04/12/2020. An Introduction to BlockChain and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hello all! Since it’s Friday and let’s be blunt, there’s not a whole lot else going on in the HYIP industry right now, I want to continue with the new series of articles demystifying the whole world of BitCoin and cryptocurrencies.
The basis of today’s discussion is basically this – blockchain. What is it and how does it work. As you can’t really operate BitCoin without simultaneously running blockchain, so I want to give a quick few paragraphs about what it means.
One of the first questions most people will have on arriving in the field of cryptocurrencies then is what exactly is this thing called “blockchain”. The word “blockchain” derives itself from the historical record of the chain of blocks that are linked to each other via cryptography. The simplest possible way of looking at it I suppose is to say it’s a sort of publicly accessible online ledger, a financial record of where all the “virtual money” in the world moves in and out of. You can “follow the money” as the expression goes, you just don’t necessarily know all the time who does or doesn’t own it. Unless you identify yourself as the owner that is.
So let’s say Mister X owes some money and needs to pay $20 to Mister Y. Only Mister X and Mister Y know each others names, but the actual transactions are there on public view. It can’t be disputed that the debt was paid. If you look at physical paper money every note has a unique serial number on it. In much the same way, so does blockchain. You may have heard the phrase “peer-to-peer”. That’s essentially what it means. It’s more or less you making files on your own computer available to share with others. Much the same way as it used to happen with let’s say the old MP3 music sharing websites that were so controversial a few years back, it’s the same concept, just financial records rather than music or video files.
The fundamental question really is this – where can Blockchain technology be applied and is there really an offline/online future to it in terms of everyday transactions? Is blockchain technology the next big thing? If you watch the TV news or read the newspapers most folks will have heard of different new companies using blockchain technology to take money. For example, the queue to pay in your local supermarket is managed in a sort of centralized manner, one person stands behind the other and waits their turn. But what if Blockchain technology allows one to pay and go? At the time of writing the Bitcoin network still takes 10 minutes on average to confirm a transaction. Not the ideal waiting time for buying a cup of coffee at your local cafe or filling your car/motorcycle with a tank of gas. For the most part the technology is still developing. In fact to be blunt Blockchain technology is still largely disruptive, but then again internationally there’s only about 5,000 offline businesses accepting BitCoin as a form of payment to begin with. My own personal view is that on one hand I’m kinda surprised at how long this is all taking (I was also surprised at how long it took BitCoin to dominate the HYIP industry, but it still happened anyway) but I also think it’s inevitable. I suggest you get on board sooner rather than later, it’s the direction things are going in whether you like it or not.
In a nutshell then there isn’t really one central power or authority that controls the blockchain in the same way that there is for regular fiat currencies, like a government run central bank. It’s this very concept of “decentralisation” that in many ways makes BitCoin and Blockchain so very unique and a revolutionary idea, separating people from the old world shackles of banks and money owned by others.
The principal is the same in the sense that most money is just a record of who owes what to whom, it’s just a question of whether this is a matter of public or private record and who “invents” this money. After the international financial crisis in 2008, almost a thousand companies in the USA alone for example received over 630 billion dollars that never existed before. The central bank just printed the money without any reserves to back it up and parachuted it into business. I’m quite sure this happened in many developed countries around the world, such as the now legendary Greek “bail out” for example where a literal ton of money just magically came into existence because the government said it was there as opposed to actually being generated by real work.
In many ways I guess the whole lunacy of this concept if not the very real danger of total international bankruptcy is where BitCoin and Blockchain is born from. It was after all historically the first form of money that removes the need for a central authority. Other than the ancient/medieval bartering system I suppose. Its records are a matter of public record, not some government guarded secret. This is what makes people accountable. Maybe to put things in non-financial terms that more people may understand, Blockchain technology is somewhat like Wikipedia. It’s too hard to falsify because too many people have a stake in it and dishonesty requires too many collaborators.
Now that you know what blockchain is, we still have the main question left to answer – how does it all work? So, how to create a financial system that can reasonably be trusted by everyone? The banks can’t do it, that’s for damn sure, nor can the government. The main element here is what we call Peer-to-Peer sharing, I’m sure a lot of you know this phrase already, it’s basically you making files on your own PC available for anyone else who wants to see them. There are incentives for everyone helping to create value by the process of so-called “mining” (this will all be covered in later articles on the subject) and fees paid to those using the anonymous and fast system of transactions which is totally decentralized by nature and shared by “miners” working said system.
To finish up I wonder if readers will answer a quick question on the whole concept of Blockchain and where it might be going next. In many ways when it comes to new tech, it’s pretty much a case of when it takes over and not if. Video cassettes lost to DVDs, which lost to Netflix and streaming services. Who knows what’s around the next corner? Everything evolves and everything changes. There used to be a time where every home had a fixed line telephone, these days everyone has a hand held mobile device with internet access, but who ever saw that coming?

Six months of impeccable work online is a force to be reckoned with in the current slow period in the HYIP industry and such an important achievement cannot go unnoticed. I’m talking of course about QubitTech – a program that defied the initial scepticism and has proved already many times that it’s possible to run a highly successful program oriented mainly on the extensive promotion outside the usual HYIP industry circle. The scale of QubitTech‘s operation across the world now is truly staggering and I sincerely believe more and more people only find out about the program now and join it on a daily basis. That is some encouraging news for those investors who joined QubitTech when it was first listed on MNO nearly six months ago and is now firmly in profits from its only investment plan properly described in the detailed review posted here. And though since the review was posted there was a so-called Corporate License offers added still the main investment plan and number one choice for smarter gamblers would be a Digital License plan. That gives you an opportunity to invest at least $100 via BTC or ETH and get paid up to 2% variable daily profits (about 1% daily on average with 25% monthly profits overall) until the point you earn 250% on your investment after which it automatically expires. Remember that you also pay 2.5% on every withdrawal request which is then processed manually within 72 hours maximum, so keep it in mind to factor into your profit expectations.
As I mentioned already, QubitTech has been growing at a tremendous rate and that is all thanks to the tireless work of their affiliate teams across the world whose efforts are further fuelled by a very lucrative multi-tier referral program. Among the latest news from the administration on that account posted earlier this week was the invitation to participate in the upcoming Go Pro Recruiting Mastery event to be held in a week’s time with the $297 participation fee to be reimbursed by the administration interested in upgrading the skills of its best promoters. There was the first conference held in Uganda which might mark the next level of penetration for QubitTech on so far largely unexplored African continent market. Then another useful tool for affiliates called QubitTech Academy bot was launched on Telegram platform which aims at making things more convenient for all sorts of promoters who wish to be updated on the affiliate stats from the program in real time. After the success of the second QubitTech BaseCamp event in Mexico, the third one in Turkish city of Belek was launched yesterday and will last until December 13. I’m pretty sure that, like in case with previous BaseCamps, we will see some regular video reports from the latest offline event hosting the biggest promoters from across the world who come together to perfect their affiliate skills and learn a thing or two about the new techniques and benefits they’ll get when spreading the word about QubitTech. And finally, today there will be held yet another Zoom online conference in four languages – English, Thai, Spanish and Russian – and the different times for each of them have been announced in one of the latest newsletters from the program. By the way, I have reposted all of them below for your convenience, so keep reading if you wish to find out more on QubitTech:
“Participate in GoPro
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We invite you to engage in self-development and significantly improve your sales skills, and do it remotely. The most famous event in the field of network marketing – Go Pro – https://virtualgopro.com/ will help with this.
This conference is traditionally held in December in Las Vegas, but this year it will be virtual due to the situation with the Covid pandemic.
The Go Pro Recruiting Mastery conference began its history in 2010. Over the past 10 years, Go Pro has grown to become the largest annual forum for network marketing experts from around the world, open to all.
This year’s Go Pro Recruiting Mastery will run from December 11-13. To organize a virtual event in Las Vegas, a special studio was built on 2.3 thousand square meters worth $ 20 million.
The main speakers of 2020 – Eric Worre – the permanent host of the event, author of several books and one of the most renowned experts in network marketing. And also Sylvester Stallone is a popular Hollywood actor.
QubitTech is interested in growing the expertise and knowledge of our users. That is why we are giving the opportunity to spend funds from the marketing budget on the purchase of tickets for Go Pro Recruiting Mastery.
All that is required:
– buy a ticket (general admission ticket – $ 297) – https://virtualgopro.com/general-admission/
– provide a copy of it to a special telegram account – @QubittechMarketingSupport
– funds from the marketing budget equal to the cost of the ticket will be transferred to your balance after that.
Follow our news!”
“QubitTech Conference in Uganda
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We are happy to announce that QubitTech successfully held the conference for local users and platform affiliates.
The event took place in the capital of the country, Kampala, the largest city in Uganda. The assembled guests listened to speeches by local leaders about QubitTech and also asked many questions.
We are happy for our African leaders and wish them to popularize QubitTech across the continent. Meanwhile, there are already two offices in Africa, in Uganda and Nigeria.
Always with you, QubitTech”.
“QubitTech Academy bot is a handy tool for affiliates
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We present a new technological product made for the convenience of our affiliates – @Qubit_Academy_bot.
You need to have your own Telegram account to use it. Next, enter the name of the bot (in the search bar in Telegram) – @Qubit_Academy_bot and start chatting with him by answering a few simple questions.
The bot has implemented a system of various notifications in three languages (English, Spanish and Russian), which will greatly facilitate the work of our affiliates. In particular:
– successful registration on the platform;
– login to your account;
– accrual to the balance;
– new request for withdrawal;
– a new user on your network (with contact information for communication);
– new rank;
– application for technical support;
– information about new webinars.
This is not a complete list of notifications and will be constantly expanding.
Please pay attention to the notifications about logging into your account – they’re implemented specifically for your safety. If you receive such a notification, despite the fact that you aren’t logged into your account, immediately change your password and check the security of your mail.
The QubitTech Academy bot is an opportunity for continuous improvement. Subsequently, new languages will appear in it (except for English, Spanish and Russian), additional notifications, instructions and various forms of education.
Use @Qubit_Academy_bot!
Always in touch!”
“Leadership meetings in ZOOM
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We invite you to take part in the next QubitTech Leadership Zoom Meeting that will take place this Friday (December 4).
Leaders from rank 3 can attend closed leadership meetings in English and Russian. In leadership meetings in Spanish and Thai languages – leaders from rank 2.
You will get the invitation link on your email.
Leadership meeting in Thai language – 13:00 UTC / 20:00 (BKK)
Leadership meeting in English language – 14:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Spanish language – 15:00 (UTC)
Leadership meeting in Russian language – 19:00 (MSK)
Follow the news!”
“Start of the third BaseCamp
Dear users of the QubitTech platform,
We’re pleased to announce the start of the third BaseCamp, which will take place until December 14 in Belek (Turkey).
Our leaders from all over the world came to this event. An amazing 10 days await them, during which they will work both on their own skills and on personal growth.
In addition, top speakers will talk BaseCamp guests about organizing a successful business, the secrets of modern marketing and much more.
We remind you that BaseCamp is a new training format from QubitTech. The first BaseCamp took place in Turkey in early November. More about this – https://www.qubittech.ai/news/basecamp-33/. The second BaseCamp took place in Mexico – https://www.qubittech.ai/news/q-baseamp/.
The third BaseCamp will be unforgettable!
Follow our news!”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: QubitTech.
From MNO Standard list: –
From MNO Basic list: –
That’s about all for today, guys. I hope you like reading the MNO blog and its articles, and if you haven’t done so yet please click here and submit your email address to get subscribed to the regular Newsfeed and not to miss anything important that may come your way in the HYIP industry. It’s even better to closely follow MNO on Telegram, Twitter or Facebook where all the latest announcements posted first. Then, I’m always here to give you a helping hand, so if you have any questions, advertising requests or simply the ideas (even the craziest ones!) you would like to share with me please don’t hesitate to contact me here, email me directly at abramsonp@gmail.com or chat with me on Telegram @mnoblog. I’m always happy to hear from you, guys. Have a good weekend to come and thanks for following MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Cryptocurrencies, Daily News by on Dec 4th, 2020.