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04/12/2017. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello everyone! I hope you’re all well after the weekend and getting in the holiday mood now that we are into the first business week of December. Given the previous history in the industry over the years you’d be forgiven for thinking this might have been a slow period for news stories. If anything it’s been quite the opposite so far, with plenty to catch up on today. And speaking of the holiday mood, I’m taking advantage of a four hour plane journey to the sunny (I hope!) island of Fuerteventura where I’ll be spending the next week on a short vacation. Hopefully things will quieten down a bit as predicted and I can get some relaxation in. Anyway, don’t be surprised if there aren’t as many updates as you’d normally expect over the coming week, though as always I am definitely committed to the MNO monitor being updated at least once every 24 hours, and more frequently than that if the need arises (closures, new additions, and the like). So, let’s see what’s been happening in the HYIP industry over the last couple of days.


Regular MNO readers will probably know that I’m usually somewhat skeptical to say the least when it comes to the information posted by HYIP admins, especially when it comes to statistics. I think it was Mark Twain who famously coined the phrase “lies, damed lies, and statistics” almost a century before such a thing as online HYIPs were ever even dreamed of. I don’t think it’s necessarily always a bad thing though, as I would expect the admins of good programs to do their level best to drum up a bit more confidence, enthusiasm, and just general support and good feeling towards his program. That’s exactly what the admin of MyBTCDreams is trying with his own latest newsletter. The program is still brand new, I remind you that MyBTCDreams was only recently reviewed on MNO here, but the admin declares over $2 million has been deposited already. Well, I guess I’m in no position to say how close to the truth that figure really is, but I can definitely tell you one thing for sure, which is that there is a lot of cash flowing through it. Whether it’s two million dollars or not is another matter, but MyBTCDreams is certainly a popular program with a lot of fans. Proof of that is the admin’s recent purchase of a $5,000 advertising package on MNO where you can see the main mast head banner on every page of my website now. He also took out Sticky Listing on the MNO monitor for the entire next month, so he’s certainly got a lot of confidence in it himself. It’s hardly a surprise though, as despite the fact the program deals exclusively with BitCoin (itself the single biggest source of investments in the industry now) the main investment plan offered by MyBTCDreams has proven very popular with investors for some time now. Just to recap on that, MyBTCDreams offers a 12% daily interest payment for a term running 12 days. That’s 144% in total, principal included. Payments to investors are always instant, though a minor technical glitch caused some short delays with this yesterday. Once he became aware of it the MyBTCDreams admin was on the case almost immediately and the problem was rectified within hours. The latest short newsletter outlining the impressive growth of MyBTCDreams is included below:

$2 Million Raised
We are excited about the extremely rapid growth of the project, it exceeded our expectations as well.
Reaching more than $2 Million (nearly 200 btc) in deposits in the first 4 days along with over 450 registered users is an achievement itself.
We are thankful to your continued support and we will keep serving you at our priority.
Best Regards, Admin MyBTCDreams


In a considerably more talkative mood, or maybe he’s just got more to say today, is the admin of Bitcy, reviewed on the MNO blog here. There are two news updates from them today. The first and I suppose in news terms the most important of these relates to some unfortunate delays involving BitCoin payments. This is never exactly popular when it happens, though there’s really not much point in blaming the admin for it when it does. It’s simply down to a huge number of requests flowing through the BlockChain network, and users having to wait their turn. Sometimes that’s going to take longer than you are used to, that’s just how things go sometimes. Luckily in this case BitCoin isn’t the only payment method being used by Bitcy, the others being PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash, so not everyone will have been directly affected. I’ll just remind you that Bitcy offers plans with daily or hourly accruals and principal back on expiry (2.3% for 15 days, 2.6% for 25 days, 0.13% for 1440 hours) or just once-off on expiry (155% after 15 business days, 550% after 20 business days, 1700% after 40 business days, 1200% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days).

In other news from the program the admin continues to make creative use of the ever fluctuating and unpredictable exchange rates in BitCoin. The popular “guess the BitCoin price” contest continues for another round, where Bitcy members can try their hand at predicting the price of BitCoin for this coming Saturday. Your guess can be studious and informed, or just a total lucky stab in the dark. It doesn’t matter because your chances of wining are the same as everyone else’s, so you may as well have a go. The prize if you happen to get it right is 0.03 BTC, and entries can be submitted right up until Friday night. Terms & Conditions for entering are contained in the second newsletter from Bitcy below:

Delays with Blockchain – sorry for temporary inconvenience
In the last few days Bitcy’s support service has been receiving rare requests about the absence of information on transactions in the blockchain system. In fact, all your funds are saved and this situation with delays is temporary and is caused by the rapid increase in the number of transfer requests.
Why is this happening?
At the moment there is a limit in blockchain – up to 2500 operations per second. When this indicator is reached, some requests can be shown as a nonexistent identifier. The automatically updated list of unconfirmed bitcoins is published at:
Incorrect display of the data is only due to the overload in the system. There is no need to worry: we guarantee that all requests will be processed in the order of submission and the funds will be transferred in the required amount.
Bitcy Limited uses multi-address management and performs distributed transfers on the basis of the website In this system all operations are performed instantly. Thus, if you encounter an error check the status of your request on the site Your funds will be transferred as soon as possible.
We apologize for the temporary inconvenience. Our team is already working on eliminating this error and in the nearest future the problem will be solved. If you have any questions, please contact our support team.
Sincerely, Bitcy Limited

Guess the price of Bitcoin – get 0.03 Bitcoin!
Our competition in which it is necessary to guess Bitcoin price has gained immense popularity. That’s why we decided to increase the number of prize places so that as many participants as possible got a bonus. Try to predict what BTC price will be on December 9th at 12:00 GMT. Predictions are accepted till 12:00 GMT Friday, December 8th. All accepted applications will be posted here:
At the close of our new competition in a week 23 winners will be announced!
Bonuses will be given to the participants who mentioned the figures closest to USD / BTC rate on the site:
Obligatory conditions of participation in the competition:
1. Share this post on your page
2. Subscribe to our community
3. Write your prediction in the comments to this post
4. Fill in the form for participants
5. Be subscribed to our Telegram-channel
The amount and terms of payment of bonuses:
1 st place – 0.03 BTC, 2nd-3rd places – 0.02 BTC, 4th-23rd places – 0.005 BTC
The bonuses will be automatically invested in the Casual plan. Thus, in just 15 days the amount you won will be increased by 1.345 times. For example: 0,03 BTC *1,345 = 0,04035 BTC.
Grab the opportunities!
A similar competition is held in our community VK:
Participate in both competitions at the same time and your chances of winning will double.
Bitcy Limited wishes you the most accurate predictions!


CoinPlace has been listed on MNO for three full weeks now meaning that the the first investment cycle for those in the 6% for 20 days or 110% after 15 day plans are in profit. Those in the 5% for 30 days plan are yet to complete a cycle but are at least in the profit zone if they joined CoinPlace on day one as the program joined the Premium List on MNO straight on its official launch date. That proved to be a wise choice for some investors already, so congratulations if that includes you. If you haven’t read my detailed review posted here I remind that CoinPlace accepts deposits from a $10 minimum in PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, BitCoin, LiteCoin, Dash, and Ethereum. There were some important changes in the withdrawal rules though as from now on you cannot cancel your withdrawals anymore, may only order a withdrawal request only once every hour, and the admin reserves the right to pay manually if your request exceeds a $100 threshold or when there is a need to replenish the accounts from which payments are processed. There are lots of safety concerns from frequent DDoS-attacks all the successful programs like CoinPlace can suffer sometimes from their competitors. Another huge concern raised by the admin in one of the latest newsletters is members’ account security and continued attempts by impersonators on social networks and phishing websites to steal sensitive information to gain access to accounts owned by CoinPlace members. Please read carefully through both of the latest newsletters re-posted below and take note of the security advice and new withdrawal rules in place:

Good afternoon, dear friends.
The CoinPlace team welcomes you!
Let’s start with the most important news. During the past few days, our company has been developing at a mind-blowing pace. More than 5,000 investors have joined our friendly family, and the total amount of investments has already exceeded $250,000. But, unfortunately, there’s always a tiny fly in the ointment – we’re talking about some evil-wishers who can not ignore a successful and profitable project like ours. Please pay your attention to the following:
– Recently, cases of fraud and attempts to make money out of the good name of our company have become more frequent. We recommend everyone to be vigilant and carefully check the accounts of people who call themselves CoinPlace support agents or administrators.
– These are the only official contacts for CoinPlace Telegram support: @coinplac, @johnc_support
– If you notice a similar user name, but with some added digits / extra characters / different case of letters, do not follow any instructions from such account and report the violation to the real support agents as soon as possible.
– Also, the official e-mail addresses of the company are:,
– Do not reply to any emails that you may receive from other addresses, and do not follow the links in them.
– Keep in mind that the only official website of the company is
Our staff members never use any link shortening services such as or Do not follow the links which start with “”, etc.
– You should under no circumstances enter any personal info on websites that look like CoinPlace, but have different address and / or do not have a Green bar (green line before the address bar, which shows a notification about the secure and protected connection). All websites that try to copy the CoinPlace design are the fishing sites, i.e. are aimed at stealing logins and passwords for the purpose of subsequent theft of money from user accounts. If you suspect that your password may have been stolen – be sure to use the password change option or contact our technical support at the above addresses.
Also, in the past 24 hours, a massive DDoS attack on the service was detected simultaneously with fraud attempts. Because of this, our website or users’ personal accounts could’ve been temporarily inaccessible. But, as always, our team has successfully coped with the difficulties and carried out additional server upgrades to strengthen the platform protection. Now everything is working fine, as it’s supposed to.
Together we are strong! And the trust of our clients is our most valuable resource.
We wish you all a successful day and productive investments with CoinPlace!

Good evening, fellow investors!
Today we have important news for you. We will try to pay attention not only to the latest cryptocurrency tendencies, but also to touch upon some technical nuances of functioning of our system.
First of all, we think we need to clarify some technical nuances, which have been causing a great amount of questions to our Support team lately.
The 24-hours withdrawal regulation is stated at our website for a good reason.
As you know, this regulation exists from the very start of the project. The reason is that we need to regularly replenish the system payout wallets. It goes without saying that all the project money is not concentrated on one single wallet – it would be extremely unwise in terms of security. To exclude the possibility of hacking and uncontrolled leakage of funds, system payout wallets are periodically replenished with limited amounts of money from the General Company Reserve. Therefore, if your payout is not processed instantly or is automatically canceled, it means in most cases that there is a recalculation of payment limits going at the moment and you only need to wait for the specified period of time. Within 24 hours the limits are updated and payouts go back to the normal mode!
The “pending” payments are either paid immediately upon updating the limits, or in some cases are returned to the balance which means they can be withdrawn again.
Remember the Golden rule of an Investor: Keep calm and earn big money.
Also, please pay attention to some important updates, which take effect since December 2:
– Instant withdrawals are available only under $100;
– Withdrawals of bigger amounts are processed manually within 24 hours;
– Instant withdrawals can be made only once per hour;
– Withdrawal requests, created less than an hour after the previous request, will be canceled and returned to your account balance within 24 hours;
– Users can not cancel their withdrawal requests;
– In order to change your wallet address, please contact
…Meanwhile, the Company holds on to its stable development path. More than 6700 investors from all over the world have already joined our team, and the amount of investments exceeded $314,000. That’s quite an impressive pace for the first weeks of active work, and it’s all thanks to you, dear friends. And we are only at the very beginning of a long and fruitful road of cooperation!
Thank you for your attention and have a nice weekend!


There are quite a lot going on in ResonanceCapital worth reporting from the four newsletters posted on the website over the last weekend. First off, Ethereum has been added as a payment option, joining BitCoin, PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and NixMoney where investments start from $50. There’s still a system of bonuses available for investors (read more on that in the review posted here) and weekly payments can be requested at the end of every business week from the following plans – 28% for 4 weeks, 6%-6.2% for 24 weeks, 3.3%-6% for 48 weeks. Note that with ResonanceCapital you will start earning from the next business week following your investment and withdrawal requests are processed within two to five business days. The program is known for its conferences held for leaders of the program with the latest being in Dubai about a month ago. Now you can watch a short video shot in the conference and perhaps that will tempt you to apply for the next one coming next year. Besides, there was a weekly and monthly report dedicated to the trading activities of the company. You might not believe what you read in them, but at least ResonanceCapital make an effort to appear as a genuine investment opportunity that might just make it last for a while. So far the program has never missed a payment and I has already been paid my weekly withdrawal earlier today for the amount requested on Friday night. More on all the news and updates from ResonanceCapital please read below:

Hello, dear customers of ResonanceCapital.
Subsequent to numerous requests from customers actively using cryptocurrencies, ResonanceCapital‘s Financial Department decided to start supporting Ethereum – the 2nd most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoin.
As of now, all customers of ResonanceCapital can use Ethereum for replenishing their personal accounts and withdrawing money from their personal accounts.
See the “Withdrawals from Account” section for procedure of payments processing via Ethereum cryptocurrency.
We also scheduled enabling support of performing financial transactions within our company by means of all the most popular cryptocurrencies for the 1st quarter of 2018.
Sincerely yours, ResonanceCapital

Hello, dear customers of ResonanceCapital.
We’re extremely pleased to put a smile on your face with the aid of the 2nd promo-video taken at the International ResonanceCapital Conference held in Dubai.
Please enjoy watching and remember to share this video with your friends and subscribers via social media. Always remember that every person you share this exclusive content with is your perspective customer within ResonanceCapital.
Have fun watching and may your business keep growing with us.
Sincerely yours, ResonanceCapital

Hello, dear customers of ResonanceCapital.
Our financial department prepared a trade report for the fourth week of November (11.20.17-11.26.17) and today our financial department started preparing a trade report for the first week of December.
The trade report for the fourth week of November (11.20.17-11.26.17) in PDF format:
IPO Market
Full report in ZIP archive
The last week of November can be called outstanding because it was possible to earn more than 30% of the return on investment. Also for trade, we had to redistribute capital, focusing on investments in the cryptocurrency market. At the same time, the investment portfolio was distributed as follows: IPO – 10%, crypto currency – 75%, free cash – 15%.
It is noteworthy that the fewer deals are made on a certain week, the higher the profit. This can be explained by the fact that every week we choose more and more high-quality entry points.
Trade with cryptocurrency has also pleased with its result, do not forget about the increased risks in other areas and more restrained trade in the market of cryptocurrency. It is this approach that gives a stable result in the long term.
Dear customers of ResonanceCapital, follow our news and share information with your investors.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital

Hello, dear customers of ResonanceCapital.
Our financial department prepared the total trading report for November 2017.
The first week of November 2017 (30.10.17 – 05.11.17)
The first week of November was the most active for the whole month in terms of the number of transactions. Unfortunately, the total profit was the lowest compared to the others weeks. Against the background of other instruments, the stock and currency markets are very prominent. Within a week they brought more than 40% of the profits. However, in other areas, the results are more restrained. For this reason, the overall profit was modest – only 16.13%.
Trading with cryptocurrency showed great results and by a large share of investments takes a leading position on the overall profit.
Total profit: 16,13%
The second week November 2017 (11.06.17 – 11.12.17)
The second week was quite balanced. It was cheap one on deals compared to the first. Stock and Forex are let us down, but the IPO market and Penny Stock covered the losses. The result is more than 1% of capital.
A small increase in comparison with last week was seen in the cryptocurrency, which cannot but rejoice. In general, the result for the week is rather restrained.
Total profit: 16,63%
The third week of November 2017 (11.13.17 – 11.19.17)
In the third week, the initial public offering and Forex markets let us down but Penny Stock has grown significantly. This is due to the fact that this week this market provided good opportunities for trading, unlike the forex market, which showed the worst result for the month.
Our main direction – the cryptocurrency – continues to gain momentum and this week was no exception. The overall result for the week was 18.6%.
Total profit: 18,6%
Fourth week of November 2017 (11.20.17-11.26.17)
The last week of November can be called outstanding because it was possible to earn more than 30% of the return on investment. Also for trade, we had to redistribute capital, focusing on investments in the cryptocurrency market.
It is noteworthy that the fewer deals are made on a certain week, the higher the profit. This can be explained by the fact that every week we choose more and more high-quality entry points.
Trade with cryptocurrency has also pleased with its result, do not forget about the increased risks in other areas and more restrained trade in the market of cryptocurrency. It is this approach that gives a stable result in the long term.
Total profit: 29,56%
November 2017 trading results
November can be considered a successful and balanced month. Despite the fact that the profit decreased slightly for all instruments with investments of 5% compared to the previous month, the profit of our main asset still increased by almost 7%. Penny Stock market is a little behind because it is difficult to find a good entry point.
Most of the profit came from the cryptocurrency – 60.83%, which is due to the fact that 70% were invested in it (in the last week 75% of the company’s capital).
Total profit for November 2017: 77,41%
Dear customers of ResonanceCapital, follow our news and share information with your investors.
Yours Faithfully, ResonanceCapital


You might remember from my review of CurrencyGlobal posted here that you can invest in the program via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash (YandexMoney and Bank cards are accepted for deposits in Roubles only) starting from $10. After that you get paid from 2% to 3.5% daily “forever”, i.e. until the program collapses. To reach the next higher daily accrual rate there is no need to make another deposit, as you can simply replenish your current deposit with more money. Now the admin makes the task of moving your money from balance to active deposit even easier, by reducing the required amount to $1 or 1 Rouble, depending on your currency. Here’s the short announcement on that posted by CurrencyGlobal recently:

The minimum amount of deposit replenishment from the balance is reduced
Dear investors!
Now you can replenish your active deposit with funds that are on your personal account balance from 1 USD / 1 RUB.


Four more cryptocurrencies have been added to RenaissanceInvest – BitcoinCash, Ethereum, LiteCoin, and Dash. I believe the decision is totally justified, as nowadays more and more people are switching to cryptocurrencies and keep their funds not only in BitCoin for diversification purposes and speculative trading alike. Here’s the short announcement on that posted on the info website for RenaissanceInvest:

Dear investors. Now we take investments in the following crypto currency: Bitcoin; Bitcoin Cash; Etherium; Dash; Litecoin; PerfectMoney. Invest in life!

You might think that there’s a mistake in there by calling PerfectMoney a cryptocurrency, however for quite some time they offer BitCoin accounts as well. Besides, as before RenaissanceInvest will still take your funds in USD in OKPay and AdvCash while you can choose between a shorter-term offer of 0.8%-1.2% per business days for 90 days, or a longer-term plan with 1.6%-2% per business day for 180 days. As explained in my detailed review of RenaissanceInvest posted here, the principal return is available anytime on request for a fee which is gradually reduced as the term progresses.


As we’re well into so-called Black December now, I have to end today’s news on a sour note. ACO stopped paying yesterday, but as it’s been listed on MNO for about twenty days it was enough time to profit from the program’s 12 and 17 day plans. Unfortunately, those who decided to risk too much and hoped for bigger profits in the longer-term options have failed to reach the profit zone as ACO has failed to last even for four weeks. The admin most likely had no idea how to run a successful program, as very little interest was expressed by my readers, especially considering its higher than average $100 investment minimum. No need to spend much time to this pre-Christmas scam, so we will just skip ahead and I’ll leave you all with the usual warning in such cases – do not invest in ACO any longer!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky listChainGroupService, Octoin, MyBTCDreams.
From MNO Premium list: BitcyCoinPlace, BitcoinTradersAlpexTrade, ResonanceCapitalCurrencyGlobal.
From MNO Standard list: RenaissanceInvest, BISTInvest.
From MNO Basic listWorldMining, Colobit.

That’s all for today guys, thanks as always for reading. Be sure to follow MNO on Facebook, Twitter, or (my readers’ favourite according to the preliminary results of the poll running on the TalkBack page) Telegram. You can also enter and confirm your email address on this page for all blog posts sent to your mailbox. Remember that MNO deals exclusively with high-budget investment programs and I’m consider making prices even higher. Too many programs are coming to be listed and I don’t always have much spare time to accommodate them all. Anyway, the decision will be made after the New Year, as I fully expect December to be a quiet month in the HYIP industry with only the strongest programs surviving the holidays. As myself and I’m sure many of my readers are planning Christmas holidays I’m confident 2018 will bring us more profitable opportunities and less deliberate fast scams. That doesn’t mean that you can’t make money in December for sure – just be more selective and do not dive into every single program with large deposits. Remember that if you have any questions you can always write to me using this contact form or directly at or chat with me live on Telegram @mnoblog when I’m available online. I’ll be back in a couple of days for sure, so stay tuned, while I’m enjoying an overdue vacation in Fuerteventura. Stay with MNO – For Money Lovers!

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