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16/05/2022. Weekly CryptoNews Digest and News From the HYIP Industry


Hello guys. Thanks for tuning in to MNO and checking the latest news from the HYIP industry and its brightest and biggest representatives. My site has been at the forefront of all the main events and best programs that have been running since 2007 – the year MNO was established and running ever since. The latest shift to cryptocurrencies has been widely reflected in the change of direction for my blog to cover more on the news affecting the ever growing role of BitCoin in the wider state of things, and I will keep that going for a while, at least until the HYIP industry gets back on its feet.

As predicted in the previous blog post, the sudden slump in cryptocurrency markets (which will obviously be the main subject of today’s Weekly CryptoNews Digest you’re about to read below) has badly affected many well-established HYIPs which ran for many months. They’ve collapsed one after another with admins preferring to cash out on the cryptocurrency market rather than paying out members from their own pocket. Besides, factor in the approaching summer season as another reason for the annual slowdown in the HYIP industry which has played its own role in the “domino” effect as well. In any case, summer will not be a season for earning much and with the current state of things in the HYIP world we can only hope that by autumn someone decides to launch something big driven by a new cryptocurrency surge in prices.

Whether it is going to happen or not you will certainly find out first if you read MNO and follow me on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter. You may also join the 2,500+ list of email subscribers by adding yourself to the list on this page and confirming your email address to receive the MNO blog articles on the weekly basis. And whenever possible, stay connected with your fellow investors and myself on the MNO ShoutBox and vote in the polls on the MNO TalkBack page. I’m also always available for an instant chat on Telegram @mnoblog. Alternatively, submit your query via this contact form or by emailing me directly at I’m happy to hear your feedback and suggestions on how MNO can be improved and strive to respond within a reasonable 24-hour timeframe.

Let’s start with the outlook of the latest news that happened in the crypto world over the last seven days, May 9, to May 15, 2022, in the now regular Weekly CryptoNews Digest which gets posted every Monday.

No prizes for guessing what stories are dominating this week’s CryptoNews Digest, everything mostly revolves around the collapsing exchange rates against the dollar as the global cost of living crisis forces more and more investors to convert their crypto assets into more urgently needed cash.

The thing is though, that when mainstream media start describing the current situation as a crisis the reality is that this only applies to those who bought crypto at what were already vastly inflated prices in the mistaken belief that this would make them rich. For those who purchased crypto assets when the market last bottomed out with the intention of protecting themselves against future economic recession and turmoil, well, everything is turning out pretty good. Although at $30,000 per BTC at the time of writing the rate is well under half what its peak was just a short time back, remember it was possible to buy for just $2,000 per BTC during the last so-called crisis. Those who did so with a longer view of holding onto their assets are still making astronomical profits, as was their intention by storing BTC for the current “rainy day” we now see with skyrocketing inflation on food, rent, energy, etc.

Having said that, I understand few people will find any comfort there if they bought too late. Especially those who borrowed money just to buy crypto and now find themselves saddled with a debt and an asset falling in value that will not help them repay it. And whereas BitCoin tends to be a sort of litmus test here, other lesser known cryptocurrencies or AltCoins as they are known are faring much much worse. Particularly some of the more surprising casualties were the so-called StableCoins, the ones operating on a fixed exchange rate pegged to the US Dollar on a straight 1:1 ratio. The biggest of these is of course Tether, reliably seen as a safe on-chain placeholder for crypto investors. They very briefly removed its peg to the $USD and promptly lost 5% of its value.

That was a pretty dramatic drop by any standards, or so you may think until considering Terra’s LUNA token. It shed a seemingly impossible 100% of its value in just 24 hours. With such a spectacular overnight collapse, practically unprecedented really, it didn’t take long for the conspiracy theories to emerge. The world’s largest asset manager, Blackrock, and hedge fund giant Citadel Securities have denied claims that they had a role in the fall of LUNA in conjunction with crypto exchange Gemini who denied making a BitCoin loan that resulted in the Terra collapse. Following the collapse of LUNA after algorithmic StableCoin Terrausd (UST) lost its peg to the U.S. dollar this week, rumors have been circulating that Blackrock, Citadel Securities, and Gemini had some part in the fall. The three companies quickly denied the accusation. According to the rumors, Blackrock and Citadel Securities borrowed 100K BTC from cryptocurrency exchange Gemini and swapped 25% for UST. The two companies subsequently dumped the UST and BTC, crashing the prices of the two cryptocurrencies. No matter what the truth, and we may never know, it still has to be said it’s a murky world where official regulators often have little if any real influence beyond mere lip service. When a single tweet from the likes of Elon Musk can add or remove millions to/from the value of a currency based on nothing other than mere whim, you know that crypto really is the wild west of the virtual online ecomomy.

Perhaps more worrying for some crypto users is the trouble CoinBase have gotten into. They of course as most cryptocurrency enthusiasts should know are the largest currency exchange platform, handling the biggest volume of money and especially popular with US based investors. CoinBase reported a $430 million net loss in the first quarter with declining sales and active users. Along with CoinBase’s disappointing first-quarter earnings, the exchange has revealed that in the event that it were to go bankrupt, its users may lose all the funds in their accounts. Frank admissions like that are only going to further fuel the race to convert crypto based assets back into hard cash and put even more downward pressure on exchange rates as the market gets flooded. Add to that not just the financial loss, CoinBase also reported a 19% drop in monthly users, and the picture begins to get even more grim.

In the event the crypto exchange goes bankrupt, CoinBase says, its users might lose all the cryptocurrency stored in their accounts too. CoinBase said in its earnings report Tuesday that it holds $256 billion in both fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies on behalf of its customers. Yet the exchange noted that in the event it ever declared bankruptcy, “the crypto assets we hold in custody on behalf of our customers could be subject to bankruptcy proceedings.” CoinBase users would become “general unsecured creditors,” meaning they have no right to claim any specific property from the exchange in proceedings. Their funds would become inaccessible. That shouldn’t happen. An individual’s ownership of cryptocurrency is supposed to be immutable and absolute; that’s one of the key selling points touted by Blockchain evangelists everywhere. But when a user creates a CoinBase account, they often end up storing their cryptocurrency in a wallet controlled by CoinBase, which means the individual is giving away at least part of their control over their own funds.

The best advice in this case is what’s called “cold storage”, something that’s long been favored over keeping your crypto in an exchange account by investors who intend longer term holding of assets as opposed to more regular day-to-day trading and transactions. Bank accounts in many countries are protected by deposit insurance offered by the domestic central banks. In the event a bank fails, the central bank steps in to protect deposits, and in some countries this can even be as high as $250,000, preventing depositors from going broke along with the bank. Crypto exchanges don’t offer that same protection—which is the primary reason why crypto enthusiasts advise investors to hold their cryptocurrency in a personal wallet, rather than on an exchange. Meanwhile CoinBase have warned that trading volumes are likely to decrease even further in the current quarter.

Finishing up for this week, I came across a curious news story from Belgium. Have you ever strolled through a fine art gallery gazing upon the works of centuries old masters and wondered what it might be like to have such pieces hanging on your own wall? Probably not for very long if you did, considering that in many cases you would need literally millions of dollars and nothing better to do with it than spend it on art. “All art is quite useless” went the quote by Oscar Wilde, and perhaps you agree. If not, then The Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Belgium (KMSKA) has tokenized a million-euro painting and is allowing fractional ownership of the masterpiece. Partial ownership of Carnaval de Binche, by Belgian artist James Ensor is available to anyone who invests in a so-called Art Security Token, and the money raised will be used to purchase the painting. The museum in Brussels is working with two blockchain companies to tokenize the work, a lesser known piece by the artist Ensor but nonetheless priceless, to allow everyone to become a “co-owner” of the painting. The museum has partnered with BlockChain companies Rubey and Tokeny to tokenize the masterpiece on the Polygon (MATIC) blockchain using Tokeny’s compliant ERC-3643-based security token, a standard for permissioned tokens.

A statement goes on to say this is the first European museum to “tokenize a masterpiece to democratize art investment“. While the art industry has been traditionally dominated by wealthy individuals, the KMSKA says it aims to make masterpieces available to the masses by offering fractional ownership. In the case of Carnaval de Binche, everyone can become a “co-owner” with an investment of EUR 150 ($158). The fractional ownership would be sold via an Art Security Token Offering, with the money raised being used to purchase the painting. Too bad you don’t get a turn in borrowing the painting for an occasional weekend to impress your friends and visitors then!

That’s all for today’s Weekly CryptoNews Digest. Check out more next Monday, and let’s see what’s going on in the HYIP industry itself now.



As of today, RoboticsOnline has been monitored on MNO for an unbelievable period of 788 (!) days. Yes, you read it right! While so many HYIPs are considered great when they barely work for a month, for RoboticsOnline the third year of a flawless performance is perhaps still not enough to leave its mark. Of course, you might argue that with the very low variable returns of about 5% after the fixed period of 12 business days RoboticsOnline had some advantage over its rivals. However, still the ability to work under very stressful and constantly changing conditions of the HYIP industry deserves a lot of respect and admiration for the admin’s efforts. Any investor can try out RoboticsOnline with a completely free $300 deposit the profits from two cycles of which you will be able to keep (it’s going to be about $30 in value). Remember though that to avoid dishonest people trying to take advantage of the admin’s generous offer by creating multiple accounts recently it was decided to temporary increase the minimum withdrawal to BitCoin to $200. The minimums to LiteCoin and Ethereum remain the same at $25 while the minimum to invest is still set at $50 for all the three cryptocurrencies. Note that this measure won’t affect the majority of honest investors, and if you cannot withdraw via BTC anymore due to the higher minimum you may increase your participating amount in that currency or request to change it to LTC or ETH funds (the latter solution applies exclusively to MNO downlines in the program as the admin will do so individually for all my referrals affected by that decision).

I’m pretty sure though that any inconvenience which might have caused by the recent withdrawal changes in RoboticsOnline will be greatly compensated for provided you stay loyal to the program and continue investing with it over a long period of time. After all, it offers a totally free reinvesting option called “autopilot” which can be activated (as well as deactivated) in your account at any time and for every single investment. You may have as many investments as you like and in various currencies – BTC, LTC and ETH – which will be converted to USD before you see it in your balance ready for either making a new investment or withdrawal. It’s all well-explained on the website which has been significantly improved a few months ago and contains now all the necessary information about the investment process in RoboticsOnline – something you may also get acquainted with in my detailed review of the program posted here.

RoboticsOnline remains active on various social networks, especially their official Telegram channel, which I encourage every member of the program to follow. In that daily updated channel you will find information on both the latest profit rates for RoboticsOnline itself, as well as some interesting information from the world of robotics and cryptocurrencies – something that the company claims to have been involved with since the very start. Below you will find all the messages from the program posted on its Telegram channel over the last seven days:

Profit of the last 12 business days: 4.58%
Do you want to make money by investing your funds? Do not waste your time and start with RoboticsOnline.
We have collected statistics for the last 7 days of the investment period and it was more than 6%.
You can start making money right now at

How to choose a promising startup
A search for a promising startup may lead to a depression, unless an investor knows a couple of essential hints. The idea behind the startup is not everything.
The investor should look at the startup, like it is a camp for the team. Every member of this small company should care about the final product, otherwise it will definitely fail.
There is no perfect formula of a promising startup. It is recommended to choose an experienced team that combines executives, founders and staff.

Difference between token and coin in simple words
Many people do not understand the difference between token and coin. For crypto enthusiasts, the difference is pretty clear – token represents what a person owns and coin shows what a person is capable to own.
People should look at coins like at the medium of exchange. Tokens are different – they represent an asset. It is possible to hold tokens for value, trade them or invest them.
Important difference between token and coin from technical perspective – coins are handled by blockchain and tokens are working thanks to smart contracts.

Payhawk corporate fintech service
Payhawk is the growing platform that changes the world of modern business. It is the app that adopts FinTech solutions to drive companies forward.
Payhawk has a lot in common with the Curve. It helps customers to get control of their financial lives.
People may wonder who is behind such a handy corporate fintech service? It is a Bulgarian company that has achieved unicorn status faster than any other one in the country.

What is venture capital investment?
Venture capital investment is one of the most popular ways of investing money in a business that demands capital. Such businesses need money in their early stages when they exist only as an idea.
There are three stages of venture capital investment – seed-stage, early-stage, and later-stage capital. They are defined by the period of the product development life span.
In the long-term, such investments can be very risky, but they also give a hope to earn really big amounts of money. Before making these investments, people should have enough information on the current state of a global market.

Prescription Robot
The future has arrived! Pharmacists are being replaced by robots! At least that’s what Walgreens thinks. It installs mechanized prescription dispensers in its pharmacies.
Logistic points began to work much faster. One robot can collect up to 300 such pharmacy orders within 60 minutes. Amazing speed, which greatly exceeds the performance of ordinary people.
Installing these robots allows the company to save a lot of money. Last year, the savings were about $1.1 billion. It becomes more and more difficult to look for pharmacists every year, as the profession becomes less relevant in modern conditions.

Blockchain: What is it?
People who are looking for a simple explanation of the Blockchain, should about the main idea of this technology. It is a database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network.
When the new information comes into the system, it enters a fresh data block. Once the block is filled, it is chained to the previous one in the system. It creates a chain of data blocks.
The idea behind blockchain technology allows the system to be decentralized. It means the user would not need to worry that the data could be controlled by a group of people.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 168 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: –
From MNO Standard list: RoboticsOnline.
From MNO Basic list: Revelates.

That’s all the news I have to report on the MNO blog today, guys. I hope you all have a nice and profitable week ahead and I’ll talk you again next week on MNO – For Money Lovers!

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