive investment experience and your first profit as well. Four investment plans offer you and paying calendar days. To make deposits and withdraw profit you can use the most popular methods of electronic transfers, such as Perfect Money, Bitcoin and Payeer. All transactions in the FxLTD Limited system are processed automatically and instantly. It is, of course, an additional advantage of our offer.
In addition to favorable investment proposal the company has a profitable affiliate program for all of those who want to earn extra money. One-tier system of rewards will help you to get up to 10% of deposit of your direct referrals with the possibility to use affiliate commission at your own discretion, make a new deposit or request for withdrawal.
We will be glad to see you among our investors. Join us today and make sure that online earnings are real with FxLTD Limited.”
Up until now TrafficHeap has been flying under the radar of so many HYIP investors, and yet somehow still managed to reach the #1 spot on the MNO Premium List. Perhaps one of the secrets of their success with larger investments from my readers is the acceptance Payza and even PayPal funds from members, along with more conventional names like PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin. Every $50 in your e-currency account can buy you one adpack in TrafficHeap that can in turn can be exchanged for advertising of your own site or referral link or will buy you some unassigned affiliates. Besides that you will earn a share of profits in the company’s daily total sale of adpacks. Your adpack will keep earning profit until it reaches 130% ($65 on eave $50 adpack). The best thing though is that even after that you will keep earning with TrafficHeap, as a further 50% of the value is reinvested, thus stimulating further growth. If the whole concept behind TrafficHeap seems too complicated don’t worry – just read the full review posted here and it will be clear.
At the moment though TrafficHeap is ready for further expansion having proved over the first two months online that their income model is absolutely sustainable and profitable for its members many of which are already in their second investment cycle. Many other perks are to be expected very soon, if we believe the latest newsletter from the TrafficHeap admin. Since such lengthy newsletters are quite rare, I believe some really exciting changes are coming soon, and you have to be on board to take the full advantage. Here’s what to expect from TrafficHeap in the near future:
“TrafficHeap Summer News
In this issue:
– Succeed with TrafficHeap
– New AdPacks Coming
– Membership Advantages
– Introducing AdBar
Succeed with TrafficHeap
TrafficHeap has now over 3,500 successful advertisers, who already made money with us! Are you one of them? We have already delivered almost 15 million hits to our advertisers and still counting! Our average daily returns in our revenue sharing payback program is over 1.50%!
We are working on adding multiple languages to our system. We have: English, Deutsch, Espanol, Portugues Turk, Romana, Russian, Hindi, Chinese, Polskie languages and in the process of adding even more!
New AdPacks are Coming
You have requested, we are acting! Lots of you have requested to add different value AdPacks, and our programmers are now working on it! We are also working on different kind of advertising purchases, like pay per exposure, pay per click.
More updates will be announced soon!
Membership Advantages
Everyone wants to be appreciated. We are going to introduce multiple type of memberships, with advantages like priority or instant withdrawals, multiple streams of income, affiliate advantages and more. All of our members who registered prior to completing the membership program will have all of the benefits as a Pioneer member for FREE! Invite your friends now so they won’t be left out.
Introducing AdBar
Do you like visiting Ads and getting paid for it? Don’t have enough funds to participate in our revenue sharing program?
Our AdBar will be built just for you! You will be able to earn a specified amount of money each day by visiting all the advertised sites inside our rotator. This even applies for free members!
More updates will be announced soon!
Paid To Promote
Have a lot of online visitors what you cannot use for your own goods? Direct them to our Paid To Promote Rotator and earn money! Our PTP program is also in the works, and will be ready to go live soon! We are looking for Beta testers, open a support ticket to participate. A new announcement will be made when the program launches for the public.
Send to a friend
Think you know someone that will enjoy this email? Forward it to a friend.
Our Website
Find out more about us on our Facebook, Twitter and other pages.”
Another Friday means another newsletter from the admin of FexFund George (you can read my interview with him here). Today marks exactly eleven weeks (that’s 77 days!) since FexFund (reviewed here) first came online. It quickly became one of the best paying programs of this summer and certainly the major highlight of an otherwise slow summer in the industry. FexFund make instant payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin on all investment plans, including 109% after 7 days, 6% for 20 days, 5% for 30 days, and 4% for 60 days. I must praise George not only on his utmost professionalism, but his honesty as well. He had the guts to explain the recent troubles with FexFund‘s former BitCoin wallet provider and admitted some funds were stolen. That will not affect the future of the program as the amount was negligible, especially considering the scale of FexFund – a program everyone in the HYIP industry seems to be talking about at the moment. Anyway, there wasn’t much important in the newsletter, with stability being the key word at the moment. You can read the newsletter in full below:
“[News] Weekly update on FexFund.
Good morning. Welcome on our 77th day online. This time I won’t be praising number 7 like I did last time, I promise ; )
Time flies I have to say. Two more weeks and we will be three months online. The most exciting part of it is the fact that it’s just the beginning of the most awesome journey we have and it’s called FexFund.
I believe most of you are on holidays, vacations, taking sunbaths so that I won’t keep you for long with this newsletter.
I would like to apologise for the recent BTC problem. Apparently, our wallet Coinpayments decided to close our account without any notification and what is worse, with money in it. They stole money which belongs to you, dear investors. They don’t reply anymore to our tickets; they don’t even have any phone number listed on their site, so our hands are tied, but we won’t leave it like that. That’s the reason we had to do the quick switch to another, safe and reliable wallet. The only good thing is the fact that I keep most of the Bitcoins on the markets and I fill up the wallet for the daily withdraws, so the loss isn’t that bad. Anyway “drama” is over, we solved this within hours, and we appreciate your patience during that time.
Speaking of the markets, which are in dark red most of the times. That makes us happy as this is great opportunity to gain some quick deals while prices are going up and down. You just need to know where and when to put money in, and luckily our traders do have that knowledge : )
We are getting many signals that you are delighted with the recent plan updates, and we couldn’t be happier about that. Thanks for your ongoing support!
As I promised that this newsletter would be short, then it’s time to finish it. Enjoy the sun (if you have any outside) but please find few minutes per day to check our site and your daily profits : )
Oh and don’t forget about our Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEPzPJoQMYlKfLkeHg
PS. Next week we will update you on BTC situation (Segwit, Hardfork) so please stay tuned. The good news is the fact that the Hardfork probably won’t happen and we stay with one, strong and united Bitcoin!
All the best. George Soleos. CEO of FexFund.”
ControlFinance (reviewed here) remains a stable performer on the MNO monitor with everyone getting paid instantly on demand to PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin. The daily interest is fixed and depending on your principal you can expect to be paid 1% to 1.5% for as long as the program exists. So far the program has been online for less than two months, so it’s still some time before anyone sees their first profits from ControlFinance, but hopefully the day will come and by autumn the program will soar even higher together with the rest of the HYIP industry. I believe that’s the admin’s ambition as he slowly improves it bit by bit.
Among the latest news from ControlFinance was the addition of yet another language version – Malay – to the already extensive list of translations available on demand and the long-awaited improvement of the affiliate program that allows you to earn even on your downline’s reinvestments. More improvements are on the way, as the admin stated, so stay tuned for more from ControlFinance:
“News – Our website is available in Malay.
Hello. Our website materials are now available in Malay. Cryptocurrencies are spreading geographically as more and more countries are legalizing the Bitcoin. We are following this trend and we try to give every customer easy access to information.”
“News – First Update in Affiliate Program
Hello. Accrual of affiliate remuneration for deposits from the balance of your referral’s account.
In response to numerous requests made by our partners, we deployed the 1st planned upgrade of our affiliate program. Now you will receive affiliate remuneration in full for every deposit replenishment made by your referral. Now it has become even more profitable for you to invest your profit and bonuses. We plan the following two more updates in the nearest future: affiliate program expansion to seven levels and development of a motivational program for TOP leaders.”
Next I want to look at the results of the previous opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page for the last two weeks. I’ll also be replacing it with a brand new question for you to think about so keep reading for that. Anyway, just to give you some brief background information on the last poll, you might remember that the first day of July was a personal celebration for me as it marked exactly ten years of MNO online in its present form. I had been tinkering around with other more basic versions for a while before that, but officially MNO as the brand, monitor, blog, and business that runs today officially began on July 1st, 2007. So much in the industry has changed since then in many ways it’s almost unrecognisable in some regards, though the basic principle of gambling some money in hopes of making more money has always been at its core.
Despite all the changes to the business side of the industry, and of course the changes that were also made to MNO, I was really interested in if, how, and to what extent the actual readership of my blog has shifted over the years. It’s hard to say for sure as obviously there can’t really be on official “census” on such things, but I always would have guessed the HYIP industry would have a high turnover of people. A lot can come down to either positive or negative first experiences, with a lot of people unlucky enough to fall into a succession of quick scams one after the other probably leaving the industry for good without further hesitation. That got me wondering then about if I’ve been blogging about the HYIP industry for ten years, how long have you guys been reading? The exact question was:
MNO has been online for ten years. How long have you been reading it?
To be blunt I was absolutely stunned to see just how many of you are still reading today since the very beginning. No less than 47% of the voters responded “Sometime near the beginning, I’m a long term reader” while another 12% said they started reading “A bit later, but within the first 2 to 3 years I think”. That’s a combined total of almost 60%, something I feel would be an utterly unrealistic number unless those people saw a consistent level of success and regularly make a lot more money than they inevitably will on occasion lose. This takes a large degree of good luck I admit, but it also takes an even larger degree of good information. If MNO has played any significant part in bringing you good information and helping you to use it, then I am humbly honoured and feel like the first ten years online were worth the effort. Thanks a lot to everyone who sent their best wishes on the tenth anniversary by the way, it was really much appreciated.
A further 23% of readers voted for the option “I discovered MNO between the years 2010 and 2015”. A fairly sizeable number of you too, though in this case I can’t say I’m all that surprised. These years will probably be remembered by anyone who was in the industry at the time as a sort of “golden age” for HYIPs. We’ve always had big individual program, industry leaders, giants as some might call them, but I don’t think we ever had such a high concentration of what were almost money making factories on an industrial scale as we saw in those days so I guess a lot of you who came to the industry during that time enjoyed some success and are still here today. Finally 18% of readers voted “I’m new to HYIPs, only in the last two years”. To you guys I can only wish you a long and successful journey in the HYIP industry and hope MNO will prove a useful and informative guide that helps you profit from your investments. I’m at your service!
For the next question I would like to know readers thoughts on, I want to cover the subject of language. If there’s one thing we know for sure about the internet, online business, and the HYIP industry is that it’s all truly international. Borders and boundaries do not exist, and no matter where you are in the world you can access the same information as anyone else (government censorship aside obviously!). I guess if you are reading MNO on a regular basis I would assume you have a reasonable to strong understanding of English, though if not there are also various online translation tools that can help. It seems a regular enough occurrence though that certain HYIP admins will get a professional translator to write the texts of their websites in different languages to help their target audiences better understand what they are trying to do with their programs. So this might not be the best question to put to readers who mostly speak English already, but if you look at it from the perspective of a HYIP investor I wonder how important it is to you to see programs properly translated into your own first language and how beneficial multi-lingual versions are for programs overall. The question is:
How important are multilingual website translations in HYIPs?
Possible answers include:
1) They are very important for attracting more members from various countries.
2) They are not important to members, but will still get money for admins.
3) They are not important at all and will not influence program’s lifespan.
The poll will remain open for your votes on the MNO TalkBack page here for about another week to ten days or so. Long enough for anyone who wants to vote to have ample opportunity to do so. Thanks in advance to everyone who does cast vote, it’s greatly appreciated. Remember it’s completely anonymous, totally untraceable, and literally just takes a second of your time to participate. It will also help demonstrate to HYIP admins how much work they should put into extras like this and how beneficial they can be to the average investor.
One of the most recent and perhaps most interesting developments in the area of online payment processors has definitely been with Payza, or more specifically how they are integrating themselves with BitCoin and more lately the various so-called AltCoin alternatives. With digital e-currencies such as BitCoin destined to play a leading role in the future of online business as already witnessed in the HYIP industry it’s actually quite surprising that other more conventional style payment processors aren’t following suit. It’s true that HYIP investors tend to like Payza a lot more than HYIP admins, the reasons are well documented by now, but when the admin does make a concentrated effort to have Payza approve a payment button for his website it opens up a huge potential market for him. It’s no coincidence that of only three programs listed on the MNO monitor that accept Payza, all of them are in the Top Five most popular as decided by my readers. These include TrafficHeap (reviewed here), BandeiraCorp (reviewed here), and LaserOnline which is the newest of them (reviewed here) and the one I believe most likely to become the next industry leader. Where the use of Payza comes into play here is that the huge list of convenient deposit and withdrawal options open to account holders allow them to bypass completely the overpriced third-party exchangers that are compulsory for other processors. All you need to do is verify your account with them, after that you can move money in and out of Payza at will using your bank account, credit card, their own pre-loaded debit card which can be used worldwide once delivered to your home address, and of course BitCoin. It’s this last method which they have putting so much stock in over recent months, correctly identifying I guess the future role of digital e-currencies in the world of international and personal business. The following update is taken from the official Payza news blog which you may find useful if you have a general interest in e-commerce:
“Bitcoin Then and Now – Has Bitcoin Lived Up to Its Promise?
The early months of 2017 have been a very interesting time for Bitcoin. On January 2nd, Bitcoin maintained a value of $1,000 USD for the first time and only 5 months later it set its current record value of over $3,000. For a cryptocurrency that was worth only 25 cents per coin in 2010, this radical rate of growth has kept investors on the edge of their seats.
Soaring values can have their downsides though. Bitcoin is embroiled in a civil war caused by its scaling problem. Both sides know that a “fork” (an update to the code which runs the Bitcoin blockchain) is required for the currency to survive in the long-term, but the debate centers on whether a “hard” or “soft” fork is the optimal solution. A hard fork would split the code to effectively create a new blockchain with an increased block size, which would solve the scaling problem but make the “new” Bitcoin incompatible with the old. The alternative, a “soft fork”, known as Segregated Witness or SegWit, has been proposed as a way to increase the block capacity without splitting the code.
Opponents of SegWit have two concerns. The practical opposition is that the soft fork would not increase transaction speeds significantly enough to maintain Bitcoin’s lead in the cryptocurrency landscape. The philosophical opposition is that SegWit would undermine Bitcoin’s purpose: to be a decentralized alternative to fiat currencies, immune to political influence.
SegWit developer Peter Wuille addressed Bitcoin’s scaling problem by devising a method to “segregate” the transaction signature from the input data: the signatures used to validate transactions can be stored separately from the blockchain, increasing the chain’s capacity to store more data and process transactions more rapidly. The trouble is that this requires the signatures to be overseen by the Bitcoin Foundation, which some see as effectively “centralizing” control of the currency. To many, this stands in diametric opposition to the ideals Bitcoin was founded on – but is that really true?
The Whitepaper
In 2008, a mysterious figure known as Satoshi Nakamoto released a paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. In the 9-page whitepaper, the pseudonymous author (or authors) defines the technologies which make the blockchain possible, using an innovative proof-of-work scheme which solved the double spending problem by timestamping transactions into a public ledger on a peer-to-peer network. This allowed, for the first time, a fully automated and decentralized currency and laid the technological foundation for all cryptocurrencies today.
In the introduction to the whitepaper, Nakamoto writes:
“Commerce on the Internet has come to rely almost exclusively on financial institutions serving as trusted third parties to process electronic payments. While the system works well enough for most transactions, it still suffers from the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model. (…) What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party. Transactions that are computationally impractical to reverse would protect sellers from fraud, and routine escrow mechanisms could easily be implemented to protect buyers.”
That is about as political as the paper gets. Nakamoto describes Bitcoin as a technological innovation which simplifies e-commerce transactions and security, without contextualizing it within an anarchic political frame. While in 2008 a lack of faith in fiat currencies was definitely part of the conversation among the early adopters of Bitcoin, the developer(s) of the blockchain chose not to define it in those terms.
If Bitcoin was not intended to stand in explicit opposite to fiat currencies, but was simply envisioned as a more modern and robust payment technology, is SegWit incompatible with its original intention? Technically, SegWit would change the fundamental design of the blockchain by separating the transaction data from the proof-of-work, which means the possessors of the proof-of-work would take on the role of a “trusted third party” – which is exactly what Nakamoto set out to eliminate in the development of Bitcoin.
On the other hand, if SegWit could be implemented in such a way that the proof-of-work is also a fully automated chain, operating in parallel to the blockchain and communicating with it, this would theoretically achieve the same results as the whitepaper envision, but with an updated design.
A Hard Fork
The alternative, the “hard fork”, would retain the fundamental design as laid out in the 2008 paper, with the only difference being to increase the capacity of the individual blocks in the chain. Currently, these 10-minute blocks are limited to a maximum size of 1MB, but Bitcoin has become so popular that it can no longer process all the transactions made within any given 10-minute period, creating a backlog.
The existence of this problem suggests that Nakamoto never dreamed Bitcoin would become so popular, but many investors believe this is still only the beginning. So far this year, the price of 1 BTC has already tripled and some analysts have gone so far as to make value estimates as high as $55,000 USD per coin by 2022. On paper, Bitcoin’s technology is ingenious, but can a truly decentralized currency really handle this level of popularity?
The debate over the hard or soft fork has made Bitcoin highly volatile in recent months, with optimistic investors doubling down on their stock and the more wary exchanging their Bitcoin for other altcoins such as Ether. And it’s no secret that when the inevitable fork happens the coin’s value will drop significantly in the short term as the new chain is tested and the old is abandoned, which raises a different perspective on whether Bitcoin has lived up to its promise. Bitcoin’s popularity is often credited to its position as an alternative to fiat currencies, which have lost trust due to the high level of geopolitical turmoil during the last decade. But if Bitcoin after almost 10 years still shows no sign of stability comparable to fiat currencies, can it really be considered more secure?
Payza is closely following the development of Bitcoin and altcoins and is committed to providing practical and innovative cryptocurrency services. Using our platform, you can buy, store, and sell Bitcoin and sell over 50 different altcoins right inside your account. For the latest updates and industry insights about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, be sure to subscribe to our blog and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TrafficHeap, FexFund,
BandeiraCorp, FatFunds, LaserOnline, AurumBank,
ControlFinance, AlpexTrade, RolyInvestment, CastleInvestment (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Ykke (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Basic list: Investellect, CryptoGolden.
That’s it for today, guys. Enjoy the weekend as I certainly will in Antwerp. See you all again on Monday with a full review of CastleInvestment and all the latest news from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry. Follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter, and subscribe for the daily news to be delivered directly to your email here. Thanks in advance for voting in the next poll in this post to determine your favourite program from the current MNO Top Five and also on the TalkBack page whose results will be drawn next week. See you Monday everyone, here on MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News by on Jul 14th, 2017.