13/11/2017. RenaissanceInvest Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! RenaissanceInvest has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone, and welcome to the start of a new business week on MNO where Monday morning is giving us shall we say some rather disappointing if not altogether unexpected news. But wherever there’s a closure in the HYIP industry it usually follows that an opening isn’t too far behind. Today I’ll be introducing one brand new program on the MNO Premium List that just launched a couple of hours ago in the news section, so keep reading for more info on that. But first today I want to talk a bit more about RenaissanceInvest. It’s a “new” program as far as listing on MNO is concerned, the admin bought Standard Listing on my monitor last week. You may already be familiar with the name however, RenaissanceInvest claim an online presence since January of this year when they allegedly first started doing business. I don’t know that you’d call this one a “sleeper” exactly, I haven’t really been following the program’s activities for quite that long myself, though I have been aware of RenaissanceInvest since August when the admin contacted me first. He opted against listing at that point, though I can see quite clearly now that in that length of time there has been some significant improvements made. It was a slow burner to say the least, but I guess the admin now believes the time is right to introduce his program to a more experienced and discerning audience on MNO. So let’s see what RenaissanceInvest has finally grown into and if you think you have enough faith in it to add it to your own personal portfolios at this time.
There are six investment plans to choose from in RenaissanceInvest. Before we get to the numbers I need to point out a couple of very important points you need to be aware of first. In a rare move for online HYIPs RenaissanceInvest have a choice of currencies. You can spend either dollars or BitCoin which of course is fairly typical in the industry now, however you may also spend Euros which is the first time in a couple of years now that I remember such an option. Terms & Conditions are all the same no matter what you are spending, but for the purposes of this review I’m going to stick with dollars (USD) as I know it’s what most readers find easiest to understand (even if BTC is slowly but surely edging it out completely!). The other thing is that plans are measured in calendar days, but payments are made on business days only, so be sure to avoid any confusion here, and don’t panic if you were mistakenly expecting a payout on Saturday!
So, your first and most affordable option is The Beginner Plan. You can join for a $10 minimum. The running time is 90 calendar days, which should typically contain an average of 65 business/payment days. Of course, this isn’t exact, it all depends on what day of the week you join, but let’s work with this one. RenaissanceInvest offer members 0.8% interest per business day for the term. This adds up to 52% (give or take) by the end of the term. Nowhere near enough to be a profit of course, that only comes when RenaissanceInvest return your principal on expiry.
The next step up from this is The Stable Plan. Similar to the first option, the term is still 90 calendar days with daily interest earnings credited on business days only, Monday to Friday. RenaissanceInvest ask for a minimum of $100 to join, and for the increased investment offer an improved rate of 1% per business day. Typically this would give you 65% (assuming 65 business days in a 90 calendar day term) in profits. It’s only profit of course if/when the RenaissanceInvest admin returns your initial principal.
If you would like to take this up a notch, for a $1,000 minimum deposit you join the RenaissanceInvest Progressive Plan. Also for a 90 calendar day term, investors can claim a daily interest payment of 1.2% on business days only. If everything goes according to plan this would yield 78% in total profits. Though again you are not technically in profit until RenaissanceInvest return your principal which happens in a separate transaction on expiry.
The next group of plans continue in the same vein, with plans measured in calendar days and paying out on business days. The main difference is that the term now stretches to 180 calendar days in each of them. For that I’m going to work off the assumption of 130 payment days within that term, (it may go a day or two either way depending on exactly what day of the week you join). RenaissanceInvest continues then with The Starter Plus Plan, open for a $10 minimum. With a daily interest rate of 1.6% per business day, you should hope for a total net profit of 208% by the end of the term. RenaissanceInvest should then add your principal on top of this in a separate payment.
Next is The Regular Plus Plan which needs a $100 minimum to join. This time RenaissanceInvest offer a 1.8% interest payment per business day during the 180 calendar day term. That gives approximately 234% in interest payments alone, with RenaissanceInvest then returning your initial deposit on top of that on expiry.
And lastly the highest possible paying investment option is The Advanced Plus Plan. This is open to all members prepared to invest a minimum of $1,000 and more, with RenaissanceInvest offering 2% interest per business day during the 180 calendar day term. You should expect around 260% in net profits then before RenaissanceInvest then return your original deposit on top of that.
If you’ve decided that any of those are suitable for you and would like to join, then the next thing we need to look at are your payment options. You may use PerfectMoney, AdvCash, and OkPay to join RenaissanceInvest if you prefer the more conventional third party payment handlers, or BitCoin for anyone taking the more direct route and using their own digital e-currency. Withdrawals should be requested from inside your RenaissanceInvest account and will then be processed manually by the admin. These should be done within a 24 hour maximum. In addition to the weekends when RenaissanceInvest won’t be paying interest there’s also a list of public holidays during which members won’t be paid either. These are in line with the business calendar in Austria where the program claims to be working from.
There are a couple of other important points relating to the investment plans we need to be clear about before we move on. First of all the option of compounding is available. I’m no great advocate of the practice myself, though it’s presence is no reflection either way on the programs that allow it. It’s a question of personal preferences, I wouldn’t bother, but if you like it RenaissanceInvest make it available. The other matter is the early withdrawal of your principal. Now ordinarily I’d be warning you anyway not to commit money you can’t afford to any online HYIP, though with such long investment terms who knows what’s around the next corner, so if you do need to get your principal out early it can be possible. There are fees involved, and the earlier you try to leave the more punitive they are and the more they eat into your profits. You can see the fees and the timetable as they gradually decrease from inside your members account area.
Now for the old “good news, bad news” routine. The bad news is that at first glance the whole process of joining and making an investment in RenaissanceInvest looks way too complicated to be practical, and with no shortage of “easier” HYIP websites around it would be hard to blame anyone who decides they don’t have the time or the patience and simply can’t be bothered. But don’t be too hasty. The good news is that from inside your members account area there’s an excellent step-by-step guide that expertly takes you through everything you need to know about the program and how to make the most effective use of it. Just click the “information” tab on the left side of the page in your account area and follow the instructions from there. The basic premise though is to first fund your account. You redirect the money from there afterwards into the investment plan of your choice. First you go to your Profile page, and after that switch to Deposits to make an investment in the chosen plan. It’s all explained clearly in your account though, you’ll find it easier to follow from there.
Looking at some of the more technical aspects of the RenaissanceInvest website now such as design and site security, the first thing is that hosting is on a DDoS protected and dedicated server by OVH so there should not be any issues with downtime. The RenaissanceInvest website is also carrying a superior Green Bar Extended Validation certificate for SSL encryption from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure financial transactions. The script is custom made, though despite the overly complicated investment process overall the RenaissanceInvest website itself is actually quite easy to navigate and more or less all major questions are explained in very readable and understandable terms.
A very comprehensive video introduction of the program is posted on the main page which is of a very high standard. You can see it on the RenaissanceInvest website or else on the MNOVision page here where it’s been embedded for more convenient access for my readers. There are no less than three company incorporation certificates on public display and along with the almost universal UK version (ridiculously easy to obtain, no questions asked by the way), there’s also some documents displayed from Austria where RenaissanceInvest is allegedly headquartered and even Hong Kong. There’s even a second website related to RenaissanceInvest, not for making direct investments as such as you do in the main domain, but rather for news and information relating to the program. You can visit this other informational website at www.renaissance-investment.info
If you still have any further questions about the program or account related issues then you have a couple of options for raising them with the RenaissanceInvest support team. As always you should start by reading the FAQ page, and when you finish with that go back and read it twice! If you’re not satisfied that your question has been explained adequately there then the first port of call would be the built-in Live Chat widget. If the service is online with an available operator you will see this in the box on the bottom right hand corner of your screen. Open it to start a conversation. There’s a series of postal addresses around the globe, from the US, across Europe, and on to the orient and far east. Experienced readers know not to put too much stock in these things, generally they tend to be virtual hosted work spaces for registration purposes, and the fact that all postal addresses come with the very same universal e-mail address should say enough about that. Aside from the direct e-mail address though each address comes with a telephone number, so feel free to check any of those out if you feel someone might actually pick up and answer. Probably of more practical use to investors are the social media networks where RenaissanceInvest are keeping profiles. You can find them on Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, and also chat with them live on Telegram if an operator happens to be online at the time.
To finish up then, for now all I can do is remind you that as with all online HYIPs there’s really not much you can do to guarantee you never lose money other than never joining. Everything else is a gamble you have to measure up and consider if the risk is worth it. For the record the alleged business interests behind RenaissanceInvest are a little sketchy, just vagus statements claiming investments with “industry, medicine, robotics and tourism”. If you think it’s still a risk worth taking then remember to always set yourself a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose and easily recover from other sources if things don’t go your way. And if you do decide to join RenaissanceInvest then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
I hope that just about gives a fair and balanced description of the facts about RenaissanceInvest, so if you agree with that then what do you guys think of the rest? Before we move on to the news section please take a second to answer the following opinion poll, remembering that it’s 100% anonymous:

We’ll start today’s news section by introducing the newest program on the MNO monitor called CoinPlace that joined the Premium List immediately following its official launch today. I believe the investment offers from CoinPlace will be popular among my readers, as they include 110% after 15 days (for deposits starting from $10), and two plans with daily paid profits – 6% for 20 days ($25 minimum to invest) and 5% for 30 days ($50 investment minimum). There are no less than eight popular payment processors accepted by CoinPlace – PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Dash, and AdvCash – and all payouts below $500 are promised to be done instantly. In some exceptional cases if delays are unavoidable then they are made manually within a 24 hour maximum. I must say that I’ve already tested CoinPlace and was paid instantly as promised, so I’ve moved the program to Paying Status on the MNO monitor already and plan a more detailed review for Thursday. So stay tuned for that.
By the way, CoinPlace seems to be running off a custom-made yet user friendly script which you won’t have any problem browsing the account area, but at the same time gives some credit to the admin opting for it instead of a more generic model. There is a domain name registered for ten (!) years in advance, a superb DDoS protected and dedicated server by OVH, and the EV Green Bar SSL from Comodo with an Australian address. A short video presentation of CoinPlace (also to be embedded to the MNOVision page shortly), and several video testimonials available for viewing. The site is available in various languages, although I’m not sure whether they’re all professional translations or not. There are several actively used social networks already available, including a Facebook page where the first welcome message from the admin has been already posted which you can read below. I just want to add that CoinPlace seems to be a well prepared, high budget and promising program with lots of attractive features and an expensive start-up and advertising campaign. So I hope the program will run long enough to bring profits for MNO readers, but as usual only time will tell:
“Good afternoon, dear friends!
We are happy and proud to inform you that today we are starting a full-power active work with investments!
We have striven for this moment for a long time, driven by the desire to give everyone the opportunity to invest and multiply their funds through trading in the crypto-currency market in the safest and easiest way. And finally the technical base is prepared, legal issues are resolved – and now our team of professional traders, analysts and portfolio managers is at your complete disposal.
In order to become a part of our friendly family of investors, you only need to follow 4 easy steps:
1) Complete a simple and fast registration on the official CoinPlace website;
2) ?lick on the “Invest” button in your personal cabinet;
3) Choose the suitable plan, choose your payment system and make a deposit;
4) Receive a stable passive income and enjoy your life!
We are confident that our cooperation with you will be pleasant, fruitful and mutually beneficial.
In turn, we guarantee our clients complete confidentiality, high platform reliability and high-quality service.
Let’s reach for the stars together with CoinPlace!”
While I’m still planning to review Ellir tomorrow it looks like many investors already jumped on board since it was first listed on MNO a few days ago. With a set of attractive investment plans including 16% for 7 days (principal included), 9.3% for 14 days (principal included), 2.67% for 15 days (principal back), 3.34% for 30 days (principal back), and instantly processed payouts Ellir seems to have been a good choice for investors looking for a quality program on a custom made script. While all the withdrawals are processed instantly so far the administration recently emphasized that adding deposits via BitCoin might not be so fast, as there should be at least three confirmations in Blockchain before it happens. Judging by the recent congestion in the network it might take a while before you see your transaction confirmed. So if you don’t like to wait you should perhaps invest in Ellir using more traditional method like PerfectMoney, Payeer, or AdvCash. Among the latest news recently posted by the admin of Ellir is the launch of Telegram chat for investors to share their opinions and ask any questions regarding the program from fellow investors. The link to the Telegram chat is given in one of the two latest updates from Ellir reposted below:
Dear participants!
?rediting of funds takes place instantly, but in rare cases it may take some time. Deposits made via Bitcoin are processed after receiving 3 confirmations. Account has features: Bitcoin waiting progress, TXID visibility and the amount of confirmations on the “Replenish” page.
Best regards, administration.”
Dear participants!
We have a Telegram-chat https://t.me/ELLIR_LTD.
We encourage all investors to join in order not to miss the latest news and be up-to-date about new competitions and offers.
We would also like to inform you that we offer a Skype-chat for investors that can be joined if you have an active deposit. In order to join the chat, please contact our moderators in Skype or the online-support on our homepage.
Every day we develop and achieve better and better results! Join us!
Best regards, administration.”
There are lots of programs affected by slow confirmations in Blockchain. The congested network resulted in tens of thousands of Bitcoin transactions remaining unconfirmed and literally in limbo for prolonged periods of time. ChainGroupService was not immune from this and the admin posted a few tweets warning investors about the consequences:
“Please note, Bitcoin network overloaded. Average fee is about 700 satoshis/byte. Transactions with lower fees, will stay unconfirmed long time.”
“Due to BTC mempool size issue and mass panic about BTH, some groups report an expected significant decrease in profits for the next few days. We are asked to understand what is happening and wait for the normal trading regime to be restored.”
Here I must clarify that ChainGroupService is working mostly as a third-party handler for multiple so-called “trade groups” each of them representing a different investment offer and allegedly managed by a totally separate team from the main program. The only investment plan officially managed by ChainGroupService pays a very moderate 0.2% fixed return over a duration of 500 calendar days with the principal back on expiry. However, there are quite a few other “trade groups” offering investment plans with various investment rules: option to compound, chance of early principal withdrawal (subject to availability), different minimum investment limits, etc. The main thing that defines these “trade groups” though is various daily returns which start from 0.1% and can possibly reach up to 10% in some cases. That’s why it’s simply impossible to say just how much you will earn from ChainGroupService, so it might be best to diversify your investments there for as much as possible and invest in several of these available offers – 0.1%-5% for 90 days, 0.1%-10% for 120 days, 0.1%-6% for 180 days, 0.1%-3% for 250 days, 0.1%-1.7% for 300 days. There really is a lot of peculiarities when dealing with ChainGroupService, so if you wish to find out more about the program now occupying the top spot on the MNO Sticky List you can see a detailed review here.
TradexTop (reviewed here) shared some recent stats earlier today that show how well the program has progressed since its official launch over three weeks ago. As the program has been listed on MNO since day one and offers a variety of short to medium term investment plans with generally instant payouts there were lots of takers now generously rewarded. TradexTop offers plans that can be divided into two main categories – paying once on expiry (150% after 15 days, 190% after 20 days, 240% after 25 days, 300% after 30 days) and paying daily with the principal back on expiry (2% for 7 days, 2.5% for 14 days, 3.1% for 21 days, 3.8% for 28 days, 4.6% for 35 days, 5.5% for 42 days). The investment minimum in TradexTop starts from $10 for selected plans and you can use either traditional handlers like PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and NixMoney, as well as more modern crypto-currencies like BitCoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, DogeCoin, Dash, Zcash, and BitcoinCash. All the latest stats from TradexTop can be seen below:
“1,400+ Users | 100,000+ USD invested | 30,000+ USD paid
Dear Friends, with our help, you have earned more than 30,000 US dollars! And for the last week, we have attracted 50% of the total capital and today the amount of investments in TradexTop is more than 100,000 USD! This is really a great result and the best proof of our victories with you!”
For some programs like ResonanceCapital posting regular “trading reports” is an essential part of the game, as they heavily rely on deposits from people who might view it as a genuine investment opportunity, and not just a HYIP. ResonanceCapital has been quite consistent in issuing weekly trading reports for quite some time now and recently there was another report showing the results of their activities in various markets. Note that in accordance with that practice you may only withdraw from the program once per week, every Friday when accounts are credited with the weekly earnings. There are some other peculiarities you need to be aware of in ResonanceCapital, so please take time to read the review here. If you want to know the numbers I can tell you ResonanceCapital has several weekly plans – 28% for 4 weeks, 6%-6.2% for 24 weeks, 3.3%-6% for 48 weeks – starting from a $50 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, NixMoney, and BitCoin:
Hello, dear customers of ResonanceCapital.
Our financial department prepared a trading report for the first week of November (10.30.17-11.05.17) and proceeded to prepare a trading report for the second week of November.
Trading report for the first week of November (10.30.17-11.05.17) in PDF format:
Forex https://resonance-capital.eu/uploads/trading-reports/november-2017/first-week/ENG/Forex_ENG.pdf
IPO Market https://resonance-capital.eu/uploads/trading-reports/november-2017/first-week/ENG/IPO_ENG.pdf
Penny Stocks https://resonance-capital.eu/uploads/trading-reports/november-2017/first-week/ENG/Penny_ENG.pdf
Stock and futures market https://resonance-capital.eu/uploads/trading-reports/november-2017/first-week/ENG/Stock_ENG.pdf
Cryptocurrency https://resonance-capital.eu/uploads/trading-reports/november-2017/first-week/ENG/Crypto_ENG.pdf
The previous week on the cusp of October and November turn out to be quite stable. The stock and financial markets were top performers. But it should be remembered that these directions each account for a mere 5% of total capital invested. Amid rapid growth of crypto-currency, this direction showed a solid surplus and brought a little over 10% to the total earnings.
Dear customers of ResonanceCapital, follow our news and share information with your investors.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital”.
Regular MNO readers might remember that I noticed the first warning signs of possible financial troubles for LaserOnline more than two weeks ago. I posted multiple warnings of the upcoming collapse on my blog over the last couple of weeks, so for those who took my advice there was enough time to complete one final investment cycle while the program was still paying. The first negative signs indicating the possible cashflow issues included the sudden drop of the banner advertising campaign on MNO which LaserOnline held from day one, the creation of multiple fake accounts, and the deliberate miscalculation of profits for some large deposit holders. It was actually a surprise for me that LaserOnline lasted as long after my warnings were already posted and the payouts only stopped today. Really, as with many other similar examples of programs processing payouts on business days only Monday is a perfect day to scam. And LaserOnline was no exception. They have used the last opportunity to collect more funds over the weekend when the withdrawals are not processed anyway, and now try to use unconfirmed transactions in Blockchain as an excuse to delay payouts. Although how this can apply to other payment processors which are all still pending even though deposits are still taken as usual tells its own story! Such stalling tactics are common, but with LaserOnline and so much money circulating there it’s always going to be people who prefer to believe the lies because the truth upsets them. It looks though highly unlikely at this point that LaserOnline will resume payments anytime soon, though I believe the stalling tactics will continue for as long as it takes to collect the last possible cent. That’s why I’m proud that MNO is the very first monitor to warn readers about this. Everything else was up to you guys, as I cannot manage your HYIP funds for you and you should take responsibility for your own investments.
I’d like to think though that the majority of my readers are in profit from LaserOnline, as it was possible to double or even triple your funds there since July if you followed a sensible re-investment strategy. There was every opportunity to earn money with LaserOnline as it’s been by far the best program of the year, but now it’s gone and we need to move on. Do not invest there, guys, and do not believe any stupid excuses LaserOnline support staff are paid to mislead you with. In my experience with HYIPs I can tell you that this is not going to happen, and it’s better to stay away from LaserOnline now. Please note that the collapse of the biggest program of 2017 can send tremors throughout the HYIP industry and lead to further closures which I hope won’t be too hard to digest and won’t move the whole industry into a standstill until after Christmas. In any case, the recovery will be inevitable as troughs are always followed by peaks. I hope it happens sooner rather than later, but I can promise you it’s definitely going to happen at some point. So just keep your fingers crossed and expect another program from the same admin on MNO before you know it!
Although the closure os LaserOnline will steal most of the headlines, it wasn’t the only collapse – LifeBit and FatherBest went down too. So, let’s see the reasons why.
LifeBit which stopped paying yesterday was obviously from a total newbie without any real knowledge of how to run a successful project. He already asked me about the best plan for his next program, but I’m not really sure I’d like to see it listed here on MNO, as LifeBit was so bad. With one investment plan paying from 1.5% to 7% daily depending on the principal and only BitCoin accepted it ran for 52 days, thus making it almost impossible to profit. Just a couple of days before the collapse the admin said LifeBit has been hacked which resulted in further financial strains and him being unable to continue in the same form as before. Some necessary adjustments were made including restricting withdrawals to one every 24 hours. It didn’t help the business though and the figures kept falling despite an unnecessarily expensive advertising campaign launched on forums. The result is clear – LifeBit is gone without helping anyone to profit. Do not invest in LifeBit anymore, guys!
As for FatherBest, then the program was much more successful for anyone who invested there compared to LifeBit. In just nine days on MNO and before the first issues with withdrawals were reported last night, FatherBest nevertheless completed two full investment cycles to profits many investors who walked away with a 25% to 35% profit after each four-day cycle. Unfortunately, due to many programs being in a queue for review on MNO I only managed to publish FatherBest on Saturday and the program stopped paying on Sunday. So it might be a bad idea to wait for the review before joining, but I can’t blame the admin for that. The program was hit by thousands of unconfirmed transactions reported in Blockchain over the last few days which caused headaches for so many other struggling programs as well. Since FatherBest worked exclusively with crypto-currencies it was affected the most and since very few people invested over the weekend its fate was sealed. Deposits and withdrawals are both now disabled in FatherBest, so I’m glad that we’re dealing with an admin who doesn’t take advantage of people not knowing the game is over.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: ChainGroupService.
From MNO Premium list: Bitcy, TerminalSkyNet, Octoin, CryptoSolution, Ellir, ResonanceCapital, GMTForex, CoinPlace (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: TradexTop.
From MNO Basic list: InfiniteAlliance, BitWaves, HouseHash.
That’s it for today, guys. I know that some of the news wasn’t so positive today, but I believe that until the end of the year we can still earn some money in other promising programs coming to MNO, so stay tuned for further updates. Not to miss anything important and stay informed please subscribe to the MNO news sent directly to your email address here, or follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter for live updates. Keep voting on the MNO TalkBack poll, share your opinions on the MNO ShoutBox, and ask any questions by contacting me via email here or directly on the Telegram chat @mnoblog. I’ll be back tomorrow with a full review of Ellir and some important updates from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry. Only elite programs can be found on MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Nov 13th, 2017.