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21/12/2011. Daily News from the Industry


Hello everybody! Sorry for not posting any news last night but since the industry is now slower than usual due to the Christmas holidays I prefer to post a bit less often and so have something worth discussing when I do. I also hope you like the decorations on the blog and monitor which my programmer Andrew did for me recently and I hope it helps put you into the festive mood even further. Anyway, on with the news.

Some readers expressed some concern about the website of the new rising star in the industry FXMoguls going offline for a few hours two days ago. Even though the admin had paid all the pending withdrawals before the incident it didn’t stop some people from panicking. Fortunately, shortly afterwards everything was back to normal and an official update regarding this unscheduled downtime was sent to the members. I have also received a personal apology from the admin who said the situation which was beyond his control due to a hardware failure. Due to some information lost after that failure the admin informed the members who might signed-up during those hours and even deposited just to realize later that their accounts in the program were missing. Also the members of FXMoguls were encouraged to report about all the missing payments and possibly re-request them if needed. I think such good communication between the admin and his members is very important in establishing and strengthening strong ties in the event of this happening again (which I hope won’t happen). Here is the latest newsletter from FXMoguls explaining the downtime:
FXMoguls – Todays Unplanned Downtime
Dear FXMoguls members,
Allow me to start by apologizing for the few hours of unplanned downtime that we had today. This was due to a hardware failure on one of the Staminus servers that we are hosted on. The problem has since been resolved but unfortunately we lost a few hours’ worth of data.
Our team has gone through every account and we believe that we have corrected any mistakes that may be in member’s accounts due to the slight loss of data. It mainly centered around members who withdrawal requests were already paid but were not showing as paid. This issue has been resolved.
In addition there may be 3 or 4 members whose accounts aren’t showing in the system. If this is the case for you and you have not deposited then please just signup for a new account. If you have made a deposit and your account isn’t showing then please sign up again using the same username as before.
Then send us an email to or contact us on live chat with the
following information.
Your FXMoguls username
Your deposit amount
Your account used to make the deposit.
We will verify the deposit and immediately credit into your account in the proper plan.
If you find that a recent withdrawal request has been returned to your account then please just re-request the withdrawal. We had to return them to your account to do the audits. Now that this process is completed you can re-request and it will be paid immediately.
Again our deepest apology for this slight hiccup and please be assured that we are working with our host to ensure that this type of thing never happens again.
Happy holidays again from FXMoguls and we thank you for being a member.
FXMoguls Staff”.
FXMoguls take deposits from LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney users starting from the very small $0.01 minimum which makes the program highly affordable to virtually everyone who has any amount of spare cash. This alone can attracts a lot of investors who otherwise have no other chance to start investing with HYIPs. The program pays 2.4%-3.7% return for 150 business days and it returns the original principal on expiry. The withdrawals are always processed within a 48-hour timeframe and those interested n learning more about FXMoguls can read my detailed review published here.

Despite some gloomy predictions regarding the future of EVBusiness which opened only a month ago, the program proved to be quite popular with investors and so far the instant payments processed to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney were flawless and only in very few cases took me 24 hours to get paid. That means that anyone who joined the program from day one are very close to seeing a profit now from its 2.8% for 60 days investment plan with optional principal return on demand. Everything would be perfect if not a very suspicious newsletter sent to members last night. In it the admin announced the introduction of their own offshore Visa Credit card and the request form available for anyone wanting to have this card sent to their home address with $1,000 balance on it. I think for experienced investors it’s needless to say that usually such practices are used by the admins whose programs are going to collapse soon, let alone that such cards are as fake as everything else about HYIPs. Members of EVBusiness who want to get such cards are strongly discouraged by me from doing so, as surely they won’t get anything except waste their time and money they might still have in their accounts. I hope that nobody gets caught by surprise by this trick and do not spend a cent on this imaginary card. Also I hope that it’s not a warning sign for EVBusiness (reviewed here) members which might actually link the program to another fast scam PreMoney which used very similar tactics of encouraging buying cards by their clients with $1,000 balance on and try to withdraw their money as soon as possible which might become fatal for this program allowing to withdraw principals at any time. We will see what is going to happen within the next few days but those who haven’t made any deposits in EVBusiness yet are advised to wait at least for a week or two to make sure that the program is not going to disappear:
EVBusiness VISA Card
EVBusiness offers global offshore Visa Credit Card for its clients. Having EVBusiness Visa Credit Card will allow you to gain access to your money when you are on the go. By having this card you can receive your withdrawals in a very timely manner in your card in less than 12 hours and withdraw it by ATM machines (Receive your withdrawals in real currency in less than 12 hours). Members can use this card to purchase products and services at any global merchant that accepts Visa Credit Card. It can also be used at millions of ATM locations for withdrawing funds.
Get your Visa Credit Card for free, if you have more than $1,000 in your EVBusiness account balance. Minimum card balance is $1,000. This amount will be deducted from your EVBusiness account after your card request. Include free membership and all credit cards are delivered via standard mail. Please sign in to your account to see credit card request form.
Best Regards, EVBusiness.

Myself and other MNO readers keep getting strange emails allegedly coming from one of the current industry leaders HyperCompound (reviewed here) encouraging to download the attached .jar file, sign some investment contract and return it to the admin. Here is that email as a warning to all the investors:
Welcome. We send each client a contract the investor. After reading will need to sign and send back an e-mail Thank you. Team HyperCompound.
Please do NOT do any such thing! Such emails are not sent from the admin and are aimed mainly in spreading dangerous viruses which might install some malicious software on your computer and eventually steal your money when you least expect it. Other actions might be damaging to your computer in case you try to open the file, so please do not do it and NEVER download anything sent to your email by HYIP admins for your own security!

Staying on the topic of HyperCompound, some readers were kinda alarmed when their withdrawals mostly to LibertyReserve stopped being made instantly. Support requests were answered something like:
Hello, Please accept our apologies for the delay in payment, your withdrawal request will be processed as soon as possible on the next business week. We are waiting of a huge transfer from our e-currency exchange partner at the moment. Thank you for your patience.”
From my own source of information I was aware that it’s very possible that the admin of HyperCompound Gary (he was interviewed on MNO here) is telling the truth about this and is indeed waiting for an exchange that’s taking longer than planned. This information is also confirmed by a couple of my readers who are still getting paid 3- and even 4-digit figures to their LR accounts which simply breaks all the rumors about the cashflow issues and selective payouts. Gary confirmed to me privately that everyone would be paid in full within the next few days and I don’t have any reason not to trust this statement. Of course, HyperCompound will be closely monitored by MNO for the next few days but hopefully by the beginning of the next week all missed withdrawals will be paid in full of which will definitely be reported on MNO. I’d like to remind you that HyperCompound is still considered by many investors as a very credible program that has a quite good chance of surviving this Christmas. It pays 1.5%-3% + bonus interest for 100 business days with optional principal return on expiry. HyperCompound currently accepts direct Bank wires along with deposits starting from $1 via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay.

The admin of ForexReflex Patrick was just interviewed on MNO last night (click here to read it) and he already managed to fulfill his promise to add a third payment processor – PerfectMoney – joining LibertyReserve and AlertPay. Here is the latest update regarding the addition of PerfectMoney posted on their official forum today:
We now support Perfect Money!
Dear Members and Guests of ForexReflex,
It brings us great joy to present the latest addition to ForexReflex – we have added support for Perfect Money to our system. Minimum investment size will be $1, as it is for investments funded with Liberty Reserve. You can use Perfect Money to fund investments of all plans.
Good luck investing and A Merry Christmas!
Patrick Stone”.
To invest in ForexReflex you have to have at least $1 in your LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney or $100 in your AlertPay account. The original principal which the investors of ForexReflex are going to put into one of four available plans – 1.5% for 15 business days, 1.7%-1.9% for 30 business days, 2%-2.4% for 60 business days, 2.2%-2.8% for 90 business days – gets returned on expiry. More about the investment plans can be read in my detailed review of ForexReflex published here.

As Christmas holidays are approaching many HYIPs concentrate their updates on this festive topic. FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) dedicated the latest regular weekly newsletter almost entirely to publishing the list of the official US and Panamanian holidays for 2012 which the administration observes and on which the usual daily interest of 1%-1.6% for 180 business days (with principal returned on expiry to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney) is not paid. In the newsletter posted below the admin also mentioned the ongoing application process for investors looking to become official representatives and reminded that all the news and updates can be read in their official Facebook page:
[FelminaAlliance] Weekly Newsletter
This is an official weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance.
We at FelminaAlliance wish you and your families and loved ones Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We hope that the next year will be the year of peace and financial stability. We will do all we can to guarantee the best performance for your investments.
For your convenience we are publishing the full list of official holidays for 2012. Please be advised that we observe both US and Panamanian official holidays.
The list of public holidays in the United States in 2012:
Monday, January 2 – New Year’s Day.
Monday, January 16 – Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, February 20 – Washington’s Birthday.
Monday, May 28 – Memorial Day.
Wednesday, July 4 – Independence Day.
Monday, September 3 – Labor Day.
Monday, October 8 – Columbus Day.
Monday, November 12 – Veterans Day.
Thursday, November 22 – Thanksgiving Day.
Tuesday, December 25 – Christmas Day.
The list of public holidays in Panama in 2012:
Sunday, January 1 – New Year’s Day.
Monday, January 9 – Martyrs’ Day.
Tuesday, February 21 – Carnival’s Tuesday.
Friday, April 6 – Good Friday.
Tuesday, May 1 – Labor Day.
Saturday, November 3 – Independence Day.
Monday, November 5 – Colon Day.
Saturday, November 10 – Shout in Villa de los Santos.
Monday, November 26 – Day off for Independence from Spain.
Wednesday, November 28 – Independence from Spain.
Saturday, December 8 – Mother’s Day.
Tuesday, Dec 25 – Christmas Day.
We are still receiving plenty of applications from customers expressing their interest in becoming regional representatives for FelminaAlliance. We will send further instructions to all applicants shortly. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Make sure to visit and like our official Facebook page at This is the most efficient and fastest way to read the latest news and updates.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.

Other programs like ReProFinance for instance seem to observe more exotic holidays (or rather take every single opportunity in order to save money by not paying daily interests to its members). So, this year the admin ReProFinance (interviewed here) announced that on the day of Hanukkah celebrated yesterday the daily interest on all the investment plans currently offered by the program and fully described in my recent review posted here – 1.6%-2.3% for 90 business days, 1.8%-2.5% for 180 business days, 2.2% for 60 business days with principal return on expiry – would not be credited. It’s funny because ReProFinance never celebrated Hanukkah back in 2010 and also the fact that in Israel itself Hanukkah was never a public holiday when businesses are closed. Everything is open here, expect for the schools (and I know what I’m talking about as I live in Israel at the moment). That alone didn’t stop ReProFinance from this celebration of Hanukkah which is especially strange since they are going to celebrate Christmas next week as well, lol. But I guess everything should be fine as long as a program pays its investors on time which is exactly what ReProFinance has been doing so far for more than a very impressive 568 days and counting. I sincerely hope that ReProFinance is going to pay in the new year as well, despite such weird updates like the one posted on the site yesterday:
Non-paying day. 20 December 2011
Dear investors,
Due to the Hanukkah holiday, today is going to be a non-paying day. No interest will be credited as per regular deposit plans today. Bond dividends are paid as usual (7 days per week, 365 days per year).

MNO readers should also beware of the problematic and plain scam programs that are still issuing updates regarding their alleged activities and more than questionable right to communicate with their members while being totally silent when answering the issues they are having. Here I’m talking about BrantonsGroup whose admin is doing the worst job ever by deliberately skipping payouts and refusing to answer any emails sent by me. Although occasional payouts are getting through for the members of BrantonsGroup I would not recommend joining. As expected the lower daily payouts that are accompanied by selectively processed payments were followed by announcement about the program’s temporary closure for almost two weeks after which the program will most probably stop paying completely. So the most recent update posted on BrantonsGroup‘s website today looks more like a farewell to me:
Holiday Break Period
Dear investors, please note that starting from December 22nd and until 3rd of January we will not be engaged into trading process, thus we will pause investment period. We hope you are enjoy holiday time and we wish you all the best in the upcoming year.
Thank you for your membership at BrantonsGroup.

Please also note that I became aware of the scamming activities of StableProfit‘s admin who proved himself a shameless scammer when sending another update today celebrating its imaginary 100 days online which the program was not able to achieve after my article fully exposed the blocking of accounts and subsequent halting of payments completely. Not all monitors followed my example of exposing StableProfit though. Most of them not only continued to keep the program on Paying status, but also “supported” the greedy admin by confirming their payouts on major forums and monitors for a few more days shamelessly doing exactly what they are supposed not to. Anyway, I guess now everything should be clear about StableProfit – which should not able to pay selectively or avoid punishment for his actions. The program was named and shamed and investors reading MNO were fully aware of that in due time, but perhaps the admin had more newsletters written for him by his accomplices in advance. So, why not send them all now? As I was told today by one MNO reader the admin is still sending scam emails to take advantage of anyone who believes him without verifying the program’s status on MNO first. Always check the status on MNO monitor before investing in such programs whatever emails you receive!

Perhaps, the only program from the quality short-term ones that might actually survive Christmas is TopWallet (reviewed here). The program has just marked is first two weeks online paying on several investment plans via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 142%-600% after 7 days, 191%-1100% after 14 days and 350%-2500% after 30 days. The admin is not very talkative and today saw only his ever second newsletter. In it he mentioned that surpassing the Black December and going beyond the 2012 is the ultimate goal of the program which applies a “custom marketing strategy” in order to stay afloat while others are collapsing. He also specially emphasized that the Christmas holidays would not affect the timeframe of 1-6 hours in which the withdrawals are usually paid and that the bi-lingual Russian and English live support would be working as usual too. Members of TopWallet will soon be able to benefit from live support available in other languages too. I hope this is all accomplished and we will see TopWallet alive and kicking well into next year. Here is the full newsletter from the program:
TopWallet #2 Newsletter – “We Are Ready For The 2012!”
Hello dear TopWallet investors and promoters,
I would like to send out our second official newsletter. As the subject says, TOPWALLET INC. is proudly ready to serve You in the new, 2012 year!
Generally our first aim was to establish our name during the December and to surpass it. This month is usually “recognized” as a low month in the market, because of many programs collapsing. Moreover, people are very cautious because of this and they rather jump back in the game once the new year begins.
We received numerous questions whether during the Christmas holidays we are going to work normally. Yes, absolutely. All withdrawal requests will be processed within the same time frames and you will be credited with the interest on your investments like usually.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to forward them to our live support operators. We currently guarantee a 24-hour English live-chat and a Russian live-chat which is available almost 24 hours a day as well. TopWallet is looking forward to implement new languages for the online support very soon. These will include Indonesian, Spanish, German and other popular spoken ones among our investors.
We have a custom marketing strategy and a global thinking that differs from the rest of the programs. That is why TopWallet will be one of the best high yield investment program available on the market very soon. Stay with us and let us prove it!
TopWallet Administrator”.

Here is the list of the programs which paid me for the last 48 hours, keeping their Paying status on MNO:
FelminaAlliance, OnlineInvest, AmbrianInvestment, EurexTrade, BaseBucks, HyperCompound, ForexReflex, APEnergyInvest, EVBusiness, SolidForexLtd, WorldwideCapital, TopWallet, RiskCapitalFund, ProfitableSunrise, Royalty7, TopsFund, OneInv, JackPotProject, LifeTimeProfits, FXMoguls, BonusPayMe, ReProFinance, HYIPInnovation, PaidJack, BetBetFund (the first payment received) and LedgerWallet (the first payment received).

The newest addition to my Premium list today is a program called LedgerWallet which just started a few hours ago. As far as I can see the program utilizes an original script and accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10 to a plan paying 1.5%-4% for 75 calendar days with principal returned on expiry. What I don’t like about LedgerWallet is that the site lacks SSL-encryption and apparently it’s hosted on a shared server along with 14 million other websites. In my opinion this is a definite security flaw and a drawback for anyone thinking about joining. I hope the admin will fix this sooner rather than later and hopefully I’m going to receive a response from him to my questions to clarify a few things before the full review is published on MNO. However I have already been paid the first withdrawal request by LedgerWallet and it only took the admin a few hours to process it to my LR account. Also I see he’s already quite active on his website and posted a few updates already including the one about the first processed withdrawals and this last strange one about the possible acceptance of some unknown payment processor called eDollarPoint which might well be run by the same administrators:
eDollarPoint. we are getting lot of request to take edollarpoint so investors who want to invest with EDP can invest 50% with EDP and 50% with Lr and take returns in Lr Regards Accounts”.

That is all the news for tonight, everyone. See you on MNO tomorrow with more of the latest stories from the HYIP industry!

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