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17/07/08. Interview with the admin of VideoAdSurf


Today I would like to present you with another interview. This time it’s with Chad, the admin of VideoAdSurf – the autosurf with a totally different concept of video advertising behind it. I have already told about this concept in detail in my review of VideoAdSurf that was published here. Today I think it’s time to get acquainted with the admin of this promising autosurf and I hope you will find the info presented useful if you consider joining VideoAdSurf.

1. Please introduce yourself to my readers. How did you come up with the idea of opening your own autosurf site?

Hi, good day everyone, my name is Chad Laurence. Autosurf is a Media Channel, just like money-news-online where you deliver your news and information to your targeted audience. Media are paid to deliver news and information to the audience. As an autosurf, I channel news and information submitted by my member (add site) to other members. Meanwhile, I let my members make money from my program so that my member database can grow larger and faster.

2. Do you have any experience in administrating sites and is it your first online investment program?

I had a doubler program years ago. We faced a lot of challenges from hackers and intruders, part of our money was stolen, e-gold wasn’t safe enough. For now, I will seriously take precautious on that.

3. What investment plan do you offer to online investors? Do you pay out on expiry? Are there some fees involved? Do you think this plan will be sustainable in the long run?

10% daily for 13 days, yes, pay out after expiry, only 1% for admin fees. What I think is that I have to overcome a lot of hurdles in order to sustain the program. We will upgrade our system from stage to stage. For example, stage 2 is when we have average 100 upgrades per day, stage 3 is average 300 upgrades per day, and so on. This ensures the stability of our program.

4. What are the surfing requirements to earn a daily rebate? Are missing days penalized? Are cashouts automatic? What is the minimum and the maximum to upgrade and to withdraw?

Just surf 13 sites. The number 13 is a good number in terms of Chinese culture. Missing days will definately be penalized, otherwise it’s unfair to others who are surfing every day. If it is our problem which causes you to miss a surf day, you will not be penalized. Min upgrade is $5, Max upgrade is $2000. Min withdraw is $0.10. (Save your effort of withdrawing amount less than $0.10, it will neither enhance your wealth nor damage my program).

5. What payment processors do you accept now and what other processors do you plan to add to VideoAdSurf in the near future?

LibertyReserve for now. I have members on the board demanding AlterGold, I’m working on this. It’s down to the Board Of Members to decide which processor to add.

6. What script do you use to run VideoAdSurf? What DDoS protection does your site have?

Neversay script, and DDoS protection from BLCCgold (temporarily). I will set up my own protection server after I work out the budget.

7. Why did you call your site VideoAdSurf? Is it true that you offer the video ad advertising to your clients?

Simply because our theme is ‘Get Paid to Watch Videos’. And I hope that we can develop into a real GET PAID TO WATCH VIDEOS money making program when we have gathered enough video ads in our database. If you don’t have a video for your business, please make one. Internet Video Advertising is the trend. Browse through product from clickbank, you will see how people are making money with Web 2.0. Yes we offer video advertising. Pay only $120 per week and we will put your video up and play to all our members and visitors.

8. Do you make video ads yourself or did you hire a professional designer to do all the work?

Video Production is a wide subject. Video is visual and audio presentation. This ‘visual’ can be a recording of actors/object, it can be 3D animation, cartoon/Japanese style anime, slideshow of text and still picture or it can be a documentation – for instance the movie Cloverfield (a weird movie ain’t it?). I have designers who are good in 3D graphic animations as well Adobe Flash animation, and myself, I’ve done a lot of animation with Flash and other shockwave related software so I know how things can be worked out.

9. What is video advertising for you basically? Do you plan to make it an additional source of income for VideoAdSurf site in the near future?

Have you ever wondered why did Donald Trump make Video Production as the Final Project to decide the winner of The Apprentice? In video, it can determine how creative the producer is. Your commercial video will enhance your brand identity. With visual and audio presentation your audience is more attracted to you. In simple terms, I can make money from video ad sponsors. However, if we look at the bigger picture, this VideoAdSurf business itself has great value. In other words, I can sell the concept of VideoAdSurf to other current autosurf programs in the industry. For example, advertiser pays $180/month for a 728×90 banner ad space from a top HYIP Monitor. What if the HYIP monitor has a video player to play a video ad, video ad are usually 30 sec long, in 1 minute of time, you can play up to 3 video ads, and you can charge your advertiser $180/week, if you get 4 videos, you make $180×4=$720 per week, so you will be making $720 per week from video ads, how much are you willing to pay me to install the player to your site? Forums, Monitors, Autosurf, Blogs, Myspace, anyone can Install my Video Player Application to their web page and make money from displaying Video Ads.

10. What is your advertising strategy? Where are you going to promote VideoAdSurf mostly? What reward will investors get to promote your program?

In this very first stage, I planned to install a video player on most of the monitors to display a VideoAdSurf promo video, we are still working on the coding. This coming August, we will have a ‘Treasure Hunt Contest’ will be done with Flash. Grand prize will be $1000, just make a minimum upgrade to qualify for the contest. We will also trying to make a simple ‘casino’ game which allow you to ‘bet’ with your surf credits, and also allowed to cash out the credits you earn from the game. Our investors will just enjoy promoting my program, additional rewards are not necessary.

11. What will be the main income sources for VideoAdSurf site in the future beside members’ upgrades? What are your main goals for the near future?

In the near future, we will look into the Diamond market. Diamonds have become the next potential big business. However, the secrets of making millions from it are usually hidden to only the business owner. I feel proud that I have the chance to work with people in the Diamond Industry. My goal is simply making life better.

12. In your opinion what differentiates VideoAdSurf from similar autosurf programs? Why do my readers should join your program and not another one? Please explain your opinion.

The differences are:
1) VideoAdSurf has a new concept – video advertisement instead of Banner Ads, the potential revenue from video ads is much greater than Banner.
2) I’m offering Flash Video production, another type of income stream. Other than that, I’m still very much similar to other autosurf programs, LOL. Why should you join our program is because I hope you and I can make this ‘Get Paid to watch Videos’ more popular. Therefore, in the near future there will be someone else opening a 2nd VideoAdSurf or a real Get Paid to Watch Video Ads program and autosurfers can have more fun making money with program like this. Till then, please remember that I’m the mother of ‘Get Paid to Watch Video’. Time to Change! lol.

13. What are your thoughts about the autosurf industry as a whole when most of the programs are just ponzi-games now?

All the time we debate about ponzis, but I think that’s not the point which stops us from investing in HYIP and Autosurf. Things go wrong, people make mistakes, even for a well-established investment company, it will come to a time that they have problems with their bankers, politics, and personal emotions, etc. and lead them to shut down the business. Whereas a lot of people are making money with ponzi-games. I think the founder of a ponzi-game knows that they have to get more people in to survive, and most of the time, they did, and they did it very well.

14. What is your opinion about my blog? Do you think it helps online investors choose the best online programs?

You did a very good job delivering news and information to the public. Yes it helps investors to choose the best online program. Not only investors can read your reviews but also comments left by your readers. Good Luck. Thanks for having me here.

As you can see from my interview the admin of VideoAdSurf explained the difference of its concept very well and did it using many comprehensive examples. It will surely make a difference in the autosurf world and I hope that VideoAdSurf will be able to change the industry for the better offering the new great opportunities for the advertisers and good income for the members. I was also pleasantly surprised that the admin of VideoAdSurf has some plans ahead to make his program one of the best and I wish him the best of luck in it. Only time will tell if VideoAdSurf will succeed but I always appreciated some non-standard approach to doing business and I think being a pioneers is always a hard road to choose. But it’s them who move things to a new level which we certainly need now in the industry.

Today LibertyReserve is still down so there’s not much news to report. I will be reporting it tomorrow and which has some controversial points to consider. But you know that I hate to hide anything from my readers even if it’s not too pleasant to report. So stay tuned for more amusing news and speculations regarding some programs and payment processors that I will try to shed the light upon tomorrow!

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